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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2860119 No.2860119 [Reply] [Original]

Think about it, Brendan is a legend and pioneer in this internet space. With his support & vast network of major corporations BAT has the potential to transform how the world views advertising. If Google Chrome, Safari, and all the top browsers start to utilize BAT think of the potential! BAT would bring in hundreds of millions of new people to crypto space opening up the flood gates!

>> No.2860136

I agree, I think holding a lot of BAT will be really useful in the future, especially if you have your own business or something to promote. You're literally controlling ad space with the tokens right?

>> No.2860150

No. Google would never touch BAT. Let alone integrate that into their Browser. How are you even able to type that without dying of your retardation.

>> No.2860155

Nobody fucking likes circle anyway

>> No.2860164

why does it matter what google does here? this is the future they are the past.

>> No.2860171

What prevents every browser from creating their own token? If the incentive is large enough that is what they would do.

>> No.2860186

think bat is more about not having information taken/adds than token, which is the complete opposite of google

>> No.2860210

>Think about it, If Google Chrome, Safari, and all the top browsers start to utilize BAT think of the potential!
So basically, a hope and a dream. Gotcha.

That doesn't seem "pretty clear" at all. In fact, that sounds like the mother of all hope that your shit ad token does something.

>> No.2860212
File: 56 KB, 1024x463, BAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing really, they just don't have Brendan Eich, creator of JavaScript, as the founder and leader of the company.

What difference does that make? For starters, things like this


>> No.2860270

BAT had potential but there were hurdles to start with. ICO hiccups further hampered their chances. Nobody wants to buy these whales bags.

>> No.2860312

Safari will never have anything to with BAT.

>> No.2860368

Its where it will be

>> No.2860507
File: 21 KB, 324x336, 51246167213.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ needs to realize that the digital ad industry is going to be a 100b industry by 2020

Do you think that the bullshit paywalls that require ad-block to be off will suffice by that time? Things are going to drastically change, and the dude that is responsible for all of these retarded JavaScript-based ads is looking to be the catalyst of this.


>> No.2860554

Most of the whales that wanted to have cashed out have already done so. Anyways, most of the "big bags" are the development staff, they don't have an incentive to crash their own token. This isn't a Jewish or Pajeet token, it actually is backed by Brendan, Javascript's creator.

>> No.2860574

>watch ads for fractions of penny

Think I'd rather kill myself.

>> No.2860594

BAT needs to be turned into decentralized Swagbucks.

Multibillion dollar industry in that shit.

>> No.2860610

Swagbucks/EarnHoney/hundreds of other websites offer exactly that and are raking in cash.

Never underestimate how much work retards are willing to put into making pennies.

Create a platform that's similar to those sites but allow the person viewing the ads to be directly paid and skip the extremely scam-ridden middlemen and it'd be pretty solid.

>> No.2860623

Oh, and take a look at Mechanical Turk to see how insane these people are. There's an entire subreddit with people bragging about bringing in $5 dollars a day by filling out surveys and watching ads for 16 hours straight...

>> No.2860639

Yep this will be huge, I wouldve done that even 2 mo's ago

>> No.2860648

>I wouldve done that even 2 mo's ago

No you wouldn't. There's literally a 2 year waiting list to get into Mechanical Turks. There's a billion of these braindead poorfags out there.

>> No.2860653

Honestly this isn't going to move much until they get their reserve BAT back from the white hat

>> No.2860655
File: 35 KB, 367x500, 1459070326221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch the BAT shills in this thread

>> No.2860689

Pajeet has to feed his kid somehow, lol. Anyway for real Coinbase is supposed to be adding this shit so this is why BAT is coming out of the woodwork all the sudden.

>> No.2860702

How is this any different from the 500 other "No guise I swear Coinbase is adding this I swer on me mum" attempts we've seen?

I'd be willing to entertain Ethereum Classic, but not BAT.

>> No.2860710

You do realize there are multiple browsers multiple ad networks and multiple companies like google. The market decides you fucking dolt

>> No.2860711

It won't... it was already debunked on their reddit.

>> No.2860734

Too late. Once that is out there it doesn't even matter. There's only 50 BTC between here and 12,000 sats, anyways. That's only 121,000 dollars. Chump change compared to larger markets.

>> No.2860743
File: 144 KB, 1469x792, C_w3g71XYAAX8HV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethereum classic will NEVER be on Coinbase

>> No.2860861

Google could bat kill without any bit movement u faggot

>> No.2860883

Yep, bat is the rocketship of all time. It's mostly in the hands of institutional investors. The market is just the same 10-20 million bat trading back and forth. When it dumped down to 6 cents, whales watched their investment go to nothing and didn't give a shit. I'm expecting $3-$4 by years end with ease.

>> No.2861134

Coinbase is already an official advisor of BAT. AINT NO LIES HERE

>> No.2861153

Interesting looking coin. Might HODL for a while.

>> No.2861161

Also, Brave isn't a shit browser which helps a lot. It's the only mobile browser I use because it blocks ads.

>> No.2861163
File: 25 KB, 348x521, 512737151251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally won't happen

>> No.2861243

jesus christ it's real

>> No.2861601

Game. Set. Match.

>> No.2861617
File: 17 KB, 357x426, 1494393655812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the future

>> No.2861626


Additional information on the sponsorship of coinbase please?

>> No.2861644

for normies. i think we get so caught up in our adfree bubbles that it's shocking when you see people watching 25 second unskippable ads about faggoty bullshit it's unbelievable

>> No.2862556

fuckin pajeetsssss

>> No.2862563

This will be a $10+ coin in a year.