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28456494 No.28456494 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.28456791

1k for a million once we reach $1,000.00 EO 2022

>> No.28456892

$3 stable coin till adoption so 300,000

$100 coin if its next to Visa/Mastercard Logo
Comfy stack 250k at .0008

>> No.28456918

bro ur that anon from the thread last night. chill broski too early

>> No.28456992

WAGMI frens

Get in now


>> No.28457068


Not too early. You late bro

>> No.28457273
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>> No.28457469

This token has much potential, it’s ridiculous. The team, utilization, and it’s current under the radar status wants me to increase my holdings. It’s only a matter of time before someone on the YouTube space picks up on this. This is a long term play that will pay off MASSIVE

>> No.28457583

Keep it on the low. Don't shill here too much and accumulate. Get to a 500k stack
>t. 80k stacklet

>> No.28458393

Gemini and Coinbase are custodians, think about THAT

>> No.28458612

Shhhhhh! Quiet nigger. Most of us have been stacking quietly.

>> No.28458807

I just bought 15K that’s all I can get for now.

>> No.28459268

No. No “influencers” yet. Was bad enough when a Winkelvoss was tweeting about it. Soon as more catch on that it’s a useable token and app that you can use now to buy in brick and mortar stores, it’s has extremely fast but very low cost fees and a incredibly talented team - this very likely could be the token to bridge crypto and day to day retail. When that happens - boom

>> No.28460032
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>> No.28460762

word from the last thread was 3 to 6 by july since something gets implemented in july (lost the old thread).

>> No.28461395

>>28456494arent there 100 billion amps?

>> No.28461526

>Already .32

>> No.28461681

Yes, this is apparently because it will act as the collateral for the Flexa network to process payments between fiat and crypto.

>> No.28461831
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1700 stack

>> No.28462638

There's an infinite amount of Doge, what happened there? Doge doesn't even serve a purpose, Amp does. Get in or stay poor
How does 1.7 Million sound?

>> No.28463309

I’m in, but what would the market cap have to be for amp to reach 1$

>> No.28464008

I have 100k now, I saw the circulating supply is only 10 billion and the market cap is 299 million for a project that no doubt will be at 1 billion MC very soon after doing more research, and reading some of the other threads thanks for all the input

>> No.28464127

10 billion at this moment

>> No.28464229

I'm not entirely sure, all I know is the supply is stable for now, and there have been ridiculous pumps and new highs every two days. I only got in a few days ago, already seeing 70% gains. I bought in during a small dump after an ATH, I thought that was risky, so far it's paid off

>> No.28464258

Sell it all and buy Asko

>> No.28464695


>> No.28465152

stay poor fag

>> No.28465202

I've got 100k too am I gonna make it?

>> No.28465308
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share the love and send me some amp

>> No.28465551

Please, someone fud this. I am about to spend 10 Eth here. Stop me, please.

>> No.28465838

But now or wait for dip? Feel weird about buying more after a big day

>> No.28466527
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Don't buy it. Wait for Sunday when it dips

>> No.28466613

I just bought 1500, not much money right now but gonna dump a check into it in a week so I should get a decent amount

>> No.28466635

yes. depending on what you consider making it

Its valuation is as a $5 coin...its in select retail stores right now but if it ever showed up at a walmart its a $1000 coin.

>> No.28466774

yes. mums the word about this coin on biz for as long as possible bros

>> No.28466776

There’s no way this shit hits $1000 a coin. There are 100 billion coins

>> No.28466909

how many sathoshis are there?

>> No.28467038
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>> No.28467371

>100 billion coins

>> No.28467398

Imagine this technology in every store and your coin you own used as collateral for every transaction

Yeah please stay poor. Sell at 2x


>> No.28467423

Something special on Sunday? I might have to fud it until then, I can't believe I found a project that has such a good product this early.

>> No.28467485


Stay poor.

only 10 billion in circulation. Theres no need to release anymore since AMP is only being used in a handful or retailers. If it goes big. it wont matter

>> No.28467556

Yes he is going on Mad Money to talk to Jim Cramer. They talked on twitter. Look at jims tweet about mastercard and look at the replys from Flexa

Imagine not owning this lol

>> No.28467748

where can i get some of this if it's not on coinbase, that won't take a week to set up/verify?

