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28593809 No.28593809 [Reply] [Original]

Do i make it? what do i buy more of?

>> No.28594243

what do you need to buy less of more like. you need to pick 1 or 2 coins with that balance. the one/s you believe in the most.

>> No.28594659

I'm gonna give you the best fucking advice you've heard from this shitty board. I only make money when I'm not in this FOMO shithole. Listen. Go on etherscan and search your favorite project. Find someone who's not fucking WEALTHY enough to buy 300 different coins, but still has a solid 5-10 projects he's in. Learn this nigga inside and out. Does he trade everyday of every few days? Does he buy shit at night? Does he SELL some of his holdings to get into another coin? (This tells you irl he has jack shit and can't afford to drop money on crypto so he cares THAT MUCH MORE about making his trades work out)



>> No.28594795

who are some of the people?

>> No.28594829

Check the DNT pump. I bought in at 18 cents 6 DAYS AGO. why? CUZ HE SOLD HALF HIS LOOM TO GET IN DNT AT 18 CENTS 6 DAYS AGO. IT FUCKING X2 IN LESS THAN A WEEK. Im not sharing the wallet. You have to find one YOURSELF and share it with a close group of friends. It'll placebo the trust if you think you did it independently. In 2 hours I found 3 wallets ranging from 50k to 75 million. The dude at 50 trade once a fucking week and now he's in the 200k range. WHY REINVENT THE WHEEL.

>> No.28594927

im a noob how do you use etherscn to find these wallets you cpoy?

>> No.28595074

Good advice anon. thank you

>> No.28595120

I dont fucking know who he is, but he's changing my fucking life. The best ones are the people that don't sell often. No swing trading unless you're in a coin he's in and if you LOSE just HOLD.

Criteria that's worked so far: 100-300k in assets. Distributed into projects that arent below the top 500 on coingecko. Trades once every few days/weeks. Stop looking at charts LOOK AT THEIR TRADES AND PLAGIARIZE THAT SHIT. There's an account I follow with 70 million in assets and in a month he's up 5 million, but he trades literally every hour of every day. If it doesn't sleep it's either a company account or a bot. They usually buy moonshots because 1 win makes up for 10 ,losses. You dont have the money for that. 100-300k is the sweet spot. If you think you've found a decent wallet, look at when they bought, open binance, mark it as a win or a loss. Create a winrate and categorize them by winrate. FUCK BIZ. Follow the money.

>> No.28595148

Buy link dummy

>> No.28595197
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>> No.28595481

Wait, how are you checking trades via Binance? Literally just finding it in the trades history and seeing what price it was at time of trade?

Good advice though, appreciate the effort.

>> No.28595609

legit advice wtf

>> No.28595620

Etherscan.io Type a coin you like in the search bar. I'll use DNT as an example because it just pumped. Click the Holders tab and scroll down past all the fucking millionaires. Find someone with 20-50k in DNT, maybe even less. Click on his etherscan ID (looks like 0x49030jfkrfeirep) Then click on 'filtered by token holder' located to the left of his total DNT balance. You'll see a log of transactions, usually not very long. Click on ERC20 Token TXNS and a list will pop up. 'IN' means he bought X amount of that coin (not USD, that coin) how long ago. If you hover the time you can see he exact time. OUT means he sold. I was lucky enough to find a binance-exclusive wallet, cuz I didnt want to fuck with ETH fees anyways. Even rich people make mistakes. Open an excel sheet or even a fucking notepad, and copy paste the addresses and their winrates. It's grueling work but if you're new you might find it interesting. CHoose your wallet, save it to your discord, check. it. every. day. and copy their trades. It's up to YOU to find uality wallets, so don't overlook putting in the time to find quality. Biz is usually super unhelpful to new people and I went through having to tip-toe around conversations. Have fun. Dont stress. Dont swing trade. Learn technical analysis (it's not hard, no bs just put a little bit of time) and COPY.

