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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 544 KB, 1037x1715, SHAKE-CHAN-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28389513 No.28389513 [Reply] [Original]

Website: https://spaceswap.app
Partners: Snow and Curve DAO

Price stable at around 5k

>> No.28389789

Its scam. Soon it will be stable around 2000.

>> No.28389885

Its obvious scam. Soon it will be stable around 2000.

Snowswap sucks and DAO is not a Partner, it was Just shoutout to an good idea.

>> No.28390103

Ouch, I really hope other fellow anons don't get burned by this again

>> No.28390623

Nice copy paste Poojet
Kek you still fudding

>> No.28391337

how long before I get pool rewards?

>> No.28391712

most promising project ive seen the entire bullrun so far. i cant believe the amount of work and design they put into this shit.

>> No.28392214

this is a scam this is a scam, your posts do not matter! exhale and stop writing nonsense.

>> No.28392709


Lol u are so funny, do u have any proof to saying that this project is scam?>>

If u loose ur money that mean that u don't educated enough in project like this one
All u want is just shout to everyone that the project is scam just for no reason

>> No.28393845

You must have not digged into the project.

>> No.28393942

Or you must have been from the FUD team. Just stop it already.

>> No.28393995

>>try to short sell it
stupid idiot, don’t spam on /biz/ with this fucking shittools u idiot
trading with best analysing and different bots is on Bot Ocean now
but still you may find a fucker who will buy your fuckbot

>> No.28394047

Dump happened because the FUD team ruined the price. And it's not SpaceSwap devs to blame.

>> No.28394261

which pool u mean?

>> No.28394341

They don't have any argument instead of yellin scam, that's all they can have and of coirse no money cause thel already sold

>> No.28394409

I think this is not because of the fud, it's correction and ptice will gro of course but need time

>> No.28394718

Same thought
This is nice project and stupid fiddlers can’t do nothing with it

>> No.28394775

Anyway low price is the best time for packing your bags of MILK2.

>> No.28395021

I already packed )
what's about u?

>> No.28395141

I bough 2 days ago and hodling more milk

>> No.28395264

Hodling and waiting to the moon

>> No.28395286

airdrop in 19h 45m

>> No.28395428

which ? u mean distribution between shake holders?

>> No.28395504

How much you are waiting?

>> No.28395567

I bought. Comfy 10x in a week.

>> No.28395602

You mean milk for shake holders!

>> No.28395681

So realise how much u will get if it's up for 10$ per MILK2

>> No.28395789

about 8-10$
I lready made great profit from the begining

>> No.28395968

That great

>> No.28395999

Guys. There is no attention to this project. Its a one moon wonder.

>> No.28396079

you mean -75% from ath. Idiot.
also sageru

>> No.28396089

Who told u that? they have partners like curve, and u are talking things u don't even know lol

>> No.28396092

Nice price , I’m waiting the same , but of course I believe after bsc it can be 10x more price than now

>> No.28396169

Also bought the dip. Destination-moon!

>> No.28396171

I know its not a SCAM, or at least i do think its not a SCAM. But what worries me is that i have the feeling that nobody cares for Spaceswap and we are sitting on our bags...

>> No.28396193

I told you fucks to leave the board or I'm releasing a little piece of text that Im going to spam into every thread you make.
Your tokenomics are absolut crap and you know it. Just pull the rug and fuck off already

>> No.28396204

Lol if u lost ur money just go ang cry away, top fudding u dumby

>> No.28396237


>> No.28396244

you are crazy. tons of people on this, including avalanche devs in their chat,some other big coin dev came into their chat as well, and they have some crazy features on their site. im thinking this is the dip before another massive pump.

>> No.28396245

Curve ist not a partner. They only did one shoutout on Twitter. Thats it.

>> No.28396324

Lot's of ppl and project heard about it definitely smbd just jealous or don't wanna show that they are interested in shadow staking

>> No.28396405

they have togheters pools thats call partnership in yield farming lol

>> No.28396507

Lol and so what? what u will do? go and cry to ur mama and asking for money that u lost here?
stupid fudders just go away , we are really fed up with u

>> No.28396600

talking absolutely bulshit that's all fudder can

>> No.28396630

NO ONE is their partner, some projects just thought "hey yeah lets give them some liquidity for a pair" nothing more. No one associates with these fucks.


Okay you want it.

200 full shake in circulation
1% of minted MILK2 is given to shake holders
6900 MILk2 every 2 weeks distributed to 200 Shake
>30~ MILK2 for holding a SHAKE every 2 weeks, even less because some have the multiplier that applies to them
So we see here 30 MILK yield for being an "early adopter" so really bad already
Now what happens when you're not early lets say 1000 shake are in circulation
> 6.9MILK2 yield in 2 weeks
Lets say all the shake are minted
>0.69 MILK2 yield

>MILK2 is inflationary, and gov address has full mint rights and can pass it to other adresses
>if milk2 is inflationary and shake is pegged 1:10000 through oneway trading(blender) that makes shake printable up to 10k.
>On top of that MILK2 pools have really bad APYs when used by more than 100-1k people with proper stacks.

