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28626795 No.28626795 [Reply] [Original]

Slovenian anons, do please tell me - is it true that there is absolutely no tax on crypto in based Slovenia?
Can I just really walk into your country, live there for longer than half a year, apply for tax residency, sell my crypto without any tax and move back to my country?
Is it really bulletproof? We are talking about 7 figures.

I am deciding between Portugal and Slovenia. But Slovenia is closer to me (Slovakia). I would have to pay 39% tax here. That is beyond acceptable so really thinking about moving to Slovenia to sell it.

>> No.28626991

Why would we have to pay 39% tax here? Also Slovakian. Its not just capital gains here in SK? 19-20%?

>> No.28627056

Slovenia has capital gains.
The only country you can just walk into now and stay legally for a year, even as a burger or leaf, is croatia

>> No.28627166

slovenia has 0% tax on crypto

>> No.28627293

Haha, no. You have to pay 19 or 25% tax (income tax above 35k € or something, calculated on ALL income). And guess what? Then you have to pay 14% health insurance.
Again - HEALTH insurance from crypto. I am not even joking.

>> No.28627351

Why croatia? Thought burgers must pay taxes wherever they go anyway

>> No.28627384

Slovene anon here. I think you have to hold it for a year. So if you just switch everything to stable coins then cash out after 1 year you should be fine. Not 100% sure

>> No.28627460

Are you sure anon? Do you need to pay health insurance on stock gains as well?

>> No.28627492

O Kurva. Díky :(

>> No.28627535

Hmm, I have never seen that mentioned about holding it for a year. That was mentioned regarding Germany. But you are Slovene, so perhaps you could google some info? Would be really thankfull.
Considering moving to Maribor. Is it a solid choice? Or go straight to Ljubljana?

>> No.28627689

Yep, I am 100% sure. Just google "bitcoin zdravotne odvody" or something. I have verified it several times. But guess what? In Slovakia you have to pay health insurance even if you sell your house or flat! (exception in this case is if you are holding it for longer than 5 years, then you dont have to pay any tax).

>> No.28627913

They do. But croatia opened its borders for non euros to stay 1 year.

>> No.28627918


It is in slovene, but to be short. If you buy and hodl, 0% tax
If you trade daily, you pay taxes.

>> No.28627963

Okay thats it im getting the fuck outta here.

>> No.28628158

Ljubljana is cheaper and nicer

>> No.28628199

I forgot to add

If you buy and hodl and after some time (2-3 months) sell to fiat you pay 0% tax

>> No.28628388

Just go to Ljubljana, much nicer and more stuff to do

>> No.28628419

Thanks anon! So if I will come to Slovenia already holding a stablecoin, acquire the tax residency and then cash out - will I be safe? Sounds like it.
But I am still bit scared lol. Like it is bit unreal that I would receive like 2 million € into my account and I would pay nothing. Like that they would try really hard to find some exception to fuck me over with.

Is it? Huh, I thought that Ljubljana would be the most expensive one. Nice to know that.

Why 2-3 months? Is ist just so that it looks like that you are not a day trader? I would already come to Slovenia with some stablecoin in my wallet btw.

>> No.28628454

I found some info here. Ljubljana>Maribor, but I dislike living in cities so its comfy Gorenjska village for me

>> No.28628583

I'm Slovene as well, should i be worried of taxes if i traded between BTC, ETH and ALGO? I'm talking about 500€ portofolio here, nothing crazy. Just scared of FURS a little bit.

>> No.28628673

I wouldnt mind living in some smaller city/village actually. But I think that even if there are some similarities between our languages but its not really enough to be able to converse fluently. So I would need good services with people speaking English. Also be near a tax office, bank etc. to set it up all and be able to do it.

>> No.28628680

Trading isnt taxable, thats one thing I am sure of

>> No.28628719

Malta and I think portugal also has pretty easy crypto taxes.

>> No.28628744

Okay, so for instance when im holding for 2 years LINK on eth wallet, move it to my exit-gate exchange, swap directly LINK for Eur and move it to Slovenian bank account im okay?

>> No.28628752

Slovene here. It's no tax if you're doing low amounts and low quantity of trades.
Basicaly I think there are 4 criterias for avoiding crypto tax here:
1) amounts have to be low enough
2) quantity of trades has to be low enough
3) you can't buy/sell crypto for others
4) you can't get work payments in crypto
And that's just for trading, mining is another chapter. Basically most of /biz/ would pay tax here

>> No.28628832

The bank account is irrelevant. You can have a bank account from any country. Key is just your tax residency.

