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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2842361 No.2842361 [Reply] [Original]

What masters degree should I do if I got a BA in a meme subject?

>> No.2842365

get a New BA in a non-meme Subject

>> No.2842375

Law degree can use any BA in any subject, but law is a tough cookie right now (about 50% have jobs after graduating right now, compared to 90% 10 years ago).

Finance/accounting is one option, but you might need 1-2 extra pre-reqs.

Masters in teaching/education is also possible.

>> No.2842427

I've heard this is pointless, is there evidence to the contrary? I couldn't do another three years anyway, fuck that.

>Law degree can use any BA in any subject...
Will look into it, thanks. Most I've checked though usually say in the requirements 'a degree in law, or a degree in a subject where law is a significant component', or something to that effect.

>Finance/accounting is one option, but you might need 1-2 extra pre-reqs.
I'm pretty hopeless with numbers, wouldn't do me at all.

>Masters in teaching/education is also possible.
I hate anyone under the age of 18.

>> No.2842755

More pics or name?

>> No.2842995

is that the shill hired to protest at trump's rallies

>> No.2843011

Accounting isn't that math intensive.

>> No.2843028

must... get... gf GOD DAMMIT!!!!

>> No.2843048
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>tfw no gf

>> No.2843303
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>> No.2844799
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What are you looking for?

Longest long term job security?
Highest starting wage?
Biggest long term earnings?

Because you have to choose. You can't have all 3.

>Longest long term job security
Engineering. Electronics Engineering and Electrical Engineering specifically has had a shortage of workers for decades now and the demand is still growing faster than colleges can educate people.

>Highest starting wage
This is still Chemists. With a BA in Chemistry most people make 80k starting on average which is pretty high. The problem is that your wages won't really grow after this high starting point further in your career. Chemistry is also not really receiving a lot of R&D compared to other industries that are booming at the moment. Expect fewer growth opportunities. Might bum out ambitious people.

>Biggest long term earning
This one is hard but I still think your best chance is to get a MBA try to work with a big financial institution (BUT NOT A BANK! IMPORTANT) for ~5 years building experience on your resume and then go into startups to show you have all-rounded experience. After this you can end up in the board of directors for serious businesses. This path will give you the highest long term career earnings. But is also the hardest path to walk and you have almost no guarantees. If you're ambitious this one will feel as a challenge. High risk-High reward career path.

But since you already picked a meme subject as your BA you are probably not so ambitious or very intelligent. You should pick something middle of the road that still gives you above average income without actually using a lot of brain power and skills over the long run. Something like Law could do. But Law is getting automated pretty fucking rapidly right now (as are banking jobs which is why you should avoid those)

Anyway good luck.It's never to late to fix up your life and always keep trying to get further ahead than your peers. Pick the hard but rewarding path in life.

>> No.2844843
File: 40 KB, 640x427, mathphd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not doing a math phd
>any job you want
>300k starting

>> No.2844898

This is not true. Highest average starting income for every degree holder is Chemist with 80k starting.

Sure there are outliers. But it's wrong to advertise that career path using those.

t. Engineer with BSc and MSc in both Mathematics and Physics.

I made 48k when I started working with a BSc in math+phys. And I "only" got a 20k raise when I got my MSc. Granted this was over a decade ago and would probably be higher today due to inflation but it still gives you a rough estimation of what to expect.

I don't know why 4chan keeps inflating wages especially starting wages. It just sets up people for disappointment when they finally graduate.

>> No.2844917

Jesus fuck college is a scam im a softwar dev without a degree making 130k a year at age 23 n i ddnt even start coding until my 20s

>> No.2844924

MBA if you're in leadership / sales / business otherwise get a BS in something worthwhile.

>> No.2844937

You're probably an outlier. I was an assembly programmer for custom 8bit microcontroller boards in college. If I remember correctly I made like 40k max and I worked my ass off lol.

>> No.2844947

its a /sci/ meme

>> No.2845349

the picture cracked me up. How does one pass calc, im literally math retarded

>> No.2845546

>math phd

lmao this is a meme

>> No.2845554

I feel dese feels

>> No.2846546

Get good with numbers and get an MBA from a non-meme tier school.