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28554041 No.28554041[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>21 yo
>6ft ottermode model, white, wide frame, 7 inch grower dick, hottest top tier stacies models in HS made advances to pursue me but i repulsed them
>about to hit $100.000 net worth because of Chainlink today
> Incel, killed my libido for good because I quit porn cold turkey months ago swore myself I will never ever watch sick (((porn))) ever again. basically asexual eunuch now
> the last time I experienced joy was 10 years ago
> literally build myself up from scratch NEETdom: moved out, got license, got a car, got job, enlist in uni
> every kind of SSRI just turned me into a soulless shell without any positive side effects

its literally over for me, I day dream all day I think to cope with the actual reality, otherwise I wouldn't be able to cope. my mental will is one thing but my physical is another, i dont seem to handle it anymore. wakeup in the night screaming because i almost suffocate and my heart sets out. the last time i passed out on the floor before being able to rip the windows open to catch a breath

>> No.28554281


>> No.28554441

maybe stop taking the SSRI NPC pill and do some sports

>> No.28554501

Just bee yourself

>> No.28554543

>21 yo
>200k net worth from AVAX
>5'10 7" penis, 3/10 attractive
life will be good once I have enough cash to never work

>> No.28554619

Does nofal really turn you your libido down? I thought it was supposed to do the opposite.

>> No.28554651

B b based my nigga

>> No.28554668

>stop taking the SSRI NPC pil
It doesn't help. It's designed to completely rewire your brain. Once you take it for a few months you are basically changed for life to be completely dependent on them for happiness

>> No.28554677

100K is literally lunch money for an US citizen

>> No.28554693

i did thaiboxing in my teens, had to quit that because of injury. i lift ever since

>> No.28554734

the only practical purpose behind nofap is by masturbating less often cumming is 10x more intense which therefore makes sex way better

but if you don't have sex that doesn't matter

otherwise its all bullshit

>> No.28554740

>basically this guy but 5’11 and 6” weewee and almost 10x wealthier

feels bad man

>> No.28554743
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and all the normies coming here and showing off their pathetic blockfolio are just a massive sell signal

>> No.28554765

yes after 1 or 2 months it does. your dick essentially dies down because you go against human nature of fucking

>> No.28554772
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I still clench by jaw constantly from the SSRI pill, never am the same myself. Feelsbadman

>> No.28554788
File: 34 KB, 720x597, The Sims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meditate daily. take psychedelics once a month.

>> No.28554790

>Enlist in uni
Thank you for your service

>> No.28554865
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>he can remember the last time he felt joy

>> No.28554975 [DELETED] 

send me your link i can use the money better than you can 0x85D40bdA531FB8754795927139d6EF5cea06438E
I went off citalopram after five years or so and it was fine

>> No.28555030

Nice blog faggot. We’re all in similar boats. Go to a psychologist, take MDMA or psychedelics, go for a hike in the mountains. It’s “over” for you because you browse this shithole site all day long and base your personality on it.

>> No.28555137


>Start low dose SSRI a couple months ago to help therapy resistant OCD
>Feel less depressed, don't have major panic attacks anymore, but don't really feel "happy" just kindve numb
>Obsessive thoughts haven't really stopped but I do my complusions way less often so they occur less often
>My feelings of being alienated from other people have exponentially increased and I feel like an outsider more than ever

This feels so horrible and I don't know what to do.

>> No.28555194

Sounds like you believe what they're selling, that you're just a bunch of chemicals. And if you are, if chemicals can break you, then other chemicals (esp. exercise, nutrition) can fix it.

How long have you been off them? Have you actually tried for months, years, and using various means to fix your brain?

>> No.28555260

sorry for blogposting btw just don't know what to do anymore and feel like i need help

>> No.28555342

what does it mean

>> No.28555393
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You all good, fren.

>> No.28555526

This is false. Many practical benefits such as extra energy. And if you want sex, actually redirecting your impulses to talk to women.

If your libido is dying down, you probably don't exercise or eat well. It's not a silver bullet if the rest of your life is unhealthy.

>> No.28555569
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>1k net worth
>0 mental problems
I just make music and program anon. I see one friend a week and take long walks every couple of days. Leave uni anon and learn thing on your own you will be happier and healthier that way. I know jobs can have an emotional toll but if you spend your off days learning and building you will be proud of yourself.

>> No.28555695

Quit the SSRIs and other shit, theyre pumping you full of shit to fuck you up, and offering to pump you full of more shit for $ to try to bandaid it.

>> No.28555769

you know this guy has XMR

>> No.28555779

have sex unironically

>> No.28555859

>learn thing on your own you will be happier and healthier that way
any recommendations for things to learn besides programming?

>> No.28555923

What are your goals in life? That's a big starting point that affects everything else. Heroes will go through total misery (war, famine, death) to accomplish their goals. So you can push through it.

From a practical standpoint, do exercise (weights and cardio), nutrition, have a good daily routine. Avoid unhealthy and time-wasting activities.

>> No.28555969

I have a girlfriend. It's not just normal "muh depression" type stuff. I can only describe the type of OCD i have as like being schizophrenic or some shit.

I think that's what I'm going to do

>> No.28556268

>If your libido is dying down
well my libido is not really dead but at the same time it is.
for example when i was jacking it to porn i did not feel attracted to any girls in real life anymore. now that i quit it, all i literally think about is, when i see an average cute young girl, is to coom into her and sleep/cuddle in bed after wards

but while im unable to translate any of it in the real world, its still no super powers.

