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File: 174 KB, 1139x586, XSN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28411285 No.28411285 [Reply] [Original]

The latest announcement from the devs is here. Ethereum swaps are soon stable enough for a public release, and mass adoption is being worked on.

$0.40 has seen support for a long time now - Possibly breakout to $1 or even higher soon.

If Stakenet reaches the same marketcap as Uniswap, we're looking at $40/XSN => 100x the current price.

Keep in mind that UNI is a governance token, doesn't yield you any ROI on your investment. XSN does.

>> No.28411384

holy shit AMM bots, that's kinda crazy - how much volume would that be

>> No.28412106

I filled my bags.
Any minutes from now bullrun could be started.

>> No.28412187

A lot. arbitrating will be a LOT easier moving forward.

>> No.28412426

Hopefully they find a way to vampire mine all of Uniswap's liquidiy somehow, just like SUSHI did.

>> No.28412805

If this takes off, they'll get a LOT of volume, way more than Uniswap.

Imagine how many people who will leave Uniswap for instant nearly feeless trading. You'd be stupid not to actually.

>> No.28412894

Where do I even get this if I'm a burger? Bitfinex and all the good exchanges are blocked in my shit hole.

>> No.28412924
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Can an anon spoon feed me the easiest/cheapest way to get 15k XSN? I have 10 ETH in cuckcase and a whitebit account. Do I move the ETH from cuckbase to WhiteBit then buy USDT to buy XSN? What's the shortest/cheapest path (gas fees) from 10 eth on cuckbase to whitebit? Thanks,

>t. brainlet.

>> No.28413034

BTC-USDT market alone is $20B or so in daily vol.
Capturing even 1% of that arbitrage vol with AMM bots would skyrocket this coin to multiple dollars per XSN.

>> No.28413331

They don't need to vamp dex pairs - they can begin mining liquidity on cexes to arbitrage cross-exchange pricing.

They're not aiming to vamp anyone - they're aiming to add efficiency to markets by using AMM bots to cross-market arbitrage the different cexes (binance/BFX etc.)

>> No.28413338

Fake replies. Sage and report.

>> No.28413496
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also wondering this

>> No.28414210

Eth to whitebit sell for USDT buy XSN transfer to core wallet
Don't bother with limit buying or selling and just straight up market buy because there isn't enough volume or paper hands willing to sell at your fucking .38 or .39
there has been a huge 80k buy at .38 for days now

>> No.28414326

its just a fork of dash don't fall for this scam

>> No.28414431

ydraDX is a blockchain 3.0 solution that will destroy stakenets dreams. Unlike stakenet(XSN) they don't live in the past and will advance their stakenet(HDX) much faster.

By the time your little phase 3 launches HydraDX will be everywhere.
Already integrated into DOT, which obviously is the future of crypto cross chain interoperability.
Quit living in the past stakefags (XSN)
HydraDX also does not need stupid shenanigans like Connext, like wtf are stakefags even thinking,
that there will be a connext for every non-eth blockchain that will magically make this a proper crosschain DEX?
Even if there was it would take them YEARS from now to properly integrate it.
And using Stakenet DEX already is a pain in the ass imagine how inconvinient it would be for all the coming chains (if they even plan to).
Stakenet will end up lock Blocknetcucks, 10 clients for 10 pairs. Rope you fags, it's over.

The real stakenet is HydraDX.
LMAO imagine still hanging on to a UXTO chain...
Yes I'm aware that most of the stuff they want to do happens on L2(LN didnt save BTC and it won't save XSN)
I'm probably more versed on your faggy project than it's biggest proponents because guess what I'm not a brainlet who mindlessly parrots what 4chan shills say.

>> No.28414452

again, it's complete garbage and nothing about the release date, fagots, stop mocking everyone, this garbage won't start in any way

>> No.28414526

I dont ever see it going above 10 bucks but well, lets hope we reach 20 or 30. The good part is that most of it its locked in masternodes so the actual circulating supply is really low.

>> No.28414544

you realize comparing stakecucks to uniswap doesn't work right?
Stakenet needs weeks if not months for every single pair they integrate.

yes I copy pasted my previous posts, you open threads willy nilly and spam this shit.

>> No.28414664

The way he price dropped as soon as it hit an exchange with proper liquidity should tell you what the price action of this will be.

>> No.28414851

jerk off all great announcement came out

>> No.28415609

bitcoin 1 million $, xsn we will soon, lol, lol, lol

>> No.28416464
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LOL where's your release announcement? Oh nonono, yet again a "we're working on it". Looks like they're now regretting developing a desktop app, but a few months ago it was an amazing idea? Get used to being scammed, since XSN is one.

