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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 73 KB, 1645x284, bacdac6c33597c36e40791b14e048eda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2861967 No.2861967 [Reply] [Original]

Ok neets now is your opportunity to make massive arbitrage if you have no morals. $4.5 mil worth of veritaseum was just stolen and is currently being sold below market price on etherdelta. this has dropped the price 40% and dropped veri from 12th to 21st on coinmarket cap. This is happening now as i type this. just know that you are purchasing stolen funds should you chose to do so. story developing.

>> No.2861971

Based OP.

>> No.2861988
File: 42 KB, 915x334, 231423424525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes back

>> No.2861996

nice! just sold $4,500k!

>> No.2862003
File: 10 KB, 1110x63, CryptoCurrency Market Capitalizations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's real


>> No.2862005

Isn't it blacklisted?

>> No.2862013


scroll to bottom for more information

>> No.2862066

people are devouring this like wild dogs or piranhas

>> No.2862088

I mean how do you know the price will rise after this dump? Could shake confidence for awhile.

>> No.2862106

youre right i don't. it appears one guy got targeted and this is not a systemic problem like with parity.

>> No.2862120

Is Etherdelta easily exploitable?

>> No.2862125

not loading for me

>> No.2862140


>> No.2862144

Etherdelta is a decentralized exchange. There is no KYC.

>> No.2862182

and where exactly do we arbitrage faggot, considering it is only on the one exchange

>> No.2862186

mercatox but people are reporting delays

>> No.2862192

The guy was selling for below buy orders on the same exchange from what I've seen

>> No.2862218

Anyways do you know if he dumped all he had yet so I can stop watching for sell orders?

>> No.2862226
File: 12 KB, 214x271, 345236562536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope. he's got bags for days.

>> No.2862234

So buy and hold or arbitrage?

>> No.2862239


>> No.2862276

jesus fuck this is complicated

so i generate a new eth account using etherdetla

fund the account

and then trade

the address is now tied to some tokens?

>> No.2862279

Why are people putting buy orders higher than what he is selling at? Is this guy simultaneously selling and buying higher to launder the money or something? Using Ether Delta as a tumbler?

>> No.2862282

Btw can't the Veri devs just fork if they wanted to?

>> No.2862296

"as I notify authorities"

>> No.2862338
File: 111 KB, 637x1000, 1486886277451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh the wizard has already made off with 100,000s of eth. it's never coming back.


>> No.2862347

Why is this site so hard to use!?

>> No.2862354

just sat a buy order at 0.05, hoping he gets desperate and dumps the order book

>> No.2862371

whats funny is if we could all control ourselves like you we could force him down buy naming a fare price for hot stolen tokens. except for the bots.

>> No.2862400
File: 102 KB, 838x625, Screenshot_2017-07-24_01-47-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just burned through 0.04 ETH from trying to transfer funds!

>> No.2862405

all i gotta say about this is live by the sword die by the sword

>> No.2862421

what price is he selling at ?
0.5 ?

>> No.2862425

jesus fuck finally figured it out

this shit is needlessly complicated

maybe im just a brainlet

>> No.2862443

nope nvm it isnt filling the sell order

how the fuck do i sell this shit token @ 6800?

>> No.2862448

running an exchange on smart contracts is retarded

>> No.2862458

i cant figure it out

the tx fee is going to eat me alive

>> No.2862460

cost me 10% of my eth in gas

>> No.2862470

i'm gonna pull my money out if once i sell this shit token

it's been an hour and i haven't made shit. fuck this noise.

>> No.2862481

hold it for a few days, it will go back up once hes dumped it all

>> No.2862482
File: 117 KB, 660x1010, 342Q8a6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when is he coming back ?
looks like he's gone

>> No.2862498

fuck you op

>> No.2862528

This made me laugh

Also, thanks OP, hopefully pic related will be worth $160 soon

>> No.2862534
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>> No.2862655
File: 3 KB, 124x125, 1500785248623s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought 1 VERI for 0.6 ETH and sold it for 0.63 BTC on mercatox.com. Mad gainz boys

>> No.2862684

how do you thwart 2FA...

>> No.2862937

Ok /biz/raelis, listen up.
Veritaseum is an actual, genuine, bona fida SCAM.
There is nothing behind the coin. It's a token on the Ethereum blockchain by Reggie something, a youtube con artist. There is literally no value proposition. Go check out their website, read their whitepaper (wait, they don't even have one). Nothing but sleazy marketing.
The price on Coinmarketcap is solely due to Reggie trading with himself all day long with bots on EtherDelta. This "hack", conveniently "unexplained to avoid other hackers" even though "they fixed the flaw", is likely an excuse for him to dump some more coins from his stack now that a sizable new wave of suckers can be made to buy his worthless token.
Do NOT fall for this. Perhaps you will be able to resell for profit, but most likely you will get burned. You're better off buying even BitBean or DGB (and you really shouldn't).

>> No.2862972
File: 1.76 MB, 412x229, IMG_1961.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally who coin

>> No.2862996
File: 4 KB, 227x225, 1487821940919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i believe you

>> No.2863273

It wont work without metamask you newb fuck

>> No.2863281

Because you are a bittrex cointard noob fuck