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2854886 No.2854886 [Reply] [Original]

>move to Chicago from rural Wisconsin in 2010
>place has turned into an absolute shithole in the last 6 years
>angry minorities and SJW weirdos everywhere
>economy absolutely fucked
>need to move ASAP while I still have savings

Where is a good area in the USA that has a decent economy and half-tolerable people? Texas? Arizona? North Carolina?

Need help. SOS.

>> No.2854891

Come to DC if you do politics. But be ready to pay rent out the ass and network like a whore.

>> No.2854895


OP in the same boat. Suburbs of chi. Taxes mind as well tie the noose. Was considering Somewhere south.

>> No.2854900

>if you do politics

What do you mean? Are there actual jobs in politics?

>> No.2854901

What skills do you have?

>> No.2854914

heard you guys have a nigger problem - who will stop the Chi-town carnage??

>> No.2854918

Think tank wonks, journalists, lobbyists, activists, fundraisers, various assistants, staffers, civil servants of one sort or another, spooks, NGO workers, etc etc etc

>> No.2854933

I have a bachelor's in business, I make websites for small businesses and also teach private guitar lessons.

25 years old too

Chicago is just rek't forever unless we get an extremely radical politician who does some extremely radical stuff. Trump needs to do more than just send in "feds".

Interesting. I didn't know that sort of thing had it's own micro-economy.

>> No.2854957

>lists racist white trash states

get out of my city, OP

>> No.2854970


>> No.2854976

Kill yourself fucking nigger

>> No.2854983


Ok why these areas?

>> No.2854992

stay insecure whitey

>> No.2854994


Pants up don't loot anon.

>> No.2854998
File: 164 KB, 720x887, whites-blacks-jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cities, states and nations are destined for ruin until we re-embrace white nationalism. Just look for jobs in whiter states and check the local demographics, you'll be fine until some kike decides "we" need more diversity.

>> No.2855017

what is this retarded babbling

>> No.2855027

You said Decent Economy and tolerable people.
A nice living environment (Denver/Portland/Providence is a plus)

>> No.2855037

Come to Pittsburgh. It's great here. Rent is dirt cheap, city is super safe, people are pretty normal, decent amount of jobs.

>> No.2855041

Many areas with a high population of whites also has kind of a shitty economy. I did read that Phoenix is like 75% white, which insane for a major city though.

Alright interesting. My friend who lives in Denver said the crime has gotten really bad, and she got robbed at gun-point though.

I am actually really interested in colorado springs, but the economy looks weird there

>> No.2855042

how did you end up moving to Chicago?
I don't think it was much better 7 years ago than it is now. Did you just throw darts at a map?

>> No.2855046

Interesting, what kind of jobs are there?

>> No.2855051

It was the nearest major city and I had some family there. Almost all of them have moved in the last few years (or stopped talking to me because I'm not a raging liberal).

I managed to finish my bachelor's degree, learn web design, and do a couple other things in the time I've been here, so it's not a total waste. But now I'm a college graduate and I am having a bit of trouble finding a serious job, and my savings are running out.

>> No.2855061

Seems to be plenty of tech jobs if you have a CS degree. Lots of finance related jobs due to BNYMellon and PNC right downtown. The hospital probably employs like half the city itself. I graduated with a Math degree and had no problem getting job after I was done fucking around working in restaurants.

>> No.2855066

Also, I thought it was way nicer when I moved here. It was a lot whiter, and the little towns/malls were much cleaner.

Every white friend I've made has moved in the last 3 years. The malls are dirty and filled with really weird-looking brown people who travel in packs and smell bad.

Liberals have also become 1000x more enraged between 2013-2017. I have had many interactions with the types of SJWs you see in those YouTube compilations at work and school.

The overall nastiness of feminists and minorities has just been increasing every year, and I'm afraid we are hitting critical mass. Some people say they would not be surprised if there are major riots in the next couple years.

>> No.2855070

sounds like youre a failure and scapegoating minorities to protect your ego

>> No.2855083

Sounds like your a triggered minority.

Chicago's crime has been spiking and the city has the highest rate of outgoing citizens in the country.

I've had guns pointed at me, and been robbed twice. Also been in three minor scuffles on the street. Even the minorities hate minorities in Chicago.

>> No.2855093

probably because youre a piece of shit

im white and i get around just fine

maybe you should just kys and save everybody the trouble if you cant walk down the street without picking fights

no wonder everybody left you

>> No.2855106

For you and your kind, the Appalachian mountains. Horde guns, praise Jesus and prepare for the end times you fucking hick.

>> No.2855107

>I get around just fine

Because you stay in your tiny little 2x4 Chicago safe space with 5 cops on every block

I would suggest you leave Chicago before the grand chimpout of 2021 happens and road tolls are replaced with blowing nigger dicks, but you probably already do that for fun anyways

>> No.2855113
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t. pic related

>> No.2855117

>chicago safe space
>chicago is too dangerous, i need to leave

pick one, idiot

no wonder you get the shit beat out of you

>> No.2855120

metro detroit is pretty great actually

>> No.2855136

You just described every American City. This is what American's fought for when they stormed the beaches of Normandy....good job guys, you ruined the planet and allowed marxists/jews to take over. Greatest Generation my ass, good thing they're all basically dead now.

