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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2859115 No.2859115 [Reply] [Original]

W-what's going on, guys? Even porn actresses want to be into crypto. I've seen Janice in Snapchat, showing her breasts while asking people to teach her about crypto!

>> No.2859137

Good let them hold our bags

>> No.2859138

Women and men with small dicks (< 7 inches) shouldn't be allowed to trade crypto.

>> No.2859145

ethereum is fast becoming the normie crypto.

>> No.2859147

t. Needle dick

>> No.2859165

found the larper

>> No.2859175

>just bought Ethereum so now im a tech bro

Oh God, it reminds me of when girls first started getting into video games so they could be NERDS and GAMER GIRLS

Betting 0.25 BTC right now that women will fuck up crypto in the long term somehow.

>> No.2859181

Haha well I do trade so fuck you cunt

>> No.2859201

Pay me now, because it's obvious how it will end.

>> No.2859224

I agree, I like my woman with at least a thick 8 incher.

>> No.2859226

well there's already "btw im a girl" ICOs
next up I guess is "i lost my money irs help"

>> No.2859238

already picturing some loudmouth dumb cunt caught in one of those pajeet pnd groups and crying for regulations

>> No.2859248

Is this the "shoeshine boy stock tips" moment for crypto?

>> No.2859259

goddamn she is so hot

>> No.2859265

>that women will fuck up crypto in the long term somehow.
AKSHUALLY, this is how men regain economic/social control. Make crypto a huge ponzi scheme wherein women put all their money, then men all sell leaving them poor with bags (they love bags right!), so they then have to rely on the newly rich men for financial support. the 1950's poon fest your grandpa loved are coming back! thanks ethereum.

>> No.2859271
File: 57 KB, 524x580, pottery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Betting 0.25 BTC right now that women will fuck up crypto in the long term somehow.
>well there's already "btw im a girl" ICOs

>> No.2859320

we're definitely getting there

>> No.2859375

Fuck, normies are retards. After all this time not getting into crypto, when they finally start buying they fuck up and buy a worthless scam token.

>> No.2859419
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That's a boy!

>> No.2859427

if you guys don't think stuff like this means this is a retarded bubble i don't know what to say

>> No.2859432


>> No.2859436
File: 157 KB, 409x409, 1499394924906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon we can have sex with pornstars by trading crypto.

>> No.2859448

great for when it goes down to $100

>> No.2859449


>> No.2859487

people will argue this is the start of the real bubble, normies getting in, that'll make the price explode one last time even higher than before and then crash
I'm not really that optimistic myself though

>> No.2859518

Wtf. This slut has straight up porn on her Twitter. I reported her, hope she gets banned.

>> No.2859526

What are you, a fag jellyfish?

>> No.2859541

Girls have no self control and will panic sell a the smallest dip

>> No.2859543

It's like that scene from that movie


>> No.2859985


>> No.2860259

shes gonna need to sell anyway for the money based on her previous tweets, no ones paying for a whore that wants to "change the industry"

>> No.2860263

For a currency the network effect adds value. Are you going to short dollars because even the shoeshine boy knows about dollars?

>> No.2860308

hope her co-stars enjoy the brojobs

>> No.2860311

based Chinese poster

>> No.2860356

She must have realized she can only suck dicks for a few more years until she's worn out like a old baseball glove

>> No.2860361


porn is allowed on twitter. so are literal islamic terrorists. it's just "hate speech", and "harassment" that gets (white) people banned.

>> No.2860372

Anyone nice enough to enlighten me who's that girl? Seeing her every now and then here recently.

>> No.2860400

>Betting 0.25 BTC right now that women will fuck up crypto in the long term somehow.
They'll probably fuck up what makes crypto good, just like with video games. But look at what a giant industry video games are. If you want money, normies and women are a good thing. If you care about decentralized currency and keeping the government out of your shit, probably not. But if you make enough money right now, maybe that won't matter.

>> No.2860704

A prostitute gets paid large amounts of cash whenever she works. She's wealthy, on bad terms with the government, and a lot of her clients will be on the spectrum.

>> No.2860744

we won't be able to make money once the government gets deep in it because they'll regulate the shit out of it and turn it into a stock market to protect retards from themselves
more barriers to entry and less volatility

>> No.2861057
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Shhh, be a good goy and give me money anon.

>> No.2861150

>If you care about decentralized currency and keeping the government out of your shit, probably not
They'll still exist, make millions off normalfag cryptos and then buy whatever decentralized small niche coin that's being used at the new alphabay equivalent.