>> No.28396736
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>> No.28396902

Retard i'm earning like 400 milk a day farming 1 shake and I started yesterday. Salty because he's poor and lactose intolerant .

>> No.28397043

lmao what kind of shit are you talking about
>690k minted every 100k eth blocks
>1% goes to shake
>1% = 6900milk every 2 weeks distributed over all shakeholders

LMAO put on your glasses or stop spreading misinfo you don't get the full amount of minter milk , 99% goes to the farmers. 1% to the shakers.

>> No.28397056

OMG u will spreading this stupid post everyday

PARTNERSHIP id to create pools togheter what the did with snow, jul, 1inch and curve

Lots of project even etherium can mint tokens and pass it to the other addres and THIS IS OK cause no one will do it cause this all in open sourse
SHAKE is peggerd to MILK2 with the ratio 1:1000(from the beginign) not 1:10000 as u told
so first of all go and learn all that u are not educated at all and only fter that open ur mouth here
Pickle finance lost about 20mln
Harvest about 30 mlns cause they don't have the same technology as shadow staking and all ppls who gave their LP tokens to them lost all theirs money!

>> No.28397170

Lol if he has NFT he can farm even more cause nfts pool are not 6.9 milk per block and alocation point higher

>> No.28397220

you forgot that you burn milk to make shake, so its not inflationary. and shake is crazy expensive/rare so very few people can reach the threshold for milk drops so burning milk is highly incentivized, and with shake you get to make big decisions on governance.

lets be real, this project is crazy. crazy in a good way or crazy in a stagnant way, only time will tell. but its also beautiful and innovative as hell on top of that. im supporting it.

>> No.28397236

Haha it's fine that you're brown little brain can't wrap your head around this project. There's Shake-Eth pools that you can farm... The airdrop is just one of many bonuses for Shake holders.

>> No.28397275

from the beginning but if you have a blender function you make the initial 1:1000 obsolete.

milk can range exactly from 1:1(never going to happen) to 1:10000
And you post your fucking threads everyday.

>> No.28397311

we can tell the tokenomic to dumb people day by day but they will see only their point of view

>> No.28397323

oh yeah and thats not even counting the fact that you literally farm without spending any money or gas fees moving coins around. it farms free and automatically. this project is absolutely insane imo.

>> No.28397343

holding LP tokens does not give you yield retard.

>> No.28397446

And i will be here everyday for the ppl who are getting confused reading ur stupid and unfounded articles just for fud

>> No.28397516

Do u even learn how shaking technology works? yes it does

>> No.28397593

This coin has a lot of drama around it and I'd recommend people here avoid it for their own peace of mind.

>> No.28397617

Leave him be he obviously wants to be poor

>> No.28397785

Yes I do.
No they dont. Your snapshots for SHAKE only work for shake and not for shake LP tokens.

>> No.28397838

you are not financial adviser so let ppl decided what they shpuld do by themselfs

>> No.28397957
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Anyone know who this dude is?

>> No.28398012

lol u conect ur wallet with lp tokes on it and start farming MILK2 from the pools
In others project u need to stake ur LP ( gave them to smartcontract) and spend gas before u wull start farming

>> No.28398100

The snapshot is pretty minor currently getting 180% APY off my shakies. I have one sat in my wallet for the snapshot just in case though.

>> No.28398191


>> No.28398220

Hodl dude u will become rich

>> No.28398236

those kinda people enter literally 5 times a day, and also teams from other major coins like avalanche seem to be entering often too. idk, i feel like this thing is about to explode.

>> No.28398309
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>> No.28398461

you can literally put the shake in your wallet for the snapshot and then put it back into farming right after. already confirmed this with the admin.

>> No.28399553

If it costs $2,000 I'll buy a dozen right away

>> No.28399795

I’m holding some shake but I’m still 67% convinced it’s all vapourware and false promises

I already 4x’d and took profits I’m just going to dump enough of my farmed milk to get to the point that if shake goes to zero it doesn’t matter to me

I suggest you all do the same

>> No.28399853

Guys, DYOR. SpaceSwap is a project with a great technology. And a lot of Hype is around it.

>> No.28400266

Strange comments about token’s dump. It’s common for all crypto world! They ‘ll announce new partnerships and the price will obviously growing up

>> No.28400308

Well, stop talking nonsense, SpaceSwap has everything written in the instructions! Your eyes are deceiving you dude! 1: 1000 milk! You can't even read it normally, but you are already laying out some unfounded accusations.