>> No.2855148

just move back to a city that is 90 percent plus white, thats like 80 percent of America still.

>> No.2855186

No I'm referring to the 2x4 tiny spaces of Chicago that are safe.

You are a nu-male cuck who has never done construction or made anything his his/her/it's bare hands so you don't know that "2x4" is a measurement.

Think of me when you're wiping tyrone's AIDs jizz off your 230 lbs girlfriend's size-A tits

Any cities in particular?

Most of the majority white ones I've found don't have too many jobs, like Cheyenne Wyoming.

>> No.2855217

lol keep running away from reality pussy

think of me when tyrones punching your face in again for opening your stupid inbred mouth

>> No.2855227

t. triggered brown mut

>> No.2855240

Chicagofag here. Live in the South Loop. It's actually developing a lot but is a nigger magnet, especially bums. Have seen some of the nastiest humans I've ever encountered in this place.

>> No.2855241

you already know im not brown

obviously triggered if all you can do is default to baseless racist remarks

>> No.2855250

>*flips off camera because black people are so secure*

>> No.2855258

Nashville or Chat in Tennessee, my city has one of the best cost of living rates in the US (Johnson City TN)

>> No.2855298

>Caring about normie shit like cost of living
>not focusing on opportunity and potential earnings
Chicago is fine if you stay away from the nigger areas ( it's very segregated)

>> No.2855308

No, there are no cities. Please stay in your quarantine zone.

>> No.2855312

He said literally nothing about his job or his professional success, just his personal encounters with minorities. And you go on to say he's a failure scapegoating others. This is why this whole thing is going to end in blood. Whites have no desire to hurt other races. This generation of non-whites has been given limitless advantages over whites, and yet all whites are asking for is to be left alone. Still, you push for more and act as if you're entitled to the labor of whites, as if they're your slaves. This cannot end well.

>> No.2855330

If you can work as a salesman I'll hire you in Australia.

>> No.2856128

Yep. I live in Irving park. Rent is reasonable and the hood is pretty free from nigs and hipsters.

>> No.2856220

Portland maine
Best kept secret, best summers of any city in the country, almost all whites. Lots of bike paths, walking trails, beaches everywhere. Most microbreweries per.capitia of any city in the country. Rent is low, city needs skilled workers so pay is decent. Big enough city so lots to do, without being a commute nightmare.

>> No.2856268

You need to get out more, anon. It's not the fault of the Jews or niggers that you're a poorfag with no marketable skills.

>> No.2856276


Who is this semen demon?

>> No.2856348

Honest advice .

Portland or


The Williston Micropolitan Statistical Area includes all of Williams County. The Micropolitan Statistical Area is the fastest-growing Primary Statistical Area, growing 53.3% in population from 2010 to 2016.

In 2014, Williams County had the lowest percentage of unemployed people of any county in the United States, at 1.2 percent.[3]

>> No.2856417

Cassidy Ellis, found her.

>> No.2856462

Omaha, NE will be the next big tech city. It has the infrastructure to support millions of hipster fucks like you, OP. You're not really looking for a good place to live/work or you would probably just move to Rockford or back to Wisconsin.

>place has turned into

Lol Chicago has always been a fucking shit hole you absolute dipshit. Do not move to Texas. They will just make fun of you for being a whiny northern cunt. On second thought you sound like you would fit right in in Austin.

>> No.2856513
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If you are white professional and down to deal with spic idiots Miami is easy money. Companies are clamoring for anyone that will show up on time, respond to emails and actually do a good job. So few whites are willing to live here that there is almost no competition.

>> No.2856522

>SJW weirdos everywhere
Are those people really that numerous? How much do they typically earn, and what are their occupations?

>> No.2856526
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If I may add, the concept of SJW does not exist in Miami. I had never even seen one until I visited Baltimore this year. I've also never seen a muslim for what its worth.

>> No.2856541

I'm convinced Florida is actually an eldritch abomination posing as a state in which the laws of our reality no longer govern. Care to comment?

>> No.2856556
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>> No.2856560
File: 2.46 MB, 1440x1459, Screenshot_2017-07-23-08-29-45-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shreveport Louisiana is pretty awesome the niggers here will make you i r l racist but the economy is quite good and rednecks have money pouring out of the ground but I really am warning you about the niggers that's first and foremost I've never met any from Chicago therefore hard to compare them

>> No.2856585

Every USA city over 100k has some sort of drawback.

>if you can tolerate minorities
Texas, AZ, New Mexico, North Carolina are OK and mostly safe in the right cities

>if you can tolerate cold and little to do
NH, ME, Boise are extremely safe

>if you can tolerate smog and Mormons
Utah, plenty of jobs

Stay out of rust belt cities.

