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File: 85 KB, 1280x720, destroyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28454418 No.28454418 [Reply] [Original]

Bhagavad Gita Edition

>Why Gold?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3S4rl6ehiI [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gksenA5Al_A [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FI7NnOg2rxo [Embed]

>Bullion dealers

>Constitutional/"junk" silver info

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm (EU)


>Bullion tax info by state:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCL6FKQZyoM [Embed]

Nitric Acid
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mg9YcAShTo [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgSXg-WOEVY [Embed]

>EU/ENGLAND sources
https://www.chards.co.uk/ [Much cheaper than BullionByPost]
https://goldprice.eu5.net/ [Website to compare gold prices for UK]

>Russian/European coins

>Relevant information regarding mining companies

>> No.28454442

Previous thread: >>28443135

>> No.28454926
File: 23 KB, 741x649, let me tell you why you shouldn't buy silver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 shills

>> No.28454976

What do we know about KGHM? They own 3 of the biggest silver mines in the world- 1.5 billion ounces in the ground. Last traded price was 53 in the US. Any experience with this company? I'm looking to speculate hugely.

>> No.28454997

silver is bad because it's not gold.

>> No.28455218
File: 61 KB, 640x479, fshusz6ItdFTxhrzdFA1IP4rf5fHuVtgCGKO-9qXj6k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligatory Maple Candy Standard will destroy silvers market cap.

>> No.28455397
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both are amazing

>> No.28455587

This I agree with but fuck the premiums man

>> No.28455910
File: 2.62 MB, 4032x1960, 16130899448581057978255943638307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup /pmg/ how are things since this morning.

>> No.28456175

>the ASE auction got cancelled

>> No.28456331

Well shit, now I'm paranoid about my ebay order. I got half a troy pound of random junk silver, hoping it gets here quickly.

>> No.28456382

Will Jamie bless us with a dump to the low 20’s or will we be doomed to crab for all eternity?

>> No.28456414

ya silver prices are dog shit right now im sticking to gold next couple orders
wheres the weed at

>> No.28456541

I say crab around 27 for the next few weeks

>> No.28456546
File: 177 KB, 1920x957, Screenshot_20210211-181554__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only bought 25oz this week instead of the normal purchase and only bc of muh booba
Good luck with that, premiums on gold are crazy rn too

>> No.28456643
File: 2.67 MB, 4032x1960, 16130904433461180072142916128762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here anon. Still trying to quit, but I'm now down to smoking only twice a day. I need to completely kick it by next week if I'm actually going to take PAN MANs advice seriously.

>> No.28456707
File: 2.78 MB, 1516x2048, 49428AFC-1E3B-4F9D-B23F-F3883283E74C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First ever run melting shit, making a copper bar
Digits decides what I put on it when it’s finished

>> No.28456747

sub 5 let's go

>> No.28456780
File: 1.04 MB, 2048x1520, 1E6CA43F-B3A4-4B1E-8E37-F91C14551DF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weed Stacker bro’s unite

>> No.28456802

maybe if you only order online, I get pre 1925 gold sovs for 2% over spot at my lcs

>> No.28456826

I’m ok with this as long as dealers get silver back in stock

>> No.28456842

God i hope so

>> No.28456844
File: 145 KB, 571x806, 1597618866718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try tapering down with cbd it may help for the first week or so, but I'd roll joints or eat it instead of the bowl since the resin on there will still have thc

>> No.28456855

Put /pmg/ in the center of the chan clovers.

>> No.28456893
File: 1.46 MB, 5312x2988, 20210211_194337-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be me
have some APH calls expiring in a few weeks
busy at work all day yesterday
no chance to sell massive 35,000 gain on my 2,000 investment
APH crashes more today than it even went up yesterday
Sold at a loss at 1,000 because fuck that shit who knows how bad the casino can push it down

hold me /pmg/bros, make me feel better and give me some silver white pills because i'm blackpilled af. Just looked at the pm charts too and it looks like pms are crabbing down and I'm worried we lose all covid gains. At least my 1700 ounce stack is still here, hidden in various places. Pic related is a small sample. Oh and have anons had issues with delivery? I ordered from first majestic two weeks ago and no shipment, also ordered from TD two weeks ago and the mail system here has it in limbo since the 3rd.

>> No.28456938
File: 2.05 MB, 1486x2048, 8FB00A09-BC32-46AF-91B2-7B1EBC7DBDD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From an LCS? that’s pretty fucking good, hope you pay in cash lol
All my sov’ s I got for spot from R*dditors

>> No.28456985

>be me
I get to make fun of you now

>> No.28457001

first post
would look good too

>> No.28457011

good on you mate no point loosing a chance at a job over a piss test, even though i hate those with a passion.

>> No.28457014

i'm glad I sold too, since by end of day they were valued at 200....what the fuck

>> No.28457020

Arigathanks Yukari-Chan

First fucking reply kek

>> No.28457073
File: 2.07 MB, 4032x1960, 16130907790318596613967453737174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This next hit's for you weed bro.
Yeah, I was thinking about rolling two joints in the morning and smoking one right before noon and the other when I get on /pmg/ after 5

>> No.28457087

i deserve it too for not looking at my account wed and selling, just shoot me now anon

>> No.28457146
File: 190 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20210211-204719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get graphite blanks and easily make your own designs

>> No.28457174

Dude weed LMAO!

>> No.28457233

Thank you Yukari-Chan

>> No.28457265

Fucking kek, that almost never happens to me.
I know what you mean PAN MAN, I'd rather quit now and get a new opportunity than sit here waiting for JPM to fall asleep at the desk.

>> No.28457309

I’d join you if I wasn’t about to pour molten metal in a bit, think I should be sober for that

Here’s what I got in terms of stamps. No clovers sadly, but I can probably use the I for a / to do /PMG/

>> No.28457311

>Right here anon. Still trying to quit, but I'm now down to smoking only twice a day. I need to completely kick it by next week if I'm actually going to take PAN MANs advice seriously.

why u quitting bro? what did Pan man advise

>> No.28457368

if i want to stack, is it better in bullion or coins? asking since i didnt get any answer last thread

>> No.28457425
File: 2.24 MB, 4032x3024, 96FCF2AC-CB5F-4937-A904-8967530FD991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgot image


>> No.28457437

Stock whatever that's cheaper

>> No.28457457
File: 109 KB, 630x630, thinkin_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good idea, especially if you're doing off jobs during the day. When I used to smoke I used to hit some cbd before going into work and nobody was the wiser. Then you have another joint to enjoy and relax with your pmgbros when you get off of work.

