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2858381 No.2858381 [Reply] [Original]

Plumbing Trades > any other job, pays more than doctors, lawyers, or dentists. I see alot of helpless anons on here looking for ways to make serious money. I'll let you in on a little secret.

I work as a Canadian plumber and make more money than any fucking lawyer, doctor, or dentist.

When someone calls in the middle of the winter because their boiler is not working and they are freezing to death I charge $3500-$5000 to repair it so their children don't freeze to death and they gladly pay it.

Hot water tank broken? I'll buy hot water tanks in bulk from my supplier for 250$ each and the shutoff valves / flexhose connectors that end up only costing me an additional $30.00. I mark up the tank to 650 and additional parts to 200 and charge 400 for labour. All in all I'm making $900-$1000 profit in two Hours work.

Your toilet is clogged? Not a big deal. I'll shut off the water, use a shop vacume to suck all the shit and water out. Pop the toilet off and use the snake to unclog it. All in all it takes me 30 mins on average and I'll walk away with a free $450-500 profit.

Now getting into repiping houses and bathroom Renos this is the real coin. An average bathroom renovation from new fixtures, to new waterlines, and really routing drainage I can walk away with $6000-$9000 profit for a weekends worth of work.

All in all im averaging anywhere from $35,000-$50,000 per month working with only my self as the business owner and one young 21 year old 2nd year apprentice. Sure I do work 12 hours a day 5 days a week but I'm making hand over fist.

I'm putting 90% of my earnings into btc so I can retire soon. I'm 27 years old now and hope to retire in five years when btc hits $20,000 each. And if it all comes crashing down I have a trade to fall back on.

This thread is not a brag or anything like that. I just want to help fellow anons out there who are looking for a way to make it in life. The trades are good. Just work hard and learn as much as possible. God's speed.

>> No.2858410

Ok. Need another apprentice? I'm in Montreal.

>> No.2858426

You're just lucky that there are dumb people who are willing to pay for your overpriced services. Two hours work? Yeah right.

>> No.2858439

>I'm putting 90% of my earnings into btc so I can retire soon. I'm 27 years old now and hope to retire in five years when btc hits $20,000 each

> what is diversifying

Nice LARPing

>> No.2858451

I'm from Vancouver. I don't know how the construction business is over in Montreal. You don't have to work for me. You can literally do what I did 7yrs ago.

Google plumbing companies in your area, call them up and say you're looking for work. Tell them you're a hard working individual who is looking to get into the trades and willing to learn and listen to instruction.

My suggestion is to do 1 year of high rise construction then branch out into service after one year, as that's where the good money is. After that spend one year or so building new homes and you're set.

The apprenticeship takes 3.5 years only and then you can work for your self. The schooling is a fucking breeze too.

I hope this helps. There are tons of opportunities out there, you just have to work hard for them.

>> No.2858461

You're forgetting a few things

1. People often don't pay you and you have to eat the cost or go to small claims court

2. you have to be on 24 call all the time

3. you'll have a lot of competition and yo'll have to undercut them

4. Plumbing alone isn't that profitable. You'll have to get into HVAC as well.

>> No.2858462

Is the canadian dollar like the peso? Not sure what $1000 CA is in USD but no one would ever pay anything close to that in USA.

>> No.2858465

It isn't larping dumb fuck. It's called hard work and determination. Something you've never done in your life.

>> No.2858472

Sure buddy

>> No.2858489

>Plumbing Trades > any other job
Nah, after 10 years in construction 5 of which were in the resource sector I'll give you the lowdown.

Underwater welder - $40,000-$60,000 a week but you can only do it for ~5 years due to safety regulations
PLC integration programmer - $15,000-$20,000 a week but only a couple of months a year
Project manager - $10,000-$15,000 a week excluding deadline bonuses
HV electrician - $10,000-$12,000 a week
Any trades management position (head plumber, electrician ect,) - $8,000-$10,000 a week
Electrician - $6,000-$8,000 a week <- me
Plumber - $5,000-$7,000 a week
Boilermaker / welder - $4,000-$6,000 a week
All other trades - $3,000-$5,000 a week
Laborer - $2,000-$3,000 a week
Non-management office role - $1,000-$3,000 a week

These are all based on being employed, a friend is a self employed mechanic and makes ~$25,000 a week

Don't get me wrong, plumbing is a great gig but if you are chasing $ there are better options.

>> No.2858517
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How long did it take to learn the job?

I had a friend who was recommending me to take on a plumber course couple years ago in London.