>> No.28628840

Ljubljana is amazing I might relocate there if I make it
>massive if

>> No.28628943

Low amounts? Huh, that sounds bit unclear. Like "okay, we have no taxes on crypto, but since you have a large sum... we will make an exception to this law and we will tax you with lets say 50% tax anon, bye"?

>> No.28629080

Hvala. What about mining? I'm also doing it but with single gpu so only 20€ profit as of now and i started a week ago, they won't give a fuck right?

>> No.28629089


>1) amounts have to be low enough

Wrong, read below. It is only how many trades you do in how many days

3. Fizična oseba je v letu 2017 investirala 500.000 evrov v kriptografske žetone. Nakupe je opravila z 20 naročili v desetih trgovalnih dneh. Po nekaj mesecih je fizična oseba kupljene kriptografske žetone prodala in pri tem iztržila 1.500.000 evrov. Prodaje je izvedla v 10 trgovalnih dneh z 20 naročili. Drugih nakupov in prodaj virtualnih valut fizična oseba ni opravila. Za realizacijo navedenega posla ni vlagala sredstev za pridobitev informacij in znanj.
V obravnavanem primeru fizična oseba ni opravljala dejavnosti trgovanja s kriptografskimi žetoni, čeprav predstavlja vrednost poslov sklenjenih pri trgovanju z njimi v obdobju enega leta večjo vrednost (2.000.000 evrov) in povprečna vrednost portfelja virtualnih valut v letu znaša 1.000.000 evrov. Tega pa fizična oseba ni dosegla z večjim številom realiziranih naročil, saj je slednje izvedla samo v okviru 40 naročil v 20 trgovalnih dneh, kar pomeni, da trgovanja ni izvajala kontinuirano, temveč je šlo za enkraten podvig. Poleg tega fizična oseba za realizacijo tega posla ni vlagala sredstev za pridobitev informacij in znanj ter nakupe in prodaje je izvedla samostojno.

>> No.28629156


Amount is irrelevant, number of trades and trading days is important

>> No.28629189

Our crypto law is actually very unclear it really reads like that. I've gotten some additional info and low amount of transactions is like less than 100 per year. But each case is considered seperately by tax authorities and it's hard to get a good answer on whether you'll be taxed or not beforehand

>> No.28629329


On the bottom of this page is a link to word document. On the subtitle 2.1.3 they give you examples what is taxeble and what not. I think with google translate to english you can find out all you need to know.

>> No.28629536

Huh, hate it when the law is not really super clear and there is still that feeling that you can get in major trouble if the taxman will feel like it.
But from the slovenian text it really looks like I should be safe.
btw. https://cryptocurrency-tax.info/at - even Austria is tax free after a year?

My concern is the bit of cheating with stablecoins that I would already have them coming to another country. In Austria they could (and probably would) try dig deep down into this, when did I buy it etc. In Slovenia it would be without this fuckery.

>> No.28629720

Man you have a very similar example after that one, read number 4. Person wasn't taxed even though he made 950 transactions. As I understand it, you have to look at the big picture

>> No.28629751

Also interested in this. How easy is it to get tax residency? I have a euro passport if that helps

>> No.28629833

Switzerland has no capital gain tax, only a capital tax for wealth above 500k, but if you go to meme cantons like Zug this tax is still very low

>> No.28629995


Well, i can only say welcome to balkans. Rules are here to bend it.

Honestly I don't know anyone who paid tax on crypto in Slovenia and some took out 6 figures in EUR but there is always a chance that some retard from tax office will fuck you.

>> No.28630147

honestly if i can understand 60% of all slovakian/czech and about 30% polish, you could do the same and learn along the way if you know some german basics, because some words and grammar stems from there. I went to Czech republic and basically spoke simple slovene really slowly back to them and if they wouldn't understand i'd put in a croatian word which could have similar slavic origin. You could speak English with anyone younger than 50 but to me it's just too funny, I'd rather communicate in a retarded slavic mixture with eastern and southern bros if i understand most of what they are saying.

>> No.28630211

Got you the rules from that document here, so you can stop spreading misinfo( Use google translation on this)
Splošni kriteriji, ki pri poslovanju z virtualnimi valutami (trgovanju in rudarjenju) kažejo na opravljanje dejavnosti, so:
1)večje število realiziranih naročil v obdobju enega leta,
2)trgovanje z namenom doseganja dobička na podlagi izkoriščanja kratkoročnih nihanj cen virtualnih valut na trgu (ne z namenom dolgoročne investicije), kar se kaže v znatnem številu trgovalnih dni (dnevi, ko so izvedena naročila) v obdobju enega leta,
večja vrednost realiziranih naročil v obdobju enega leta,
3)večja povprečna vrednost portfelja virtualnih valut v letu,
4)vlaganja ali uporaba namenske opreme in drugih sredstev za opravljanje dejavnosti, informacij, znanj ter tehnologij,
5)obstoj organizacijske strukture in delitve dela med več oseb, z namenom doseganja skupnega cilja.