>> No.28416564

Yeah but when will this shit actually be done. Every update for the past 6 months feels like an announcement of some new idea.

t. 1 MN

>> No.28417006

Web and a secure light wallet it’s a nice touch.

High frequency trading is the key to Layer2 adoption

>> No.28417418


Basically this opens up the game to the big whale traders . On chain trades take too long and are too expensive and make high frequency trades only feasible on CEX .

Stakenet enables traders to own their keys while giving them CEX like settlement.

>> No.28417890

Big Whales with no counterparty risk - no exchange hacks, no locked withdrawls... That's tempting even for a small trader like me.

>> No.28418490
File: 742 KB, 1135x2048, Screenshot_20210211-172904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask yourself this why would people go out of their way to FUD a coin. If a coin is a shit people will ignore and move on.
Go and look at the amount of FUD when BTC, ETH and LINK was worth pennies in the archives.

LINK FUD when it was a few cent in 2018

>> No.28418715

fagots soon, give us 3 more years!!!

>> No.28418800

Remember that no one here has your best interest in mind. Do your own research.

>> No.28419156

>Ask yourself this why would people go out of their way to FUD a coin.
Maybe because these same developers rugged PoSW, and people subsequently lost money because of these fucking scammers. Fuck off scammers trying to claims this is "just like LINK". Fucking every single scam using the same play.

>> No.28419604

is this the only way for burgers to buy in?

>> No.28419950

POSW rebranded to XSN and it is a simple coin swap but keep spouting your lies


>> No.28420109

if you search 'xsn' on twitter its a ton of bot replyguys trying to drum up interest by asking crypto accounts about it

same copy pasted tweets over and over again

not a good look

>> No.28421301
File: 37 KB, 450x300, Delayed-Flights-Display-Board-LOW-RES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it just me or does this "announcement" read as just cope for Q1 delay?

>> No.28421677

They are building both, you absolute moron.

>> No.28422039

Oh you've gone quiet what happened, cat caught your tongue

>> No.28422177


Whitebit and bitfinex.

There was a ton of volume yesterday . You’re best setting limit orders if you’re buying a big bag.

>> No.28422477

Guys. I just search about XSN, I think they are doing big progress. XSN DEX will be HUGE. I will invest $10k

>> No.28422635

So they realized they're falling behind?

>> No.28422665

welcome to da SKATENEETS
Link Fud is bullish, i would have Necc if i was a fudder being that wrong.

>> No.28423194

Exactly. Every quarter there is this same update: "we are researching to do thing X". This is a scam, and everyone from the coordinated discord shilling group are disgusting shits.

>> No.28423453

close this shit

>> No.28423459

Yeah look at that archive, there is more FUD than actual discussion which is eerily similar to what we see in the XSN threads.

>> No.28424003

release date, suck fagots

>> No.28424474
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>> No.28424485

I'm in the closed beta and let me just put it this way... I'd be surprised if there ends up being a release by the end of March.

>> No.28424656

plese delt this post it is scam, because i says so
I am insider, no I cannot prove that i am, but promise i am, and this is scam sirs sell immediately fast quick

>> No.28424664

I dont know what the point of this is. It's a eth based l2 solution. The btc will be wrapped due to the fact that is the only way to do the swaps. This is no different than uniswap due intriniscly due to the gas fees you will have to pay for this.

>> No.28424781
File: 95 KB, 750x932, a86863bcd84c04b39da44576c5a5a015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wanna marry 22 year old natalie portman

>> No.28424784

I'm in closed beta, fuck it's 3 more years

>> No.28424993
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>> No.28425011

Yep. Also consider that LINK team does LITERALLY ZERO marketing. They just dropped their feeds one day and devs started using them.

X9 devs basically doing the same thing - there was some noise about partnerships and marketing early Q1 in prep for the BFX release, but since then it's been basically minimal comms.

I will say that it might be nice for them to add devs to their team to keep up on non-critical-path stuff so they can dedicate their long-term resources to the MVP.

Also, hearing that they're researching web UI is actually a bit disappointing. MVP should be the focus - worry about web UI later, once the dex is released and the team has something to show investors.

Web-based DEX that only covers Eth ecosystem is a huge change in direction and is kinda disappointing really. I want the product that was promised.

>> No.28425009

>no different than uniswap due intrinsicly due to the gas fees you will have to pay for this.
Layer 2, anon. No gas for trades

>> No.28425016

Like this anon says, I'm not BSing in my post. I'm still hopeful but as they say "don't put all your eggs in 1 basket"


>> No.28425100
File: 35 KB, 545x227, 1517044684257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek find me a project that is FUDed as much as XSN

>> No.28425537
File: 15 KB, 441x126, 9396515453228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so glad I sold my bitcoin for $8 not $4.

