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28470858 No.28470858 [Reply] [Original]

The idea that only 1 chain will stay standing is retarded, Not only because there isn't any chain that can fulfil every niche but because the risk of 1 chain functioning is big, System always have bugs, They go through forks, Hacks etc. Imagine putting the world finance in the hands of 1 chain, What if Ethereum experience another network stall (Not even hacks like it had in the past), Even if it'll be back on track soon and there's no security risk you can't just stall large portion of the world economy, and that's where multiple chains solution come in handy, If 1 chain stuck temporarily then the other one will fulfil the rest, Funds will be diversified across multiple chains so traction couldn't be halted even for a couple of hours.

What you really need to think about is what purpose each chain bring that the other don't or just do better than the others, For example you can separate it for smart contracts, payments, NFT's, IOT etc etc.

>> No.28471288

It doesn't work like this in overlapping tech, sure bitcoin vs eth yea they will co-exist, but that's because they fulfill fundamentally different niches.
The problem is in directly competing tech where the choice of users dictates the value of the chain, and will always create a monopoly. One chain will always become the winner because of the network effect.

>> No.28471412

there will absolutely NOT be several chains for the same purpose. there might be more unique use cases for crypto tokens, like chainstink, but not for another PoW, smart contract platform or any other bs.

>> No.28471598

Exactly, sure hedge your bets by buying multiple coins in the same domain, but know that at some point only one will come out on top.
Look at privacy coins, your trusting your privacy to the math and coding capacity of the dev teams, one of those groups will be better than the others and will win, also new coders will swap from dev on one chain to dev on the more dominant one. DNM only accept one privacy coin for exactly this reason.

>> No.28471879

No. Some chains serve the same purpose but clearly inferior in some aspects. For example Ethereum, Finality is a problem that even ETH 2.0 can't solve, Deem it useless for payments/IOT/Fast paced trading, That's where chains like Avalanche/Dfinity can take the lead. Flow for NFTs, Cardano for governance and risks that ethereum can't take etc etc.

There won't be 100 chains of course but the idea of a lone single chain just seem wrong to me.

>> No.28472362

bitcoin has no competitors and never will. you cant compete at store of value, digital scarcity means theres only one.

ehereum on the other hand competes with every other tech blockchain that can be considered truly decentralized. network effects matter a lot for ethereum, but mid term ethereum looks like it wants to undo its own network effects by relying on layer 2 networks, fragmenting the contract ecosystem thats cementing their ownership of decentralized finance.

>> No.28472601

>chains like Avalanche/Dfinity can take the lead
niche unknown chains can never take the lead because before they even get any traction something else comes out that outcompetes them.

thats the problem with alts, its becoming exponentially harder to actually get a market before you're obsoleted, meaning tech progress in alts stalls until bitcoin's detaches from the rest of the market, alt valuations drop against it, and theres no longer such inertia caused by speculative valuation.