>> No.28630233

Well I am reading into you tax rules (heh, I can read most of it without using a translator) and it really looks bullet proof to me. At least from the Official Word document from the anon here:
It is very helpful.

Perhaps I would hire some Slovenian tax attorney or something before coming to Slovenia so he can give me it on paper, but why pay for something that is not needed, right? heh

>> No.28630403

any transaction over 15k will have to be confirmed by tax agency, tax agency will ask where does this money come from, you will say its from trading, they will request all trades what you bought when u sold, if its a few trades bought btc at 3k sold at 40k no problem, if its gazzilion of transactions they will say this money was made by activly trading, meaning you were "making business", you will pay penalty a few k in damages, if the final amounth is below 50k profit, you can get over with 4% tax, otherwise all transactions will be taxed by 22%.

>> No.28630432


Okay, what if I (In Minecraft) will find some willing Slovenian. For instance he will obtain into his wallet 1000Eth. He will change into Eur, cash it out (In Slovenia according to the laws there). And he will send me a 160k € to my account with description "Loan". ofc he will be revarded with some thousands left. ALL IN MINECRAFT

>> No.28630441

pretty damn bizzare to read slovenian on /biz/

>> No.28630450

I am interested in slovak wife. Where should I look for one?

>> No.28630457

Jest sm na začetku nekaj malega pretradov, leta 2017. takrat je bilo to vredno nekih 5k evrov in pravzaprav nisem imel veliko profitabilnih tradov če sploh. Nato sem vse skupaj prodal in kupil eth ki ga od takrat držim. Kaj bo rekel davčni uslužbenec?

>> No.28630491
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Fuck off tax niggers, we're full.

You can crash in croatia if you want.

>> No.28630503


>> No.28630717

That is doable. In Slovakia financial gifts are tax free, any amount (talking about private persons). The problem is - try finding a person that you cant trust so much that you can send him 1000 ETH in another country. I dont have family in Slovenia to do this this way unfortunately.

>> No.28630755


>> No.28630776

Mislim da si lahko povsem brez skrbi 5k res ni večja vsota, poleg tega zdej ne trguješ več aktivno ker vse skupaj držiš v ETH. Skrbelo te bi lahko, če bi npr letno opravil 300 trgovanj in mel v povprečju 100k v kriptojih

>> No.28630969

>3)večja povprečna vrednost portfelja virtualnih valut v letu,
This got me confused, what does it even mean?

>> No.28631095

Well I have done like 10-20 trades in the last 4 years, so I should be safe I guess.

Sounds great! Actually I am fluent in German, so that would be even better. Yeah, I was in Croatia and we mostly spoke Slovak to them but in some situations it was easier just to use an english word if it was someone young.

>> No.28631297

>you have lots of moneys, we takes
A se komu sanja kako je s tem glede davčne zakonodaje? Nikjer ni specificiranih točnih podatkov, kaj smatrajo kot "večjo povprečno vrednost". A to se grejo oni po občutku odločat, koliko bodo ljudi obrali?

>> No.28631334

It's the average value of your crypto portfolio. If it averages at like 200k during the year than that would be considered substantial by tax authorities

>> No.28631383

Germany has the same policy, you can hold for a year and be tax free

>> No.28631385

I bet there are specialists in slovenia for that. Would take some time to find them but there must be some guys like that who use white horses or letterbox companies.

>> No.28631457

Saj imam. Več kot 100k. Vendar odkar je šla vrednost iz 5k na 100k+ nisem trgoval.

>> No.28631493

Fuck those FURS niggers desu. If I ever get enough to be comfortable cashing out I will just ask attorney to help me find some loophole

>> No.28631553

Taxes? What the fuck are you on about? Just use P2P to cash out, the government doesn't have to know you cashed out.

>> No.28631583

So that means what? That if I sell my crypto for 7 figures will I be taxed? Huuh that is fucking unclear without any exact amount stated.

>> No.28631591

pač take primere obravnavajo posebej

>> No.28631629

normalno kešoutaš 15k na leto
ostalo preko gotovine :)

>> No.28631762

Yeah, that is actually doable but I would be like under the police and taxman microscope with large amounts of money coming to my bank account from various other accounts all across EU.

