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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 24 KB, 500x494, E364E2AA-EF69-487D-B9E4-77E9A80B6331-1637-0000021AECF2EA37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2841592 No.2841592 [Reply] [Original]

whale here. I have way more money than I need and have lost interest in continuing crypto. I'm going to start cashing out my reserves over the next few months.

But before that, I'm feeling generous in light of the rally this week.

Post your address and a reason why I should send you money.

>> No.2841602
File: 38 KB, 365x450, 1500643188833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you cuck

>> No.2841604

Does anyone actually ever pay these...

>> No.2841610


Because I'm extremely poor and would try to get my shit together and invest some moneys so I can join rich boys club.

>> No.2841615


You should send me to prove you're not a massive faggot larper. Otherwise we'll all know for sure faggots such as yourself are trying very hard to fud yet another glorious rally of btc past the ATH.

>> No.2841617

1B4beapY9sZxHqcwzer2Gh5TEy6MkztNo6 OP I am tired of being a wagecuck, help me out of this trap

>> No.2841621

Because it's the anniversary of the seventh harry potter book my dude, and I'm hufflepuff as fuck.


>> No.2841632

today is my birthday


>> No.2841637

if you feel generous, why would you even need a reason

fuck you faggot, i highly doubt you own 5% of the bitcoin supply, which is the minimum to call yourself a whale

>> No.2841640


Because I cashed out in the early days at $50 and missed every moon mission since

>> No.2841646

Reminder op is full of shit.

>> No.2841647

Because I'm a poorfag who has aspirations of no longer being a wagecuck. Plus I'd totally give you a handy IRL for BTC


>> No.2841649

My parents have been living in near squalor for the past decade. My dad is near retirement age and never started a 401k. I'm not delusional enough to think my fucking around with crypto will solve all their problems, but I'm hoping it will help.


>> No.2841652
File: 219 KB, 1273x1024, 1478033729242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a fag, and should have got in 2 yrs ago but didnt


>> No.2841657


>> No.2841658

Please don't cash out your bags,I'm barely breaking even

>> No.2841660

if you're feeling generous, you could help out a newer investor who is trying to earn money to support our feral cat rescue program. We foster litters of feral kittehs, raise them up well, and then get them adopted into loving homes. My fiancé and I also volunteer at our local animal shelter to help them as well.

the kitten formula we have to buy to feed the little critters is quite expensive. So I am trying to make a little side money with crypto to help support our mission inu saving the feral kittehs!


>> No.2841661


Wagecuck job, college expenses, and thyroid cancer treatment. I also got wrecked by the dip two weeks ago. Feels bad :(. Thank you kind whale.

>> No.2841666
File: 288 KB, 1023x781, 5b28dfa82667e06860331be7071c674f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


because i just gifted you the rarest of pepes.

furthermore i was already promised 1 ETH today cause i won a quiz, but OP was a faggot as usual and didn t deliver. dont be a faggot too OP.

also i'm poor right now, but if i ever make it to your position i'll remember this and gift something to a newb too.

>> No.2841667


My long term gf broke up with me and I want to tell her to go fuck herself from lamboland

Worst day yet

plz gibs for poor pleb

>> No.2841670

cause I knew about and played with BTC from a week or so after inception, but lost interest and sold out when it was worth pennies. Now I'm making great money on another venture, and the extra cash flow has spurred me into diving back in balls deep.


>> No.2841673
File: 15 KB, 330x258, Screen Shot 2017-07-21 at 11.30.28 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My grandma needs a new set of lungs :'(

>> No.2841675


Because I'm a cuck and need to pay my bull soon

>> No.2841678


I'll give you a picture of my penis. Limited edition!

>> No.2841680

starting to see a pattern of "giveaways" seems alot of generosity is in the air.

>> No.2841687

No, unfortunately. Just some anons wanting attention and searching for (you)s.

>> No.2841690

Trying to make as much money as possible so I can save my parents from wage cuckoldry and will donate some of my profits to the poor that deserve it

It's really sad when I see them work morning to midnight almost every single day and have it slowly wear down on them


>> No.2841692


because i had to sell my 3.5 btc in 2015 to pay my rent, cos im an unemployed cripple

see my address for proof


>> No.2841694


Poorfag here. Just landed a job but my payment is only in three weeks from now and food for money is running out

>> No.2841695

Yes, I'd imagine the length is quite limited. (jk)

>> No.2841699

Please cash out asap, I would like to see those delusional bagholders hang themselves.

And for the sake of God,
I need to dump fast.

>> No.2841700

me btfo

>> No.2841705


I was too broke to get in 3 years ago, my dad has cancer and I'm still in college and not sure whether I will be able to pay my fees

>> No.2841708
File: 42 KB, 650x489, tesla-gigafactory-rendering.jpg.650x0_q70_crop-smart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would take my mom and sister for holidays. I'm not sure if I'm lazy or mental, but I owe them big time for everything they did for me. Need to get my shit together...


