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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28538734 No.28538734 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else got a nice bag of ppay?
Where we heading boys, 50m mc is easy, thats a 4x from here

>> No.28539047

I bought a 4k bag this morning. What are we heading for? Will this reach $1 any time soon?

>> No.28539407

Could very easily, havent seen a team collect this many partnerships so fast. That and it still seems to be flying under the radar

>> No.28539503

why is biz sleeping on this? never understand

uberchad white team, working product, 10m mcap

more legit project than things at 20x its size

ppl hate money in this sub-

>> No.28539678

They'll ape in soon enough anon, just enjoy being incredibly early. Can 5x from price discovery alone

>> No.28539874

Got in yesterday, these guys are low key building some hectic stuff could easily see this doing 20x by EOM

>> No.28540257

Stack size?
T. 100k

>> No.28540542
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This is definitely not an organized shill thread and seems totally organic.

>> No.28540675

aped in yesterday, im moist

>> No.28540697

110k stack here
Really surprised this is still under the radar. Guranteed 50c easy $1++

>> No.28540735


>> No.28540757

I already 5x my GRT investment and was thinking of cashing it all out into a new coin

Is this the one? I already bought 3.5k this morning but was curious of dropping a more considerable amount into it

>> No.28540842

dyor and dont be a faggot

>> No.28540930

If you think this is an organised shill thread you must be incredibly new
First of all I lack the organisation to put together any info or memes or anything
And secondly theres barely any fucking engagement, youd expect more if it was a telegram/discord ploy
Im just another fren that bought a big bag and wanted to talk plasma with my plasma frens, is that so hard to believe anon?

>> No.28541191

>>>Not on gemeni
>>>Not on coin base
>>>Not listed on any broker
>>>already behind other players

Yeah hard pass

>> No.28541208

I'm literally too retarded to do my own research.

I've made $70k over the last year just by listening to advice on /biz/ and getting lucky

>> No.28541314
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6k stack here, was able to put my gains on rbc into this, hoping this could blow up on this board. The UI is pretty nice and I was able to 2x my investment already since yesterday.

>> No.28541432

Search the archive newfag. Not much shilling going on, I’ve seen a few Twitter accounts talk about this. Worth gambling an ETH or two

>> No.28541586

>>>>not on coinbase
>>>>not listed on any broker
>>>>not on gemeni
are you retarded lmao, not of that means shit unless youre a boomer incapable of understanding how to buy uniswap coins or unable to understand the value of getting in early
>>>>already behind other players
literally how

incredibly boomerish and crypto-illiterate pilled

>> No.28541610

PPAY has been on my radar for the past few months. I should've held the 5000 I had back in December.

>> No.28541884
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>> No.28543131

500k stacked from .05, 1$ is FUD with the amount this project is bringing

>> No.28543560

Any news on that governance token?

>> No.28543659

based, incredibly jealous.
Whats your price estimates for eow, eom and eoy?

>> No.28544232

What is the major draw/feature for this project?
To me, it looks like cross chain swaps. If so, why is ppay going to be the project that does this, and not rbc

>> No.28544880
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This is not the face of a loser.

>> No.28545183

Im hedging my bets and getting a bag of both but PPAY is lower mc, delivering regularly and partnerships every other day. Can see plenty of profits to be made

>> No.28545396

True. Existing product very clean, professional. Rbc still feels a bit rough around the edges

>> No.28545512



Gonna laugh when i mever see another thread again

>> No.28545993

explain how its a scam when it has a working product

>> No.28546014

What if the next thread is in 20 years time. Will you never laugh until that point?

>> No.28547194

Aped in after I saw that post last night about an askochad sending 1k PPAY to some guy that hit quads. No idea how a product like theirs is at <15m market cap.

>> No.28548229

this was me too lmao

>> No.28548355


Based and ape-pilled

>> No.28549125
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bought 5k yesterday is it really this easy bros

>> No.28549398

got my stack yesterday 50k stacklet reportan in