>> No.28631764

obligatory thread theme song


>> No.28631800

in croatia no tax if you hold it for 2 years. and it is easy to get residence . if you didnt hold for 2 years then its 10% on capital gains

>> No.28631924

anybody knows anything about crypto tax in pooland?

>> No.28631965

Slow and steady wins the race bro

>> No.28631984

Yeah it is unclear. That's decided by tax authorities. But if you make no trades and only hodl you should be fine even if cash out 7 figures after 3 years

>> No.28632091

Ja, to sranje sem že slišal.
Naključno apliciranje davčne zakonodaje, naravnost čudovito. Bo treba it h Snežiću na posvet.

>> No.28632163

health insurance in this cases is usually capped at a certain amount. In Hungary it is at €1500. Double check, you may only have the 20%. Slovenia is beautiful though.
Did you make it with LINK?

>> No.28632165

Js mislim da potem ne boš mel problema. Sam glej da se zakonodaja ne spremeni do takrat ko boš hotu ven vzet

>> No.28632180

That's only if they find out (ie. you bring all that money back to the US and they ask "where did you get this anon?")

>> No.28632271

Wish it was not there. Imagine I would relocate with my whole family to Slovenia, live there and then the taxman will say that you have to pay tax anyway anon. That would the an epic troll moment. Look like in the end I will have to hire a tax attorney from Slovenia or something.

>> No.28632479

It was capped few years ago. They removed the cap. So imagine if I would sell for 2 million, then I would have to pay 280 000 € health insurance from this (+ income tax). That is beyond fucked up really. No way I will pay that.

>> No.28632603

upajmo da ne :D

>> No.28632775

where I'm from gains from trading are not income. stay mad

>> No.28632823

Zdaj ko ns je tolk tukaj, kakšen je vš cryptofolio fantje? Js sm začel lani konec poletja z 2 jurjema in sem zaenkrat na 20

>> No.28633463

Frens, look at this, I am scared

>> No.28633619

Croatia also have capital gains tax, you are tax free only if you keep a coin for longer than a year. Then it's treated as an investment.

>> No.28633671

Oh man I am still so undecided about this. Is Slovenia a good choice for this? There are still some uncertainites where the taxman could fuck me over with.
Or go with Austria? That is even closer and it is tax free for sure after holding it for a year. But how would that even work?
I would trade it here in Slovakia for a stablecoin (actually I should tax that but that is... uh... not real) and after that I would come to Austria, acquire tax residency, make sure I am holding the stable coin for longer than 1 year and sell it? Would that be it?

>> No.28633860

>you are tax free only if you keep a coin for longer than a year. Then it's treated as an investment.
croat here, how does it work cashing our large amounts of crypto that you've held longer than a year? do you have to provide some proof for the taxman?

>> No.28633876
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>a year
2 years*

>> No.28634017
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700--->980 BTC
200--->319 ETH
100--->170 LINK
100---> 127 XLM
100--->200 ALGO
450--->703 XRP

neki pa je

>> No.28634041 [DELETED] 
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>> No.28634209

yes, u have to show them fifo receipts.

>> No.28634211
File: 80 KB, 360x1003, Screenshot_20210213-222807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sem izbrisal post s prejšnjo sliko in jo resizal, ker je bila ogromna

>> No.28634250

Kolk vas ma reef? Denko legit?

>> No.28634314
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I really don't know, never been in a position to do so.
Unironically, I think that you just might go scot free without paying any tax, but don't quote me on that. Because there are a lot of tourismfags who don't pay any tax on their apartments for example and there is a long history of bar owners cheating with their taxes. Basically 3rd world mentality is still prevalent here.

>> No.28634459

thanks, do you know if they will send me a request for them or do i have to just know to send them?

kek agreed

>> No.28634573

Nič novega?

>> No.28634651

tbf it is Slovakia, someone might try to whack you to steal your usb

>> No.28634880

Vsem na bo ratalo
Js sm prodal ko sm bil 2x v profitu. Drugače mislim da je legit samo preden bo nek resen produkt bo še par mesecov

>> No.28634897

Stari, ne vem. Sumljivo je v pizdo materno, lahko je pa tudi legit

>> No.28635006

Anon, you just compare Slovenia to Slovakia? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.28635134

no idea.

>> No.28635222

Za enkrat sm x3, kurc pustmo ridat, ceprav je kar dost fuda. Neki pajeeti na telegramu in povecevanje supllya. Mate kaj druzga ogledanga?