>> No.2841709

>1 post by this ID

>> No.2841714
File: 1.23 MB, 1540x1110, ichi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wanted to get eye surgery, and have been trading crypto to meet my goal.

Waas fucked over by taking a diversion through 1Broker. But am building back slowly.

I have a rare condition where I can't get normal laser surgery and have to go to a specialist in Utah of all places. My insurance will cover a little but of it, but I have to pony up about 40% of the procedure.

If you could help me with that, I would really appreciate it, and post here when its done.


>> No.2841715

i live in a third world country and need money for uni and food

>> No.2841723

Nice, just send 100k!

>> No.2841729


sent ;)

>> No.2841736

I had eye surgery just last friday

>> No.2841737


>> No.2841738

nice! just got 100k

>> No.2841739
File: 221 KB, 1163x1459, 1500574333840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


help a poor student pls.

>> No.2841744


>> No.2841746

>an address is a wallet

>> No.2841753
File: 68 KB, 564x849, 6f33389eb1f4b95d1d29ebf7e7879044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BTC: 1NRXxF4beeXbCfHEv6u8suYDY4g7jc3QD6

>> No.2841755


I'm poor, but unlike those other cucks I actually have experience with the crypto market and know how to make money, just don't have any money to actually invest. If you set me up with some btc you would basically push me to the lambo land.


>> No.2841756

I hate niggers and I need to buy steroids so i can get huge and kill more niggers


>> No.2841758

why would 50 random wallet addresses be worth farming?

>> No.2841764

Trying to earn my way to owning at least one Bitcoin before it heads out of the stratosphere and it outpaces my meager wage. Saved up a lot just this month by deciding to pant my truck rather than have it painted. So dont mind accepting help since time is limited.

I also promise ill never donate to a charity that sends money to feed hungry Africans ever in my life.


>> No.2841768

My wife needs some surgery from her melanoma... Long shot but here's the address.


>> No.2841770

Don't believe you

>> No.2841771
File: 11 KB, 832x203, 0.05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scr shoot why :/ 1CFxtJc2vLSh3x9dnnAoRsxrYCNead1cNT

>> No.2841772

What's even the point of these threads?

Even if op & friends could hack public addresses these threads guarantee the addresses collected will belong to broke poor fags.

>> No.2841778

Standard larping thread for (You)s
It would be rude not to reply

>> No.2841779
File: 113 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-07-21-16-45-35-660_com.android.browser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder op is full of shit.

>> No.2841791

i'm also not rich bitch

>> No.2841794

Lol no. A whale helping people ? Don't make me laugh you guys are greedy fucks who fuck others over on a daily basis.
And this thread is just you toying with other's people feelings for your amusement
You're sick.

>> No.2841797

lost so much money in the eth flash crash, and im sinking deeper and deeper. i have lost around $6800 in this week. i dont know what to do. i know this is probably bait but fuck it


>> No.2841798


Because I will link you this cute cat video.

>> No.2841800

My dad was diagnosed with cancer recently and I'm too poor for us to take a trip together. Thanks.


>> No.2841810


Because I don't want to be a wagecuck

>> No.2841811

>i have lost around $6800 in this week


>> No.2841815

I lost my job last week due to redundancy and I am in desperate need of paying a hooker to dominate me


>> No.2841824

sounds like you've already been fucked in the ass mate are you sure you need it again

>> No.2841832
File: 94 KB, 768x1024, 1500015853860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't even want to spend it on myself. I've been working my ass off since I lift my last job in January and nothing's getting better. I just want to pay back my friends for helping me survive during those times.

>> No.2841842

why not just sell your butthole to them

>> No.2841845


Im a white male

>> No.2841863


There is no demand for such things, so the price is 0

>> No.2841879

well of course he is. Have any of these threads ever delivered? I bet you OP is laughing his ass off behind his screen right now.

>> No.2841881

Just call your ass a cryptocurrency and promote it on /biz/ and it will moon

>> No.2841888


if you can still afford it go and buy some rope

>> No.2841890

starting a coffee shop in colorado
any money helps

>> No.2841895


I will give you 35% of all the coins in existence prior to the ICO if you send .5 BTC to 3GZzkKegSo5uZELhcfbTwBFbBnoi5bTMah

I'll call it shitcoin. It's a literal shitcoin.

