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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 89 KB, 723x662, 54453455413354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28570931 No.28570931 [Reply] [Original]

its not a 40x anymore... just a 39x.. if thats okay with you then get the fuck in

>> No.28571224
File: 240 KB, 1920x1080, B419F34C-6165-458D-B218-95654239E3AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is gonna make me comfy, I feel it in my bones. It’s a matter of a waiting game. I’m the OP of the other thread and didn’t create it with any intention of this getting actually shilled on biz, but it looks like a solid project

>> No.28571374

I'm already comfy. I did about 3 hours of research into this baby before I bought in and thankfully it was before this pump cuz I'm not sure it will drop below 1c once it crosses that line. This is a fundamentally sound project with a good team and a solid plan. It seems like a safe bet, honestly.

>> No.28571375

Okay I’ve seen enough posts to know this is taking off. Picking up a bag won’t hurt

>> No.28571427

Pajeet shill with female co-founder and a team full of nonames. No thank you.

>> No.28571472
File: 154 KB, 783x948, CORp_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's great and all, but I really just want to put an end to the pajeet menace.

>> No.28571499

go back to telegram

actual real /biz/ poster

>> No.28571611

I looked deep into this. This is a real project that attacks the biggest problem in this space. You either buy soon or miss out.

>> No.28571659

Don't forget fucking Stanley from The Office is their face man. This project definitely isn't going nowhere

>> No.28571730

BuT wiMMinZ is involved!!!!

>biz fags thinking I care who I make money off of, it can be any joked on race or gender or a helicopter and I’m in if there’s money to be made

>> No.28571779

sit on the sidelines and watch little boy

>> No.28571788

This app is designed to be the shiller killer, my guy. Check out what they do.

>> No.28571973

1)woman founder is a minus
2) the team full of nonames is a minus

So why would you invest in it?

>> No.28572065

Because it fulfills a gap in the industry with a solid and vocal team. They might be nonames now but they have experience and every person of value started somewhere.

>> No.28572075
File: 132 KB, 850x558, CORp_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did my DD and the project looks good. It's like Amazon reviews for crypto coins, with a touch of Facebook/Twitch because they want influencers to be a big part of it. That's great, sure. It'll make money.
But the part I'm mainly interested in, as I said, is that it'll put an end to the pajeet menace.

>> No.28572130

I vaguely remember someone on the previous threads namedropping some shit a few of them have been in. Full disclosure I'm just a poorfag anon who bought in hoping it moons. With gas prices how they are, I'm locked in for a while anyway.

>> No.28572194

Oooh, Amazon reviews for crypto. I like that. Spot-on description. And yeah, fuck that jeet. We're gonna kill him and make money while doing so.

>> No.28572285

the. shiller. killer. That's so good. Buy and diamond hands this.

>> No.28572311

Are you the one making these memes anon? Very based.

It looks like it could be back to ATH soon, which will make me happy as a poorfag who bought, panic sold, then FOMO bought again right at the high. This time it's less pump and dumpy, and the growth has been more legitimate. It was rising back up this morning without biz involved.

>> No.28572370

I don't know what else they've been involved in, desu. Buddy, you gotta hold at least through the end of March into April. Trust me, you'll be happy with the end result.

>> No.28572395

We have BaoBros, RubicChads, Stinky Linkies etc in biz. I notice your images are all saved with Corps.

Are we the COR corps then anons?

>> No.28572526
File: 7 KB, 793x111, dots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok guys you made me have a second look at them but even their fucking website has pic related. See anything weird here? Like this is something that even pajeets wouldn't fuck up.

>> No.28572581
File: 363 KB, 2000x1250, CORp_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm the guy. I might throw together a few more this weekend.
Join the COR corps. Enlist today and end the pajeet menace.

>> No.28572614

Make it stack of this?

>> No.28572656
File: 65 KB, 622x631, rapture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hate the project, mainly because of the google partnership. but will probably buy a suicide stack because fuck it, I like money.

>> No.28572671

are you really trying to FUD over punctuation choice or is there something I'm missing here?

>> No.28572681


>> No.28572714


>> No.28572768

>implying shitcoins can't make money in a bull market even if this was a shitcoin

>> No.28572897


>> No.28572934

Yes? And it's not a choice, it's something that just looks embarrassing for any website that wasn't created by a middleschooler.

>> No.28573064

wagmi coretoBros, aped in at ath but still comfy

>> No.28573114

wrong thread. i own some COR though. hope we take off

>> No.28573168

Wait, like $10k or 10k tokens?

>> No.28573381

I always hate the "make it" question. I'll say that the devs said previously that the goal for the token is 0.50, but I could see it going higher if it gets traction on biz, normie acceptance and actually has an easily usable website. Worst case with this coin I think is a 2x-3x "buy the rumor sell the news" situation. And I truly think that's worst case, which is why I've decided to hold. So put in whatever you feel comfortable losing that 2x or 3x would make you feel comfy. I'm not a pajeet telling people to FOMO into this and put in their life savings, but I think that having a stack of this in case can't hurt.

>> No.28573538

Thank you friend. Actually response. Based.