>> No.28635932

Na tojem mestu nebi slatal tega

Sm all-in link od 2017

Davka ne placas nic v primeru manj kot 100 trejdov na leto in <1M volume. PAc v tem primeru se ne steje kot dejavnost in ni obdavceno

Sprobano, sm potegnu vn dve let zapoted po 0M9

>> No.28636052

A lah kako sploh FURS preveri kolk trejdov si naredu?

>> No.28636139

>Vsem na bo ratalo
Srček, meni je že ratalo. :)
Se veselim dneva, ko bom tebi na vrhu prodal to defi sranje, da ga boš lahko jezdil navzdol.

>> No.28636250

Ko bos naredu SEPA na TRR nad 10k se avtomatsko javlja na furs

Ker ne bos nic prjavu te bodo kontaktiral in mogu bos upravicit prihodek. Moral bos poslat izpisek iz CB prometa oz kjerkol trejdas

>> No.28636278

Mene je v glavnem supply FUD stran spravu. Drugače mam zdele največ v BNT pa INJ, pa malo manj v SNX in AAVE

>> No.28636339

1000 trejdov
90 do 120 dni

>> No.28636384

Aja seprav ce si dol povlecem 1-2k na vsake par mescov ne bi smel tezit?
Ker kao gledajo tud ce so redni prilivi.

>> No.28636507
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>> No.28636584

Kako bodo pa oni potem preverjali, če so izpiski resnični? Lahko bi naprimer trejdal z botom, s 5000 tradi naredil 100x začetnega vložka in potem na izpisku prikazal, da si 2 leti držal LINK.

>> No.28636599

>vsake par mescov ne bi smel tezit?
>Ker kao gledajo tud ce so redni prilivi.
Jap. Iz zanesljivih virov vem da avtomatsko se javi vse kar je 10k in vec. Manjsi zneski se ne cikirajo razn ce ne delas kaksne lumparije da so se ti obesl na racun

za 2k ti nben nebo nic reku sam pac merkaj da mas vse druge prilive legalne/prjavljene

>> No.28636799

Ti prijavis izpisek in menjalnice, npr na cb lahko exportas order history.

Vse kar prjavis FURSu mora bit resnicno (torej naj ne bi urejal order historija preden jim posljes). Ce bos poslal neresnicne oz ponarjene podatke bom v primeru da te dobijo, sel na mrzlo...

>> No.28636801
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I will translate in english. "Slovenian genetics are worse than niggers."

>> No.28636853

Kul tenks fren :D
Also, a se javlja kej ce si dol povlecem na N26/Revolut also Paypal? Pa pol prek neta zapravim?

>> No.28636908

**bos**.. sel na mrzlo

>> No.28637065

Iskreno povedano - ne vem. Sam uporabljam samo SEPA direkt payment in nardim da je vse legalno. Se ne splaca da bi mel probleme ko mas enkat dost dnara

>> No.28637328

Jaz ker sem genij, sem si nakazal na začetku januarja 11k. V kolikem času jih pa dobiš za vrat?

>> No.28637563
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This guy is retarded, Ljubljana is the most expensive city in Slovenia


Tudi sam sm all in v link enkrat od jeseni lani. Problem je ker sem lani od januarja do junija recimo naredil ene 3000 tradov (ker sm panicaru med korona krizo), v tok dneh kolkor je pac. In zdej od jeseni holdam in nevem kako oni to stejejo. A ce recimo eno leto naredis vec tradov, drugo leto pa nic, se to iznici? Al kako se to gleda? Hvala.


Kaj ce naredis eno leto 2000 tradov, drugo leto pa 0? Se šteje kot dejavnost ali ne?


Vidim, da si dejansko izplaceval pa me zanima ena stvar. Recimo, da si kupil 1 BTC na coinbasu in si ga poslal na binance in iz tega natrgoval 5 BTCjev (ful dnevov tradanja, ful tradov). Potem pa enkrat pac posljes 1 BTC nazaj na coinbase in ga izplacas, 4 BTCji pa ostanejo na binancah. Kako je potem s fursom, ko zahtevajo dokazilo? Je dosti da pokazes samo, da si kupil tisti 1 BTC in ga tudi prodal in je potem neobdavceno? Sploh nic ne omenjas tistega tradanja na binancah. Bi slo skozi?

Pa se to btw, koliko je sploh davek ce ti zafukajo, da si opravljal dejavnost?

>> No.28637568

začel z 5k, trenutno 250k

>> No.28637580

I would definitely talk to a Big4 kike before deciding on this.