>> No.2856615

If you prefer safety above everything else, try Green bay

>> No.2856676

there are all kinds of tech companies, banks, and hospitals like the other poster said
people are chill but there's the same demographic issues you'll just have to ignore
there's the black part of town jew part of town gays hipsters and the biggest furry convention in the world once a year
but no one really cares just find good places to eat and drink around your kind of people

>> No.2857342

I'm from Europe and have been fascinated by San Fran. in a long time, it is seems like they have everything that a modern society would wish for maybe except high rent. I really hope to one day being able to live their with a good job if my perception of it is true and it keeps being in hat way.

Can someone pls help give me some inside, not that I haven't looked into it but it would be nice to have some furher input maybe some keywords I could search for.

>> No.2857373


what do you mean by rust belt? I'm in Columbus OH, it's awesome here. Also despite a healthy share of SJW's the whole place is getting gentrified to hell

>> No.2857392


Let me break it down for you:

1. San Fran doesn't have "high rent", it has unbelievably high rent. Engineers making $150k yr will struggle to find an affordable box to split with a roommate 30 miles out of the city.
2. There is a good chance the economy is going to tank once (if) the tech bubble there bursts, it's all driven by meme startup investing
3. California as a whole is not on the good side of their lifecycle, bankruptcy and societal instability are in their future

It is pretty tho

>> No.2857408

AZ fag here. Originally from suburb of Southeast WI. Lived there 27 years. Visited Chicago frequently on weekends and have friends that live there. Can say i'd never live there and not a big fan of Milwaukee either.

Moved to Phoenix couple years ago with Fiance. Had no family here, and moved to work for a new branch of the company I work for. Phoenix is pretty cool. Patchy areas anywhere but as long as you don't start anything, most people don't start shit with you. Overall conservative but it's pretty split now that a lot of the older folk are dying off. We'll always have snowbirds though.

Feel free to ask any specifics and i'll do my best. Currently work in purchasing and slowly moving into software helpdesk for IT.

>> No.2857480


Come home, Wisconsin boy

>> No.2857510


The southeast baby.

ATL, Charlotte, Raleigh, etc.. lots of good cities in the southeast are booming and you won't have to put up with crybabies.

Texas is good too.

>> No.2857518

I go back about twice a year to see friends and family. After 2 or 3 days, I'm ready to come back to AZ. Much prefer the heat vs the snow also. I can go to Flagstaff if i want snow.

>> No.2857523


The fucking latino trash gets old quickly.

>> No.2857527

St Louis isn't too bad. Has a lot of the problems Chicago does though, but you can drive without wanting to kill yourself and we're pretty light on SJWs

>> No.2858048

How's the heat and people?

Another anon said that Phoenix has become a complete hellhole since 2005.

>> No.2858278

this is true

girlfriend lives in sf, she is on rent control but people in same apartment building are paying 5k a month for rent

also everything else is expensive af and california is horrible with their money

>6th largest economy in the world
>highest taxes/ cost of living in the nation

>crumbling roads, infrastructure
>mediocre schooling

ive lived here my whole life and i'm over it, if you go to sf now most the people living there are from out of state while everyone bborn here is trying to get out

>> No.2858778

Pittsburgh is great! I grew up outside of the city, and I am now finishing up my degree here. There's a lot of comp sci/ information sci, healthcare, and business jobs within the city. Engineering is big, but most of the jobs are on the outer edges of the city.

Housing and the cost of living is inexpensive - it has kind of jaded me. I feel like I'm getting ripped off if I go to any other city.


>people are chill but there's the same demographic issues you'll just have to ignore
>there's the black part of town jew part of town gays hipsters and the biggest furry convention in the world once a year

This is true to a degree. But, the black parts of town are mostly segregated from anywhere near worth going. You're not going to accidentally walk into a bad neighborhood.

There's one big jewish neighborhood, but it is a very nice neighborhood which is nice to visit occasionally for restaurants - the only reason I wouldn't want to live there is the higher housing cost

The furry thing does happen once a year in Pittsburgh for some reason. But in general, the city is relatively moderate, which is my personal preference. I would not say that I've seen as much overly dogmatic 'progression' as other places or a real hateful behavior to any L/G. People kind of live and let be.

The bigger drawbacks would be
Pittsburgh is kind of by itself - there isn't much within a 3 hour drive away.
It doesn't have as many outdoor sites as somewhere on the west coast or Colorado

>> No.2858813

Can confirm w St. Louis. It is talked shit on a lot and part of that is very deserved. However, if you want the midwestern lifestyle while still being able to partake in hipster culture like craft beers and shit, we've got that too but on the cheap.

Niggers are probably about the same as in Chicago, but very segregated. They mostly stay in their shitheap on the north and east sides.

Really depends on if you can get a job though. If you are a NEET you'd probably do well here, housing and other shit is cheap and fairly beautiful.

>> No.2858827

stay out of the south, we dont want you down here