>> No.28556318

lad, start taking raw garlic either every morning on an empty stomach or before you go to bed. Chop it up into little swallowable pieces and let it sit for 30 seconds after you chop it. then swallow them whole with water.


>> No.28556518


Sorry to hear, anon.
I always tell anons with mental issues here to try bringing yourself into some hobby. For anons who gained some wealth it is much easier, just invest a little bit in yourself, reat yourself. Cash a few grand out and travel to some places you have always wanted to visit as a kid, for example.
Or just try getting into some hobby: woodcarving, gardening, hiking, photography, music, drawing, whatever seems good for you and gets you a least little interested.
Speaking from personal experience, hobbies are something that stops me from ending it all. I was an artist, made high end chocolate sweets, made music.. that kept me from some thoughts about not having enough money to buy some meat or fruits for the next week, and it helped!
Now, as a hobby, I grow mushrooms, make hybrids, experiment with their genetics and that makes me the happiest I ever was despite being in poverty. Watching something you've planted grow is something dream-like. Now I just dream of starting a small urban mushroom farm and that makes me smile as I fall asleep.
I always try to encourage anons to start a hobby, because if it can make even a person like me happy, it can definitely make some successful anons happy as well.

I wish you the best of luck, anon.

>> No.28556570

Sure but you wont be getting more 'practical' than programming beacuse its range is immense and it touches at some level every market. Other things may require more investment such as making knives or guitar pedals. I have friends who blow glass and others who work on cars.

>> No.28556749

Listen to me.
Listen to me very closely...
Go outside and stay outside.
All that will be fixed in two weeks.
Literally, as in actually, go to the woods for two weeks.
You will be fine upon return and back to normal.

>> No.28556895

Yea, the first anon has it right.
You have been fed bullshit.
Taper off of them and go outside and stay there.

>> No.28557141


if youre going to do the pharmajew just get adderall, why do people do the antidepressants to themselves

>> No.28557276

if we're posting blogs
I had 2 clients today tell me i gave them the best massage they ever had, so that plus the 30% gains today on Algo were a great mood booster.

>> No.28557307

>Go outside and stay outside.
my parents house is in the middle of nowhere, i spend time in the nearby woods when i was a NEET. so i go in the woods for 2 weeks and then? become a hobo and live there ?

thanks for the wholesome post anon.
i want to pursue things and hobbies, but everything is locked down for almost 1 year now

whats wrong with uni? i think i have other bigger problems

>> No.28557503

>killed my libido for good because I quit porn cold turkey
Um...that’s not how it works.

>> No.28557571
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Nice blog post, faggot

>> No.28557661


>> No.28557805

Yes. If you go camping and don't take electronics and just read and eat and build fires and sit around bored as fuck...
You will be healed.
I'm not shitting you.

>> No.28557849

Humans aren’t meant to be alone. Go get some friends who aren’t degenerates and do normal stuff. If life was easy what would be the point. Make a story of yourself that you’re proud of. I have to tell myself this too anon

>> No.28557858

Didn’t read, fuck off

>> No.28557942

Nah, I spent 10 years on them from 18-28 and drinking on top until 31. I stopped it all and learnt to laugh again. Exercise daily, vitamins, lifting, good food, go outside a LOIT and learn about nature and the natural order, big ass cheat meals, stop trying to change things you don't control so everything, accept you are born from nature and to nature you will return and that everything else is fake, let go... slide :)

>> No.28557966

Stop being such a dramatic queer, your life isn’t bad at all

Btw if you were as hot as you say you really wouldn’t be a virgin

>> No.28557981

I have SSRIs sitting in a cabinet, I only took like a weeks worth of them. I can’t be a slave anons

>> No.28558003

You did everything right except taking SSRIs you absolute moron

>> No.28558033

>go outside and stay there.
this x infinity. The natural order is the only truth there is. No philosophy or system will change that, it is all noise. The internet is just another layer of noise.

>> No.28558050

Based JOEY

>> No.28558103

>become a hobo and live there ?
better than being online or caring what world man has created outside the real one you find in nature. This is all fake, that is why you are crazy and unhappy. Only fake people find happiness in a fake reality.

>> No.28558115

> financial advisor
> giving massages

>> No.28558138

you sound pretty fucked up, how bad were your parents?

>> No.28558240

Just buy something on Amazon. There are hundreds of activities besides vidya that you can pull off at home. Woodcarving is extremely calm and wholesome, for example.
Trust me, anon, creating something brings joy and distracts you from shitty thoughts. I would literally kms bc of poverty, but creating something even small and insignificant makes a change. You have a decent amount of money, invest a tiny bit of it in yourself.
Also, hoping for something better got me off SSRI's. Clear for almost a year now. Life is still fucked, but now I can at least imagine getting out of all this shit, I have a dream now, imagine, a dream after years of SSRIs, poverty and depression!

I wish this to you also, hope you will find yourself and become friends with yourself again. Cheers

>> No.28558459

>Btw if you were as hot as you say you really wouldn’t be a virgin

i remember when my parents made me visit relatives in another big city because i was neeting for 8 months without leaving the house. when i arrived by train, i sat outside on a bench in a near by park waiting them to pick me up. in less than 90 minutes 2 girls approached me to talk with me