>> No.28457461
File: 119 KB, 500x433, DA774373-9EAE-4252-9839-C543AE5AF855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to plebbit, nigger

>> No.28457476

fyi get the 1.5inch thick blanks if you do go that route. A lot of these graphite molds and smelting cups are not made to the standard they were even 10 years ago, and can fail without warning in unexpected ways. If your going to get them, get the thicker / beefier variety. Less chance of accidents that way.

>> No.28457483

I prefer local government coins because they are trusted more and from what I have seen at local auctions there is higher demand for them than bars, but you might be able to get bars for cheaper so it's up to you.

>> No.28457554

Pan man and anot6anon pointed me in the direction of a prospecting job. I don't want to look at an assembly line again and I'd rather quit than continue to do nothing and hope JPM forgets to dump paper on the market for the day.

>> No.28457602

Will do Pan Man!
How the hell do I do that? I’m rather autistic, do I just take a chisel and carve that shit out like I’m fuckig Michelangelo?

>> No.28457625
File: 2.34 MB, 4032x2268, 20210211_195400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have ten ounce Scottsdales to show off?

>> No.28457699

Do what you can. For kek wills it be done, and y must obey his command and receive his blessing or ignore his will and be cursed with lead kilos

>> No.28457748

put dubs dont lie and put >>28456855
as a psuedo serial number or some shit

>> No.28457751

you can use a edge of a file or screw driver to carve your mold or a demal too. Its soft like plaster but brittle so you have to be careful not to fracture the work piece.

>> No.28457756
File: 3.01 MB, 2984x4044, rollin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can kick it if you want to, once you're on the job and are pre occupied it will be easier, but when you have free time its a tough habit to drop.
reporting in, I will always be jelly of that silver sov wallet of yours.

>> No.28457818

Mix it up.
I have 50% in rcm 100oz bars, the rest a mix or RCM + TD + First majestic 10oz bars, some 1 oz TD bars, a bunch of 1 oz rounds and a lot of 1 oz mint coins. Also maybe 100oz in 0.5 oz mint coins and 30 oz in 0.5oz first majestic rounds

Generally after about 1000 oz in coins and rounds and 1000 oz in 10oz or less bars I would only stack 100oz bars afterwards

>> No.28457821

>cbd before going into work and nobody was the wiser. Then you have another joint to enjoy and relax with your pmgbros when you get off of work
Yeah, hopefully by that point though I'll only be smoking once a day, preferably in the comfy /pmg/ thread.

>> No.28457878

Do it, fuck them they sold shit they didn't have. Get the btc back and then just use its gains to buy more pms from a different seller that actually has it in stock.

>> No.28457974

>you can kick it if you want to, once you're on the job and are pre occupied it will be easier, but when you have free time its a tough habit to drop.
Yeah it's tough now but like you said in other threads, I'll be able to focus on other shit.

>> No.28458027

always cash, always the same old man, he has a boat load of sovs from 1910-1925, its a solid regular source so thats where I go.

>> No.28458199


Thanks for all the hard work which you've put into the WallStreetSilver account, I really appreciate it, ignore the childish "nigger" comments.

>> No.28458214
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>> No.28458287


>> No.28458353

I only have government issued bullion coins, it has been good for me

>> No.28458358
File: 396 KB, 1439x1713, Screenshot_20210211-200130_Outlook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheapest from Littleton coins

>> No.28458460
File: 125 KB, 1200x930, Rarity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PRICES / OZT (as of 21/2/8)
spot price, else retailer w/ buyback. lowest price listed. descending rarity within groups.
>PGEs (Platinum-Group Elements)
- Iridium . . . . . . .$ . .4250 . (metals daily)
- Osmium . . . . . $ . .1600 . (osmium-preis.com)
- Rhodium . . . . .$ .19000 . (kitco)
- Rhenium . . . . .$ . . . .31 . (kitco)
- Palladium . . . . $ . .2245 . (kitco)
- Platinum . . . . . $ . .1130 . (kitco)
- Ruthenium . . . $ . . .310 . (kitco)
- Gold . . . . . . . . $ . .1810 . (kitco)
- Silver . . . . . . . .$ . . . 27 . (kitco)
- Mercury . . . . . .$ . . . 10 . (chemicalbook.com)
- Indium . . . . . . .$ . . . . 8 . (kitco)
- Bismuth . . . . . .$ . . . . 1 . (rotometals) (BUYBACK UNKNOWN)
- Arsenic . . . . . . $ . . 120 . (chemicalbook.com)
- Germanium . . .$ . . . 48 . (kitco)
- Gallium . . . . . . $ . . . 12 . (kitco)
>REMs (Rare Earth Metals)
- Tm - Lu - Tb - Ho - Eu - Yb - Er - Dy - Gd - Sm - Pr - Nd - La - Y - Sc - Ce
- Hafnium . . . . . .$ . . . 33 . (kitco)
- Tantalum . . . . . $ . . 225 . (chemicalbook.com)
- Caesium . . . . . $ . . 480 . (chemicalbook.com)
- Niobium . . . . . .$ . . . 39 . (RWMM)
- Zirconium . . . . .$ . . . 33 . (RWMM)
>Rare Industrials (stonks > physical)
- Tungsten - Molybdenum - Uranium - Thorium - Cobalt - Vanadium
- $23 - $20 (RWMM) - U - Th - Co - $60 (RWMM)
>Reddit Industrials (stonks > physical)
- Tin - Lead - Nickel - Copper - Chromium - Zinc - Manganese - Titanium - Magnesium - Iron - Aluminum

The groupings are not meant to be 100% scientifically accurate.
If you find a better price for those listed and would like to add to it, post a link to the spot price and/or retailer that buys back and it will be added to the list.

Places to purchase:
Ag/Au/Pt/Pa - >>28454418
REMs/Os/Re/Ru - https://www.rwmmint.com/collections/all
U - https://unitednuclear.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=2_4

>> No.28458514

They only sell those to you so cheap because they auto-enroll your credit card into buying shit from them, or at least that’s what I’ve heard

>> No.28458595

Joke's on them, mine expires this month

>> No.28458608

Dear Big Bob,

If you are in this thread, you write off conspiracies but acknowledge the Great Reset. Can you expand on that pls?

