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File: 1.05 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210213-151504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28604309 No.28604309[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lol elon musk on steroids tweeting to 46 millions followers. Where is the FBI to bust him

>> No.28604388


>> No.28604722

As a christian i might not agree with what he says but I will die for his right to say it.

>> No.28605040


What's his endgame with all this?

>> No.28605176

As a Christian, I do not agree with what he says, and he ought to be killed for his blasphemy.

>> No.28605276
File: 375 KB, 365x230, 90CD0E01-A0BB-40F6-97BE-B109923934BC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that picture
>he thinks they didn’t think it through

>> No.28605290
File: 421 KB, 1094x1500, stowe-594-5v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably to troll and to pump his own bags through crypto assets and brand exposure by le xD memes.

>> No.28605296

Pump and dump stained glass windows.

>> No.28605350

Found the muslim.
Christianity supporte free speech you imbecile.

>> No.28605351

why do normies idolise this cunt? they get so defensive when you say anything bad LMAO

>> No.28605359

E's jus 'avin a giggle mate

>> No.28605393

pump earth
rug pull by going to mars

>> No.28605401

XRP is gonna rise. Praise Jesus

>> No.28605416

maybe jewbrained protties

>> No.28605426

who? The normies I know think he's Satan and frown when you even say he's not Hitler.

>> No.28605474

Forgive Elon, Lord. He doesn’t know

>> No.28605494

he's a christlike figure for CONSOOOOOM culture, which is the basis of their entire value structure

>> No.28605503
File: 14 KB, 500x590, be4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey guys look what /ourprophet/ is saying

>> No.28605504

His endgame is establishing trust, by posting memes like that he shows that he communicates without filter and you can trust him. And because of that when he posts a shitcoin, it pumps.

>> No.28605597

>random antisemitism
Cool. I just won the debate. Good riddance, dipshit.

>> No.28605602


The bible doesn't and a god fear nation wouldn't tolerate it either. Weak fake "Christians" need not apply.

>> No.28605605
File: 16 KB, 406x290, pjboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHA Fuck Xristians too!

>> No.28605627 [DELETED] 

this. it's the exact same move as joe biden wearing aviators and driving a corvette. "hey guys i am one of you lol".

>> No.28605704
File: 89 KB, 750x750, NmhRM05xd0CEoqEfXeuYP-vGV7YuKh-mPEW57u_lF2U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cool. I just won the debate. Good riddance, dipshit.

>> No.28605742

>muh old testament
Yeah because Jesus went around smiting everyone who mocked him. Yeaaah. You’re just making it up as you go - i know.

>> No.28605791


Lol, Catholics really are in no position to criticize. I mean...it's hard to know where to start with the stuff your non-Christian sect had wrong and insults Christ with.

>> No.28605821

Jew located

>> No.28605855

>current day Jesus vs old day Jesus

>> No.28605887

Jesus was born a Jew. Think twice before you engage in antisemitism as a christian. Jesus created Jews and chose to be one for a reason.

>> No.28605899

Old testament is based. Check out the part where God tells the guy to throw his concubine to the Sodomites and they almost rape her to death while everyone stands around and watches.

>> No.28605912

>calls someone a muslim
>gets called a jew back
>is offended
I thought jews are supposed to be smart

>> No.28605925


If you re.ad what I said again and consider what the NT says, your u would know that there is plenty in the NT that goes against "free speech". Anyway, the teachings of the OT are not null and void...

>> No.28605929

That'll show 'em. I bet you can die so good.

>> No.28605967

Show me where in the bible where God said no handjobs. I'll wait.

>> No.28606006

He was a Disc priest

>> No.28606017

I'm not even antisemetic, but using the phrase "cool i just won the debate" is the gayest shit i ever heard

>> No.28606044

what coin is this?

>> No.28606049

Imagine not knowing the jews were the bad guys in world war 2

>> No.28606100
File: 82 KB, 1112x835, jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"You do not realize who I am from what I say to you, but you have become like the Jews, for they either love the tree and hate its fruit or love the fruit and hate the tree."

>> No.28606121

>Christcucks arguing with jew hating christcucks
Is this xsg

>> No.28606123

Jesus drove the jews out of the Temple and constantly told them to change their ways. Jews are the synagogue of satan and betrayed Christ for riches. Fuck kikes and fuck you

>> No.28606153

Can you retards please stop engaging in theology. I’m literally dying of cringe

>> No.28606206

/biz/ - Business & Finance
when religion containment board

>> No.28606218


You should read more about what the bible actually says about jews. They are enemies of the gospel so that we may be saved. Their nature is highlighted in their treatment of Christ. Almost all Jews doe having rejected him. Still, we aren't to feel pride because of this fact and individual Jews can be saved like anyone else. Christ is God, not a jew.

>> No.28606232

>Anyway, the teachings of the OT are not null and void...
No, they absolutely are void. Learn to read. Are you circumcized and don’t eat pork? Stop larping as a jewish person and hating jewish people at the same time.