>t. NEET

>> No.2858520

>disgusting working conditions
>in weird positions 95% of the time
>on call 24/7
>strict schedule
>have drive everywhere by yourself

Yeah Plumbers probably deserve their wage but fuck that. Costco pays like $60k a year as a cashier and you just stand and bag shit.

Good for you if your body is in peak condition.

>> No.2858527


In my experience, no one is going to pay you more than a couple of bucks unless you make a deal in payments. Even the richest fucks will try to jew you out of your money. Unless you're working as an independent contractor for someone who owns a bunch of land, now that's a different story.

>> No.2858578
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>costco pays $60k a year




>> No.2858605


>use a shop vacume to suck all the shit and water out.

>I'm putting 90% of my earnings into btc so I can retire soon

wew lad

>> No.2858608

What? Why are you exaggerating all the wages? Show me a single source for any of those.

>> No.2858612

OP wheres the best place to buy a new boiler without paying markups to people like yourself?

>> No.2858635

Homedepot and Lowes.

>> No.2858639

Roobucks so ~0.75 freedom dollars

>> No.2858650

the boiler store dot com. i've been ordering from them for 3 years now and they make the finest of boilers.

>> No.2858677

most plumbers/electricians/hvac technicians are scammers.

>> No.2858719

Maybe wherever you are but here they are generally honest. The catch is people forget an apprenticeship takes as long as a bachelor's degree so it isn't something anyone can do.

>> No.2858720


about 77 cents on the $

>> No.2858722


If it were so easy then people would do it themselves. Thing is, most of the shit is easy, but don't make someone drive out there because you couldn't take the time to replace a couple of wire nuts on your outlet. Time is money.

>> No.2858751

I've considered doing a trade for the past 5 years but I've got a comfy job that pays 65k. No chance of progressing and it's not challenging. The reason I haven't started doing a trade is that the average wage (when looking online) is less than 65k and that's forgetting the fact apprenticeship wages are so low. It would take me 7 years in theory to get to the wage I'm on now. But, wages online often seem lower than truth. If I looked up average wage of my job it says 32-45k despite the fact I've earned 50k+ after 2 years experience

>> No.2858780

It goes both ways.

>> No.2858815

>Being proud of being a plumber

Enjoy having to work for the rest of your life and retiring on a fucking shitty pension.

Enjoy having to go out, during the middle of the night, in the cold, on a dusty and oily van, with your dusty and oily hands, dressed in stenchy shirts, trousers and uncomfortable steel toe boots to some richman's place only to be taken to the dirty garage where the dog shits and pisses to sort out their boiler.

Enjoy the look of disgust on people's eyes when you tell them what you are.

You'll have a long and hard life ahead of you, m8. I feel sorry for you.

>> No.2858855


you are a pathetic idiot.

tadesman are nobel people and it's unfortunate that our society looks down upon people that do the work that you're too good for.

If you read the millionare next door you'll find out that plumbers and electricians are weathier than lawyers and doctors.

Why? because white collar people are nigger rich and almost as bad as niggers

>> No.2858857
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>> No.2858898

>tadesman are nobel people
You just read how this twerp rips people off, you fucking donkey.

Tradesman are necessary people, just like doctors and trashmen. They are what they are. Fact is there is no career progression, hence why he's got a long life ahead of him.

>white collar people are nigger rich and almost as bad as niggers

That is logically absurd. Keep reading them feel good books. Everyone needs an escape from reality.

>> No.2858922


>That is logically absurd. Keep reading them feel good books. Everyone needs an escape from reality.

facts are an escape from reality

>> No.2858955

Your chatting complete shit there is no engineers employed by that company making a million dollars a year you penis

>> No.2859040


> a week
> a week
> a week

so you make 288k pa as a leccy? Fuck off you larping poofter cunt

ud welders sure as fuck dont make anything close to 60k a week, 60k is about what they make in a fucking year.

>> No.2859157

>Costco pays like $60k a year as a cashier
>6'6 Wendy's chef here...

>> No.2859204

You're delusional if you think being morality is tied to a particular profession.

>> No.2859234


So there is no differnce between a lawyer that defends guilty pedophiles and a man that fixes people's pipes

both are equally doing as much good?

>> No.2859260

That's false dichotomy. There are good lawyers and there are bad lawyers. There honest plumbers and there are plumbers that overcharge people by exaggerating costs or creating non-existent problems. Is this concept too hard for you to understand? Do you only see the world in black and white?