>> No.28573644

I bought in high too, but then I dug deep in the research and got comf af

>> No.28573813

I like that we all bought high on those biz threads that were what... 4-5 days ago? A week? And it sounds like most of us who aren't whales are still holding and believing the project will give decent returns.

That in itself is a buy signal to me. I may swap my useless, floundering BAO into this on top of what I already have in.

>> No.28574075

This. The project satisfies a need in the industry and it'll be a big success if the team can fulfill their vision. I've got a small stack now, but I'll likely get in deeper when the project shows some more concrete signs of progress.

>> No.28574871

you done good mate

>> No.28574997
File: 28 KB, 400x294, 1595648217954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked into this myself for some hours a few days ago. I really like the idea and everything theyve built looks nice. I put a little money into this. About 400. I'm thinking it probably wont take off but if it gets noticed i think thatll be a fun little investment.

>> No.28575059

It's funny how this was a literal PND, and then rose again from the ashes with a new group of holders.

>> No.28575176
File: 595 KB, 556x606, 1613188528778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red pill or the blue pill, anon?

>> No.28575265

It's literally the anti-pnd project though

>> No.28575433

If the fact that it only took one poorfag reminding biz of this for it to pump again without anyone that I can see on dextools buying more than 2ETH of it isn't a sign the project is going places, I don't know what is.

>> No.28576715

blue pill everytime

>> No.28577392

what ever happened to the guy that was fudding the shit outta this like a week ago?

>> No.28577607

moms on the computer

>> No.28577611
File: 189 KB, 600x650, dapn6cg-2173e779-89d7-4b2c-a939-d0ed1ee37ccf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably accumulated enough for cheap to stop fudding

>> No.28577681

I dunno, he seemed to be hitting every thread that wasn't the one he bought into, whichever shitcoin that was--I remember seeing the same copy-pasta'd fud in every other thread for a few days

>> No.28577882
File: 534 KB, 800x497, womenincrypto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek I literally sold this at the bottom AMA. Kept 200 COR. I made a lot of COR memes.

>> No.28577994


>> No.28578087

that 200 cor will be with 200$ soon. still a nice grab

>> No.28578166

anon, you never lose if you don't sell. you learned an important lesson. you only sell when number is green

>> No.28578296

Nice gimmick bro

>> No.28578836

How high will this go in the short term? Please I need money for avax and link

>> No.28579252

10c minimum this weekend

>> No.28579326
File: 54 KB, 267x286, CORPNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need the logo PNG to create your own memes? here you go anons

>> No.28579330

can't wait to get rugged by stanley from the fucking office

>> No.28579490


>> No.28580310
File: 87 KB, 408x603, coreto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28580981

What's $400 on 40x?

>> No.28581084


>> No.28581169

can't right now anon, sorry to tell you. gotta use uniswap right now.

>> No.28581197

No, I'm serious. I still don't know how to calculate X from $ invested. Say I put $400 into this, what's 40x? Do I multiple $400x40?

>> No.28581210

yes lol

>> No.28581341

How is this different than just following random crypto people on twitter or listening to idiots on /biz/?

shitcoin in the purest sense

>> No.28581382

normies will feel like it's more reliable than twitter and normies don't come on biz

>> No.28581485

normies don't buy crypto through uniswap either, and they definitely will not stop listening to people on twitter in favor of an obscure new "crypto influencer social media"

i deem it a shitcoin

>> No.28581554


What the fuck did I do wrong? Uni says I need to "approve GRT spend limit".

>> No.28581646

oh for christs sake

>> No.28581698

I have a small bag of this
Should I buy more of this or some KATALYO? Not going to spend gas fees buying more of each

>> No.28581789

unironically neither

>> No.28581825
File: 2.75 MB, 1536x864, YdAaqJNxhLZ66zmRZ3T58D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me another project that has memes as good as this biz?

>> No.28581880

fuck me thats good

>> No.28581895

What do you recommend? I mostly hold stocks and I have a decent stack of POLS.
This is just fuck around money so idrc what happens to it.

>> No.28581921

just buy this and sell it after it 10x then regret not holding it till 1 dollar

>> No.28581939

With the official marketing campaign later this month and mainnet launch early March, I'd say it's a safe bet this will keep growing. I personally haven't done any research on KATALYO yet though

>> No.28581985

this project is being pumped with false information about the road map in order for the early investors to cash out while the liquidity is high enough.
Their product won't even be released in public beta until next year.

>> No.28581993

Nothing gets my cock harder than price predictions, ya gotta any, I'm taking it out now.

>> No.28582052

Yea that's what I'm thinking. Gas is only in the $30s rn so I'm trying to decide fast. Think I'm gonna double up on COR.

>> No.28582118

Read the actual litepaper. The product won't release until next year. This project is nothing special, no reason to rush at all.

>> No.28582123

I think Devs said it should stable out around 50 cents but who knows, they could be indian.

>> No.28582189

Faraon, what kind of name is this?

>> No.28582192

Devs are confirmed white as snow and have said it has potential for $1

>> No.28582221 [DELETED] 
File: 215 KB, 638x962, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best of luck, just know that you're literally buying into a blatant pnd

>> No.28582294

KEK please link this

>> No.28582300

What's the MC?

