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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2847655 No.2847655 [Reply] [Original]

Guy @ bancor in Telegram

First let me give you my general philosophy on marketing consumer internet products.
You never saw ads for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc.
The reason is that all growth for consumer internet apps always comes bottom up.
Everyone that tried to market by force a consumer internet app always failed 100% of the time.
Having said that we can divide our project in to a few verticals:
1) Token changers : once deployed, these should be marketed to the crypto community as its more comparable to a B2B product. It saves you money. Once deployed we will run an aggressive marketing campaign later this Summer.
2) End user long tail : Schedule for end of year. This is where marketing is less effective. Instead, what we will focus on is finding the relevant launch partners and early adopters who will be initiating their local tokens. We will support them with capital and HR resources.
Like blogs, subreddits, etc... The funnel to growth is from regular users experiencing the product themselves and then a percentage of them become superusers. For example, no one woke up in the morning and decided to become a blogger. Instead, they started our reading a blog... And then thought to themselves, "I can do this too", " I have an idea".
Our focus with the long tail is tuning the product to be organically viral.
3) Project Tokens(such as Stox). This isnt really marketing. Its biz dev. And we are doing it aggressively. We currently have over a dozen active discussions with upcoming high profile ICOs. I believe we'll see at least a dozen ICOs using the Smart token standard this year and 100+ next year.

>> No.2847659
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4) High profile wins : We are in discussions with a number of major platforms (with millions of users, in one case tens of millions) to initiate platform level partnerships. This is in a way a combination of #2 and #3 via a 3rd party platform.
5) Index funds :Discussions have started with various financial institutions around launching token baskets. We are focusing on both crypto businesses as well as non crypto mainstream financial entities considering asset tokenization.
Finally, let me say that while we of course only want to see the price go up, please understand that the team doesn't day trade, and like any 'public' company we can't be reactive to the 'stock' price on this or that day.
We recognize there was a lot of flippers early on. We also recognize that Bancor is not a trivial concept to communicate.

>> No.2847664
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Our efforts beyond the above are focused on a few things whose fruit isnt picked overnight but requires a few months:
A. Redoing our messaging to more cleaely explain Bancor and the concept of the automated market maker
B. Relaunching Bounty programs: they were wildly successful and gives everyone of our supporters a tangible way to help the efforts. These will launch around the first week of August
C. Growing the team. This is key. We were 15 by the time of the ICO. We have growth target of 40 by end of year and 100 by end of 2018. We will be opening offices in Tokyo and Shanghai in early 2018. All these actions take time... and from experience I can tell you growing a team from 15 to 100 is a very dangerous process. Maintaining the amazing company culture we have today as we scale is critical and this is probably the single biggest risk factor we now face.

>> No.2847675
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Bancor is literally unstoppable.

>> No.2847717

I will keep trading my 'dump protocol' currencies, thank you. ETH is getting too juicy for hackers all around.

>> No.2847729
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>We also recognize that Bancor is not a trivial concept to communicate
we heard it loud and clear

>> No.2847732

Fuckin bancor jews at it again. Always remember: With jews, you lose.

>> No.2847750

That legit made me cum a little.
Have fudded BNT to death to accumulate some cheap but damn I did not expect this.
If they only archieve 10% of this we see a 100$ BNT.
How do I join their telegram?

>> No.2847753

flush yourself down the toilet.

>> No.2847755
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I don't think you guys realize how much the internet unironically distrusts and dislikes Jews. This shitcoin is DOA due to this fact.

It's funny because your shill campaign was based on, "with the jews you win," "the banks want it, guaranteed profit," and so on, but this was actually your undoing. You guys really need to understand that the internet is not rigged in your favor.

>> No.2847756

Same. t.me/bancor

>> No.2847758

you're babbling about xrp again, retard. you don't even remember which thread you're shitting in.

>> No.2847767

No thanks.
Maybe you should kys?
Edgy poltard.

>> No.2847768
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thanks for correcting the record!

>> No.2847769

Ofc. Go fuck yourself idiot.

>> No.2847773

Bancucks desperately trying to sell their scam are the most despicable faggots roaming these boards period. Can't wait to see your crap coin sink at the bottom of the ocean.

>> No.2847776

Why so dramatic? Don't buy, I don't care. I post this for bancs that might have missed it.

>> No.2847780

The goyim knows, Shlomo. It's over.

>> No.2847793

pajeet, you shit on a street.

>> No.2847794

I will fap to my gains and jizz all over you nobancs. You are allowed to clean up my creampie from the models I will fuck on the regular next year.

Kys nobanc.

>> No.2847831
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Your delusion is hilarious. and you guys wonder why you're the laughing stock of the whole board.

>> No.2847847

That's weak.

>> No.2847871

could say the exact same thing about you.
delusional little poltard will fomo into bnt and then cry on biz that you listened to pol

>> No.2847882

I've never witnessed so many cucks rejoicing at the loss of their shekels for some future gains that'll never come, that is unless ETH gets its act together after going PoS

>> No.2847892
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haha where in your demented brain have you formulated I must be from /pol/ ? because I attack your precious bancor ?
No I'm not from /pol/ and I don't give a damn about it being jewish or not. It's just a scam of epic proportion shilled by retards who form the most insufferable group of faggot of /biz/

I seriously can't wait to see it sink to hell just to see you idiots cry.

