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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28390784 No.28390784 [Reply] [Original]

I work as a Canadian plumber. Today i made more money than any of you cucks will ever make day trading cryptocurrency. Want to know something amazing though? I can hold it in my fucking hand, that's right i can count my dollars right in front of my face. I'm not playing around with pretend coins that don't have any impact on this world.

I started work at 5:00 AM today. I was able to install 3 boilers each giving me ~3000$ per. I unclogged 3 toilets each giving me ~600$ each for 30 minutes of work. I find problems that dont exist in every single customers house that i enter into. Even if its an old fucking boomer in their 70s who ruined our economy i dont care i take advantage of their stupidity.

You really need this heat exchanger upgrade to your heating system!! It's looking really old and your pipes could burst any moment.

Even though its completely fine i'll just bill them for a $900 part that was in perfect working condition.

The only way to get ahead in life is to fucking push your way around. So that's right today i made $12,585 canadian dollars. Meanwhile you fucking cucks are investing in digital garbage like "dogecoin, rubic, REEF, and graph" Spamming your fucking cuck memes and losing money..

Why don't you use your brain for a minute and realise that the latest SEC news is going to crash all of your crypto world around you in the next few months. Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme that only profits for the original founders. You will never make as much money as me in the trades because you're too busy failing realizing the only way to get ahead in life is through hard work and ripping people off.

Enjoy staying poor

>> No.28390967

have fun at 40 when youre body is fucked.

i do nothing all day and make more money than you LMAO
go play in more feces faggot

>> No.28390998

>unclogged 3 toilets

>> No.28391093

I made 7k clicking buttons on a computer for an hour

>> No.28391155


>> No.28391207


>> No.28391215

$12,000 Canadian? What's that like $12 American?

>> No.28391242

>Only makes 12k per day with ripping people off and is proud of it

Alright guys, who is gonna tell him?

>> No.28391263
File: 62 KB, 1080x889, 0k6pvort6ol41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do wagies feel the need to defend their slave-life on here. What makes them so angry?

>> No.28391280

This pasta is for bear markets. Not for bull

>> No.28391289

good for you for working hard, bro. But you should stop lying to people to make a little extra money. Invest the money you make so that you can maintain your standard of living throughout your whole life.

>> No.28391358

>nobody recognizes 2017 pasta

What the fuck happened to this place

>> No.28391407

Don't be mad im cleaning out your wifes pipes cuckboy. Keep losing money.

>> No.28391439

be assured there are many that recognize it and waiting to capitalize on it.

>> No.28391502

Literal scammer. I made that amount while I was asleep.

>> No.28391530
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I made $35k sat at my computer selling hoge yesterday, shut up and fuck off

>> No.28391539

Didnt read, only laughed

>> No.28391542

Absolute horse shit.
>grandfather and uncle are plumbers working out of NY since the 60s
>they did extremely well, made a lot of money
>good day is like $1200 for easy work
>takes hours to get to and from different jobsites within the confined of a single city
And I'm supposed to pretend this canuck retard is making $12k in a few hours? Yeah okay faggot. Plumbers make good money but it ain't that good.

>> No.28391596

all these newfags

>> No.28391598

man i feel really sad, i make 5USD a day and i'm tring to get some money with cripto, but i only made 3USD today.

Hope i can get a moon coin.

>> No.28391661

>Bragging about cleaning up successful people’s literal shit.
Audible kek

>> No.28391743

Poo piper owned

>> No.28391790
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>> No.28391802

12,585 CAD is like $29.99 USD pretax and like, a mcchicken after tax retard

>> No.28391814

cant tell if they're playing along or we're really this flooded by newfags

>> No.28392170

What was life like back in Poland?

>> No.28392242

>600$ for uncloaking a toilet

kike detected.

>> No.28392430

I have a legit plumbing question for you, plum-/biz/-bro -- I'm in the process of buying an old home (1960's) in a desirable seaside town in Florida. The general inspection determined that there is no plumbing issue but I am in the process of hiring a plumber at my own expense to snake the plumbing lines and provide me the video copy. I want to ensure that there are no issues with the cast-iron plumbing that sits underneath the foundation, which happens to be concrete block. Am I doing the right thing here, or am I being paranoid about the plumbing?

>> No.28392485

Poured concrete foundation, not concrete block. My mistake.

>> No.28393041

As an American investor I own shares in all the companies that make your job ripping people off possible. I enjoy sleeping in and collecting tendies while you are elbow deep in literal shit. Thank you for your service. Now go get your fucking plunger!

>> No.28393084

>dat rite wyboy i hold it in my hand means real dollas real maney yo bitch nigger

>> No.28393166

Your being paranoid and wasting your money.

>> No.28393173

I want the markets to crash... I'd rather lose and have my old biz back than having to deal with those zoomer newfags

>> No.28393362


24H Profit / Loss
£ 7,646.60

>> No.28393974

I think you're being paranoid, if it's a seaside home it's designed to handle some water damage if your shit gets fucked anyway, it's not like your non-existent basement is gonna flood.

>> No.28394215

>i made half that much jerking off to cartoon porn and looking at memes on the internet with my wife
>no shit i could make more if i actually did something, but why?
>actually it was more than half because i make my profit in american dollars

>> No.28394298

I've been here since 2019 and even I recognize it

>> No.28394486

yesterday i clogged three toilets in my house that i bought with kleros and paid some retard to unclog my poopy

>> No.28394536

>Cucknadian ZOGbot is happy wageslaving
Some people were BORN not making it

>> No.28395935
File: 65 KB, 982x789, 1570579017553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this pasta and the S.W.E.A.T pledge-posting
good times

>> No.28397130
File: 333 KB, 413x367, 1590975074451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made 30k this week and never left my house lol. Now go unclog my shit wagie

>> No.28397209

The only thing that fucks you is the knees, that's why you wear kneepads.

>> No.28397256


>> No.28397805


>> No.28397946
File: 23 KB, 810x696, critical that you stfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go swim around in shit for your money faggot, I'm quite happy to sit on my ass all day

>> No.28398167
File: 23 KB, 363x550, 1558910466376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I unclogged 3 toilets each giving me ~600$ each
top kek. what a retarded larp

>> No.28398267

How much of that does you pay in taxes? kek

>> No.28398357

A seditary lifestyle will fuck up your body, how fat are you?

>> No.28398591

Yeah I'm a refrigeration/hvac engineer, trades are a great way to earn money and have job satisfaction but the trick is not to tell anybody because then every cunt will be at it.
Don't act like you're not lurking biz to shoot on a cheap stock or crypto that'll make you easy money