>> No.2861279

i just shit talked her tits, she blocked me after retweeting me twice.

>> No.2862767


I don't understand how people can keep fear mongering about the IRS as if they can take away more than you actually produce.
Taxes are calculated in percentage, if you earn $1000 your taxes are going to be a percentage of that. There's no mathematical way of them somehow asking you more than $1000

>> No.2862792

Son, I just don't want some cunt by the handle of "CryptoGirl" posting videos about how blockchain development teams are sexist because they don't include enough women (emphasis on women of color) while displaying a fundamental misconception of what decentralization actually means.

And that's the start.

>> No.2862827

Normies aren't using it as a currency yet though. They see it as an investment akin to stocks

>> No.2862829

You could potentially realize gains in one financial year and watch crypto burn to the ground before you actually received the tax bill / cashed out to pay it. Last bloodbath conveniently came directly after the ausfag FY ended, I wonder if this happened to anyone and how to tackle?

>> No.2862837

Shit I was watching this hours ago lol

>> No.2862846

Except no one in /biz/ is financially literate enough to understand most of that (apart from the general gist)

>> No.2863166

>muh taxi driver investing in stocks
There is nothing sadder than a 25 years old boomer. Here you are, mindlessly aping the codes of a society where information used to be sparse and came through limited channels. We're in the 21st century, fucktard. The Internet makes information flow easier than ever. Now your lips form a smirk, thinking yourself so clever as your fatass mutters "muh new paradigm". But you're just like faggots who stuck to horses when cars became a thing, so afraid to take a risk - not the monetary risk of investing, but the intellectual risk of making your brain work, of analyzing the information available in each individual case and coming to the right conclusion - you're so afraid to take the risk to live as a man over pretending to live, you'd rather wrap a blanket of cynicism around you, hide your mediocrity through the fantasy everyone around you is even worse. Repeat for emphasis: in today's world the social standing of someone limits their access to knowledge less than ever, and low class people enthusiastic about new technologies is no proxy for claiming there is a bubble.

But you know what, seeing as you're so fucking smart. Go ahead and short. Short Bitcoin to $1000, it's haha nerd libertarian money. Short Ethereum to $7, it's a Russian scam. Short, short, short... Yeah right. You'll stay on the sidelines and make snide comments without having the courage to put your money where your mouth is, because you're a shitstain millenial neet or office worker who fancies himself better than the "normies" talking Game of Thrones around the watercooler, but there's nothing better about you. Nothing at all.

>> No.2863242

i hope that whore bought ethereum classic

>tfw wouldn't mind ethereum crashing hard and dying so she would lose all money

>> No.2863255


that means time to dump it, normies ruin everything, no exception

>> No.2863413

literally unstoppable

>> No.2863417

Delicious new pasta, thanks buddy

>> No.2863431

10/10 nakamoto vult

>> No.2863446

Anyone with a dick below 7 feet should an hero immediately

>> No.2863455

>muh taxi driver investing in stocks
There is nothing sadder than a 25 years old boomer. Here you are, mindlessly aping the codes of a society where information used to be sparse and came through limited channels. We're in the 21st century, fucktard. The Internet makes information flow easier than ever. Now your lips form a smirk, thinking yourself so clever as your fatass mutters "muh new paradigm". But you're just like faggots who stuck to horses when cars became a thing, so afraid to take a risk - not the monetary risk of investing, but the intellectual risk of making your brain work, of analyzing the information available in each individual case and coming to the right conclusion - you're so afraid to take the risk to live as a man over pretending to live, you'd rather wrap a blanket of cynicism around you, hide your mediocrity through the fantasy everyone around you is even worse. Repeat for emphasis: in today's world the social standing of someone limits their access to knowledge less than ever, and low class people enthusiastic about new technologies is no proxy for claiming there is a bubble.

But you know what, seeing as you're so fucking smart. Go ahead and short. Short Bitcoin to $1000, it's haha nerd libertarian money. Short Ethereum to $7, it's a Russian scam. Short, short, short... Yeah right. You'll stay on the sidelines and make snide comments without having the courage to put your money where your mouth is, because you're a shitstain millenial neet or office worker who fancies himself better than the "normies" talking Game of Thrones around the watercooler, but there's nothing better about you. Nothing at all.

>> No.2863467
File: 45 KB, 409x409, 1500761590187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw I'm a shitstain millennial neet & making money from crypto at the same time

>> No.2863495

Hi Jamal

>> No.2863555


Savage and true.