>> No.2860480

Electricianfag here, would like to see sauce on these numbers

>> No.2860555

I've been working at a wastewater plant for about 3 years. Plan on quitting in January and finding a new industry. May try automation.

Been saving up and living at home so I got time to spare if nothing comes through. Any recommendations on trips/programs I could sign up for? Programs as in exchange programs for a 2nd language, sales training, anything worthwhile.

>> No.2860568

uncle is a locksmith, people will pay anything to get back into their house its crazy

>> No.2860588

its far from fucking 10k a week though, if you believe that you are fucking retarded.

>> No.2860605


Do you have an apprentice or are you just like every other greedy cunt trademan these days who does not pass the torch

>> No.2860619

>Sure I do work 12 hours a day 5 days a week but I'm making hand over fist.

Aaaand opinion safely discarded. I know startup owners that work less than that and make bank when bought out in 5-10 years time.

As usual dumb trade fags looking to feel superior for spending 90+% of their waking life doing hard labor like scrubs.

>> No.2860628

90+% of all startups fail, silicon valley is a meme

>> No.2860638
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all this larp

>> No.2860643

>Costco pays like $60k a year as a cashier and you just stand and bag shit
I would like to see your source on costco baggers making $25+ an hour

>> No.2860662

I'm happy that you are making a good living, but then again, you'd better be if you're going to suck the shit out of another man's toilet.

>> No.2860668

thatd be a dream job for someone with a scat fetish holy shit

>> No.2860700

>unhook sewer pipe
>put face in front of it
>tell apprentice to flush
Surely this exact scenario exists in scat porn form.

>> No.2861227

Lool yeah bro everybody in trades makes a half million a year

Dude all my trades friends drive lambos, but shhhh keep it a secret don't let the normies know

>> No.2861380

So should they rename the canadian dollar to the woman dollar?

>> No.2861405

>have a plumber friend
>i work for a high end renovation company
>we both get paid the same
my friend is not pulling 7k

>> No.2861425

>no career progression
>can easily save thousands per month
Are you retarded, a smart master of any trade could easily retire in 25 yrs

>> No.2861817

Respect bro.

>> No.2861842

Let's see some proof of profits faggot there is simply to much competition to mark shit up that much lier

>> No.2862574

You forgot that a Wendy's chef makes $300k a year.

>> No.2862585
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>$35,000-$50,000 per month
LOL, as an adult who has actually worked in many different trades. You are full of shit. (insert toilet joke)

>> No.2862599

Tendies are a vital resource for all crypto traders.... So this is true....

>> No.2863359
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ITT cunts that don't understand what "resource sector" means.
You work half the year, eg. 4 weeks then 4 weeks off, this effectively halves your annual salary.
You work in the biggest shitholes of earth, eg. oil rigs, deserts, PNG ect.
You work 10 hours a day 7 days a week while you are there.
You live of the worksite in temporary accommodation.
Because you live onsite OH&S rules apply 24/7.

I'm I only only cunt here that has done this shit?
>inb4 you haven't provided jobs listings
Most of these adds don't list pay, where is a painter job for $110,000 - $149,999 / 2:1 or 2:2 FIFO rosters read $6,000 a week for a painter. https://www.seek.com.au/job/33584714?type=standard&userqueryid=18189f77b795ddecab5744dc2dcd7eec-3003913

>> No.2863380

>what is all altcoins are shitcoins

>> No.2863433

He's not talking about diversifying into crypto dumbass

>> No.2863454

Hi there. I made at least twice what you've made in your best year in the last two months. All while relaxing in my home. How does that make you feel wagie?

>> No.2863483

What's the trades job market like in Ontario?
What's a good trade with a decent and steady work/life balance if there's such a thing?

>> No.2863606
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Fuck trades.
What can I go back to school for to have this:
>stable 9-5
>home in the evening everyday playing video games
>lift in the morning
>make 70k minimum out the door
Currently work in IT and it's hell. Sitting on my ass staring into a screen at work, come home and sit and stare some more, everyday.

>> No.2863674

Even if you work only half the year at 70/h a week (which by the way sounds awful) your not getting 6k a week

Don't imply some pipe layer is making 90 a hour when it's not true
That being said you can make a decent salary if your okay with slave labor conditions and overpriced mandatory accomodations

>> No.2863743

>Don't imply some pipe layer is making 90 a hour when it's not true
I was on $70 an hour + danger pay + penalty rates.
>overpriced mandatory accomodations
It's free just like all meals, the only thing to spend money on was extra luxuries provided by the onsite store, they sell smokes, magazines and junkfood generally.