>> No.28637634

Razumem, da bi to bila davčna utaja, ampak ne razumem, kako si oni predstavljajo, da bodo to preverjali. Ne moreš kot državni organ izvajati zakon, če nimaš orodja, da bi lahko te stvari nadziral.

>> No.28637708

So, you guys ever thought about simply nto paying taxes and hoping the government won't notice?

>> No.28637779

Dečko, tole boš rabil pa tax advisorja, me hecam se. Meja je 1000 trejdov, že tukaj si pogorel. To je dejavnost kar praviš ti (Furs stališče).

>> No.28637909


>> No.28637950


Fak ja pizda, kaj naj nardim grem v bosno pa tm izplacam? Kok je sploh davek ce ti zafukajo dejavnost?

>> No.28638150

>adding 7 figures into you bank account out of nowhere
>hoping no one notices

Anon, I...

>> No.28638164

Kaj pa nardis ce si na uniswapu npr kupoval neki pa pol skesiras na navadnem exchangu. Kaj jim reces?

>> No.28638203

Ce bo problem te bodo verjetno kontaktiral enkrat do takrat ko se obracunava dohodnina iz dohodka torej ponavadi place - mislim da julija/avgusta. Oz ce te ne kontaktirajo naj bi se sam prijavil drugace kao ti lahko dajo kazen. Ampak kot sem reku za par k ti nben nebo tezu pomoje

Vsako leto se gleda zase.
Naceloma bi mogu prjavit vse trejde na vseh menjalnicah. Ce bos prjavu samo CB bos prijavu neresnicne/nepopolne podatke kar lahko smatrajo za kaznivo. Sej u ameriki je isto, moras vse trejde belezit in prijavit in pol je kar cela jeba poracunat kolko dejansko moras placat.
Koliko je davek ti nevem povedat ker ga nisem se nikoli placal, je pa verjetno podobno obdavceno kot prihodek iz dividend oz trejdajna stock marketa.
Sam se drzim metode da naredim mal trejdov na leto ampak (<50). Do zdej nism placal nic

>> No.28638335

I think normally the government doesn't check your bank account, unless if they already have a reason to suspect you of something.

>> No.28638339

Kaj pa kar se tiče DEXov kot npr. Uniswap? Tukaj ni možnosti da bi ti karkoli dokazali koliko si trejdou

>> No.28638412

DYOR. Samo brez panike.
Zgoraj je sloanon dal link, tisto poslušaj cel video, je veliko informacij
Za workarounde se malo pozanimaj če maš jajca. Dexi, gamblanje... Načinov je veliko, lih to je čar decentralizacije.

>> No.28638591

Slovene here.

The latest information I've seen is that a full year must pass of you not touching anything in order for you not to pay tax. I

>> No.28638598

Se strinjam z tabo, res je vprasanje koliko so sploh sposobni preverit. Je pa FURS kar zajeban, denar za katerega nisi sposoben dokazat da je clean je v osnovi umazan. Seveda lahko prikazes prirejene podatke in sprejmes tveganje ki je verjetno dokaj majhno. Ampak to naj bo tvoja odlocitev ne sledit nasvetu enga anona z 4chana

Nimam take izkusnje. Je pa uniswap isto menjalnica, naceloma bi moral isto prjavit. Pac FURS bi rad svoj delez pobral, ni pa jasno kako, ce je sploh mogoce, bo vse preverjal. Torej se vedno je precej nejasnosti

>> No.28638630

It's all automated if you transfer more than a certain amount. Cmon man are you really that naive lol

>> No.28638695


>> No.28638707

Slovene here this is correct. Not sure how much longer it will last though. Also they evaluate on a case by case basis, there are no "hard rules" but those rules are generally what is looked at.

>> No.28638770

Prijavit bi naceloma moral vse po pravici. Je pa res da cekiranje v takem primeru je tezje oz nemogoce, torej je manjsi rizik ce FURSu prijavis prirejene podatke

>> No.28638869
File: 264 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20210213-223459_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Za referenco

>> No.28638926


Hvala torej se placa davek za vsako leto posebi, glede na vrednost portfelja na koncu leta al kako?

A ta meja tradov se gleda v smislu tega da recimo kupis 100 LINKOV pa ti to nardi v 5 narocilih po 20 LINKOV, je to en trade ali 5 tradov v oceh fursa?

Noben ne zna povedati koliko je davek ce te ocenijo kot dejavnost, hm..

Pa se to. Koliko let moras cvikat da te lahko furs kontaktira in sparat nekaj na strani v primeru ce rabis placati davek? Denar ne more cakati na racunu v nedogled, inflacija pa opportunity cost pa to.


