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File: 64 KB, 1953x1023, 100.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28571071 No.28571071 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone FUD me on Algorand?

This project seems too good.

>> No.28571339

I just bought $10 worth. Should I buy more ? It seems like we want different coins everyday

>> No.28571373

How does $10 billion dollars sound like?

>> No.28571407

Sounds too good to be true

>> No.28571416

I got no FUD desu. I'm outpriced now in a lot of ways I guess. Hope it continues to dip

>> No.28571505

tl;dr it's a government spook project to create a unified backing process for digital currencies. Will either succeed and we'll all be rich or the spooks will pull out and the whole thing will collapse.

>> No.28571527

there's too many good coins to invest in
i'm currently just putting my money on whatever is closest to getting a coinbase listing.

>> No.28571806



>> No.28571902


>> No.28571942

How does $10 trillion EOD sound?

>> No.28571958

literally impossible to fud logically
once you see off the wall bullshit fud, ALGO is going to go to $20

>> No.28571970

muh market cap
muh investor dump

>> No.28572557

>Made by some Italian MIT guy with a Turing Award
>Being used to back stablecoins for Brazil and the Marshall Islands

It's so obvious

>> No.28573136

And what would that be iyo

>> No.28573529

$10 billion is FUD

>> No.28573623

glowie side project

>> No.28574973

$20? So $20 times 1.5 billion coins would be $30 billion dollars market cap. Litecoin, which has been around for like 7 years is only at $13.6 billion.

>> No.28575211

>it's only the #14 fastest growing financial technology company
>it's only the highest ranked blockchain company on that same list


>> No.28575392

>it's only the highest ranked blockchain company on that same list
holy fuck we're so early

>> No.28575420

It's pretty hard to FUD without sounding like a schizo

>> No.28575497

You think time in the marketplace dictates market cap?

>> No.28575504

litecoin fucking blows

>> No.28575634

its a spook project. dont bet against the spooks anon. they always win. you really thought the skinny money skeleton boy was going to be in charge of the 4th industrial revolution? come on, obviously the powers that be cant let that happen. time for the mit boys to get this whole blockchain thing back on track.

>> No.28575808

ALGO team is loaded with Jews and has to many connections. It can't fail. DYR

>> No.28575858

lmao this. something about this project screamed success, like GRT. so far i'm not disappointed. once the stimmys get deposited into our bank accounts, i'm spending a decent chunk on ALGO.

>> No.28575863
File: 2.53 MB, 1600x1067, algorand_comfy_chadfolio_chill_steak_king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

algo wallet is my girlfriend.

>> No.28575938

unironically the image that made me invest in algo
+ a comment by whoever posted this image saying it paid for his gas somedays for his car

>> No.28576060

litecoin is the perfect pump and dump because it's a coin that stays under 350 and above around 50. old as sin and still relativity affordable.

>> No.28576113


>> No.28576148

15% circulating supply, massive emission schedule.

>> No.28576200

How much ALGo to stake and make it worth while?

>> No.28576225

It "only" has 7% APY, which is too little for people with ADHD and $1000 portfolios.

That's pretty much the only thing I have. I might actually throw a few ETH into it.

>> No.28576246


>> No.28576258
File: 62 KB, 976x850, p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put 4k into this at .80 because I liked watching the little reward box tick up

>> No.28576257
File: 133 KB, 680x545, d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any amount, it's right now 7.86% of whatever is in your wallet
4900~ gives you 1 algo a day tho if that's what you're lookin for

>> No.28576301
File: 42 KB, 800x800, 95E7BD1C-0397-475D-A7BB-57FBAE8F23BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck please yes I want the cia to reward my staking with sexy 5dimensional alien bitches. I can’t wait for this to moon. And by noon I mean the cia will abduct me and fly me to the moon to be a sexual lab rat for sexy 5dimensional alien bitches. Sweet sweet cherry pie. Pic very much related

>> No.28576313
File: 22 KB, 519x354, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its 8% apy as of this morning

>> No.28576328

literally the only complaint is high max supply cap. everything else is fuckin' gold

>> No.28576574

That's so fucking quick.

>> No.28576687

anyone with a guide for complete retards on how to stake ALGO
i have 5k algos

>> No.28576720

I’m in, just bought 3k coins

>> No.28576740

Install Algo wallet to phone then put Algo in the wallet.

>> No.28577124

Is there any reason why mine says 7.87% instead?

>> No.28577151

>yes definitely, the cia is interested in 5th dimensional bitches.

Look, they want to control money and im glad to catch that wave .If you think the intel arm of American industry is going to sit out the blockchain revolution you are a moron. They arent going to just lie down and let bitcoin happen. Theyre going to offer a reasonably similar alternative that they can support with regulation. Real money can follow this and see how fast ALGO got to become a USDC network. Get on the train now, ideology is for suckers. Lets make some money

>> No.28577152

MATIC/Polygon should be close. They have ties with coinbase. Look it up. It also is going to solve the biggest problem plaguing Ethereum which is scalability.

>> No.28577222

Bad news:


>> No.28577268

i used to work in boston alot and i always enjoyed the mit people..
i worked construction. been to almost all the colleges there and around there.
the mit people always rubbed me the right way. tickling my tism'.
theyre weird, but not as weird as the harvard people loi

>> No.28577267

Bad news:


>> No.28577269


>> No.28577283

what the fuck, this thing is going places we previously didn't think possible

>> No.28577294

>USDC & Tether blockchains run on Algorand.
>Not many people know this.


>> No.28577351


>> No.28577429

bots mean we're going to make it.


>> No.28577560

this only searches companies with less than 1000 employees and i am not sure how good growjo's reputation is, it seems relatively new. regardless, that report looks really legit and growjo is clearly a couple of dudes that really believe in their algorithms. bullish, but don't look too deep into this.

>> No.28577570

GRT has been in the market for two fucking months. What’s its market cap? It’s almost like time in the market has absolutely fuck all to do with the value of a project. You should focus more on eating crayons and spend less time shitting up this shitty board with your shitty takes.

>> No.28577600

>they didn't even flip the mainstream mode switch and bots are already FUDing the threads
it's only just begun ALGOlads

>> No.28577668

How does 1337 quadrillion sound?

>> No.28578313

This is the dip, if you look at the charts it will pump soon

>> No.28578397

>General FUD
>Avoiding what happened to XRP and the SEC

>> No.28578539

RSI is above 90 in literally all timeframes; buy the $1 re-test

>> No.28578582

you didnt hit compounding

>> No.28578698

a few months back i would never buy algo over .30
now getting in under $1.00 is starting to look like a good move.