>> No.2841896




poker texas holdem


need a bankroll of 3.500

>> No.2841914

> started mining back in 2010, but gave up because no real gains (lol)
> sold btc at 7 usd before 2013 mooning
>bough 25 eth in november, sold two weeks later at a loss

I have had the worst fucking time. Please make it better :-)


>> No.2841916

because I'm tired of being a wagecuck and I want to give some of it to my nephew and niece so one day they don't have to join this cuckery


>> No.2841927
File: 117 KB, 369x505, 1498640765059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you would be the first alleged whale that would send me BTC for real:

>> No.2841945

I'm out of work as of today, i have bills and debts, it's my nepthews birthdays i love him but i can't get him anything good, i try and try and never get anywhere. i'm a good person but have just about had enough. 27 in 3 weeks and i'm really really scared . this is my last chance you could save my life and alot of heartbreak for the people that love me . 1KXQFGBmCLoRfuqBrqmrWN5BK8ytybNk1o

>> No.2841953

will post a slut in stockings with timestamp and written on her ass whatever you want to

>> No.2841954

Give the gift of freedom and jump off a bridge anon
No long burden your family with your failures

>> No.2841956

will send you pictures of slut with timestamp on it and with message on left and right side of her ass


>> No.2841959

>I have way more money than I need


>> No.2841976
File: 745 KB, 1600x1200, 15006532348461945263155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Venezuela, where the minimum wage is 20$ a month.

>> No.2841979

Because I spent all my savings on CFI and now I'm a poor fuck :(


>> No.2841981


I'm innovating a bunch of magic the gathering decks and want to buy a bunch of must haves. I'm certain some of my creations will win big tourneys some day.
I'm also looking into cornering the market on a couple of undervalued cards. If you want I'll give a few examples.

>> No.2841986


Because fuck yourself

>> No.2841999
File: 86 KB, 630x630, hikiways.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to vegas soon with my GF.
I used to be a hiki who played MMO.
>character gets nerfed into ground
>get an unpaid internship
>soon after work 4 wageslav jobs to move out and move in with newly found GF
>tell her that it is not financially feasible to live with her

I just want to get out of student debt so I can move on with my life. My GF suprised me with tix to vegas and I can hardly afford to go ;_;


>> No.2842052

cause all my friends left my shitty country, i ll be a lonesome faggot


>> No.2842059
File: 185 KB, 307x262, BtzXMjD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my cat will forever haunt you if not


>> No.2842065

I'm a poor student from a third-world country and my chinaphone died a few days ago. I need at least some simpliest smartphone or used netbook or some other gadget with modern browser to trade while I'm on work or in university or somewhere else not at home. Good luck with cashing out your money.

>> No.2842066

I'm going to break the motor of the world. If you give me money I'll be able to achieve that faster.


>> No.2842148
File: 136 KB, 1109x614, J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because I'd like to climb up the financial ladder and have the money to finally change my life. There are some cryptos that I believe in and would like to buy for the future but I don't have the money yet.

Here's a butt to sway your opinion in my favour.

>> No.2842206


Just got my BSc, sent about 50 resumes and no responce, would be nice to get some funds to invest and afford condo before 30

>> No.2842211
File: 798 KB, 700x700, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I donated too much to cat shelters in Venezuela this month and now I'm poor.

>> No.2842218

I need the money to save the world from jews

>> No.2842226

Reminder I'm going to keep posting these fake threads until you scum learn to stop begging for hand outs

Fucking cunts

>> No.2842250

That will never happen, OP. Now give me the fucking money!

>> No.2842255

its always worth a shot, you're fighting a losing battle.

>> No.2842257

ikajskajskajskjaj bobo ajskajskajskajskjas

>> No.2842262


I need money for my fiancees chemotherapy (orencia) bills. She has lupus, rhematoid arthritis, and an unknown auto-immune disease.

>> No.2842286

heh I knew it.
I don't know if you're actually a whale or not but if you are please choke on a dick faggot.

>> No.2842295


>> No.2842301

you re a cunt

>> No.2842327

I gave out 0.3 BTC when we hit $3k. Had bought at $700 last summer.

Planning on giving out more when we hit $5k. Your donation will help increase my profits so that I can give out even more.


>> No.2842341


thanks for the lambo

>> No.2842359

>whale here
Nice try, plankton. Whales hang out in the ocean, not in a kitty pool like /biz/

>> No.2842363

>Just quit job to pursue own business
>Hoping to support friends and family
Any extra capital helps...


>> No.2842409

I suffer from an eye deformity, strabismus, and I need surgery. A single BTC would be enough.


>> No.2842423

I'm just not blessed with money, help brighten my typically shitty day.


>> No.2842490

Because I just started and I feel like I'm a thousand years behind everyone in this!
Also I'm tired of being a janitor -it keeps me in good shape though.

>> No.2842496
File: 29 KB, 260x325, ahripepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cause i need new kneepads

>> No.2842500

The hell is wrong with you people.
He already admitted he was fucking with you.

