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28586834 No.28586834 [Reply] [Original]

Cream.finance hacked for 10k eth.
Anybody here lose money?

>> No.28587029
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>> No.28587111

did you?

>> No.28587288
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No but im boomeranon. I only use genesis protocols like Uni and Compound. Occasionally curve, aave and 1inch. I would never ever use a zoomer protocol like Cream YFI etc.

>> No.28587447

Isn't andres projects supposed to be crazy good? why do they keep getting fucked ?

>> No.28587500

>zoomer protocols
Implying those aren't scams that merely copy yearn during a defi boom promising fat gains and then getting "hacked"

>> No.28587617
File: 1.82 MB, 580x373, 029047a8362ecaf338f2d91ae4b98aa39eda3edd_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cream isn't a Yearn project, it's a team that collabs with Yearn. Cream has connections to FTX, which makes this exploit somewhat surprising

>> No.28587726

wtf is cream finance, the name already screams sketchy

>> No.28587765

Are you serious? Holy shit, I wanted to put money in that

>> No.28587779

I will fuck that cat

>> No.28587801


>> No.28587822
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Yeah I thought about it too. They do have a lot of kinda crappy assets on the balance sheet but their support for ETH staking tokens is very interesting, and allows for on-chain hedging of ETH in a way that is essentially impossible, unless you do double-sided lending or use a centralized-exchange like FTX.

>> No.28588550
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Feels good to be the king.

>> No.28588643

I want to vigorously smell that c@‘s sweaty asshole

>> No.28588683
File: 154 KB, 783x948, cor2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope but I thought about getting some CREAM so glad I didn't.

sitting comfy with my GRT as my reliable and COR as my moonshot instead

>> No.28588711


>> No.28588730

Yet another synthetic yield farming food token clone with horrible tokenomics.

Who the fuck is actually still buying these?

>> No.28588785

you’re right, she does have great feet. also I just noticed the nipple lel

>> No.28588883
File: 132 KB, 1420x1080, B8D6D7EE-E328-4307-918D-50D54C348430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best girl of her universe
Also, as if this wasn’t something to be expected

>> No.28588988

>Isn't andres projects supposed to be crazy good?
No, they're all rugpulls.

>> No.28589012

Defi is definitely zoomershit because you can put 50 bucks in and walk away with 5000 in a week if you're lucky, but if you lose 50 bucks it's not a lot of skin. But it's not safe for a serious investor looking for a 100x over 3 years, which is more of a millennial thing. Zoomers want that money now, millennials want it in a few years, gen x wanted it in a decade with the dotcom bubble and boomers got it in the 1980x and compounded it through massive debt spending to prop themselves up for an entire lifetime. Different generations operating under different timeframes and views of when the world is gonna end, no point in working for a lifetime if you get paid pennies to live in a fixed up ghetto and occasionally fuck a hooker.

>> No.28589139
File: 192 KB, 494x476, 1505996556196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can't catgirls be real

>> No.28589189


>> No.28589593
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just use IDLE way better apy and security

>> No.28589635
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I want to cream in that cat so fucking bad

>> No.28590180

it's not a zoomer/boomer thing anon
Plenty of boomers fall for the disingenuous FOREX marketing believing it's easy money when they day trade with nutty leverage.
Boomers have also fallen for plenty of ponzi schemes.
The promise of easy money gets everybody

>> No.28590291

Boomers fall for stupid shit like timeshares
Zoomers are just compulsive gamblers with a veneer of technology to try and make it seem less like gambling

>> No.28590401

>gets hacked for 13000 eth
>hacker conveniently sends 1000 eth back to the deployer and 100 eth to tornado cash gitcoin grants then tornado cashes 200 eth for himself

I love how they always send money back to the deployer. That's totally a coincidence!

>> No.28590486
File: 474 KB, 860x980, 637ce955f9091d64b77f7973d0dadf67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is an inverse relationship in smart contract hacks between the amount of capital returned to the deployer and the odds of being found and killed in minecraft

>> No.28590499

exploiter’s remorse right? :^)

>> No.28590622

thanks elon

>> No.28590758

>Guys sorry about that 25m we lost, but we've recovered 10m of it via exploiters remorse. That's right he sent us 9m back so we can distribute it to you guys. We'll make a compensation plan for the 8m returned. We're thinking it'll be 4 distributions of 1.5m each for a total of 6m. You guys sure are lucky your 25m turned into 5m and not 0!

>> No.28590832

Can't wait for the rektHQ article

>> No.28591393
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I'm still bummed out they didn't send out an email when the Stake DAO airdrop was live. I gave them my address early and was eligible, but I guess they had no interest in people actually claiming their airdrop.

>> No.28591535

seriously what an idiot. take it all or none of it

>> No.28592349

I have 1200 bucks in it, the TVL to marker cap looked good so I went in for a bit at 241