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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28483326 No.28483326 [Reply] [Original]

>I bought these fuckers at 0.30 and sold them at 0.5 or so due to constant fudding

I only arrived to biz two months ago, it was a fun ride, and I want to kill myself now,(not literally)
but at least I feel experienced enough in trusting my guts for nice real projects

Good job, grt holders

>> No.28483370

>sold them at 0.5 or so

>> No.28483428

I only have 800 and want to cry

>> No.28483490

same. I got back in earlier around $1. I feel like I learned a lesson and will make better decisions going forward.

>> No.28483508

>66% gains
nice congrats

>> No.28483519
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same. made the thread in pic related and got fudded out an hour before the first pump. The next GRT- like project that comes along I'm going all in and hodling like I was planning with this

>> No.28483582

thats ftm anon it's going to 1 dollar by the end of the month

>> No.28483648

I tried swinging my 800 GRT and lost 50 GRT I'm killing myself for being a stupid faggot

>> No.28483670

It will dip but question is how much

>> No.28483769

I learned my lesson the hard way. Buying sub $1 crypto means you HOLD for the long term. I mean, it's not like there's much down side at that point.

>> No.28483776

I got in at 18c (28k grt), waited months, it dumped back to 30 cents recently, then I sold them at 39 cents and put that INTO A DEAD FUCKING PROJECT THAT NEVER RELEASES SHIT.

>> No.28483811


>> No.28483821

I did the same thing anon. Dont worry you're not alone

>> No.28483835

Kek I lost 1500 around 30 cents

>> No.28483860


Lol what project?

>> No.28484022
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>bought at 0.41
>sold today at 2.02


>> No.28484050


>> No.28484132

I lost 3000 GRT trying to swing trade. Went from a 10k stack down to 7k.

Lesson learned: I suck at day trading.

>> No.28484171

fucking SCAMMED by anons shilling this NIGGER COIN https://etherscan.io/token/0xE61fDAF474Fac07063f2234Fb9e60C1163Cfa850
I thought I was getting into a good project below ICO it's jsut fucking dead.

>> No.28484174
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sold at bought a .4 sold at .6 bought back in .9 never selling again. I only have 800 grt, will I make it bros?

>> No.28484185

same sold at .85 but they told us what happens to swingies

>> No.28484268

Same. But at least I got back in at 1.25. Sucks to see new stack compared to old stack. But growth is all that matters.

>> No.28484319

Thanks, I bought your bags and held them.

>> No.28484359

Bought at .50 and .70 and never sold, damn

>> No.28484440

Glaceon always makes it. It just takes her a little longer.

>> No.28484521

> leave GRT and buy avax, thinking it will pump in the next few days
>3x my money with Avax, trying to increase my GRT stack
>end up with the same amount of GRT

>> No.28484529

been holding since .3, sold at .98 monday figured it was going to just slowly crab up

>> No.28484569

same, waiting for the crash

>> No.28484743

5k stack here. What's my net worth EOY?

>> No.28484762

Poorfag here
Baught 1250 at 0.40€
Sold 500 at 0.80€
Panic sold 250 at 0.70€
Sold 400 at 1.50€
Left with 100
Always told myself I will buy the dip
The dip never happened
I made some profit, so where can I get some high quality rope

>> No.28484792

>sold at 2.76

When do I buy back in?

>> No.28484818

Swingies get the rope

>> No.28484890
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20k here. Anyone who sells at this point deserves whatever comes to them.

>> No.28485017

dude I know that feeling fren. If you wanna day trade just use a separate 100/500/1000/whatever to "toy with". That satisfies your urge to day-trade but keeps your main investment secured. Your gains wont be huge, I know, but you still make some. More importantly you wont lose huge amounts either, if shit hits the fan...good luck next time!

>> No.28485042

Right now, we're going back up.

>> No.28485055

Just buy and hold and accumulate at dips. I don't get what is so hard. Bought at 0.4, 0.8, 1.3 & 1.8

>> No.28485104
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>I will buy the dip
>Actually sells the dip
Welcome to /biz/

>> No.28485115

It's dipping now. I'd wait to see if it hits $2.30 again

>> No.28485116

I’m holding until $100

>> No.28485167
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same. 20k stack here and have accumulated on every dip. if you arent buying rn you are retarded.

>> No.28485189

how does 8 trillion sound?

>> No.28485194
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>> No.28485305

I trust this guy.
He's an oldfag. Canceling my sell order at $3.fifty

>> No.28485408
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>wake up
>check GRT price
>huh, 50% overnight
>attempt to fall sleep again
>almost have a heart attack after after realization sets in
>now fully woken up at 5 AM
This coin is not good for your health. Wish I had bought more when it was cheap.

>> No.28485437
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Sold 3k of my 55k stack at $2 thinking that was the top. At least it was enough to cover initial expenses.
Am 52k and not selling a single one until $10, and even then I'm only selling enough to live off it for a year so I can tell my boss to fuck off forever.

>> No.28485573
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My 1k stack is now 250. You don't know pain

>> No.28485849

I want to reach a 50k stack like you friend. How can I get from 20 to 50 at this point? :/

>> No.28485931


>> No.28486128

bought a bit more just now
up to 2.7k stack

>> No.28486978

I installed coinbase 4 days ago, put 1k into bitcoin and a few hundred bucks into alts, 120€ into GRT @ 0.72€.

