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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28625246 No.28625246 [Reply] [Original]

I have a Bachelor's in math but I'm retarded and can't do anything. What's a good job for me?

>> No.28625363

Fiverr homework tutor (completionist)

>> No.28625418

Public school teacher

>> No.28625417

just buy whatever retarded shitcoin is shilled here (make sure it didnt just pump) flip them for 2-5x profit and then tunnel all that profit into link
i turned 5k into a mill within a year with this strategy

>> No.28625457


>> No.28625475

actuarial science if you like taking exams
computer science if you want to make mo

>> No.28625485

security guard, cashier, or if you're lucky >>28625418

>> No.28625494
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>> No.28625549

Anything statistical I'd imagine. Being able to successfully tell people what is likely going to happen has money behind it.

>> No.28625587
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I try to follow /biz/ meems, bu I always seem to get in at the crabbing phase
What's the secret?

>> No.28625601

Horse inseminator

>> No.28625636

Learn programming while doing some job to get food, do some projects on your own to put on your resume. If you feel like a piece of shit get a therapist. Become a programmer and make 100k. You're intelligent enough.

>> No.28625644

Do projects/papers for college kids. There's a big market.

>> No.28625781

>useless education
>no job
you look like the average /biz/ fag, you’re gmi

>> No.28625924

you have to get a PhD in math
>300k starting
>work anywhere I want

>> No.28625987

Learn the required fundamentals and into finance? Its basically math and the pay is good.

>> No.28626033

Is there any education that isn't useless? Even something that's constantly recommended like CS is overhyped. There are well paying jobs in the field, but they're all competitive.

>> No.28626124

Do a masters degree in computer science

>> No.28626126

applying to grad school but my interests are in pure math (ergodic theory, logic, number theory) so do I need to go into applied math or does having a math phd in general let you do whatever

>> No.28626266

no it's an ancient shitpost
math degree get teaching jobs, look for analyst jobs/finance jobs/accountant jobs if you want to exclusively do math but not get paid peanuts

>> No.28626306

It literally doesnt matter what kinda math you do. Even algebraic geometry.
>300k starting
>work anywhere I want

>> No.28626395

>retarded and can’t do anything
sounds like you’d be a good fit for sales

>> No.28626954

Fellow math bro (I studied comp. modeling), I work in IT as a ticket monkey. Shit sucks, I haven’t programmed anything in months, so recently I’ve been practicing c++ again I should be good enough again by the end of March, if I keep up at this rate. also reading linear algebra theory again. But I’ve seriously improved my people/conversational skills while working as a ticket monkey, so maybe if I get good enough I can transition into tech sales or something similar. Basically just waiting for my crypto to take off, but I want a better job so I can buy more crypto, and maybe start a family.

>> No.28627770

degrees are a meme
image getting into debt to learn something that is already on textbooks
>inb4, muh academics
I don't have a CS degree, but I worked at software companies and my coworkers didn't know shit about important things like computational complexity, lambda calculus or graph theory, they were just good at being code-monkeys
all of them had degrees