>> No.28458622

please don't

>> No.28458701
File: 19 KB, 254x201, 1583393608013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come back in a few days and repost please.

>> No.28458705

dip ur balls in

>> No.28458716

that's fucking nice man

>> No.28458715

>If you are in this thread, you write off conspiracies but acknowledge the Great Reset. Can you expand on that pls?
nah buddy, I try to only blow up one thread a day.

another time if you like

>> No.28458786
File: 251 KB, 441x441, cymric.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28458812
File: 434 KB, 820x541, 1612563893250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow smelter here. Please dont burn yourself.

>> No.28458844

sick, any reason why you chose electric smelter?
and where's a good place to get one?

what's the hieroglyph one?


that seems like a good idea...
is there any downside to this?

>> No.28458847
File: 1.31 MB, 3932x2520, babystack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty new to stacking rate my babystack. I am partial to coins over bars. I will grab some tubes next time I'm at lcs. Maybe some capsules as well. I only have the ASEs in capsules right now. I got a pretty good deal on them. The seller was selling her dad's collection and didn't realize they were proofs, so she priced them as if they were normal.

>> No.28458864

Ok i will continue to repost this. thx

>> No.28458910
File: 409 KB, 1832x1085, muh_coins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats, not only are you going to get your order cancelled or reduced to one coin, but you've also enrolled yourself to this piece of shit company that will sell out your info to all third parties after you cancel

>> No.28458964
File: 15 KB, 128x99, 804277995224170506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are my uranium bros at? Friday and monday are gonna be YUGE

Positions in
DNN (Calls)
UUUU (Shares and calls)

>> No.28458984

I need to know where you got that coin on the right senpai

>> No.28459010

the gun or the stack?

>> No.28459033

Lads, thanks for helping me keep a straight head in these clown world times. Not many threads on /biz/ with their feet on the ground. I reckon gold and silver in your pockets helps with that. Appreciate it.

>> No.28459089

why Friday and monday?

>> No.28459117

>8 sevens
God dammit you had one job

>> No.28459149

i will give you 3 ASEs for that coin

>> No.28459160
File: 71 KB, 383x670, yukari tiger tank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tanks yukari-chan

>> No.28459173

Checked and based. This is the last corner of the internet i frequent.

>> No.28459189

911 Mining with yet another vid of their incredible VMS prospect. Dam it I wish I tolerated people enough to live down in the Lower mainland. Could prospect all winter.

>> No.28459266
File: 80 KB, 1323x935, endangered elements.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take this into consideration too.

>> No.28459269

dam it why arent links working lately!!

>> No.28459278

monarch PMs, they have a series of egypt related stuff

>> No.28459281
File: 170 KB, 500x377, E44FEAAA-8BDA-4080-80D3-4590641F60FB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dear
Makeyourowngoldbars.com is where I got the furnace. I chose electric since it’s a lot simpler to plug a thing in and wait than to set up a whole furnace set up, no likely a lot safe desu

>> No.28459298

Gold, still 1800
Bitcoin 48500
What went so fucking wrong bros?

>> No.28459301
File: 428 KB, 800x800, 8x8slocan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty soon we will be pushed into mining camps and it will be comfy.

>> No.28459314

Leaf here, how far south in BC would you be able to tolerate? Whats the farthest south city

>> No.28459321
File: 70 KB, 620x350, high-roller-new-zealand-casino-craps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28459344

I'll give you a quick answer and try not to start a war itt

the great reset is an actual socio-economic agenda by global leaders. There are a lot of conspiracy theories about the motives and actors and goals, but the name itself describes a real and public movement.

also while I admit the reset is probably heading towards inevitable goals, I don't like them any more than you guys do. I mean I agree with a lot of /pmg/'s politics even if I don't agree with a lot of their reasons.

>> No.28459405

How much is your electric bill? Might as well be mining bitcoin. BZB+1

>> No.28459502

I ve spent time in Naniamo and hated it, I ve thought about Cambell River before or maybe hope, I just hate the larger cities is all. Also too many noise complaints from backyard milling equipment.

>> No.28459547

holy shit that was a big chunk of gold. wtf the links are fucky tonight

>> No.28459549
File: 122 KB, 1024x992, A54738FC-A4F6-4FE5-BFAB-B0A4EFF0729A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly if you want to quit burn through your stash in a weekend and go cold turkey. It’s so much easier to quit when you have none available.

>> No.28459727

ah yes I am aware of that. Need to update the list but kinda busy atm. I'll work on a list that factors that, rarity, price, and recyclability soon

ah just got the 10oz dragon round from them since it just came back in stock

true, thanks for linky desu

>> No.28459749

Friday's gonna be lit then
>I just hate the larger cities is all. Also too many noise complaints from backyard milling equipment
This is why i want to leave my county. alot of people moved here to escape crushing expanses in the bay.

>> No.28459771

Now I want a silver chain for my sovereign case.

>> No.28459858
File: 551 KB, 1350x679, 1611942836752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also good advice of you don't have the self discipline to put your job prospects ahead of dudeweed

>> No.28459910

Uniroincally put a nazi flag on a flagpole in your front yard. It will make the news and those people will stop moving to "Nazi Havens"

>> No.28460015

This right here. I used to live in degenerate Toronto and it was impossible to kick drugs being around all those degenerates. Then I fucked off to a small north town with no access to drugs and refused to go back to Toronto. Literally went from doing drugs every week for a few years to no drugs at all for 7 years now. Cold turkey overnight basically.
Didn't move because of drugs. Moved because of work and not wanting to be in Toronto. Worked out nicely.

>> No.28460068
File: 364 KB, 497x649, 15615165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also helps lower you and your neighbor's property taxes. They'll be sig heiling to you every morning in appreciation as you depart for work.

>> No.28460083

actually based

>> No.28460085
File: 3.03 MB, 1516x2048, 02716121-FBB6-43CD-AF7D-2C27E55B526E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I singed my glove a little desu
Do not worry, fire extinguisher is at the ready
My house has solar, but I doubt that the furnace will really take that much to the point where it’s noticeable in the bill. It’s not like I’m doing this every day

>> No.28460165
File: 39 KB, 450x600, image0-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx yukari!!