>> No.2848104

ask in telegram where did the ETH of the floor go. Also why they are not putting any more there to protect BNT value. Also ask if they will act if it falls more. Investors are down 50% in fiat and 10% in ETH

>> No.2848138

>ask in telegram where did the ETH of the floor go
noobs getting shaken out
>Also why they are not putting any more there to protect BNT value
because there is no point. Even the fact that there was a wall in the first place is a lot more than any other crypto project ever did to protect investors' funds. Now all that are left are those that believe in the project in the long-term, if you didn't believe in the project you were able to fuck off and get your crypto amount back. There is no need to "protect" the BNT value, because it will soar by itself without any need of protection.
> Also ask if they will act if it falls more.
Nigger they don't owe you anything. Is this your first day on this board? Is this your first week in crypto? If you belive in the project you buy, if you don't you sell. That is how it works. They are only there to deliver on the project, not to babysit your bags.
> Investors are down 50% in fiat and 10% in ETH
Buy the dip

>> No.2848166

people should check out the etherscans of the bancorpurchase. whales accumulate right infront of their eyes but the pajeets dont want to listen. let them buy at fomo.

>> No.2848178

All this. You had your chance to get out, tough shit for missing it.

>> No.2848186
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>> No.2848309
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So, price fell because of noobs. All noobs have lost way less than the bagholders , can always buy cheaper than ICO and also not having their money idling. This is not my definition of noob, but again not all people can be cucks, some should do the work.
Also the ETH wasted for the floor was to protect investors you say. If they wanted that they could have just raised less in their ico. Also they urged people to sell. If I know that the contract will buy up to 0.01 why not dumping at 0.01 or more and rebuy when it falls to 0.009X. The only losers are the ones that don't do it. They made you sell against each other while they could have better allocated the funds instead of having BNT arb guys sodomizing BNT holders ( cucks ).
They want do anything if it falls more because they never did and realized that this was not working because they were getting arbed to extinction.
I will buy the value, BNT is still shit and BNT has never delivered. All the team has ever done in their lives is shilling and flipping. You got flipped in the ico. I was not the one who bought a whitepaper with 40M and got half of BNT, you are just one step better than the coindash cucks. Apparently they are still not heavy, hang on there...

>> No.2848410

I'm absolutely hard. Thank you based Bancor marketer.

>> No.2848486

>All noobs have lost way less than the bagholders , can always buy cheaper than ICO and also not having their money idling.
your newfaggotry in this space is showing. Noobs will never buy until it's gone 4x at least. As usual you are one of the cucks who sells low and buys high.
>Also the ETH wasted for the floor was to protect investors you say. If they wanted that they could have just raised less in their ico
They raised more than they asked because people were so eager to get more BNT. There is no point in asking for less money, considering the platform needs a lot of liquidity to work, and considering that this project will be worth many billions of USD once it comes to completion.
> Also they urged people to sell
They didn't
> If I know that the contract will buy up to 0.01 why not dumping at 0.01 or more and rebuy when it falls to 0.009X.
Sure, you can do that, and miss on the moon when it happens. But in your earlier post you complained that they did not protect their investors, now you are complaining that they did. Well make up your mind you delusional nobancuck.
>They made you sell against each other while they could have better allocated the funds instead of having BNT arb guys sodomizing BNT holders ( cucks ).
They allocated them perfectly. Smart people accumulated, while dumb people sold.
>I will buy the value, BNT is still shit and BNT has never delivered. All the team has ever done in their lives is shilling and flipping. You got flipped in the ico. I was not the one who bought a whitepaper with 40M and got half of BNT, you are just one step better than the coindash cucks. Apparently they are still not heavy, hang on there...
Says increasingly nervous nobanc with only 2 dollars in his bank account for the 5000th time this week. Go back to /pol/ together with the other reddit poorfags

>> No.2848559

dont try to use arguments against a nobanc. their brain cant comprehend such complex things.

How much did you manage to accumulate?

I am sitting on ~8k BNT now and try to be at 10k by the end of the year.

People would not find the entry to lamboland if you gave them a map, drove them there and told them to go 10 foot straight.

>> No.2848584

lol I can't compete with you guy, I don't receive BNT for shilling in the net.
Have fun with your 3 ETH / month salary street shitter.

>> No.2848588

Cant we create a token service for bancor?

We call them CAMPS (CMS).
With CMS you can make bancor do do two things.
Either burn the bancor token (we call that Auschwitz).
Or make them work (Buchenwald).

I think this is the only way this faggot coin will do something. My proposal is historically (((correct)), it can make people have a laugh while fucking around with their bags, it finds it final sollution: make $$$

Some sort of self mining contract for CMS.

For every BNT you send to auschwitz, you get 1 extra CMS.
For one BNT you make work in Buchenwald (hodl) you get 0.5 CMS. You can only burn the workers after 6 months.

CMS would skyrocket in the Arab world.

>> No.2848589
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>mfw so poor i can only afford 140

>> No.2848592

self mining contract based on Minereum´s code.

>> No.2848596
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>no arguments


R--rright guys?

>> No.2848597

I don't receive any BNT for shilling, I am just telling you fact you mong

>> No.2848633

>I will buy the value, BNT is still shit and BNT has never delivered.
It's been a month. How fucking new are you?

>> No.2848660
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Just do your job mate. Can't tell irony from truth, never replied to what I said, never even understood, you just typed irrelevant stuff.

Stop advertising your shitcoin to noobs and accumulate more, why spread the secret? It's for the public good, cause you are a nice guy, right?

Keep working now while I am at the beach, keep the thread alive I need a good laugh later..

Check what they did in their lives so far flippcuck..

>> No.2848688
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>nothing worth to say


>> No.2848951
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Holy shit this made me cum all over. I love you Galia, keep making me rich.