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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28582292 No.28582292 [Reply] [Original]

My gf told me she has a rape fetish wtf is wrong with women

>> No.28582383

she definitely got raped by some nigger in the past

>> No.28582390

Probably got raped and liked it

>> No.28582432

wrong board but buy this shitty crypto based on the memes alone and shut the fuck up

>> No.28582448

give me your gf

>> No.28582484
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I hope you don't fall for this you stupid fuck

>> No.28582503


>> No.28582507

How can we profit off this?

>> No.28582556

Don't get why guys here get so triggered by this when there's plenty of men here with rape fantasies.

>> No.28582576
File: 354 KB, 1125x815, 4FFE02EB-A86D-498E-B307-D9B609325A28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One has two replies, one has seven
How can we profit off THIS?

>> No.28582616

/biz/ is the new sfw /b/

honestly, best board on this site

>> No.28582646

>Business and Finance

>> No.28582652

women are awful.
pls stop

>> No.28582683

A lot of women have this fetish which is weird. 90% of all women have an orgasam when they get raped

>> No.28582693
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>> No.28582704

Dump her ASAP and make it clear it was the rape thing so she feels deep shame about it.

>> No.28582761
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I hooked up with a girl that wanted to be choked, and she kept saying "harder"
She went limp and I freaked the fuck out and this bitch just got up and asked "why'd you stop?"
Girls are scary, bros

>> No.28582799

where is she

>> No.28582803

it's fun to try and do it. my girl put up surprising resistance

>> No.28582845


>> No.28583844
File: 83 KB, 398x603, Gaming the system.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the racist incel faction is Over Powered from for the race war due to their link gains, the disgruntled spook who got you hooked on linky wants to do step two. Commercial surrogacy tourism. Hear my sales pitch
>You've made yourself a crypto fortune
>But you hate niggers, Jews, trannys, and most of all, the women who enable them
>maybe you've even been public when their bullshit got too much, and experienced the inevitable backlash society dishes out in response
>well, now there is nothing stopping you from fulfilling globo Jew whore homo nigger's greatest fear
>securing your legacy
>with commercial surrogacy you can bypass all the usual pitfalls that lie between the talented white man who is conscious; and the white women who threaten us with extinction for non-compliance.
>you may say
"But apathetic spook, I don't want to raise a kid, I just got my gains!"
>But think about this, in todays age of unofficial social credit scores
>Your child, your proof of procreation, raises your status significantly across every social metric
>Women will think, aww he's so cute and he's an inherently acceptable man, hence the child he had with another woman(they aren't like us not wanting to raise some bastard)"
>Niggers, kikes, and fags will react in their usual way, but make no mistake, what they want most is for you to either have no kids; or, have children only on the condition that you and them, are rolled into their system of your eventual replacement
>You effectively disempower every group of anti whites, and people who are powertripping all in one fell swoop
>blood of your own blood flesh of your own flesh
>and no deleterious influence on the boy to make him into a typical cuck, this son can be an ultimate race war chad

>> No.28583876

Then it's time to rape her, obviously.

>> No.28584048

Modern problems require solutions, this one is modern and pretty based. I will do this non ironically if need be

>> No.28584120

This is why metoo is dumb. Rape should be legal in a marriage or some kind of relationship contract.

>> No.28584196

women have a biological urge to be dominated
satisfy her urges or you will get cucked

>> No.28584295

The last girl I fucked had a rape fetish and wanted to be collared, face fucked, pretty much anything I wanted and she was so dirty it was ridiculous. But she was FUCKED and I ghosted her. It was honestly too much.

>> No.28584356

Tell her to buy LINK if she likes being raped

>> No.28584381

what are you even doing here? go rape her.

>> No.28584416

when shtf and the commies start eating the rich, who do you think the actual rich are going to feed to them?

>> No.28584548

how many tattoos did she have?

>> No.28584554

Dude, don't fucking do it. She'll accuse you of raping her and then you're fucked, because suddenly the fetish never existed.

>> No.28584558

She will record you for blackmail. Careful anon

>> No.28584618

that's why you establish a safe word beforehand

>> No.28584698

What is a safe word going to do? This is a fucking trick, police and courts will always believe the women when she says she was raped. And they'll even have evidence, since you actually did try it.

>> No.28584793
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I've noticed that too. Makes no sense but they actually like being forced. I think it's because they just wanna experience the pleasure and not work for it and when it's forced on you, you don't even have to put the work in to choose. Fucked up shit.

Then again, I'm into feet so what the fuck do I know.

>> No.28585026

It's called consensual non-consensual and it's way more common than you think.

>> No.28585062

No she didn't

>> No.28585130
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>> No.28585157

Doesn't matter in court. You pretty much need a fucking contract if you want to have any chance if she decides to accouse you of rape afterwards.

>> No.28585210

Because it removes them from responsibility of the situation.

>> No.28585226

kys retard

>> No.28585248

My ex did the same. I didn't adhere and she left me shortly afterwards. A bit weird.

>> No.28585297

You're too gentle and she wants you to fuck her hard.

>> No.28585324

It's called cnc, anon.
Pick a safety word and go to town.

>> No.28585382
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God I wish I was you.

>> No.28585413

If we allow pajeet scams being shilled all the time why would we allow these threads?
I love you guys, it feels like a community and I like to belong here

>> No.28585533

They want to be raped

>> No.28585560

This. People here think of a beatdown and a no lube bloody ass rape, but women that didn't experience actual rape will never fetishize the act of rape itself. They just want to lay back and have the shit fucked out of them with a slight addition of slaps, little choking, dirty words maybe spit and so on. Anyone who tells you about their "rape fantasies" will scream in terror and call for help if you actually try to rape them.

>> No.28585725

This. jesus I forget about how many incels are on this board since we talk about shitcoins all the time.

>> No.28585998

And if OP doesn't give her a good old, "straight in, no kissing" rogering, she'll go get it off Chad down the street.

>> No.28586035

she's been blacked, sorry

>> No.28586061

Damaged goods, will fuck your life up. Run.

>> No.28587036
File: 49 KB, 600x500, 1604150593043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All women should be exterminated.

>> No.28587102

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.28587285
File: 255 KB, 634x683, 74D0DC2F-2B7D-4407-BAAF-620748AC8E2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds decent.

>> No.28587402

send her to me

>> No.28587480
File: 158 KB, 1080x805, Screenshot_20210213-000102_DuckDuckGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's absolutely on topic

>> No.28587498

Can't believe jannies make no profit off their work.

>> No.28587864

post pic of her poopa nao!