Bom pogledal


Btw a ste zato da nardimo eno telegram skupino, kjer lahko malo diskutiramo stvari pa tut govorimo nove info glede davkov itd? Sem naredil pa se lahko pridruzite


>> No.28638974

Is it though? AFAIK, banks normally don't snitch for no reason and governments need something like a warrant to check your bank account.

>> No.28639037

Anons posted links to gov sites and documents. It really is FUD because it was not mentioned there at all. And I am not even Slovene, just read your laws kek.

My mother-in-law has tax residency in Austria. They have no taxes after it is held for 1 year. But how the fuck am I supposed to handle this? I can give her Bitcoins anonymously but she would have to hold them for 1 year which is not acceptable, the volatility would kill me. So I need stablecoins.
How would you proceed? I change them for stablecoins, send them anonymously and perhaps with some mixer added in to a private wallet. We would pretend it is my mother-in-laws wallet. She would not move the coins in the wallet for a year - so we can show the taxman look, it was here for more than a year. But the taxman can ask where did those coins come from? Fugggg help me anons

>> No.28639095

kaj je ta strašna fora z dejavnostjo, a ni pač kot vsak drug sp, plačaš računovodjo pa tistih par krat prispevke za popoldanca?
al pač pridejo neki bajni procenti

>> No.28639139


Ja in davke za opravljanje dejavnosti?

>> No.28639178
File: 6 KB, 250x204, 1465148159994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iz 3-4k sem prišel na 15k v zadnjem letu

kar kul

#my linky stays super stinky

>> No.28639179

začel 2013

>> No.28639427
File: 151 KB, 1182x825, LjubljanaatSunset-rsz-09102019092852753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look how pretty ljubljana is damn it

>> No.28639517

Jp dohodnino se obracunava letno, to velja za vse vrste prihodkov, tudi iz sp, stalne zaposlitve itd..
Moja interpretacija je da 1 filled order velja kot 1 trade, ce FURS gleda drugace nebi vedel.
Za zadnje vprasanje ne vem, verjetno je pravosodne narave, npr: v koliko letih primer zastara. Ne vem odgovora

>> No.28639550

a ni to neki malega

>> No.28639575

Jaz razmišljam, da bi ko cash outam sam povprašal FURS in jih prosil za pojasnilo. Saj vem, da je riziko, a je že več kot 1 leto kar sem opravil trade, v prvem letu sem jih cca vseskupaj 30 in moji nakupi so bili do 5 jurja kumulativno. Torej ne vidim kako bi lahko po njihovih lastnih navodilih bil obdavčen. To bi lahko mi dalo nek mir, da me ne bi pol kasneje nategovali ali kakšne kazni pisali. Samo ne vem če je dobro prijavit to FURSU glede na to da imam itak vso dokumentacijo in nisem nič posebnega čaral (le izplačilo bo še kar veliko ker hodlam link že nekaj časa). Ne vem še točno kaj bi naredil ko cash outam ali naj čakam z dokumentacijo in njihovimi lastnimi navodili (glede na to da izpolnjujem vse da ne plačam davka) pač pripravljen na to da bi mi kdaj težili, ali naj cash outam in jih enostavno sam kontaktiram in razložim kako in kaj in če sem kaj dolžan. Načeloma mi je manjši problem plačat davek kot da me pol še s kaznijo jebejo, ampak se mi ne zdi da bi kje grešil glede na njihova navodila, tako da ne vem če bi jih sploh kontaktiral, ker pol te itak začnejo šele gledat in jebat če le lahko.

>> No.28639609


>> No.28639646
File: 59 KB, 620x349, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Btw a ste zato da nardimo eno telegram skupino, kjer lahko malo diskutiramo stvari pa tut govorimo nove info glede davkov itd? Sem naredil pa se lahko pridruzite

Ajde avtisti navalite, nisem za brezveze naredu skupine

>> No.28639732

to bo štel kot dejavnost

>> No.28639757

look into AML regulations and things like FATF. Unless you live in a country completely isolated from the global financial system like NK or Iran. It won't work. But if you're thinking about not paying taxes you could just move.

>> No.28639817


Vse lepo in prav ampak noben ti iz fursa ne bo dal pisnega zagotovila o nicemer, to je fact


Upam, da se zajebavas haha, sej je anonimna skupina, pol lahko tut 4chan stejes kot mastermind skupino in dejavnost

>> No.28639835

Davek je 22 se mi zdi. Na trejd? Mislim da. Nisem prepričan.