>> No.28460224

smug pepe

>> No.28460286
File: 321 KB, 1023x1014, Rd6f5b6c748515a868c5c8144f6dca13d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a mighty fine coin dispensing contraption ya got there anon. you mind telling me all about about it, I need to know

>> No.28460327
File: 225 KB, 661x623, 9D71B848-E7C1-491C-9C74-D163B55E63A4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your days are numbered

>> No.28460373

this thread makes me want to start making copper casted art

>> No.28460375

that 10oz dragon round is a beauty, definitely tempted to pick one up.

>> No.28460496
File: 2.37 MB, 4032x3024, CB65D9E3-61D6-4385-A872-179FF0B148B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also featured in >>28456938
Sterling Silver Sovereign holder from the Victorian Era, holds just about any 1/4th Oz gold coin and LMU coins. Absolutely love it, currently have 5 sov’ s and a half sov in it rn

>> No.28460506

>Thanks for all the hard work which you've put into the WallStreetSilver account, I really appreciate it, ignore the childish "n*****" comments

thanks man, its good to know my work is appreciated. quite motivating

remember that once you get past the first couple of days it all gets easier, quitting wise. exercise is key too

>> No.28460575
File: 36 KB, 491x450, moe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28460626
File: 19 KB, 500x351, 1471348120961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moe's No, Ho
>(Formally Sneed's)

>> No.28460680

mabey, i wonder if i can get the local niggers to blame their problems on the (((GUBMNT))) instead of muh white supremacy

>> No.28460697

Redpill me on Asahi

>> No.28460803

yeah, i've actually started running again.

>> No.28460821
File: 67 KB, 1176x703, stackingPepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're based and weebpilled

>> No.28460874

Im giving up on Bayhorse. Order refuses to fill no matter what.

I need another great high risk high reward stonk to dump 2k into, taking suggestions. I like CCW and Scottie. Genesis as well.

>> No.28460902
File: 3.10 MB, 1522x2048, 8D0E91DE-5D28-471F-9284-35CAE5DB8A1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t need to, it’s kino and you’re a fool if you can’t see that. Get it

>> No.28460912
File: 34 KB, 684x464, Indium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck it bought some indium

>> No.28460951

Thanks for your posts they are very interesting

>> No.28461007

Its absolutely beautiful. solid box as well. it is now on my to get list. thanks anon

>> No.28461039


I'm actually proud that you come from or had anything to do with /pmg/, you're having an immense influence on the world for the better so, truly, well done for it.


I'd suggest simply raising the bid or hitting the ask on Bayhorse if you really believe in the stock but yes Genesis is an excellent stock also for high-risk high reward.

>> No.28461043

GTC order on Vangold Mining if it ever fucking resumes trading

>> No.28461052
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It going so slow >:(
Also, quick question for pouring. I know I need to preheat molds before I do it, does that apply to cast-iron as well as graphite? I’m currently using a cast iron ingot mold
Also, how long do I torch the thing before it’s heated enough?

>> No.28461079

He's gonna get the equivalent of USD back not BTC.

>> No.28461180

South Africa coins are cool I'll admit but I want a coin from Rhodesia

>> No.28461186
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forgot pic

>> No.28461207
File: 3.37 MB, 4032x2268, Fullmetalboomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They bought Johnson Matthey and make aesthetically pleasing bars. Also, surplus gang rise up.

>> No.28461252

yes you need to heat any mold, try to get it around the same temperature or at least above the boiling point of water (red hot is preferred). Also that's the draw back of using electric.

>> No.28461293

the metal should be totally liquid, moving like water in the cup, add borax to the melt to draw away your impurities too or the cast could be poor. Yes its a good idea to pre heat a mold but it doesnt need to be crazy hot either. Also it takes for ever to bring copper to temp, give it a bit.

>> No.28461319

Rhodesia never minted any silver coins as a sovereign government unfortunately, but their cupro-nickel coinage is still very cool

>> No.28461332

Helium is not endangered, we already can create it from hydrogen and it will likely be very efficient in a few decades

>> No.28461342

thank you for doing the needful sir village eat well tonight

>> No.28461346
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>> No.28461479
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Shutup nigger lover

>> No.28461564
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>> No.28461582
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That’s a nice fucking piece of silver. There’s 4 in stock and I don’t get paid till next Friday, what’re the chances I can pick one up?

>> No.28461604
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>> No.28461617

I bought 2k memehorse are you proud of me /pmg/?

>> No.28461668

>need my silver fix
>everything is ridiculous

>> No.28461694

Islandfag here(victoria), any suggestions for a place to go for a first time panning trip?

>> No.28461735
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you can buy still them but don't think any are PM

>> No.28461828

Shit, I didn’t think about flux since this is just a test run for my first time with the furnace. No borax in the laundry room, I’ll pick some up tomorrow
Thank you both for the clarification

>> No.28461858
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Just buy less than you would normally desu. No need to back up the truck until prices are better, just average up and keep accumulating

>> No.28461859

How does it feel bros. Only 60 days left till we begin the GOLDen bull

>> No.28461882

I enjoy the history of Rhodesia as well. Hopefully one day I'll be able to get my hands on some gold krugerrands.

>> No.28461896
File: 61 KB, 888x894, 5A5A171E-FBA2-4861-9F0D-F77D33E321DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks king

>> No.28461902

Go to Reddit and buy junk silver for spot retard

>> No.28461925


>> No.28461929

skip the panning and go searching for the lost hoard of spanish treasure hidden somewhere on vancouver island.

>> No.28462006


>> No.28462030
File: 1.72 MB, 1242x1656, stacker club.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you not get this?

Redpill me on the namefag. WHAT HAS HE DONE ON PLEBBIT?

>> No.28462040

kill yourself

>> No.28462046
File: 2.21 MB, 1499x2048, C51F8395-A64B-478C-A449-6ED673CF10E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just hit 2030*F, I’ll be back if I don’t burn my backyard down . Wish me luck bro’s

>> No.28462068

What platform are you using?

>> No.28462110
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>> No.28462138

he's a mod there that chases off the SLV shills. he started off here on /biz/ and started tripfagging when he became a mod there

>> No.28462149
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>> No.28462163

partly because I'm still newfag

>> No.28462186
File: 9 KB, 249x223, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to buy vangold bros....

>> No.28462191
File: 3.78 MB, 2315x1929, 7C162CA0-2E51-4CD0-AE4C-E661451B0BBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s a stacklet nigger who I BTFO every time I see him here, do not interact with it

>> No.28462200
File: 1.49 MB, 828x1110, Stacker_Club_Entrance_Closed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, but after this post you'll have to post stacks for entry.

