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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 253 KB, 600x800, Asian girl drinking beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2848707 No.2848707 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here feel like they were born just to fail.

I'm 25 and I dropped out of college when I was 20. I went from a business admin major to a marketing major to finally, an accounting major (I don't know why I picked that because I suck at math). I hated all three of my majors and I really didn't know what I was doing in school, so I just ended up leaving.

I've been working at this easy/shitty restaurant for the past 7 years and I'm finally ready to quit. I want to leave so badly. I hate all my coworkers and I feel like the place is really taking its toll on me. Even though its easy, I still fuck up a lot. I feel like a dumb fuck everyday I step foot into that building.

I've tried to find other jobs in offices, but no one wants to hire a college drop out. I can't even get an easy high school lvl office job.

I've tried to get a IT cert, but that didn't workout. I don't really want to go for a trade. I'm not physically/mentally strong enough for the military either.

All I want is to work in a nice office with good people. I just feel stuck right now and I feel like nothing will ever change.

>> No.2848737

You can teach yourself web dev aka js/html/css just by googling tutorials. If you have a decent sense of design and put together a portfolio you can probably get a job making at least 50k in a year or two

>> No.2848870

I'm a comp sci major at college, and I use free code camp to fill in the gaps. If you take it seriously, you could probably be a competent web dev in 3 months or so. You really just need a good portfolio to get a job that makes 50k+.

>> No.2848895

Everything you could possibly learn is online. Look up tutorials, go to YouTube University and study, watch vids, practice, do projects. Just hop the fuck in there. Go to meetups in town, and make friends in the tech world. Your connections will do the rest naturally.

>> No.2848914

Dude just get a job wrenching on shit or some contractor job. You get a good workout, move up quick if u dont work like a lazy nig, and girls dig it cuz you get dirty doing manly shit and can actually get shit done around the house.
I used to do IT/coding and general computer shit, still do as a pt gig to help out close friends and make little extra $

>> No.2849532

>All I want is to work in a nice office with good people.

Man I'm sorry to disappoint you but those don't exist. Sure its a step up from restaurant wagecuckery but look around any office tower and see how depressed people are. You gotta discover your passion (believeinyourself.jpg) and monetize that.

>> No.2849559

could you scooch that image down a few hundred pixels thanks m8

>> No.2849581

are you suggesting i should bee myself m8?

>> No.2849662

You fuck up at a restaurant? Prob kys. low iq if you cant handle menial work.

>> No.2849853


>> No.2850122

most restaurants treat their workers like shit and frequently push their employees to work harder and faster. They know that the game is to get them to work as hard as possible before they quit, the turnover rate is like six months or so, or less. Making the workers feel like shit and fear for their jobs is important- because while they are easy to replace, replacing people so frequently seriously cuts their profits. And it's important to note that the job he works at is just as replaceable, he can work at any shit retail store. His manager probably makes 50-75k and is just as replaceable, those cunts will say anything to fuck with their employee's heads, they are highly motivated cocksuckers.

Basically, OP has fallen for the trap: He believes his boss that he is shit.

I got news for you OP. You worked there for seven years, you're not shit at it. They want you to work their forever it seems and the worst thing they probably really think of you is that you're a sucker for working for them so long.

Good luck finding a better job. No education blows.

>> No.2850325
File: 47 KB, 564x752, 1492234000752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty for the pic anon,
I traded it for this one

>> No.2850348

Bad deal dude. You clearly have the superior picture.

>> No.2850355

Consider being a water treatment operator.

They basically make sure water is clean, not all of them work with sewage/shitwater, and they're guaranteed 40k government jobs with just a certification that turns into a license.

Operator jobs are pretty stress free, and top out at 100k+ if you become a plant manager down the line.

>> No.2850369
File: 9 KB, 244x206, 1497731621559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I feel like a dumb fuck everyday I step foot into that building.
Have you ever considered that you ARE a dumb fuck?

>> No.2850410

I have more where that came from if you have something to offer me. .

>> No.2850710

>accounting degree
>didn't get a job after college
>was working in a restaurant
>got fired (coworker tried giving me shit and I wasn't taking it, big fight, HR fired errrrry'one)
>been applying to accounting/finance jobs like crazy
>a few interviews, no bites
>applying under, at, and over my qualifications
>applying to fucking everything, man
>one and a half months, no results
>phone interview monday for financial analyst at investment firm
>other firm wanted a writing sample, I submitted the assignment a week ago, no response since then
>I've always gotten A's on writing assignments in college so I don't think I fucked it up

What do? I suck at interviews I guess, because the jobs always tell me they hired someone with better qualifications or some horseshit like that. I'm trying my best and have drastically improved since I first got out of college, but still nothing. I even bought better interview clothes and got advice from some hiring agency. I signed with like 5 different temp agencies and not a single one ended in a job.

Just christ, is this shit normal? Jump through hoops just to be a miserable cubicle slave.