Order je ko oddaš order (1btc buy je 1btc order, in ne 10x 0.1)

>> No.28639949

Majo baje 5 let da te kontaktirajo, pol pa se 5 let od kar jim posljes predan zastara tko da si fucked

>> No.28640073

>reddit spacing
nesjne zajbavam se, si shranim link pa mogoče joinam, če bo stvar rest mastno zrasla, zdaj ne vidim nuje

>> No.28640076


>> No.28640082

Ok, thanks! I'll look it up. Taxing crypto is such bullshit.

>> No.28640123

Ce je isto kot pri delnicah je kapitalski dobicek 27.5% ce holdas manj kot 5 let

Kera tema res, 5 let moras cvikat in drzat kes na banki (niti ne ves kok ker ni nikjer jasno napisano kolko je davek) da si lahko kokr tok mirn

dobro faggot

>> No.28640483


I have bank accounts in multiple countries. Can I pretend* that I payed capital gain in one of the countries or do banks talk between each other?

>> No.28640524


>> No.28640575


You're gonna get ass raped anon, just stop

>> No.28640691


Why? Can I choose which country to pay to then? What is that based on?

>> No.28640963

it depends if you're American. If you're American, no matter where you are - your bank will report you to your authorities. That's why a lot of banks have started refusing to service Americans since Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act. If you're not American just have your residence somewhere with no taxes or low taxes, and make sure your government recognizes you're no longer a resident. I don't think banks talk to each other, I think some banks snitch on their clients to their governments though. But im not an expert.

>> No.28641157

By the way, a ni da če nakažeš večjo vsoto denarja banka avtomatsko obvesti organe? Pomojem če boš cash outal 50 jurjev+, se bo FURS itak sam od sebe oglasil. Vprašanje samo kdaj, tako da verjetno bolje jih kar sam kontaktirat.

>> No.28641240

Kinda true, but I suggest you use something like this instead.

>> No.28641402

>The only country you can just walk into now and stay legally for a year, even as a burger or leaf, is croatia

LOL no.

>> No.28641568

As far as I know, rhere is no specific crypto regulations in Slovenia, so suspicious cases are handled on a case-by-case basis and you should be fine as long as you did not make large gains compared to your initial in a very short time (since its too short to technically count as investment) or do lots of trades, which would indicate that you were doing it professionally/often enough that it would count as a for-profit activity (business). If that's the case, they make you pay income tax as if you were a business. As long as you're not sitting at the computer and trading almost every day or you didn't withdraw a preposterously large amount like a month or two after investing something much smaller there shouldn't be a major problen.

>> No.28641636

Kera pizdica xD

>> No.28641705

Slovak here, fuck this country i hate it and i hate people here.This country don't deserve to exist.

>> No.28641772


>> No.28641940


I'm a bong and enjoyed visiting. Admittedly, Bratislava but would like to go back and see the country. Can I ask why you hate it anon?

>> No.28642005

And the reason everybody is saying one year is just that that's usually the rule of thumb for financial things like small unclaimed debts etc. becoming outdated.

>> No.28642438

That sounds reasonable.

Still torn between Slovenia and Austria.
Austria is absolutely clear regarding the taxes BUT you have to hold it for 1 year. Austria is also closer to me and my mother in law has a tax residency over there, which I could use, but could be too much risky.
Slovenia doesnt care about holding it for one year but they are still some minor uncertainities which in theory could fuck me over.

>> No.28643230

its based on your tax residency which is based on different rules depending on country, just because you have a foreign account doesnt mean you can pay your taxes in the country of the bank that manages said account

>> No.28644196

We had one fucking corrupted socialist party for 12 years. They made the business environment unbearable here. Double taxing, 39% crypto tax, etc etc. But working/business here legally makes you wan't to neck yourself.

>> No.28644678

In Belgium as well. Do it in Belgium and ask for a «ruling» before selling. Just say you will sell for that much and you want to be 100% sure that you won’t pay any taxes on it.

Might be better part of the world for doing so than Slovenia

>> No.28644748

Thanks anon, appreciate your response. Slovakia looks like a beautiful country from what I've seen towards the Tatras, but I am sorry it is such a nightmare for taxation and business policy.

>> No.28646051

Same here from Slovakia on a same boat as you fren, looking forward to cash out like 500k to buy an apartment but it sucks paying like 200k on taxes... Even just thinking about sending 500k into my bank account is giving me an anxiety that they will block the transaction or something...

Btw have you ever tried to cash out a smaller amount of fiat ? Like 30k ? Need to cash out to buy a car and i am thinking that amount as that shouldnt be a big problem to sneak around a taxman but the question is if bank would report that kind of transaction.