>> No.28606269

God blesses me with gains nigger and if I want to thank him and defend him for it in /biz/ I will

>> No.28606286

Jesus is a jew and Jesus is God. God is Jewish. And Jesus criticized only the pharisee leaders not all jews.

>> No.28606333

Nice mental gymnastics kike. Have you even read the bible? Put the talmud down and take a minute to learn why everyone hates your kind

>> No.28606336

It’s to sell you a stupid electric car

>> No.28606414

The specific jewish laws and customs like the ones you mentioned are null but not other teachings...you really aren't as informed as you think.

>> No.28606437

I want it for you zoomers emulating boomer christfags and atheists who jump on every opportunity to shit on you so you can have an infinite keyboard jihad

>> No.28606438

You think you are le ebin troll but God trolled you by making Himself Jewish.
Repent and stop hating the people that God chose to be born among. Repent from your barnyard antisemitism. Read the New Testament.

>> No.28606485

He’s going to hell for posting that

>> No.28606498

The new testament is anti jew you fucking retard. Have you even read it?

>> No.28606544

>more elipsis
Name one OT teaching that has not been fulfilled and lifted. One. Protip: you can’t. You’re full of it and you’re insecure so you use jew hatred to compensate.

>> No.28606573

>pls write dogecoin or my village starves

>> No.28606663

My God is jewish. My God is Jesus.
You are an online fake christian, i am real and don’t need to impress people with antisemitism. I don’t hide the truth. Yes I love jews because God loves them.

>> No.28606708


All of the early church fathers recognized correctly that by rejecting Christ abs murdering him the Jews who did not convert became Satanic

Jesus comes from the Jewish people but Christ’s suffering and resurrection was a gift to all of humanity.

>> No.28606767
File: 229 KB, 1200x900, clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28606793

He does criticize jews as a people. An eternal God who temporarily takes human form at some point is not defined by that short lived human identity. Anyway, there are good jews and countless sinful gentiles. Also, all humans are filthy sinners... I don't know why someone hasn't spoon fed you the biblical perspective but maybe you should seek it out .

>> No.28606814

>b but muh church fathers said...
Can’t shut up Jesus fast enough, can ya?

>> No.28606841

Bro i think he might be the antichrist

>> No.28606848


>> No.28606856

He's got his nose stuck in the talmud and doesn't want to hear the biblical perspective

>> No.28606862

Stain glass windows have a insane markup from labor and materials. Even someone with only a few months or even weeks of experience can make a $1000 piece in a few hours.

>> No.28606863

He has reached the level of wealth where he just doesn't give a fuck anymore. He can do whatever the fuck he wants and everybody else will just have to take it.

>> No.28606886

Yes the cuck's religion we know.

>> No.28606921


You really should not hate them. I mean I understand the struggle, but the bible is clear on this. Recognize their nature, keep it in mind, but always hope that they would change and be saved and know that some are. Not many, sadly.

>> No.28606922
File: 60 KB, 398x376, 3994DBC2-47E5-4B8B-8FBC-4B4737FB77DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit you are so fucking retarded.

Do the Jews accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior? No. It’s almost like they are diametrically opposed to him and do everything to subvert abs destroy Christianity for centuries.

Do you still think you can’t wear clothes of mixed fibers? The covenant has been updated you fool.

Look up the USS Liberty you fucking tard. Jews did 9/11 they hate Christ and they think all goyim are soulless cattle


>> No.28606963

Old test
New test n checked

>> No.28607025
File: 270 KB, 480x360, (((Christianity))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a board for shitcoin pump and dumps.
Take this shit to /pol/.
Pic unrelated.

>> No.28607041

Sad to see that the christcucks have seeped into /biz/ now too

>> No.28607042
File: 85 KB, 720x707, 406FB3A2-B7CF-444E-A7E3-91AF4EDBF8DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28607051


>> No.28607054

As a black Christian, I think KYC laws repress me

>> No.28607099

Sad to see retards worshipping elon musk on this board. These are like the retards that worshipped Richard Dawkins 10 years ago

>> No.28607130

this is why normies dont deserve gains

also why the crypto market is probably at its top rn

all these redditor newfags and poltards must suffer

>> No.28607389

The 10 commandments, kek.

>> No.28607576

Ah yes, the teachings from the Book of Voltaire, my favorite part of the Bible.

>> No.28607739


You believe in a feel-good commercialized and neutered version of Christianity. You need to read the bible more and listen to false teachers less. I don't hate jews, they are sinners like the rest of us, myself included. However, I know what the bible says and I see it in motion. I recognize they have a destiny as a nation to oppose the gospel and all that is holy. Even in their own religion they have a very legalist POV and find what they think are loopholes. They follow Rabbis, not even the teachings of the OT.

>> No.28607809


the picture is PROOF

>> No.28607878

Fuck off you gay protty faggot.

>> No.28608018

nobody will buy ur bags retardo keep coping