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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28588901 No.28588901 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good jobs/ ways to help develop sales skills for someone who doesn't have any professional experience in the area?

Do you think it is a necessary skill to be a successful /biz/nessman?

>> No.28589171
File: 10 KB, 310x162, Tony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been working sales my whole life started at 17 selling womens shoes at nordstrom (10% commission)it was a great first job bc I realized I could hustle and make 2-3x what my friends made on hourly and worked various sales jobs since been in legal marketing/sales for 6 years now honestly Tony Robbins will open your mind up to some interesting stuff and the psych behind a sale but it always comes down to being a numbers game in sales the more people you reach out to/connect with the more active prospects you will have which will obviously lead to more sales/deals

>> No.28590702

Thanks bro I'll check out T Robbins.

Do you think it's necessary to practice 'in the field'?

>> No.28591185

SaaS sales fag here, ultimately you're solving a problem by providing your good or service. Either discover their problem or create one basically. Other anon is right, the more attempts = the more success.

>> No.28591253

lots of hobbies involve sales.

Pick up comic books or sports cards and then go to conventions and haggle.



>> No.28591628

SaaS sales fag as well. What do you trap?

>> No.28591851
File: 97 KB, 480x366, +_b6352a61062b11c9659721400b39e87a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>join military
>become a recruiter
>learn persuasion tactics
>utilize learned skills on business

>> No.28592163

>Either discover their problem or create one

Sums up salespeople mentality

>> No.28592529

Do you think it is a valuable skill in these days where the majority of marketing is digital?