>> No.28462229
File: 82 KB, 500x500, 1 oz Colorized Proof Lisa Parker Collection What Lies Within Silver Round.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Yukari-Chan :3

>> No.28462290
File: 1.14 MB, 1080x1515, Screenshot_20210211-205528_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice egyptian piece

>> No.28462340

Thank you yukari chan

>> No.28462449
File: 2.42 MB, 4032x1960, 16130949471942848467252846305754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sig pirate here to provide security for coinvivor stackers. Will hire stacklets for 2 merc dimes a day to hold an AK-47.

>> No.28462463

Based as fuck, the nigger calls himself “Gold Bug Dme” but he doesn’t own a single gram of gold lmao

>> No.28462477

yesterdays episode 656 was top notch he really goes off on the 15$ min wage

>> No.28462505

my pleasure. I love trolling /pmg/
and I love the coins and stacks and mining and business discussion here. You guys teach me a lot.

>> No.28462531

Those are rookie numbers, you gotta pump those numbers up.

We'll leave sub <.10c hell any day now. Any day now!

>> No.28462536

E trade. I went high as 12 cents. 10,000 share initially then 20,000.

>> No.28462547

It seems like a lot of institutions are getting into crypto lately. Tesla, Apple, Nissan, a large bank in the UK, probably others I'm missing. At face value, that appears to be very bullish for BTC and crypto. At a deeper level, though, you could make the argument that a lot of this is for show, just to distract investors from PM's. Remember that the people with money, ie. the baby boomer generation, for the most part, do not know exactly what crypto is or how to use it.

>> No.28462571
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>> No.28462650
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>BREAKING NEWS! silver chad faggots have memed a classic metals run on the bullion banks.

There's a big (not so) secret 'World Jew' meeting up in a Canadian Lodge this month on the 23rd. The ONLY major topic is coomex default and global precious metals panic. It will be a Bretton Woods (JEKYLL ISLAND) 2.0 imeeting before they pass the orders down to Globohomo vassals in govt.


The World Bank shysters implementing Le Great Reset, are preparing for A HARD CRASH POST FIAT ECONOMY CAUSED BY COOMEX DEFAULT for two reasons:

i. take their ponzi central bank inflated kleptocratic economy off the boil (decouple from the global economy; deleverage m4/ derivatives)
ii. segue into a 'planned economy' for world war 3 with 'closed Societies' i.e. Russia, China et al 'the axis'.

COVID psyops Great Reset, was the original mechanism for controlled demolition of the USUK EU economies slowly by a 'thousand cuts' over the next couple of years but SILVER SQUEEZE has forced them to 'crash it with no survivors'? We already have Bolshevik Capitalism, as only the MNCs, are allowed to open, small businesses are not, in most countries.


>Massive Bank fails (all your money retirement pension annuities go *poof*)
>Outstanding Mortgage foreclosures
>UBI roll out (peasant's portion)
>Some form of rationing at major stores (already defacto with not being able to buy clothes / non-essentials because COVID).
>Mandatory depopulation Vax
>Internet IDs / Digital IDs.
>subscription based economic model on Social Credit


>> No.28462739

baking soda works too or simple table salt too but only small amounts, you dont need much.
Look up Leech River near Victoria mate, it had a minor gold rush and is well known for course gold. Look up Pioneer Pauly on Youtube, he mines out there on his partner Andy Thraxx Minings claims. Watch you dont get caught claim jumping though, try and ask permission first.

>> No.28462817

Whats a made it stack?
Also at what size of stack you anons stop stacking and invest in something else. Personally I think 5000oz silber.

>> No.28462898

Heres a vid on the location mate

>> No.28462918

Hmmm hope it works out. I'm gonna try Ameritrade tomorrow.

>> No.28462941
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I guess it's all over on the 25th, as predicted

>> No.28462990

someone tell the russians to drone strike them

>> No.28462997

I actually hiked down there last summer before I cared about PMs

>> No.28463001
File: 713 KB, 3024x3368, D0BD73F8-41CD-4AB1-9EFF-3B1840103466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a 1929 5 lire today. Splurged and bought a better condition one from my LCS, it's very nicely toned and has a lot of detail on the feathers and on the King's hair.

>> No.28463003
File: 113 KB, 1225x890, 4B08C876-E6F6-4B20-9973-56A5EDADC410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, gives off The Doors vibes with a uniquely Rhodesian spirit

>> No.28463023
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>stop stacking

>> No.28463082

Pathetic stack

>> No.28463090

I already feel bad enough buying $200 worth of stocks rather than 5 more oz of silver...

>> No.28463172

>Stop stacking

>> No.28463258

I wish I could tell you guys my stack size.

>> No.28463287

For me I am ex canadian army
Worked in Comms/IT/Int
>2016 go to northern native reserves and witness child trafficking and abuse
>2017 launching LCS kits that connect remotely to Secret (lvl 2) networks that we share with FVEY (FIVE EYES, UK, USA, CAN, AUS, NZ)
>Notice lots of hardware is Hauwei.
>Was already researching child trafficking at this point but mainly within canada.
>In the meantime take red pill on fractional reserve banking, NWO, satanism, child trafficking etc etc.
>2021 China Flu
>MFW I seen this in front of me in >2017 but now has entered into the open.

Anyway that's how I got into silver

>> No.28463357

good old Pauly on Youtubes been picking 5 gram pieces out of that area for a while now, lucky bugger gets to work 3/4s of the year while i am lucky to get 4 months.

>> No.28463405

fake and gay

>> No.28463408

Better call them out on it before they do it. Hell make a betting game out of it so they can’t cover it up.

>> No.28463488

You think that’s my full stack? Lmao

>> No.28463491
File: 618 KB, 1484x1784, silver blair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry not poasting my metals, but have some OC of your silverfu instead.

>> No.28463525

cool story bro
what does any of that have to do with silver

>> No.28463666

How did you get into silver? It has to do with how I started learning about silver and taking possession afterwards

>> No.28463678

>black cat
>pink nose

>> No.28463714

Thats a long way to say fuck the jews

>> No.28463831

i like geology and have always enjoyed collecting minerals, only now as an adult i can actually afford them
not really sure how child trafficking or huawei or whatever leads to silver

>> No.28463846

Don't, anon. The dragon tier stacking, "you don't hold it, you don't own it" mindset may be holding PM investors from profiting from this bull market. Leverage to rising metals prices will allow you to multiply your capital, which you can then use to buy more physical down the road. Because you're increasing your capital at a greater rate than metals prices are rising, you should always be able to buy more physical from mining stock profits than had you not invested in mining stocks at all, assuming you buy good companies. But, thanks to many anons on PMG, we discuss good companies here daily.

