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28415700 No.28415700 [Reply] [Original]

So tired of hearing about all these flavor of the week pump and dumps. Can we get a separate thread where we discuss stocks with actual value for longterm gains? PnD's are fun and all, but sometimes I just wanna get comfy with my investing.

>> No.28416165

Sure I’ll start it off.

ARKF has a market cap of 3 billion, vanguard future tech has a market cap of 200 billion. Why do boomers hate money so much?

I believe that ARKF will co to use to outperform by over 100% comparatively and will end the year at over $90 a share, I would not be shocked if it hits $135 by the end of 2022.

>> No.28416388



>> No.28416554

I am long on green energy ETFs. I would be careful with individual stocks because that sector is historically unreliable, but the industry as a whole has nowhere to go but up.
My thinking, which I've posted in /smg/ before, is that there are 2 scenarios:
- Climate change destroys us, in which case what stocks I buy doesn't matter
- Climate change is averted, which will require at least a massive investment in clean energy, so these ETFs will be valuable
Is there a flaw in my logic?

In order to get a very wide spread (and because I don't want to have to do a diff on the holdings list of a dozen ETFs) I have some PBW, ICLN, TAN, FAN. I also own BEP individually, and I like to swing trade FSLR.

>> No.28416612

Here's a meme stock you'll enjoy that is trending on reddit. $FOMO (current ticker is $ELSM but will be changing any day now).

>> No.28416730
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>buy what smg shills

>> No.28416747

sorry, current ticker is $ETFM

>> No.28416765

Airlines mf why anybody is investing on this? , Corona will pass everyone will be fighting for a plabe ticket, now its the time safest invest right now

>> No.28416903

And we aren’t going to stop shoving free food and “life saving medications” down all the poor breeders throats anytime soon, so the global warming problem will inevitably get worse and worse meaning that more and more needs to be invested in it.

I agree that the industry is riddle with fraud though, so any stock could go straight up or straight down and the responsible thing to do is buy the ETFs, if you do t want to be responsible fine, buy whatever and buy naked calls.

>> No.28417120

You are missing a lot of scenarios. The ones I can think of are:
-Climate change is a problem that can be solved using technology understood in 2150, which is good, because it's an issue that will become pressing in 2250 if not addressed.
-Climate change is more meme than real
-We face much more serious concerns than global warming / global cooling / AGW / "climate change", and no one is interested in doing anything green for three hundred years

There's way more.

Anyway, clean energy stuff is an ok investment. Some of it is profitable, and a lot of countries may mandate its use over the next couple decades, in which case we are still early on it.

>> No.28418402

>Investing with only 100 dollars
You deserve it

I feel like anything long term is currently overvalued. I have a lot of money in buying power just waiting to shove it all into TQQQ, ICLN, MOON, ARKX

>> No.28418524

Yeah I know there are more scenarios, I wanted to keep it simple for the post. But:

>Climate change is a problem that can be solved using technology understood in 2150, which is good, because it's an issue that will become pressing in 2250 if not addressed.
AFAIK evidence suggests we'll be experiencing negative effects from climate change in the very near term. But even if that's not true, there's still going to be a need to transition to other energy sources as oil becomes more difficult to harvest. I don't claim to be an expert but there will come a time, possibly soon, where oil becomes less and less profitable to the point that economic forces will demand an alternative.
>Climate change is more meme than real
This is an unlikely scenario but the oil thing still comes into play.
>We face much more serious concerns than global warming / global cooling / AGW / "climate change", and no one is interested in doing anything green for three hundred years
This is possible, but in my estimation it leads to my scenario 1 where a degrading climate leads to enough economic strife that my stock picks don't matter anyway.
I think you need to revisit the topic, the effects of climate change are not 300 years in the future.

>> No.28418569
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Get in here

>> No.28418828

Anybody else just watching their portfolio gains disappear?

>> No.28419341

it makes me want to buy more at the bottom

>> No.28419511

Great topic.

I am long HUYA and DOYU. Been waiting for close to a year for them to pop and now it is happening. I will hold until the merger and longer.

While waiting for AMZN to drop to purchase territory around 3100, I am looking at logistics companies where AMZN have warrants, like AAWW and ATSG. These companies are bound to boom in the next few years. AMZN might take 'em over, and if AMZN doesn't, AMZN still has a lot of their stock, so AMZN will steer business their way. Final positive: these guys do "wet and dry leases" of aircraft. Meaning that airlines that are hard up for cash will sell their planes to these companies, and then lease them back. If you do not want to go into aircraft, then consider every other company that might be a purchase candidate for AMZN.