>> No.28468040

here u send me money and ill send amp to your metamask

>> No.28468104

litecoin guy is shilling this is that good?

>> No.28468173
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No I was just bullshitting you. Nothing ever happens
> t.

>> No.28468213

They have it listed. I have 1200 here.

>> No.28469053

jims mc tweet has no reply from flexa. flexas replies = 0 to jim. wtfrud

>> No.28469116

can you link the tweet, i can't find it

>> No.28469308


>> No.28469382

im amped bro

>> No.28469466

I don't really see any meaning in this other than trying to get on the show

>> No.28469735

You dont truly believe in coincidences do you?

>>>Cramer does a piece on Mastercard and Crypto

>>>Flexa/Amp replies on twitter volunteering to demonstrate

>>>Flexa announces big news in 24 hours
Really? Are you new to trading?

>> No.28470156

Fuck buying that chart, what do you think we are, niggers or something?

>> No.28470315


>> No.28470364

shizo theory

>> No.28470548

Why should I drop $1K into this?

>> No.28470710

Sounds good fren

>> No.28470904

going to get listed on coinbase soon

>> No.28471063

>Imagine this technology in every store and your coin you own used as collateral for every transactio
Yeah, I'm sure a 3 cent coin with that kind of potential totally flew under the radar of every major crypto investment capital group in the world... you are totally one of the special few who have recognized this 10000x gem. It'll be in every store, right? That's what the developers said. KEK.

>> No.28471119

Should I buy AMP, ASKO, or RBC?

>> No.28471321

So, it's already listed on Gemini

>> No.28471387

Im sure people said the same about bitcoin at 3 cents.

>> No.28471421

Why wouldn't it be?

I've been looking for fud for a while now and can't find any. Just checked out their native wallets and seem to have some pretty good sized retailers accepted already. (Lowes, Ulta, Petco, etc).

Is there some fud on this? Anyone? I don't want to ape in but I might have to if I can't find any decent fud. This is a way to eliminate fiat usage completely, so maybe the fed doesn't like it.

>> No.28471452

Gemini has it

>> No.28471551


This actually reduces inflation.

The fed definitely likes it. Cash stays on balance sheets

>> No.28471628 [DELETED] 

Algorand gives ya 7% apy

>> No.28471761
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Blow it on Algorand and just keep stacking 7% apy

>> No.28472525

I have 400k!!!!!!!!! It’s gonna go got $0.10 by next week!!! $0.20 by end of this month!!!

>> No.28472866

Boys i just figured out that if AMP were to have an equal Market cap to visas stock it would be valuated at $11.80.... What do you think bros? Can it really be this easy?

>> No.28473006

what about mastercard, amex, diners club and discover...


>> No.28473381


I have a 1 Milli stack of these bad boys seriously considering selling some of my bitcoin to buy more. With the market cap of all of those this would be 40$ plus. This is unimaginable. Id be happy with this going to 20 cents lol

>> No.28473614

alright let this die.

let faggots fomo in above $1

>> No.28473627


>> No.28473629

I just bought 29K and lost $150 instantly

>> No.28474220

>I have a 1 Milli stack of these bad boys
Prove it

>> No.28474239

Are you new to crypto?
That’s a small correction, trust me, it is going upwards more and more and more.

>> No.28474311

Everything is dumping right now. Just wait for it to even out

>> No.28474312

I dont care if you believe me or not pajeet. Youre the same type of person who doesnt believe that there are people with 10k+link on the board.

>> No.28474417


And your back..

See how that works

>> No.28474660

Take it easy guys, it was a joke. What’s the EOY prediction?

>> No.28474732


>> No.28474948

Whatever dude

>> No.28475010

AMP was my first dump too. I panic sold and bought back in later. oh if i knew then what i know now. but yah getting dumped on sucks

>> No.28475101

The pajeets on here have no sense of humor

>> No.28475322
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Calling all Ampus

>> No.28475325

I am going to shit on your street and get my entire family to shit on your street

>> No.28475407

$3 july.

Look at the lack of shilling ...people just finding out. The FOMO is gonna be savage after 50 cents

>> No.28475570

What's so special about this?

>> No.28475655

It makes me money very quickly

>> No.28475658

This is hilarious and I am going to start calling people that in these threads

>> No.28475770

Based. We're gonna make it Ampu bros.