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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 37 KB, 1199x652, NewShibaswap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28447657 No.28447657 [Reply] [Original]

It's getting spicier by the day. I can barely contain my excitement.

Please call me a pathetic bag holder and laugh at me. It makes me so happy /biz/. Don't forget the pink wojaks in a few weeks.

>> No.28447769
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>> No.28447872
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>> No.28447986
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>> No.28448014

When does shibaswap launch?

>> No.28448195

Is this really fucking happening?

>> No.28448452

OOOH FUCK, shibaswap news makes my bags smile

>> No.28448515

Is this real?

>> No.28448575


>> No.28448651

Yep, came straight from the devs and admins over on Telegram. MOON MISSION FUCKING SOON AHHHH

>> No.28448795

My bag feels heavy and about to burst. Look away boys.

>> No.28448809

easiest x100 get your suicide stack now

>> No.28448896

any updates on the kucoin/kraken listing?

>> No.28448895

fuck it ill throw a few eth at it

>> No.28448898

Are people actually excited for Shibaswap, or are they looking to dump their bags that they've been holding since the initial pnd?

>> No.28448927

Further proof that /biz/ is wrong 95% of the time. Bought a bag at 400 and was seething at how stupid I was for falling for pajeet shit. Glad I left it alone now.

If this is actually real, this is huge.

>> No.28448954
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>> No.28448955
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>> No.28449086

Shib fren, how much can this x from here?

5x? 10x?

>> No.28449122

realistically speaking, probably 50/50.
shibaswap gives shib a future so it turns it from a pajeet pnd to a long hodl

>> No.28449151

Check the market cap on all of the competing DEXs and do the math for the bare minimum pump if it works. Without having it in my hands I won't be able to say if I'll like using it, we'll have to see what they produce.

I'm just happy a stupid meme dog coin shit all over /biz/ and is making an exchange. I'll be laughing for weeks.

>> No.28449197

can't wait for shibaswap !

>> No.28449290

Fren, this is so low right now, it will do 50-100X this Quarter

>> No.28449379

anyone know what uniswap fees are right now?

>> No.28449550

0.3% base tx fee, anything lost to slippage, and obviously gas. Gas right now fluctuates between $25 at the lowest to about $60.

>> No.28449711

Honestly? It actually might. ETH 2.0 is going to be gold for DEX exchanges when it happens because of the reduction in gas. Any one of them that is still moderately successful by then can easily eclipse the DOGE market cap.

>> No.28449805

Been holding this since 300 and 200. Only a matter a time before we moon

>> No.28449894

Think I saw this a day or 2 ago.The thing that is most concerning is an outsourced dev team building this. Also the main Jap guy refers to this as a decentralized community project. He believes that this project can be built by the ground up by the community and wanted to start at 0. Either this raises some red flags, but Shiba has been out since around Aug/Sep of last year so if it was just a quick pnd the rug would have been pulled some time ago. Assuming that this guy just wants this to be a fun project with some utility isnt really a bad thing, but Im just wondering if he is going to go above his means if this continues to gain traction and wont know how to continue the project. Still, I hold about 8B Shiba so I dont really have a lot to lose if I end up a bag holder. Otherwise, its gonna be nice to see where this project can go.

>> No.28450006

Hopefully it'll moon
I've been holding a bag of 600B that did a 50x and another 50x would be insane

>> No.28450371

How much should i ape in with?

>> No.28450470

Some news through the grapevine is that this was due to some specific problem they had and needed another dev for it. Some other guy stepped in after that post and handled whatever it was without them needing to outsource, at least for that particular bit. Apparently he did a very very good job of it too.

All hearsay though, idk if it actually holds any water.

>> No.28450609

At these prices and expectations based on other DEX, I'd say the bare minimum suicide stack is about 200b. At the prices we're at now, I probably wouldn't buy less than 500b though. Might get lucky and have a few more dips in the next few days though.

>> No.28450802

every.single.coin i exit does 100% the day after, so im in shiba now and im gonna stay here until i see the gains. unlikely it wont in this market, and with the meme magic of the shiba, and shibaswap+exchange incoming, i think ill take a few x before i can find something else

>> No.28450880

>in this market
you know that the rush right now is to make a new swap so of course this makes sense it would release right now

>> No.28451088

Got my bag on HotBit, had no problems at all, withdrawl fee is like $10.

The thing with $SHIB is it's only been in the spotlight a week or two and already the community is huge.

This coin is being seen a DOGE killer, that's partly because it's non-inflationary and ERC20. For true SHIBU attractiveness and future utility this coin needs to, and will, out shine then destroy DOGE. I love DOGE, but this is better on many levels.

>> No.28451175

No matter what i should get a 2x out of this is my resoning, or am i totaly left field here?

>> No.28451177
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>> No.28451284

think a 2x is inevitable, im playing for the 3-5x my self right now.

>> No.28451456
File: 61 KB, 604x453, 1610738591999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for being helpfull friend, will throw a couple of eth at it

>> No.28451588

This. We have a crazy bull market right now and gibs going out to americans in the next few months. Retards would love to drop their hard earned neetbux on a dog coin exchange.

2x is absurdly conservative. I'm expecting (with a successful launch) at the absolute minimum a 50x.

Sushiswap currently has a 2 billion market cap. Shib has a 9 million cap right now.

If we capture even a quarter of the market cap Sushi has, that's a 50x. To put it in very clear perspective.

>> No.28451616

Buy the Hoge dip (with money you can afford to lose). This shit will pass ath tomorrow , you’ve been warned.

>> No.28451859

Enjoy your shitcoin, with a lack of use case, where you circlejerk on a deflationary coin to prey on retards.

Also get the fuck out. You have your own threads.

>> No.28451972
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Sounds good, im not greedy so seems it will work out for me either way, do you have any idea when the launch is planed to be?

>> No.28452213
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>> No.28453365
File: 58 KB, 1164x422, PoompBrother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]