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28593663 No.28593663 [Reply] [Original]

>don’t wanna see threads about doge
>filtered it from biz
But then I started thinking about what that actually means. There are actually living, breathing human beings on this board, with (supposedly) working brains that ACTUALLY spend money- something you can use to buy food and feed your family, on a fucking coin that was literally made as a joke. My mind cannot fathom this. How new/retarded can you actually be? I was browsing hackforums when doge coin was launched and it was ONLY used to as a fun, light hearted way to get people familiar with the crypto space since that dog meme was popular. People were literally giving out tens of thousands, if not more of these daily to other members for a sense of fun and community. And now you retards are out there spending real money on it, to the point where it has a multi billion dollar market cap? I honestly don’t understand. Has society fallen this far down the ladder?

>> No.28594027

There are literal scam coins being shilled to high heaven and you're bitching about doge coin? Lot of people made good money on Doge already. You're just a sap who bought mcdc or bao or someshit.

>> No.28594084


people who try to make meme coins something other than a fun oddity should neck themselves. taking things seriously is an artform long lost, and it feels like shit

>> No.28594132
File: 65 KB, 657x527, EC182715-570B-424D-9700-164D9E2F13BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Baoman

>> No.28594380


>> No.28594514

Doge may be a meme but it has a strong place in the market that only oldfags understand.
Cyclical pumps are always guaranteed, and price movement acts as an indicator of sorts.
These newfags will get washed away eventually and nature of the market will continue.

>> No.28594992

It's always been like this. What you're seeing is not a change in people, it's an exaggeration of how they've always been. The bullshit is going to keep spinning either way, might as well figure out how to work with it.