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File: 354 KB, 1920x1280, SpaceX-Thaicom-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2846614 No.2846614 [Reply] [Original]

Three 900+ BTC buy orders on Bitfinix all barely below current price. Nobody wants to sell.

FOMO rocket about to launch niggers. Strap in.

>> No.2846633
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>> No.2846640

I've been watching that was well. Seems like there might be some tricks in store for us.

>> No.2846646

Dump incoming

>> No.2846647

If by tricks you mean enough flow to buy prostitutes by the dozen, you are correct!

>> No.2846659
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 1499140014709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-b-but muh weekend dip!
It's just a dead cat bounce! You'll wish you had sold like me before you lose your gains bro, haha what goes up must come down r-right guys? Guys?


>> No.2846661

How do you figure that?

>> No.2846668

For someone trying to buy a few million in bitcoin, their order amount doesn't change much at all.

>> No.2846679


If the price isn't moving, why would you pay more per coin than you had to? Just because you are filthy rich doesn't mean you like to burn cash.

>> No.2846693

They've been moving their orders up since 2700 without actually buying anything.

>> No.2846696
File: 358 KB, 500x357, nervouslaughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're about to dump and are trying to lure the last round of suckers in at this price before it goes sub 2600.

>> No.2846697

Even if this isn't someone trying to buy the shit out of bitcoin, they are certainly trying to drive price up or create a floor.

>> No.2846710

Literal standstill on Finix lol. 2757 for well over a minute.

>> No.2846711

This is true. The same thing was happening when it blasted off on the 20th.

>> No.2846718
File: 573 KB, 681x718, Shorted BTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2846754

Now it has stayed at 2755.10 +/- .20 for over 5 minutes... this is insane.

>> No.2846775


>> No.2846782
File: 6 KB, 228x458, Wall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This wall is a very bad omen. I maybe wrong, but I think a dump will come soon.

>> No.2846789
File: 101 KB, 1393x764, bitfinex-btcusd-Jul-22-2017-14-12-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This linear movement, anyone with solid TA can give insight?

>> No.2846793

It's a fake wall. Be careful

>> No.2846807

They've bought over 200 btc already.

>> No.2846812

200 btc is nothing to whales

>> No.2846820
File: 55 KB, 493x399, jon & chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whales playing chicken against each other

chicken whales

>> No.2846829

Oh shit...

>> No.2846835

It's crash protection.

>> No.2846842

If you sell into those buy walls it will force them in a position to have to raise the price even higher

>> No.2846844

Bulls seem to be winning...

>> No.2846871
File: 28 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heheh yeah it'll dump any time now. Yep any minute. Good thing I sold my portfolio at a loss to go into tether, hehe gotta secure those gains bro! I'll buy back in at 1600! You'll see, it'll crash again in a second, this upward movement is not natural.... any minute now...

>> No.2846887

Don't be that optimistic, I also sell into tether too, not at loss but still far below 2700. Maybe the crash will happen later than we hope.

>> No.2846923

Why in the fuck would you sell into tether after BIP91 consensus was reached. Do you not want lambos?

>> No.2846925

Go back to BTC now you fool, before it's too late.

>> No.2846930

General rate of profit, anon. Bitcoin had gain too much in this year, compare to other investments.

>> No.2846933

2750 now on gdax. Gdax seems to be the most resistant right now.

Just be careful bros. I'm holding right now but please don't fomo buy right now, more downside risk in the next few hours imo. This is really hard resistance. Been seeing huge buys and sells

>> No.2846934
File: 113 KB, 882x731, 1492250773969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means it will probably spike up or down.

edit. its going up

>> No.2846955

Lol wut? BTC also stands to gain more than all of your other investments combined for the rest of the year I would imagine... unless your other investments are blow or heroin.

>> No.2846961

That's why you must be careful

>> No.2846962

that means theyre selling u

>> No.2846964


This. Staircase buy wall pattern is always sign of whale manipulation.

