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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28393598 No.28393598 [Reply] [Original]

alright /biz/, real talk, why did you fud this muh leddit coin into oblivion. i fudded it too, because i trusted you, anons. now it moons and after i tried it and read about it, it might be the best p2p coin out there? like what the actual FUCK, is this place astroturfed by miners???

>> No.28394324

I started fudding nano after the time-traveller thread to give me more time to accumulate desu, dunno about others

>> No.28394403

Im so mad I bought a bunch around $1 and sold to put it somehwere else then it fucken mooned a month later

>> No.28394469

easily the most undevalued crypto, I'm acquiring as much as I can at these ridiculously cheap prices, expect it to moon to $50-100+ in the next couple months

>> No.28394546

So we could buy it cheap?

>> No.28394581
File: 748 KB, 794x1845, B9D0B5D7-37F7-43FE-BF14-BAB5EDEDCB1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still not too late

>> No.28394942
File: 436 KB, 3454x1846, 1609717873719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i posted this chart months ago and this is literally happening
this coin is too easy to understand, any moron will buy it. as long as litecoin is still in the top 20, this is massively undervalued
comfy as fuck as i went all in at 1 dollar

>> No.28394944

Fug, I'm so overexposed to this coin, yet I can't bring myself to get rid of any. But god, does it feel good when it makes moves like these. My portfolio just instantly blows up.

>> No.28395097

yes blast this shit off already back to 30 dollars

>> No.28395157
File: 46 KB, 971x773, happening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this shit

>> No.28395325

The most obvious choice for altseason, it's success depends on bitcoin doing well though. All in on thise one, too bad i only have 2k NANO though. Reddit coin but who cares, coins need a community to do well.

>> No.28395401

that's what 99% of jan-18 bubble shitcoins look like retard. maybe it'll go up more than others because of redditors, but I won't put my faith in those paper handed faggots after what happened back then

>> No.28395409

the relentless autism and community of link has proven this theory

>> No.28395600

this coin has a fucking cult of people behind it who will not sell
simular to the early day btc community