>> No.28582357

over 6 million, not including dead gypsies

>> No.28582360

I mean exposure is good. This is just the start. The guy from the office is doing an AMA on reddit next week. If it dumps I'm still holding at least a week.

>> No.28582401

link to telegram is on coingecko https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/coreto

thats to the main telegram, there will be a link in the chat not too far up to the "price chat" (Pump and dump chat)

>> No.28582420

I'm selling this shit now.
>product claims to be for building trust in crypto
>employs telegram shills
kek Jews gonna Jew
Khans are the biggest KIKES of all

>> No.28582427
File: 88 KB, 785x1091, 7543983543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pre-release testing scheduled for Q2 2022

>> No.28582451

oh, stanley from the office is being paid to endorse your crypto project? Say no more, just bought one hundred 100k

>> No.28582491

this is every thing you need to know about this project.

>> No.28582502 [DELETED] 

Sardar "Kike" Khan

>> No.28582598

kek thanks not going anywhere near to this shit now what kind of admin ask that

>> No.28582618


shame. thought we might have a comfy 5-20x. might still get a 2x before some dude riding his paltry fame from a small tv role and his leech brother do an ama for it lmao prob going to dump right before or during

>> No.28582856

If you go by how the price of RBC handles live streams they tend to start dumping right as it starts and continues for the next few days.

>> No.28583029
File: 266 KB, 1170x1672, 1613197943644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stanley was hacked

>> No.28583106

no he wasn't

>> No.28583181

He posted a vid confirming it was him retard

>> No.28583238

what the fuck does this even mean? who is going to ask who question and about what? seriously I'm not understanding.

>> No.28583313

How many x's is it now OP?

>> No.28583410

>reddit, the coin

Lmfao good luck with your fucking karma crypto you bunch a queers

>> No.28583485

lol coordinated fud posting on all the threads same thing at the same time

>> No.28583515
File: 241 KB, 1170x1140, 1613198573269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The video he posted mentions nothing about this coin you fuck. Shitty pajeet grammar on his only post about this coin too

>> No.28583521

nah just seems like his brother knows bare minimum about crypto and saw an opportunity in his brothers minor fame. they reek of desperate.

idk why anyone outside of an ultra normie gives a shit that a random D-lister is shilling it, and normies dont buy on uniswap. also why the f would coreto ok this and not have a developer or someone who knows literally anything do an ama?

>> No.28583580

That's not even fud, it's just an insult.
How many updoot tokens do I get for being honest?

>> No.28583932

the AMA hasn't happened yet. he was basically announcing that there will be an AMA. d-list celeb is better than none, especially with his office spinoff coming out.

you posted the same shit on multiple threads, you get absolutely nothing because it wasn't even funny

>> No.28583943

>what is turbulence
hope you bought retard. acting like this is your first time seeing a moon mission

>> No.28584060

you are so fucking cringe you are not rocket mans

>> No.28584071

This is going to be at ATH over the weekend. Dip being eaten up as we speak. .015 to .02 tomorrow and then .10 to price discovery

>> No.28584118

I have 100,000 COR will I make it or get brutally rugged and pajeeted upon?

>> No.28584125

If it continues to crab at 1c, I'll be grabbing a bag once I'm off work. Damn these hours.

>> No.28584182

I did? Show me because that's hilarious.
This tells me many things.
1. That you're shilling on a website you don't understand because "reddit the X" is a cross-board meme.
2. That true /biz/ posters recognize how fucking stupid and reddit-like this coin is.
3. A literally who nigger is shilling your shitcoin to reddit

The absolute state of this board.

>> No.28584787

Pajeet scammers, are big in this space,yes

>> No.28585506

you will make it eventually anon if you don't listen to the fud faggots. i've held since the last bunch of COR threads. these dumbasses expect a project that isn't in alpha yet to have everything prepared while there are bigger products with bigger mcaps that are incomplete as well.

>> No.28585522
File: 391 KB, 660x553, 1599156048620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sentinel will free china and wagecucks

>> No.28586040

That was me.
The ceo is an inapt crazy lady that has 0, and I mean 0 crypto experience. She ran a baby clothes online store with 10 daily visitors ans was part of a media indie group with like 1k followers. All she did was photoshop collages.
He husband has 0 fucking credentials. Only two of the team actually have some coding experience( they keep saying how see outsource all the crypto related tech).
You're buying into the get-rich plan of a romanian couple. Not sure what else to tell you. Dyor.

>> No.28586112

this is the sad truth of this project

>> No.28586298

no I meant positively, although it may have been the 2 with experience who were attached so something I recognized. I still think this is an easy 2x-3x, if not more. I'm not wasting gas pulling out the money I put in only to be pissed off if I was right.

>> No.28586525

You do you fren, juat get out in time please. I am still unsure whether they locked the 200M wallet that they were supposed to lock by now. I just want you retards to be safe as after looking through the team's socials and employment, they look insanely unexperienced ane may I say scammy. But again maybe I am missing some valuable points about how this project ran by a alibaba dropshipper and a (who) can change the world n shieeeet.