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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28509478 No.28509478 [Reply] [Original]

>30k in debt
>30k in crypto
do I pay it off?

>> No.28509526

lmao, no

>> No.28509557

Only poor people are debt free

>> No.28509560

if you want to be a cuck the rest of your life

>> No.28509572

define debt

>> No.28509619

It depends on the interest rate. If it's below 8% and you're working, don't sell your crypto.

>> No.28509672

20k in debt, ~500k in crypto lol

i'll pay it off slowly...low interest rate lol

>> No.28509682

yes you tool
pay denbts

>> No.28509685

>selling crypto when it just exited the bear market

>> No.28509753
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>> No.28509810

i wouldn't but it is pretty high risk at this point
much better to lever up in a bear market

>> No.28509963

After taxes and fees for converting back to fiat you will be lucky to have enough to pay bills next month.

>> No.28510127

the returns from crypto will most likely outpace the interest on your debts

>> No.28510326

this x10

>> No.28510549

just dont pay. fuck em

>> No.28510671

Maybe. Depends on how long you can comfortably make payments on your debt and how safe your job is etc. The government will presumably keep our funny money pumped for a very long time despite all of us logical people knowing that it's gotta be devalued sometime soon. The other thing is we have entered the point of complete normies of buying btc like we saw at end of 2017 which was fairly soon before the crash. Honestly I'm very indecisive right now.

>> No.28510696

This. Paying off your debt is a poorfag way of thinking. Keep your debt to minimize the tax load on your assets and continue to gain more in crypto. if you really hate interest then just pay off enough a month to offset the potential loss due to interest.

>> No.28510726

> 30k of 2.9% mortgage debt?
> 30k of 18% credit card debt.
there is a difference

>> No.28510763

How will you buy back when everything continues to rise?

>> No.28510976

>He doesn’t want to be free
Gonna be lol’ing at you armchair buisness men when the gov comes to collect their property.

>> No.28511143

Usurious Jew

>> No.28511160

Cash out 50% use 40% to pay of debt. 10% cash holding for emergencies

>> No.28511600

I owe like $10k in credit cards that were charged off, I made it in crypto and could easily pay them back but prefer to see the Jews squirm trying to get me to pay. Each amount is too low for them to ever go to court.

>> No.28511656

You still have to pay taxes on your gains, so you need more money to pay off your debt.

>> No.28511797

only real answer here

>> No.28512020

If it’s student loans and you’re American, there is 0 apr so don’t pay them off

>> No.28512033

This is the correct answer. If it's like 0-2% interest, no worries.

>> No.28512520
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>I made it in crypto and could easily pay them back but prefer to see the Jews squirm trying to get me to pay.
Anon, the Jews have many tricks up their sleeves. You may win the battle on the $10K of debt, but they'll win the war by ruining your credit.

>> No.28512543

barclays, capital one, amex. all from 2014. come kill me. Toyota, come kill me. i doubt youll make it past level 1 of my dungeon. aprilia, 18 thousand dollars. suck dick much? come kill me. i am telling you fucking people DO NOT PAY DEBT. fuck em. these people want a pound of flesh, lettem eat your boogers. whats the debt collection agency gonna do? call the cops? oh no a bill collectors calling me...how horrible. you have to make small payments to keep them from taking you to court but beyond that who gives a fuck you get phone calls once a day, you can block these with a app or just turn your phone off its healthier anyway. strategy is different if you want a normal life and mortgage typical boomer american dream shit but i personally think that shits a scam. concentrate on gettings skillz/boosting earning power.....cant tell you how many people i know who act like their life is over because bill collectors call their phones....FFS......debt abuse and soft white-collar "crime" and the only thing good about this country. you might as well take advantage of them as we ride along the road to ruin
DO NOT ATTEMPT WITH IRS.....just FYI I pay the IRS right on time, say "yes sir" and "no sir", tuck tail and get on knees....you dont want that kind of beef. different category

>> No.28512898