>> No.2846979

I think the whales want to pump it now guys... think of the FOMO, think of the media exposure, think of the hundreds of billions of dollors funneling in.

There will be plenty of opportunities for them to shake out in the future.

>> No.2846993

I kind of agree. This is looking so similar to the last mega pump.

>> No.2846994


OF COURSE THE WHALES WANT TO PUMP THIS SHIT. They have huge momentum and enthusiasm behind them and it's probably the best opportunity they'll get until winter to pump BTC so high. I doubt that they will start taking profit until we peak our heads over the 3k line.

>> No.2847007

Please stop the fomo shilling guys, you're going to trick a lot of new people.

If you bought just hold right now. Don't open new positions until you see a clearly defined trend over multiple time periods.

>> No.2847010

This, the best to now is hold position, both tetherfags and hodlfags.

>> No.2847017

Fair enough. I just busted out the 16 fluid oz Redbull and am about to pop some popcorn.

>> No.2847020

Hahaha okay I'll stop. I'm not trying to trick any newbies into jumping in anyways, mainly just want to make fun of fags who sold already.

>> No.2847050

Peacefully drinking tea while watching 1m graph for a while now.

>> No.2847111

That 2755 wall is not budging.

>> No.2847116

I think it is just a noob rich dude lol.

>> No.2847184
File: 714 KB, 2000x1073, RidiculousTourists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lets do some game theory (Ok whatever)

If you have 2.7 million for 5 walls at 990 btc, you have $13.5M, which means you probably already have at shitload, I mean, truckloads of BTC, that you probably bought at 1950 during the dip. You've waited for the price to get to 2750 before striking. You're putting the wall in place because you know that dumping is likely the longer there isn't buy pressure.

Your buy pressure keeps the price high, at least temporarily, long enough (you hope) to force a more or less natural rally to 3000 and beyond. (which judging by volume isn't going to happen).

The problem is for this move is that market cap is flat- its not growing. Hence the noob move. But who cares? You are a multi millionaire, probably or maybe a hedge fund guy. or a whole group (like big banks).

You are already in massive profit and the ability to keep the price from falling is great as buy orders stack up behind you. If the price rises, so much the better.

Soon, you'll start to sell to the buyers causing massive sell pressure. Maybe we are underestimating the size of his reserves. We don't know. Assume many millions isn't unlikely.

At any rate the idea is you cause a selling panic, which you sell all the way down and you profit on every sale because you bought the bottom. at which point you buy in and repeat.

This has been going on since the peak 4 weeks ago and its the real serious money here now. Its why we've had massive volatility spikes where billions in fiat value are leaving the market cap. They come in, rape, and leave. Come in, rape, leave.

Before it was just a bunch of naive hodlers willing to sit there and accrue 20, 30, 40% returns. These peopel come from a place where 5% is the sell target and they come in with massive money. they only care about what they can take out in fiat. They really dont give a shit about anythign else

And who do these guys serve? I mean, for which investors do they work? Pic related. Its the boomers.

>> No.2847210

Checks out. So you think a decent pump and then a massive dump to what... 2400 level support? Or lower?

>> No.2847211

Wont bitcoins price start getting FUDed as we approach July the 25th?

>> No.2847217


It could go up a little. But market cap is dropping which is proxy for bitcoin and crypto in general.

I think they're moving everything out.In no way shape or form do institutional money market manipulators want to remain on the blockchain for longer than they have to. Its the kind of thing the SEC might investigate. Most likely they are trying to fund the giant black holes in their balance sheets created by all the worthless junk bonds they've been trying to cover up for the last 15 years and, look, its crypto where you can come in and gouge a few billion dollars every week.
I've sold everything into usdt.

As Han Solo said I've gtoa bad feeling about this.

>> No.2847218


I think the worst of the FUD is behind us... the only disconcerting thing in my book is that transactions will be suspended on many exchanges and wallets. That may uncertainty in some that don't want to get caught with their pants down.

Captcha: Click all the pants.