>> No.28463850

Are there any reputable sellers of 5 Reichsmarks on eBay? I want the large swastika ones specifically

>> No.28463950
File: 48 KB, 960x629, B-bgzIZIMAArlhM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to die now

>> No.28464045
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I just want a cat, no buli

>> No.28464190
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that is a very healthy supply of marijuana you have there, I wish I could grow. really dig the anubis round.

>> No.28464189

How do you invest based on the real price without holding physical though?
It would need to be a mechanism that would allow you to profit if premiums rose faster than spot fell.
Because they are just going to continue to monkey hammer spot...

>> No.28464239
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Thank you Yukari-chan may bitcoin and & silver go to the moon.

>> No.28464395

I used to be pretty decent at trading gold.

>> No.28464460

Thank you Yukari-chan

>> No.28464527

Golden Eagle Coin is selling $25 FV of silver quarters for around $33 an ounce, not bad considering junk is ridiculously overpriced right now

>> No.28464566
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>> No.28464576

nice dude how much did you get? what site?
May 3 tho wtf

yeah; it being out of stock till like yesterday and already almost sold out made it an ASAP buy
credit card dude

gl dude!

>few decades
just sell before then fag
"we can already make gold from nuclear fusion/fission of silver/mercury"

>> No.28464656
File: 3.43 MB, 512x287, celebration.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw order finally shipped

>> No.28464722
File: 1.07 MB, 781x1024, tether-781x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought my first gold coin

I know it posseses magic and grants good luck.

I hope the day never comes when I have to sell it

>> No.28464746

ebay, comes from china and 100 grams (yes I did get jewed but shipping was free). Also it could come as early as March 9 th

>> No.28464754
File: 591 KB, 705x504, 1612154371588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck gold.
Gold is literally for jews and boomers.
Anybody who tells you otherwise probably supports Israel, like (((Salivate Metal))).
Silver is the only danger to the banking elite.
Central banks own so much gold you could never move the price buying your tiny little coins.
Buying a tube of silver though?
That scares the elite.

>> No.28464756

nice bread mold mate! Now if you wanted it nice and flat you would have a torch going while you pour, this allows the metal to flow flat.

>> No.28464782

>want to stack
>look for how to get cheaper gold
>ends up wanting to open coin shop
l-lads...any of you have experience?

>> No.28464791

nice work man

>> No.28464833

how much would you say the total startup cost is anon (aside from the metals themselves)? eventually want to get into it at some point

>> No.28465078
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Weed can trigger life-long schizophrenia if you're genetically predisposed to it.

>> No.28465106

Personally, I paid $1000~$1100. Not sure about the average though, I may have gotten jew’ed lol

>> No.28465109

What's your C stamp look like? Im blind but you could probably use it as clover leaves

>> No.28465260
File: 1.18 MB, 4032x3024, FC5F352F-9A8E-459F-BC39-25ED6FEDF305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like this, how would I do the clover? Circle of them around?

>> No.28465293
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Exciting anon

>> No.28465304

Have you looked at any of the propane kits on Amazon?

>> No.28465323

Anon, please listen to>>28465109
this might actually work

>> No.28465328
File: 184 KB, 600x968, original_282774525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold should be your hedge in you all-in silver portfolio. If the recommendation is 10% of your portfolio should be in PM's to hedge, I'd say about that same ratio for gold:silver.

I think you'd still be happy if your 90% silver portfolio goes 30x while your 10% gold only goes up maybe 50%.

>> No.28465345

no joke I witnessed that with a guy I went to highschool with. I got a call from him asking for some help finding a job, so I told him to come up north and do some exploration work with one of my crews. Turns out he had become an addict since I last saw him and was utterly useless in the field, I had to have the police come and remove him with help from crew mates. Dude went totally schizophrenic, he swore helicopters were following him and that we were all planning to kill him.

>> No.28465447

ah okay. yeah maybe jewed a little; $580/kg is pretty high. while kitco is like 250 or something, the best prices are ~$400/kg
doesnt matter though the gains will be big

you can litterally just do a cash for gold out of your house and advertise with a website/craiglsit/newspaper
then just do as the other anon and smelt yourself

doesnt seem that crazy, you can probably make a good amount of money if you keep down your purchase costs (like flea markets for sterling or cash for gold)

just do two perpendicular "8"s
wont be able to put /pmg/ inside it but still
you can do dual/quad clovers surrounded the /pmg/

>> No.28465510

>tie chain around molten red hot ingot
>go to local liquor store
>swing molten red hot ingot around in air
>cashier gives you a till full of fiat
>couple top shelf bottle
>buy PM with fiat
>repeat process

>> No.28465611

i didn't start smoking till i was 19 or 20, my sister started at 14 and has a breakdown every other month. i believe this was caused by a combination of bad parenting and rampant smoking

>> No.28465751
File: 474 KB, 600x780, 4E2134BD-4379-4D5B-83D8-53C5F07EDB2E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kek

>> No.28465992

coins are harder to fake than bars. The fact that they're also legal currency is a further deterrent for fakers because of the severe punishments for producing counterfeit money. I only get bars when I buy directly from a mint.

>> No.28466016

All 446 rooms for 65 days? That would cost an absolute fortune. Only 'they' have the resources for this.

Banker related or no, something major will be going down there for sure. If I were in the location id love to do some recon...

>> No.28466018

if you know where I could get it cheaper I would love to know, I want more silver but premiums are too high.

>> No.28466043

Why don't all the people selling gold/silver etc. just keep it all themselves? This whole thing sounds like a scam to me.

>> No.28466053

I want to mate press this smug shorty into submission.

>> No.28466073
File: 2.77 MB, 1480x2048, 3D631369-6935-4804-BD06-A951DA2A92C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going at it with the brush for awhile, looks a lot better than the soot-colored snickers bar it was at first
Any advice for cleaning these guys?