>> No.2842501

oops 18NuDMWByUoypGmpaRLXyaYRqmeCMUb54D

>> No.2842510

Shit, dickhead OP won't deliver... :(

>> No.2842511

Assuming you are real, I'm 18 and working on an app/website, and need advertising funds.

The idea? Think Drudge Report, but marketed to millenials/gen z. Not only does it use an algorithm to aggregate the news, there is a second algorithm that locally summarizes each article posted, allowing for a quick read of the news whenever needed.

>> No.2842525

Because i don't have any BTC yet


>> No.2842529

forgot wallet


>> No.2842604

Yeah I know but hope is the last thing before rope. Because this I got into these cryptostocks. ='(

>> No.2842620

I am just about to give up, posting my adress in thread after thread of these need some inspirtation or motivation to move onto better things. these days seem bleaker by the week. if not by the hour


>> No.2842735

I invested in crypto to pay for my studies and my rent and buy a camera for me. I have been daytrading for 3 months every day, starting with 30 dollars i got to 0.25 btc. I invested hard on one coin the last week and this coin had been wiped out.
I'm panicking hard, please help me, i don't want to live on the streets. Please guys

>> No.2842765

Because my driver's licence picture was unironically too ugly to get it accepted on Coinbase.
I really am ugly :(

>> No.2842793

Because I'll punch a horse if you don't, and that's on you.


>> No.2842876
File: 10 KB, 168x192, diob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I only got into holding Bitcoins because I need it. I come from a poor background and worked all the way to the top in my classes. Next year I want to go study in Switzerland and the only way I can study there is if I have a little sucess in Bitcoins.

If not, I will have to stay in this shithole. I want to study a PhD in Mathematics by the way. Have a nice day.

>> No.2842914

posted in this thread, and all I got was a (you)

>> No.2842916

I just want gibs desu

>> No.2842928

be thankful for that, now you got two

>> No.2842954

haven't fucked for months. want to buy cheap hooker.

>> No.2842957


I don't have a real reason, I'm just curious to see if you deliver OP

>> No.2842961

haven't fucked for months. want to buy cheap hooker.


>> No.2842967

Because the universe is chaos and maybe something nice and good comes my way from that chaos. Never know till we all try.


>> No.2842972
File: 103 KB, 817x1024, 1496150304936m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to take either the hot babes you have earned through riches, or some coin? Must feel alive again after my breakup.


>> No.2843008

I don't deserve it any more than anyone else in here so i'll spare you any sob story and give you good news instead.

I'm getting married in 3 months. This way when she divorces me, i'll at least have some bitcoin?


>> No.2843031

> 5% of the bitcoin supply, which is the minimum to call yourself a whale


>> No.2843096

I put a kike on his place and the fucking jew is suing me. I need money to hire a lawyer. I think I told this story yesterday but it is true. Fucking kikes. One Hitler wasnt enough.


>> No.2843137

bcoz i liek mudkips

>> No.2843155

Not expecting much but here goes nothing

>> No.2843172

because I'm white and need money to form doggerland


>> No.2843244


I will frever tell stories and legends about the generous whale.


>> No.2843275

i need some money to pay my rent please

>> No.2843304
File: 345 KB, 1680x1050, scarface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to trade crypto and extra capital would help


>> No.2843322
File: 18 KB, 250x250, 1288976658345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm a full-time college student that only has 2 semesters left until I graduate with a BS degree. I'm broke and my car is on its last legs. I could definitely use some $ for vehicle repairs or moving expenses when I graduate.

Thanks a bunch in case you decide to give monies

>> No.2843358

i would be happy to get these coins, because my car died recently and im not having money to buy a new old car

>> No.2843361


I'm going to be moving soon and I'm trying to save as much money as I can. I'm also new to investing and I need some extra shekels to aid in my endeavors.

>> No.2843402

I am a hardworking father. I love my family and my country. I work hard and volunteer and I am tired.


>> No.2843407
File: 146 KB, 800x826, 800x-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These reverse begging threads need an admin banhammer pronto

>> No.2843473

7k debt due to being unable to afford living and thus being homeless got 6 months, caught myself but my debt is still here

>> No.2843477


Currently am involved in building my own hardware startup which is hard because most VC's do only software, this happens while studying visual communication, am involved in a political entity trying to throw the shit government at my country using big data and other shady tactics because this is the only option we have left as the only sane minority in my country. I have big aspirations, I believe nice skills, good heart and a functioning brain. I ain't stupid, or naive, but i try and tell myself money will come eventually when stuff finally gets off the ground and that I'm still young enough to be penniless. All this experience and hard work will finally pay off.
Your help won't be for rent or mcdonalds, it would be to help me to actually keep evolving into something meaningful for this world.

This may be stupid, but for real
>inb4 stfu anon