>> No.2863875

>What's the trades job market like in Ontario?
factory and manufacturing work is taken over by immigrants who barely speak english. but skilled workers are in demand in some sectors, especially elevator mechanics.

>> No.2863944

this is true, tho. Had someone unclog (note: not shit, but urine deposits and chalk) our main pipes just a week ago. Took that good man like an hour: $400.
Admittedly, the work was kind of gross and he used special water-drills - no idea what that shit is legit called - while running a big ass generator in his van.

Good guy, too. Driving an old piece of shit van, passenger side seat was covered in snack boxes and garbage, but hes working it 13h a day. Can only imagine how much cash he makes.

>> No.2864004

Which of the two would be the quickest to save up $1mil with?:
plumber or programmer

>> No.2864017

Where are you starting from? If you have no formal training in either Plumbing because you get paid during your training (apprenticeship) instead of getting into debit during training (college).

>> No.2864050

australian hvacunt here, we make crazy gains sometimes but lets end this larp shit

I'd like to work in a tax haven like the UAE, does anyone have any experience doing this? i've heard of 200k+ salaries for smart tradies.

>> No.2864064

>Fuck trades.
>What can I go back to school for to have this:
>stable 9-5
>home in the evening everyday playing video games
>lift in the morning
>make 70k minimum out the door

This is word for word what i do as a HVAC tech except i get home a lot earlier most days

>> No.2864070

this is giving false hope for the ausfags that browse here given how hard it is to get work in the resources sector

>> No.2864088

I finished 3-year programmer program at college. No work experience programming, just school projects. Also haven't programmed since I graduated as I found another IT job. So going back probably will be hard due to experience and no staying up to date barriers.

I don't have any trades experience. I think starting this school year or next in Ontario they are rolling out new grant system which will effectively wipe out majority of student debt for new students if their family makes sub-50k/year. I make just under that minus the tax bracket, so I was thinking of going back.

>> No.2864118

True, I only got in because I knew someone and that is how it is unless you have some very specialized skills.
From what I saw electricians with HV switching or generation experience have the best chance.

>> No.2864126

I no nothing about your jobs market but the fact you have a degree that you couldn't get a job with does say something.

>> No.2864156

I just didn't try to look hard enough. Other job came out of nowhere as surprise. For all I know I could apply this week and get calls from 90% of places. I dunno.
But question is about 1mil reach goal.

>> No.2864299

damn..so this..is the power..of blue collars

>> No.2864882
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You must be joking with me.
I'm a PLC Programmer certified by Siemens and with a Electrical Engineering degree.

And you are fucking saying that I can earn this?
PLC integration programmer - $15,000-$20,000 a week
HV electrician - $10,000-$12,000 a week

You motherfucker, tell me right now where I can apply for those salaries.

>> No.2864918

McDonald's janitor here

Pulling 80k/yr after taxes step it up bros

>> No.2864944

Chevron, BP, BHP....
Get to the chopper (that takes you to offshore rigs).

>> No.2864985


Are you in Zimbabwe? Not impressed.

>> No.2864998

Trades people are not respectable. This is why you're looked down upon.

Not so much the fact that you're making money, but the fact you think your labor is worth as much as a PhD engineer.

I'm quite sure your work is subpar to that of a crack head, considering you only work residential, and you really don't know how to do your job well.

Hopefully you get cancer and die in a car accident. As someone who got out of the trades specifically because of low quality shit heads like yourself, cleaning after your shitty work, I have zero respect for the profession.

Apprenticeship is a racket. If you take into consideration the amount of schooling and training these guys go through it's literally more than an engineer or a lawyer, and you guys still can't level anything, run pipes correctly, put framing up accurately, or even design an electrical circuit.

May you and your children die.

>> No.2865018

>As someone who got out of the trades specifically because of low quality shit heads like yourself, cleaning after your shitty work, I have zero respect for the profession
Why didn't you go heavy industrial? I agree 90% of domestic tradies are retarded that is why there are more selective fields.

>> No.2865436

I don't suck cocks, I think that to get a job in Chevron, BP, etc, cock sucking would be a requirement.

>> No.2865454

To work directly for them yes, you can see the stains of their guys shirts.
The better option is to work for contractors that do work for them, you get the same pay but don't end up crying on the shower floor.

>> No.2865756

Because I don't want to work