>> No.28595646
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You are overdiversified. Drop the rest except Algo and maybe Reef because it’s in the beginning of its trend.

Yes, look at my face. I am seriously serious.

>> No.28595711

I dropped BNT and REEF for more hbar

>> No.28595759

You are a king, this is literally the best advice i've seen on this board

>> No.28595818

Thank you fren.

>> No.28595838

Some coins people buy aren't on binance. I don't fuck with those wallets cuz I'm not confident outside my normie binance dad. Etherscan shows you a transaction under the AGE bar. Hover it with your mouse for an exact time. If the coin is on binance, open binance and scroll to that date/time in the hourly chart. Check how many he bought, calculator. If he put 20% of what he owns in it, and he has a solid record, it's likely to fly. If you're greedy, wait for it to dip a little lower but this is a bullrun so idk if that'll work out for ya.

I'm trying to make it very clear not to trade whatever some rich dude is trading UNTIL you've checked his winrate. Millionaires dont care about 10-20k losses, but people with 200k in assets do. Be careful.

>> No.28596157

sorry for hijacking the board man it had 1 reply to a genuine question cuz these biz retards think they're the only ones deserving of the millionaire status when crypto hits normie villages. I was here for my first 2 months and when I tell you it's only good for memes, I'm not exaggerating. If you don't pay ETH fees it's not worth it.

Again, my bad, we're gonna make it, don't let the elitist fucking assholes make you think they're actually any smarter than you. They literally stumbled into crypto earlier than you did. That's all it is.

>> No.28596334

uhhh.... which wallet should I use?

should I trade on uniswap?

>> No.28596564

I fit this profile. Never selling link, but other than that I'm mostly jumping between, aave, snx and yfi. Also riding out some promising defi alts like badger and digg atm. I always keep a moderate stack of each, but trade the profits onto something else. I never gamble on projects I don't think will exists a year from now. And in general I operate on a 10 year timescale. So basically link and eth are the only stacks I'm committed to

>> No.28596711

If you're poor, binance. Ignore the shitcoins worth jack shit.

I use electrum as my hardware wallet, but again, unless you've got 20k+ I wouldnt worry about it yet. People will hound me for suggesting you keep your money on an exchange but whatever. Hardware wallets and bullruns don't mesh together

>> No.28596838


This is what a company/bot wallet looks like. Ignore them.

>> No.28596878

You can't compete with their liquidity. Don't even try.

>> No.28596891

*Can't be arsed/assed, depending on country. Why do people think it is asked?

>> No.28596909

you could be doing well soon. apollo. falconswap. real soon

>> No.28596958

my plan was to buy a bunch of shitcoins that def arent on binance and hope for 100x until i can start to gamble with poorfag money bc im not even there yet is this reasonable

>> No.28597105
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maybe im a pajeet

>> No.28597127

all this data being publically available compared to stonks, when you think about it it's kind of amazing nobody has thought of building an automated tool to track wallets PNL
i remember making ~10k profit arbitrage trades in 2018 because radar relay (now defunct) wasn't indexed on coinmarketcap. coding autists have the skills but lack the spark of creativity
good work anon

>> No.28597346

gotta switch over ig

>> No.28597362

My nostrils flare up when I think about how sad it is

>> No.28597611

you will make it. Be creative. Like J1 said, the info is there - and you dont have to sacrifice much to get it. LOOM, RSR, LRC, DNT, GRT, ADA, DOT, KSM, EGLD, AVAX, MATIC, LINK and now SNX, SKL, WAVES, MANA. All were/are clear buys. I cant be expected to keep track of all the coins on the market! Doesn't hurt to join a discord group. Doesn't hurt to sub to small channels like Currency Nomad just for info. Relax your shoulders. You'll make it. Use your IQ <3

>> No.28597947

Actually great advice all around and ty for sharing so much anon

>> No.28597995

thank you anon, i'll seriously try to use this information to the fullest extent, may your future be bright and your account be filled