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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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28448402 No.28448402 [Reply] [Original]

Missed out of AVAX? Don't worry, now is the perfect time to get into xDai STAKE.

>> No.28448501

>market cap already over 1M


>> No.28448884
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>has a much lower market cap than other eth scaling solutions and more transactions.
I'm offering you a solid project here, a relatively low risk investment with a huge upside
but fine, keep gambling on flavour of the month shitcoins.

>> No.28449269

why isn't this on major exchanges yet?

>> No.28449778

uniswap is the only exchange that matters.
On a side note, there's a rumor floating around that uniswap v3 will be built on the xDai chain. Of course this could just be a faggot lie but I've been hearing this from multiple sources and I'm starting to think there's something behind it.

>> No.28449801

I don't think Binance will list as xDai is a genuine threat to Binance Smart Chain. It's a shame really - xDai is gaining adoption at a frightening pace, all without centralised manipulation that's occurring on BSC.

It can certainly run to $2bn + over the coming months, I simply cannot see how much longer people will put up with ETH fees. L2 is needed, and it's needed now - xDai is there and it functions perfectly.

>> No.28450064

Best part - it's true.

> https://github.com/Uniswap/uniswap-sdk/pull/53/files

Latest merge onto the Uniswap software dev kit. xDai added alongside all the other chains we're familiar with (e.g. if you open MetaMask, you'll see all the other chains there; Kovan, Rinkeby etc.). Uniswap will be using the SDK to build out V3 and anyone who forks Uniswap to create their own DEX now will inherently have xDai L2 support built-in.

>> No.28450228


How will xdai help with fees?

>> No.28450320

Bao is moving to Xdai as well.

>> No.28450604

So it's a sidechain, which means it's not on the mainnet network. Mainnet is congested, so there has to be a solution between now and the time ETH 2.0 fully launches, otherwise, ETH *will* be killed. Sidechains mean the network transcations take place can be done in a more optimal manner, hence why it's called a 'Layer 2' solution. As a result, fees are a fraction of a cent (effectively feeless).

People need to 'bridge' their tokens to get from mainnet to sidechain, but this is now really easy and there is a clear financial incentive to do so.

>> No.28450659
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Guess who benefits from all this xdai action:
PoA and xdai are releasing their AMB bridge this quarter. Yum yum cheap Poa.

>> No.28450663

DYOR or you're not gonna make it.

>> No.28450747

STOP! I need to accumulate for my bao farm

>> No.28450848




This is "research", idiot

>> No.28450871

You had more than enough time ;)

>> No.28450925

yep and perpetual protocol iirc

I honestly think the only reason why this crypto hasn't mooned yet is because a lot of people believe that xdai is just a stable coin & have no idea STAKE exists. The team has done a real shoddy job with the marketing (or lack thereof) and they really should've called STAKE something else. STAKE is too generic so you are forced to refer to it as xdai STAKE which is a bit too much of a mouthful desu.