>> No.28466091

Fuck I didn't even notice how blocky it was, just go with >>28465447 's idea

>> No.28466126



>> No.28466176
File: 2.93 MB, 4032x3024, 2D3EEF11-E113-42FF-8829-9B05E2236521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s the flatter side where I’ll stamp the shits

>> No.28466182

did u shit that out

>> No.28466186

wire brush works best, than wax it to stop oxidation.

>> No.28466202

>"we can already make gold from nuclear fusion/fission of silver/mercury"
Yes we can but that would cost more energy than mining gold by far
With hydrogen fusion you get energy and helium as a waste

>> No.28466301

Gold is the Jewish metal because its easy to run away with it unironically

>> No.28466382

Looks like a goblin

>> No.28466387
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At this rate people are gonna think /pmg/ is full of actual copper turd stacking tinfoil prepper retards

>> No.28466492

he needs to get the copper way hotter before pouring.

>> No.28466561
File: 123 KB, 415x348, 1612150940938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't get it.
I'm not in this for boomer bucks.
I'm in this for power.

>> No.28466601

need to get the copper hotter.
need to get the mold hotter.
need to keep oxygen away from the pour.

>> No.28466615
File: 2.54 MB, 1578x1834, march of dimes math.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, not my heckin' /pmg/ goodboys! Not the reputationarino of 4chan! WHAT WILL REDDIT THINK?????

fuck off, faggot

>> No.28466789
File: 313 KB, 1200x1600, Family Photo 2o&#039;3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ten ounce hand pour there

>> No.28466857
File: 2.35 MB, 4032x3024, 17C88752-C7F8-4CFB-B72C-3FD2630907D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 TOz even knot the weight
Will do for next time. This is my first pour ever so was just a trial run (I used copper wire scrap that I got from work lmao). No harm done, arigathanks for the advice
Because fuck you that’s why
Next one is gonna be a silver turd just for you faggot

>> No.28466871

Can you guys make an infograph about buying and storing for us brainlets

>> No.28466884
File: 796 KB, 872x1000, Niggercopper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not owning slave labor copper katanga display pieces


>> No.28466943

Lurk moar

>> No.28466954

>he needs to get the copper way hotter before pouring.
it also helps to heat the mold in my experience

>> No.28466953
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Making money is fine, but destroying the system is even better.

>> No.28466971

You ever watch that guy on youtube bigstackd?
He does some amazing pours.

>> No.28467003

that too though we did mention that before.

>> No.28467007

as >>28465992. you cant get cheaper gold unless you are a corporation or organization.

>> No.28467024

That's my plan right now

>> No.28467057

can always melt it back down and try again, dont take the flack from any of these fags, looks like a fun hobby and im glad you're sharing it with us.

>> No.28467130

Buy silver: see OP
Store silver: don't let no one find it. don't let no one take it. Especially don't let no one from the government know you have it, or take it.


>> No.28467132

I’ve seen some of his stuff from my recommended. seems like a trash melting schizo, he’s pretty cool

>> No.28467281

Ignore the downer, I like it. Looks exactly like the bread loaves I make in my oven haha. Looks nice and stackable and unique.

>> No.28467340

Hey I read your spoopy story from this morning. I can't believe nobody said it, but you probably heard a skinwalker.
inb4 meds, /x/, etc.
I grew up in North Dakota and spent a lot of time on the reservations, obviously hanging with the natives. Your story sounds practically verbatim like the ones they told. Let me assure you it's no joke or bogus BS there. Some elders will get mad if you loudly/openly discuss the topic there. No joke.

>> No.28467385

Soooo what if you just contacted the cheapest seller on ebay and said lets make a side deal and cut out the 10% ebay jew?

>> No.28467420

It's probably nothing

>> No.28467429

Just use plebbit they sell for spot and ship lol

>> No.28467496

if you have a drill you can get a buffer wheel attachment and some buffing wax and you can give that turd a mirror finish.

>> No.28467499

you talking about the scream he herd at a canyon? or did he post a difrent one he missed?

>> No.28467539

I ve heard the same stories, its surprisingly common in the pacific northwest but goes by different names. The more I think about it, it was likely a critter of some kind, maybe a mountain lion, but the stories are old in that particular creek, so it could be all manner of thing.

>> No.28467540
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Thanks for the support bro’s, they aren’t getting to me lol.
And I’m thankful for people giving advice, clearly I was too retarded to learn from YouTube videos alone. This is exactly why my first pour was copper not silver desu

>> No.28467615

>give that turd a mirror finish
Fucking lol, after I spend another hour scrubbing the black shit off I will

>> No.28467665

you could but then if the seller jews you and doesnt ship you cant file a complaint to ebay

>> No.28467790

can any anons prove to me that silver will ever break out? After covid and a fucked up economy it couldnt top 30 ffs

>> No.28467800
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Crazy how compact that nugget is, I really want to get 1-2 of these would be interesting to see them next to each other.

>> No.28467807

Skinwalker hands typed this
Yeah, any and all approximation of human noises they can make.
Just keep your shotgun handy.

>> No.28467860
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Money is a weapon.
We have been given a rare opportunity to steal that weapon and wield it against our masters.
What a time to be alive.

>> No.28467937
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>> No.28467949

A very organic resistance lol

>> No.28468049

Yea but I bet they have storefronts a lot of them.
Do the deal through the store.
Check the reviews.
Leave a review.
Get a receipt and everything.

>> No.28468050

danm, how many college students got skinwalked this year?

>> No.28468055

i agree but now what? if it couldnt break through now it will never break through outside of Chinese influence or something similar

>> No.28468059

>prove to me that silver will ever break out?
None of us have a crystal ball, so no.

I can prove to you that the stock market will crash but I can't tell you when. That's simply because we're reaching the highest levels of a bubble and historically it always ends in one.

But it's different with any kind of product. If we could have foretold the future we would have all bought Amazon stock in who knows when and sat on it 15 years and made billions, nobody could predict they'd be what they are today.

Every bullish case for precious metals is on the table, but we live in clown world where the most scarce resource we have is common sense, so who knows. Maybe Elon does teleport a giant asteroid into LEO to be mined and creates a post-scarcity world next year, everything is on the table now.

>> No.28468070

I was poking fun about it with the baby squatch comment but the story made me think of an old alberta tall tale about an indian trapper who killed his entire family and blamed it on the Wendigo.

