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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28438901 No.28438901 [Reply] [Original]

Avax was going to be top 2 marketcap and kill eth.
Everything was going perfectly.
It was pumping like crazy, apps were coming out, ceo was smug and schooling the eth devs on Twitter.
Then suddenly a bug crashes the chain and its all wiped out in an instant. It did a 20x and was literally an eth bullrun. But they ruined it.

>> No.28439067

Was just empty promises, anon. Important lesson on why theory is just theory.
>non-history preserving consensus. i.e., if a 0 day exploit on VM-layer wipe out DAG storage, there is no longest chain rule to restore consensus state
>actors colluding 20% of avax staking power can put Tx on hold indefinitely, not as censorship resistant as Nakamoto (unless gossip protocol also share proof-of-conflicts, but at the cost of reduced scalability.)
>validator IPs are explicitly locked with staking power, possible issue regarding privacy and real-life attacks
>low security subnet attacks can propagate into more important ones (effectively making the whole network as secure as the least secure point)
>depends on internet identification services (IP) which are 100% centralized (at least for now). Nakamoto doesn't require reliable global rooting (i.e. hardened mesh network on long-term platforms)
>no simple decentralized way to issue global checkpoints (straightforward in Nakamoto), needed to prevent history rewriting/long range attacks (owning or acquiring old keys with the aim of creating an alternate meta-stable money flow)

>> No.28439118
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>> No.28439528

This will go down as the most hyped project that collapsed in a span of a few months.

Did anyone with an actual brain think this was going to rival ETH or ADA or even DOT for that matter.

Putting your trust in a turkroach, the thing that only /biz/ could wind up doing because that's what they're good at - losing!

>> No.28439568

go back to discord you fucking subhuman curryniggers

>> No.28439894

VCs are going to dump as soon as their tokens are unlocked. Pangolin will take it down to $10, March unlock will take it to $5.

>> No.28439901
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All this endless FUD by FTM (female to male pajeet coin), RADIX (more like 8 year nothingx), Uniswap (more like gas-bitch cumswap) alliance, and butthurt /pol/ untermensch whom Hitler failed to remove 75 years ago...

And all you did was make AVAX crab between 15% and 5% lower from its ATH.

You had the perfect chance too. But alas; failure is a habit for you poor folk. You will merely seethe and watch AVAX become 50 tomorrow morning, and the pump will continue.

You just... COULDNT SELL IT.

>> No.28440002

See this is what happens when Pangolin devs think it is ok to fud Zero Exchange. You add legitimacy to the retards who want to fud AVAX the platform.

Get your heads out of your arses and start supporting all projects on AVAX, Pangolin and Zero Exchange included.

>> No.28440099

Uniswap chads are getting free tokens.
Pangolin LP miner cücks are getting nothing for the downtime except for impermanent losses.

>> No.28440663

This was the best marketing for RADIX