On another note: AMZN might split once Jassy is at the helm.

VSTO will keep on being high all year. Every earnings report will bring tidings of ever increasing income. When people are scared of the big bad gov stopping ammo sales, people will stock up. But of course the US gov aren't actually gonna stop ammo sales. Perfect mi.

More and more states are gonna open up to gambling in the next 2 years. It is a natural way to fix the covid financial downturn. Even though DKNG is a fair bet, it is overvalued. There are non-US operators of sportsbooks and online gambling that have an insane amount of know-how. Think Entain and Flutter.

IPOE and Chamath might still see some good returns. The new Astra IPO might boom if Cathie Wood starts her new space SPAC around the same time. Rivian's IPO will be pricey, but not if the car is great.

If everything looks overvalued in the US, think emerging markets. I am in the EU and I see lots of opportunities here.

>> No.28419603

Thanks for bumping the thread desu
I ain't watching your stream

>> No.28419845

your name is “clftranny”, clftranny. And nobody wants to watch your twitch

>> No.28420002

What do you think about all the other ARK etfs? I know TSLA will affect 3 of the 5 substantially, but going some into all of them seems a good way to hold brainlessly for a couple years

>> No.28420430

>corona will pass
>he doesn't know
they want to build back better, build back green
there's no airlines in their vision anon
strap in for staying at home

>> No.28420719

>if Cathie Wood starts her new space SPAC
> if Cathie Wood starts her new space FUND
Fixed that for me.

I really believe the Astra IPO might rock if Cathie's thing starts around the same time. Not gonna hold it very long though

>> No.28420889

>Investing with only 100 dollars
not everyone is a trust fund baby

>> No.28421864

buy IFRX

>> No.28421946

TTCF got a fair value of $30 but is crabbing $24.
If climate change stonks are going to be a big deal then meatless food will continue to grow.
These guys are sitting on a pile of money with no employees to pay and just have to sell over priced veggie to hipsters.
What do you think anon?

>> No.28422121


>> No.28422385

>haha pnd shitstock i'll just put $100 into it

SPACs are good for relatively safe speculation. The current market is good for speculation. I'm legit afraid of investing long term in anything right now because this historic bubble could pop at a moments notice (ie: corona part 2: fascist boogaloo)

>> No.28422501

Buy lkco faggot, it’s the dip

>> No.28422919
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Are we living in a simulation? Every dump is making V shaped recovery, this is not right this can't keep going I'm scared

>> No.28423145

Incoming merger
Court case about to nuke a couple billion shares
Get in while its dipped. I shilled this a few days ago and no one listened.

Good potential low volume right now Keep an eye on it

>> No.28424036

you really think it's overvalued? Do you think once people can start attending games again and more states legalize it, it might go up?

>> No.28424105

XMET looks really sus to me

>> No.28424379

It's a meme.
Merger and court case are potential moons for it. If both fall through its worthless. It's an empty shell

>> No.28424768

Is there an end date for either? It looks like it’s already mooned a bit.

>> No.28425239

I believe the case will have an update on Friday. Not over just an update. I don' think the merger can happen until the court case is over.

Another interesting penny stock is hcmc. They have a big lawsuit currently going on with phillips morgan. phillips morgan put out an annual report and had put it the current litigations against them being "unfavorable"
IDK exactly what "unfavorable" means so im not sure about going in on this myself.

>> No.28425455
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People who aren't invested in silver stocks are going to miss the greatest opportunity of the 21st century. Bayhorse Silver is undoubtedly the best risk-reward opportunity among them. Mcap is only $20 million but it's about to produce 1.3 million ounces of silver a year at only $10 cost to produce an ounce. That means that cash flow would be well over $50 million at $50 silver; in miner bull markets it's common for companies to trade at 30x cash flow, so Bayhorse can potentially get a 2 billion mcap at $50 silver and go up _100x_ in price. Does that sound impossible? It's not. Doug Casey says that “the average silver penny stock went up 150 times when the price of silver doubled.” Now imagine what Bayhorse would do at $100 silver? $200? $1000, which is where silver deserves to be? Mining stocks sometimes go up thousands of times in silver bull markets.

>> No.28425596
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Guys, AKAM is going to bounce back, right? I bought at $106.00 yesterday, thinking it was a good opportunity to jump in. Their quarterly/yearly results beat expectations. Wtf. The company is solid, this amount of drop is not warranted...

>> No.28425763

I'm also about to fuck myself and drop $10k on QLYS. Someone convince me not to.