Now depressed I did not go all in. Wtf is this crypto shit, I was happier just watching my boomer stock rise slowly over the years.

>> No.28487695

Sold a 40k Stack for Reef. How do you think I feel like

>> No.28487788

it's in free fall so you might as well sell and go to sleep

>> No.28487836
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>> No.28487881
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There's still time anon

>> No.28488051
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>Eventually sell GRT at 1k
>Unfortunately by that point fiat currency will be worthless

>> No.28488087

it's drilling as we speak but OK lmao

>> No.28488164

now youre going to have to pay all your profits, and MORE, just to get the stack you should have allready kept

god damn, this brings me joy.

>> No.28488202
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>> No.28488224

how do i cope with buying PRQ instead of GRT

>> No.28488409

Dumping? I Sleep

>> No.28488568
File: 56 KB, 1013x637, CD92FF7F-4389-41D9-BCEB-D1762D8A0F93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost exact same here, ride the first pump in December all the way up then all the way down, sold when every thread was FULL of FUD saying it was going to 10 cents.
I had 10k

>> No.28488641

PRQ will be worth more than GRT in the long run

>> No.28488647
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okay serious question retards

should i sell some of my doge profts to buy into grt? am I too late?

>> No.28488804

Its literally the perfect time to buy the dip.
Or just wait till it goes over 2.8 again...

>> No.28488832

GRT is dipping alot at this moment right now. its at like £1.8 yet it was at £2 when i woke up. doge is absolute shit mate, i mean think about it. its named doge for fuck sake. it apparently has unlimited coins so the value is going to constantly go down. get out of doge while you can and into this sensible top 5 coin that normies, investors,companies and other legitimate people are backing

>> No.28488994
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okay i just traded 2k DOGE for 50 GRT. I hope this doesnt fuck me, cheers for the replies though fuckheads

>> No.28489004

Oh god it’s pumping up again

>> No.28489025

of course it is anon look at the chart
the rest of you relax and hodl

>> No.28489102

Sold half my shit, if it goes to zero im still 4x up from my initial in fiat
Selling the rest at 4-5 dollars

>> No.28489164

yes. doge is a meme which has seen gains due to 1 guy tweeting about it. grt is actually useful

>> No.28489222

i pumped and dumped all january before settling in once it hit 1.00. I could have made tremendous gains but oh well, i had no way of knowing and not gonna beat myself up over it. At least I held my algo

>> No.28489275

>Sold half my shit, if it goes to zero im still 4x up from my initial in fiat
>Selling the rest at 4-5 dollars
this coin is on jewbase, it has a working system and you can stake it at like 18% APY. It will unironically never go to , probably never go below 2 again.

>> No.28489306

Bought 1k grt pre 0.7, been waiting to get paid so I can buy more, just bought another £1000 worth at 1.8, this dip is temporary it's going up to at least $5

>> No.28489330

This looks like more of a consolidation we should break 3 in about 4-6 hours when more Americans wake up.

>> No.28489361

>I have paper thin hands everyone should feel for me
Unironically neck yourself. Time for a new Minecraft server

>> No.28489388

I seriously think that the next one is fantom. Ofc im shilling it because im hodling it but i think that the potential is very high and its getting more popular and the price has been rising steadily. Its only a matter of time when the people start looking for alternatives for grt.

>> No.28489473


I bought 330k GRT at 84 cents 2 weeks ago when it first crossed that mark then sold it at 85 cents a few days ago when it crossed that mark for the last time because I chickened out like a moron. I could have been a millionaire...

>> No.28489596

Wtf you sold 330k stack for 3.3k profit? Are you ok?

>> No.28489814


I thought it was going to crash. I got scared about losing money.

>> No.28489897


>> No.28490104

It drops a few percent and then just moons again. Relax, its fine.

>> No.28490107
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absolutely pathetic, ngmi

>> No.28490340

At worst the floor should be at 2$, still could mean the usual dump into moon it has been doing for the whole week now.

>> No.28490653

I bought at $0.04 average and still haven't sold any.

>> No.28490658


Do you want to know what's even worse? I bought ADA at 2 cents, then sold at 33 cents in mid Jan.....
hahah fml

>> No.28490674



>> No.28490907

i hodl 10k stack since 0.16, bought more at 0.22, bought more at 0.44 bought more at 0.30 and delegated the whole stack. am i a GRT OG? :D

>> No.28490992

I don't know why you are all so sad. As a poor fag with little capital to invest I but in 100 and am currently doubled my money. Its still profit, be happy for what you have.

>> No.28491094

Thinking of buying the dip... But the growth doesn't seem sustainable. Don't wanna end up carrying a bag full of yet another ERC20 token.

>> No.28491577

im 4k stacklet upset i went with eth instead of grt last month

>> No.28491588

I bought 1,000 bitcoin for $70,000 at one point.
sold it when i doubled my money.
not a day goes by that I dont want to die.

>> No.28491744

Its too late to get into GRT isnt it?