>> No.28468106

Give link to where I can buy sub 30 silver please

>> No.28468212

I will buy all of your silver right now for $28 per ounce please

>> No.28468234

there was an entire village in Alberta north of Nordegg that up and ran claiming someone went Wendigo in the dead of winter. A crew of local natives went in later and caught the guy. It took 14 shots to take him down before he was subdued. Theres a Gold Trails and Ghost Towns episode on it but I dont know if its on youtube. Its a bit of frontier history no one talks about.

>> No.28468254

Wendigo! Right I remember that's what some tribes call it up north. Cree, I think. Sioux tribes here all refer to it as a skinwalker.

>> No.28468396

i'll give you some silver IOUs SLV style

>> No.28468424

Fucking this
Future’s contracts do NOT equal actual price. They’re disconnected and have been for awhile. Remember back in the 2020 flash crash in March? $12 silver still cost the same

>> No.28468450

Quitting weed is pretty easy, you'll just think about it a lot the first two weeks, but it's not like there's any DTs or anything.
Move your furniture and shit around so it seems a little like a different place. Addiction is LARGELY environment, especially with something not really that addictive like weed.
Oh, and nice Sigster. I've got five of those alloy framed classics. Police trade ins are a beautiful thing. The pair of P229Rs I picked up are near new, both REALLY low miles. One of them doesn't even have the start of a barrel ring yet.

>> No.28468526

if you do find it post it please, i love it when you post those.

>> No.28468581
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I found it, the dudes name was Swift Runner, lots of stories online if you search his name + Alberta. pan man I would really like to see that episode of gold trails if you can track it down, I haven't heard of that story, I've passed through nordegg lots of times, spend a fair amount of time in the PLUZ areas near by.

>> No.28468586

>Move your furniture and shit around so it seems a little like a different place. Addiction is LARGELY environment, especially with something not really that addictive like weed.

This was a major help from my own experience many years ago, but I've never understood why until I read this post. I've been clean ever since.

>> No.28468706

dont know if its on youtube but heres another interesting one.
A gang from Siberia, the town of Hazelton BC, bank robbery and gun slinging, probably the last of the old west hold up crews. The Russian Gang.

>> No.28468705

>The story of the Fort Kent wendigo began when the Cree Indian trapper Swift Runner returned alone to the area from his winter camp, although his family had gone to camp with him. Swift Runner explained his wife killed herself and his children starved to death. When North-West Mounted Police forced Swift Runner to lead them to his camp, they found the remains of the trapper’s family with evidence they had been butchered. Swift Runner admitted to eating his family, but blamed the horror on the spirit of a wendigo. He was tried for the murders of his family and sentenced to hang. Swift Runner was executed at Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, on 20 December 1879.

>> No.28468799

My silver eagles and britannias that I bought on Feb 1 are finally shipping out from texmetals bros, I am stoked

>> No.28468806

I've been off it for a decade and I'm still jonesing for it all the time...

>> No.28468895

this one sounds fucking bad ass. thanks pan man!

>> No.28468902

just search it up, as with anything, higher quantities = lower premiums

also you can use borax to make the metal less viscous
good job tho anon; definitely better than any of the other fags here could get

my point is all that matters is right now and immediate future, not 50 years, not 100 years

>> No.28469064

Have firearms gone up in price the way ammunition has? Could you sell that Sig you have for more than you bought it?

>> No.28469088

thanks going to give it a watch now, you baking next?

>> No.28469131

similar story but not the same one Barlee discusses, if i can find it i ll post it. I am currently trying to order the full set through CKNW.

>> No.28469216

yep shortly!

>> No.28469220

9/10 'cause nickel ain't shiny 'nuf. j/k It's still ok for stacking, I like it. Are those little Libertads near the bottom?

>> No.28469224

I need a couple of years to let go of falling face first into a snow drift. I actually dream about it!
Weed is cake to walk away from though.
And addiction is largely environment, your home, your neighborhood, and your dopey friends. The geographic cure works well, IF you do your part and don't hunt the stuff down in your new location.
Drugs suck, dude, even though they feel so right in the moment. They'll wreck your life though, especially the heavy stuff. I'm making silver hoarding my new fix, and it is helping. Endogenous opiates are a thing, as any gambler or shopaholic can attest.

>> No.28469226

i remember you saying somthing like that a few threads back, i hope they get back to you.

>> No.28469374
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>> No.28469452

Poorfag AR-15s have doubled in price since the start of 2020 but are holding steady in terms of availability now, whereas a few months ago they were OOS everywhere. This could change overnight though, so selling guns now might mean that you can't buy more later.

>> No.28469469

Yea ive been super successful ever since ive been off it.
I'm sure that wouldn't be the same if I hadn't quit.
Its worth it. Just hard.

>> No.28469504

I just started and bought rounds from two of the big online retailers, SilverGoldBull and GoldenStateMint. I'm keeping the receipts in case there's any question beyond that.

>> No.28469581

Frens is Liberty Coin (https://www.libertycoin.com/)) legit?

>> No.28469626

Thank you for your posting style schizo fren. I appreciate schizos for enlightening us. The eternal battle is schizo vs psycho

>> No.28469643


>> No.28469664

New thread

>> No.28469685

More power, dude!
There's actually been research... people find it easy to get clean in a clinic, but relapse as soon as they're out among their old haunts again. It's environment, or "triggers" an any old junkie calls it.

>> No.28469797
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>Executive Order 6102 required all persons to deliver on or before May 1, 1933, all but a small amount of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates owned by them to the Federal Reserve in exchange for $20.67 (equivalent to $408 in 2019)
>The price of gold from the Treasury for international transactions was then raised by the Gold Reserve Act to $35 an ounce (equivalent to $691 in 2019)[5]. The resulting profit that the government realized funded the Exchange Stabilization Fund, established by the 1934 Gold Reserve Act.

>> No.28469846
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The maple candy schizo posting is fucking weird, keep it up

>> No.28469882

There are wood carving tool sets, tiny blades and such to do intricate work. A trick and old carver taught me is to tape the surface, draw your image on that, and then carve.

>> No.28470161

I can't fucking believe we let them get away with this... And it was all to finance a disaster they created, and kill the hero's who wanted to save liberate the world from their tyranny. Nightmare world.

>> No.28470169

No, but I've got about 2700 of that other thing, though.
I actually had some of that FNM surplus back in the day, and it's hella accurate for surplus. I've got a case of that Malaysian stuff now and it's really accurate too.
You should seal that old stuff in a can with desicant too if possible. It'll last 100 years that way.