>> No.2847226

Whoever these rich fucks are, they keep moving their walls higher and higher.

>> No.2847235



>> No.2847238


If they "believed" in bitcoin... and they're so rich- why wouldn't they just buy the shit out of asks...

Its because they don't want to. They're blatantly manipulating the market to get the fiat.

I really don't see mass public adoption, the stampede of buyers going to come drive the price up. The price is near its ATH because everybody who wants to buy has bought. This cycle may be over.

I mean fuck, people post their portfolios down 50% and are still leaving what is left on the table ? What are they smoking, Hopium?

>> No.2847242

This is exactly how the most recent mega pump happened. Around this time too.

>> No.2847243
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>> No.2847335

Good thing my shift doesn't start until tomorrow evening. America is going to wake up tomorrow morning and FOMO like fucking nuts.

>> No.2847347

>wait until americans are asleep on a weekend, pump btc so all the margin shorts get liquidated.
I think this is the plan.

>> No.2847359

Holy shit the suspense is unreal. It looks like a reverse head and shoulders or maybe a double top is forming. Will we dip as the buy wall crumbles into a sell-off? How much steam could they possibly have left in this pump??

>> No.2847362

buy walls dropped out

>> No.2847370

> Bitfinix
Why is it not on btccharts?

>> No.2847380


The buy walls were replaced with smaller interspersed buy walls

profit scalping

Raise the price, now sell. wash rinse repeat.

>> No.2847395

That doesn't make sense... why all of that just to pump $100?

>> No.2847398

I am mindfucked. Now walls are at 2725

>> No.2847403

At least no repe-y dump. Thank you whales.

>> No.2847408

They bought a lot lower, now they're just trying to pump it up as much as possible before they sell. Dump already started.

>> No.2847409

big walls are moving up again

>> No.2847414


Try bfxdata.com

best view on manipulated trash

>> No.2847416
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>> No.2847429



It means, my dear boy, that there will be no rally to 3000 today seeing as how, to get there, you have to plow through a bazillion sell orders... I guess, because they hate bitcoins and love fiat.

>> No.2847437

Please just tell me it isn't going to dump like R Kelly on a teen aged girl's face so I can sleep at some point.

>> No.2847442

it's going to dump when you least expect it

>> No.2847449

Basically when I'm asleep then lol, I have been glued to my screen for hours. I gave up partying tonight for this... and I love to party.

>> No.2847451

They still want to close the long positions created from some of the top fake wall getting eaten.

>> No.2847457
File: 52 KB, 514x571, 1467079493189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And who do these guys serve? I mean, for which investors do they work?

>> No.2847458

So is this the exchange doing traders dirty? Who else would benefit from wrecking every margin trader?

>> No.2847462

It's true I stare at the thing for hours and it just wobbles back and forth imperceptibly. Let me decide to take a break and go have lunch or something, it's guaranteed to be on the move like crazy when I return.


>> No.2847464

I guess themselves if they went against the grain.

>> No.2847472

I watch the graph just going sideways for fucking hours and when I decide to take a break to sleep and research some shitcoin it moves like crazy

>> No.2847477


Take the longer vie. Big spike up the other day

Its hit resistance. Not enough people want to buy. A whale is hovering around with gigantic bags he could dump at any moment. Whales worldwide.

>> No.2847492


The real money knows that selling is where the profit is.

>> No.2847511


Really makes you think

>> No.2847519

I fell asleep and dreamt it crashed down to $800 in an instant. Well rather it was a nightmare cause I had forgotten to go into fiat and short it

>> No.2847535

someone explain this for a noob ? what does it mean ?

>> No.2847553
File: 251 KB, 360x200, btc rise.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHA it's going to KEEP going UP. You IGNORANT """traders""", don't you KNOW that RULES don't apply to BTC?! HAHA! Every time I hear this FUD, I LAUGH from the other side of the SCREEN. There is NO such THING as RETRACEMENT in BITCOIN.

>> No.2847788

here, summerfriend. you will be the coolest kid of your school after holiday