>> No.28425750

What's the make it stack?

>> No.28426665

Put your eggs in 1 basket and watch that basket very closely

>> No.28426797

>Web-based DEX that only covers Eth ecosystem is a huge change in direction and is kinda disappointing really. I want the product that was promised.
They really need to focus on delivering one product at a time for a certain user demographic.
There's no use in trying to solve everything for everyone, that's how you get nothing done and no one's happy.

>> No.28427063

>The good part is that most of it its locked in masternodes so the actual circulating supply is really low.
The bad part is that masternodes print a lot of XSN, so the coin is inflationary. I predict the price will go from 40c to 15c if the next three months if the DEX will be delayed again.

>> No.28427173

In a bull run ?

>> No.28427843

It's like a binary biotech or pharma play

at this point you're basically betting that if you get in now the dex will release by end of Q1

if it doesn't, you'll be able to buy @ $.15 because everyone who just entered will be pissed that they didn't deliver and dump their bags.

If it does, it'll take off and you'll be forced to buy at 10x.

>> No.28427852

It's disappointing that they have only finished TPoS so far in three years. Nobody even knows what TPoS is, and how it's useful for everybody. The team doesn't seem to know where they're heading. They think that as long as they keep saying DEX then everything will be fine. However, the time will come that something better than "the DEX" is going to show up and no matter what they do, nobody's going to care anymore.

>They really need to focus on delivering one product at a time for a certain user demographic.
>There's no use in trying to solve everything for everyone, that's how you get nothing done and no one's happy.
Finally, one more person with a lick of common sense on this thread.

>> No.28427983

>In a bull run ?
Yes, otherwise it would be 9c-7c.

>> No.28428034

With this in mind - the real quesiton is: do you think the dev team can deliver?

They're very close to delivery - but 7 weeks is not a lot of time to test a full-feature product, and as shown their limited dev resources appear to be split too many directions.

Right now, it's not looking good for the upside.

>> No.28428492

Holding this during bear was comfy but now its bull season and every shitcoin is doing numbers this is painful as fuck. Could have been in anything else and been up double. Fucking hire some new devs so we can release already, fuck me. Someone is straight up going to beat XSN to the punch soon.

>> No.28428981

>It's like a binary biotech or pharma play
Clearly, it's not.

>at this point you're basically betting that if you get in now the dex will release by end of Q1
There's no betting here, rather people are holding onto the speculation that the DEX will be released or not.

>if it doesn't, you'll be able to buy @ $.15 because everyone who just entered will be pissed that they didn't deliver and dump their bags.
No, I don't think I won't be buying. I know XSN's time will come but until then it's a bag that I will hold until it goes up unprecedented like DOGE or GME. I have 11 MNs of XSN but that's enough for me as I have other sources of income. I'm holding other coins too such as BTC, ETH, and LINK. I've been in the crypto game for a long time that gains doesn't matter to me anymore because, well, I've already made it in stocks, gold, silver, and real estate anyway.

>If it does, it'll take off and you'll be forced to buy at 10x.
>it'll take off
Not really, the DEX released won't be a finished product. The XSN team had already made this clear, the DEX release date doesn't matter. What they will release is the public "beta" and that's what matters. This is already priced in so I don't think it will really take off, maybe it'll go to 70c but never $1 until they've finished Hydra and the DEX.

>> No.28429313
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>> No.28429394

lol! I think you undervalue the work done. Once people figure it out 3 dollars easy

>> No.28429434

Holy Shit.
I just find out that.
If XSN DEX daily volume reaches $1B, I can earn $6000 Monthly by holding 1 Masternode.
holy cow!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is fucking awesome.

>> No.28430210

>There's no betting here, rather people are holding onto the speculation that a working DEX will be released and if that affects the price action of the XSN coin or not.
Imma change that.

>> No.28431201
File: 98 KB, 736x440, opera_j9VPk9l47U.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile orn gets actual work done.
Who cares if the assets are native you stakecucks.

>> No.28431290


>> No.28431311

First orn, and then orn will be replaced by HydraDX

>> No.28431837

it was said times and times again, use vpn. Alternatively you can wait for dex

>> No.28432270

devs are taking their time with this shit

>> No.28432360

wtf no! sell sell sell

>> No.28433548



Lol im buying

>> No.28434052

duuuude, i love that shit
Whitebit + VPN