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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 61 KB, 698x694, coom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28531349 No.28531349 [Reply] [Original]

But you guys rather gamble on shitcoins instead of going all in on BTC.

Shitcoins will all eventually go to 0 and are often outperformed by BTC. The risk/reward is a lot better for bitcoin. Bitcoin is easy to understand, has the longest chain and is a production-ready product since 2009. It was created after the 2008 finance crash, to create a currency which can't be controlled by the (((central banks))).

Almost all shitcoins on the other hand are not solving any real world problem and are nothing more than a prototype. When a new innovative successful thing is created, everyone tries to make a copy of it, hoping to get a piece of the cake, but they get fucked by the big boy. Tell me, does the world really need your fucking shitcoin? No. But does the world need a global currency which is decentralized and deflationary and not controlled by anybody? Hell yes.

Just buy bitcoin as much as you can and keep stacking it. The stock to flow model for bitcoin, which was right 95% of the time, predicts a price of 1 million for the 2025 bull run and 10 million for the 2029 bull run. I bet some poorfag anons in 2025 will read this thread in the archives and realize how right I was, while I'm fucking the finest hookers and live a comfy life.

>> No.28531420

ugly af slavbitch

>> No.28531650

Bitcoiners in a few years will be able to breed as many hot slavic qt girls as they want. Shitcoiners on the other hand will only be able to fuck ugly nigresses.

>> No.28532032

Holy shit dude understand not everyone has a stable job and a happy life, memecoins can make us extra money to buy bitcoin later no need for copypasta

>> No.28532351

that's a man

>> No.28532727

Why waste time researching all the different shitcoins and watching the charts constantly and even then its a fucking gamble? Also selling and buying crypto is a taxable event in most countries. Just buy bitcoin when you have the money and focus on other aspects of your life like fitness or job/side business.

>> No.28533923


>> No.28534629

>Did 10x in a month on GRT
>this guy is telling me to buy bitcoin

lol cope

>> No.28534788

Wait what? Researching shitcoins? Lol. Just watch the board for the lolz and identify whats gonna cash for a while then get out, no need to go deep. GUYS BITCOIN IS GOOD WHY DONT YOU CHIMPANZEES UNDERSTAND BUY IT. Shut up fire burns no shit youre not saying anything smart

>> No.28534886

she looks incredibly high maintenance. you think id be in crypto if i was interested in dumping money on thots op? incel gang represent

>> No.28535921

Yeah but you can also lose your money easily in a few hours.
She is russian. They are low maintenance.

>> No.28536579

LMAO! Russian women will test you every day. They just use you for money most of the time.

>> No.28536788
File: 290 KB, 1080x1350, IMG_20210211_175818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many bitcoins do I need for this girl?

>> No.28536850
File: 166 KB, 1280x640, D4335A5C-6667-4ED5-BE56-265C2A17DC13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you need is Bitcoin and Monero.

>> No.28536892

25 Neo

>> No.28536942

0.5-1BTC if you want to fuck her in 2025 or 0.1BTC if you want to fuck her in 2030

>> No.28536994

btc cant buy women you morans

>> No.28537307

Sure, but it helps a lot. If you have money you don't have to wagecuck, so you can focus more on lifting, traveling and socializing. Also when you tell girls you are into crypto and show them your portfolio, they will get horny. But you can also just fuck luxury hookers.