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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 256x256, C5DA3455-A003-4DA4-8FC8-2BA2691BBDBB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28631392 No.28631392 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys,

I’m a frequenter of r/cryptocurrency (or at least was). I’m 19 and when I discovered cryptocurrency in mid 2020, I was immediately reeled in. I don’t like Reddit, i think they’re a bunch of left winged, retarded pussies who want to be muzzled with masks and hugged by big brother for their whole lives. But it was the only place I could find to discuss cryptos with other people.

Anyways, I was just in some thread where a bitch was going on about how cryptos are “oppressive technology” and how it’s just another means of white supremacy. She was spewing retarded bullshit about how white people are always on top of the financial markets and how they use scammy tactics like crypto to funnel money from the pockets of poor people. I was extremely triggered by this. I started my replying with “first off, it’s not white people, it’s Jews that are in charge of traditional financial markets”. This got under the skin of EVERYONE in the thread, and they ignored pretty much everything I said after that. I started getting flamed and replies like “take your anti semitism to 4chan”. Anyways, here I am. I did some lurking and this place definitely seems more in line with my beliefs than that basedfilled site. I’m going to lurk more, but any tips on how to navigate these waters would be appreciated. Thanks

>> No.28631461
File: 40 KB, 114x119, go back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28631525

This is not your personal blog, you retarded fucking faggot. Stop shitting up the catalog.

>> No.28631532

You need to go back

>> No.28631590

Jews are based

They make lots of money and cuck on stupid goys

I want to be a Jew

>> No.28631674

i hope this is ironic

>> No.28631777
File: 316 KB, 858x725, 6cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28631830

Antisemitism is not cool kid. You need to nip that in the bud.

>> No.28631853
File: 746 KB, 939x1523, pinkwojaknico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28631976
File: 30 KB, 853x543, 041C6BF7-F901-438A-A2DC-254B25E529E9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres a tip. Go back, or you’re here forever.

>> No.28632002

Go back. We dont appreciate your kind here.

>> No.28632043
File: 27 KB, 460x700, 3BDD039B-3E29-4EA2-99C8-6EF140212F59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked go back OP

>> No.28632116

>that pink wojak sniffing

>> No.28632202

Run, run away and never return. Also this place is the least racist on 4chan. Any people couldn’t care less about your ancestry as long as you can make them money.

>> No.28632258

respectfully, fuck off faggot

>> No.28632263

>Also this place is the least racist on 4chan.

>> No.28632264

no one cares you retarded faggot. youre a victim of bullying.

>> No.28632290

I think everyone who fell for the b8 are the ones that need to go back

>> No.28632391
File: 25 KB, 680x378, DCD88F23-BE56-4F86-92C2-5FA54C62972A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I feel like I’m getting pretty good at biz. You all fell for the bait

>> No.28632422

Go back, seriously. This place will make you depressed.

>> No.28632566

Yeah, it's super easy to bait this board. gg

>> No.28632671

now help us take out the /pol/ tourists

>> No.28632696
File: 672 KB, 600x600, 1613085099097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome fren. Delete Reddit and never go back.

Stay here. It's a great place, but don't take ANY advice from here for at least two months or until you can tell with some certainty which are the shill posts and what's real discussion.

>> No.28632769

You have to go back.

>> No.28632829
File: 35 KB, 457x457, TARDED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is not your personal blog

>> No.28632852

Go back and call them racist and misogynist for kicking you out and post results

>> No.28632868


>> No.28632915

>go back.

>> No.28632917

This better be a troll u jew

>> No.28632944

he wants nico's feetsies

>> No.28632959

Fuck off tranny

>> No.28633007
File: 24 KB, 219x320, gay-nazis1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28633046

Today, a new copypasta was born.

>> No.28633110

I’m new here Anonymous (ID: b0vKQzTP) 02/13/21(Sat)22:01:58 No.28631392▶>>28631461 >>28631525 >>28631532 >>28631777 >>28631830 >>28631976 >>28632002 >>28632258 >>28632264 >>28632769 >>28632829 >>28632852 >>28632915 >>28632959 >>28633046

Hey guys,

I’m a frequenter of r/cryptocurrency (or at least was). I’m 19 and when I discovered cryptocurrency in mid 2020, I was immediately reeled in. I don’t like Reddit, i think they’re a bunch of left winged, retarded pussies who want to be muzzled with masks and hugged by big brother for their whole lives. But it was the only place I could find to discuss cryptos with other people.

Anyways, I was just in some thread where a bitch was going on about how cryptos are “oppressive technology” and how it’s just another means of white supremacy. She was spewing retarded bullshit about how white people are always on top of the financial markets and how they use scammy tactics like crypto to funnel money from the pockets of poor people. I was extremely triggered by this. I started my replying with “first off, it’s not white people, it’s Jews that are in charge of traditional financial markets”. This got under the skin of EVERYONE in the thread, and they ignored pretty much everything I said after that. I started getting flamed and replies like “take your anti semitism to 4chan”. Anyways, here I am. I did some lurking and this place definitely seems more in line with my beliefs than that basedfilled site. I’m going to lurk more, but any tips on how to navigate these waters would be appreciated. Thanks

Anonymous (ID: BavVDx1n) 02/13/21(Sat)22:03:00 No.28631461▶

>> No.28633120

>letting third world nations escape the jew banks and use their money is somehow white supremacy
wew lad, that's pretty cringe.

>> No.28633190

They were just pretending they fell for your bait, retard

>> No.28633360
File: 204 KB, 1278x869, Rune Factory 2 - Steal the Bride [Cecilia].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek OP was just pretending not to know that anons were pretending to fall for his bait, and you got baited LOL