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2855293 No.2855293 [Reply] [Original]

BTC is going through a classic double top. Why don't people believe in TA again? Are they fucking low-IQ retards?

>> No.2855314

I double topped your mom. But no seriously. Down then to 30k right?

>> No.2855317

k...i guess we'll just have to wait another week for it to come back if it does reverse....so fucking what? Take your stock mumbo jumbo and shove it up your ass.

>> No.2855338

Flipping a coin will achieve the same results as TA

>> No.2855343


>Le double top
>Le TA
>Le ETH bear trend
>le weekend dip
I love watching you fucks get raped by whales over and over again.

They KNOW what you're going to do, so they do the opposite and destroy you every fucking time but you idiots STILL fall for it again and again.

>> No.2855350

TA fags literally cherry pick graphs. It's useless.

>> No.2855353

I was already laughing at TA cucks, but I hadn't even considered this.
Laughing harder now.

>> No.2855367


>Not artistically combing multiple metrics such as indicators, fundamentals, sentiment and personal intuition when you trade.

Technical analysis is great, it provides the current and past situation, which combined with other metrics allows you to make smarter positions with any coin with substantial volume.

tldr; TA bashers know nothing

>> No.2855368

I'll be the one laughing when BTC dips.

>> No.2855375

gonna be a trippletop mark my words goy

>> No.2855385

Woa, the butthurt is strong with this one.

>> No.2855418

For every 'expert' TA that accurately predicted price movements, I can find 500 charts that failed. TA only works AFTER the pattern has formed, which is obviously worthless.

Newfriends need to sit down and stfu.

>> No.2855431

Good response, anon.

>> No.2855452
File: 37 KB, 625x415, meet-the-fedora-guy-one-of-the-internets-most-fam-2-10535-1450387761-0_dblbig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solid memeing. I concur. Triangles show classic le bear trap.

>> No.2855480

I agree, this confirms my expert analysis. I am a 2 month experienced shitcoin gambler my references include I read some investopedia pages and I checked the price of gold a few times.

>> No.2855499

I have been drawing triangles in ms paint for 2 months now and must agree with op.

>> No.2856098

It's dipping. How does it feel being so wrong, /biz/?

>> No.2856109

Feels bad not because of that. i was expecting it to dip but for reasons I sent all my profits to the bank and now I want to wait until monday to sent them back. Gong to miss this beautiful dip.

>> No.2856130

It was never going to uphold 3000 with all the hype BTC/ETH had after BTC's Segwittx2 fiasco. Too many good news at the same time kinda stop dipping half way.

>> No.2856134

>tfw 2800 short order was missed by $2.5

>> No.2856163
File: 88 KB, 800x838, edm for normies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin kek

>> No.2856170


3200 next week?

Do you agree?

>> No.2856179

No. Asian buying frenzy is done.
Maybe in 2 or 4 months

>> No.2856189


Is this sure that there is no fork august 1?

>> No.2856209
File: 53 KB, 130x166, check em.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fukken saved

>> No.2856242

Who the fuck knows.

Segwittx2 is already locked in but Jihan and his chink drones could do something more stupid to tank this market even more.

>> No.2856264

Actually it's going through a triple reverse head and shoulders axel with asymmetrical key lime

>> No.2856282

>tfw i am trying to get into trading and read a lot of investopedia
should i just stop?

>> No.2856428

Can't wait for the dip!