>> No.28400348
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>> No.28400421
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>> No.28400460

I am reading the post of a 15 year old offended boy who had his candy taken away! You are funny like your friends.

>> No.28400870

Stop copying messages and delivering literally to every group! everyone understood that you are idiots and are just trying to suck the problem out of your finger! Some kind of Anton was invented, some kind of NOAH coins! I only saw NOAH liquidity pool! I specifically asked the support team about NOAH, they are just employees! You there really do not understand what you are carrying on the forum?

>> No.28401101

another sick bastard ... Have you been to a psychiatrist for a long time !? Admin please block these inadequate IP addresses.

>> No.28401289
File: 337 KB, 750x451, 1612645574705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anton is not made up

Please refute these claims or give an answer

1. Why is anton here seen with founder spaceswap

2. why does anton noah pool have 100x liquidity of all the pools

3. why did team decide to reduce antons noah pool by 88%%

4. why is questions about anton avoided

here is yoru founder with scammer anton who has been getting milk tokens free

>> No.28402591

Why are you discussing Anton? I’ve researched an information about him. He is completely open person with a pleasant family. He has his own YouTube channel. And his projects are not connected with the SpaceSwap. They were just one of the partners but not more.
SpaceSwap are independent guys with the brilliant team of their developers

>> No.28402684

It's better for you to study DEFI structure a little!
Seems you understand nothing in this sphere!
Do you know the Defi , the liquidity pool structure?
Have you heard about Shadow technology?
All your funds don't live your wallet!
I'm using Space Swap and my LP tokens are safety on my Metamask!

>> No.28403223

Why are you confusing people?! Shame on you!
Everything is in open source and all addresses and smart contracts are opened!
Everyone can check! Stop spread false information!

>> No.28403513

Those FUD guys are able just to copy paste typical comments They are not paid for smth else.
And the strategy is so clear - to buy Milk 2 or Shake on their low and then to start pumping... nothing new.
And of course they choose those projects which will be developed and will be one of the TOP

>> No.28403677

why would it be false promises if they keep adding functions to the site constantly, including innovative stuff no one thought of before? the work on the UI alone is beyond any other project.

>> No.28403730

Literally everyone is talking about SpaceSwap, and I only have time to read the news on my Twitter. No wonder their coins are rising

>> No.28404866

I prefer the official news form the official sources.
Fuders, know nothing in DeFi and try to make a settlements

>> No.28404999

>a settlements

>> No.28405200
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>> No.28405340
File: 159 KB, 737x723, SpaceSwap Scammers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why hasn't team addressed the mint function or anton scammer

>> No.28405652

why do you answer to my post m8, answer to theirs.
I think we should stop telling biz the truth about this coin btw, the only ones who don't know yet are newfags and they deserve to be rekt.

>> No.28405978

Yes! You should learn DeFi Projects!
Many Defi projects have the same practice.
It's normal. The contracts are in the open source and everyone can check them any time.
Dev Guys are working hard to create stable project. It will be stupid for them to mint a lot of tokens.
CEO makes partnerships one by one. The plan to create a bridge to BSC!

>> No.28406431

Milk will be very expensive in the future IMHO

>> No.28406532

Absolutely agree with u! Design is craziness!

>> No.28406620

There are so many gossipers here who just want hype

>> No.28406795

Their technology is the future!

>> No.28406982

He's a bot which is the whole point of this thread is to see how dumb their fud is.

>> No.28407394

Design is cool, I like it. But the essence is the tech.

>> No.28407495

I agree.A great DeFi gem at an early stage.

>> No.28407595
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Those people who claim they checked a Milk2 smart contract, either do not have enough education/skills to read a smart contract or there is a simple miscommunication.
To burn and to mint new tokens Milk2 can only be done by a person who has a role of GovernanceContract.

>> No.28408003

All their empty chatter is unfounded and unsupported by anything, they are just children who spread gossip on the Internet

>> No.28408038

I assume Anton isn't part of SpaceSwap team. It's just the partnership.

>> No.28408242
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>> No.28408447

Fud guys put names of other people to confuse the people.
CEO of Space Swap is https://twitter.com/GeniusDeFi

>> No.28409168
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anon devs

>> No.28409346
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any other actual human beings in this thread? it is obvious that the telegram admins post in these threads due to the odd way they post and unabashed shilling. this isn't schizo tier either as the admins OPENLY would talk about shilling in the fucking main channel

>> No.28409452

he is a genius, I think

>> No.28409627

yep, i also read info about him. he really know what he does

>> No.28409633

You think it's just fudding and shilling bots just shouting at each other in the endless void?

>> No.28409876
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>> No.28409883

do you think the SPACESWAP will be listed on BINANCE??

>> No.28409939

bots could be involved for sure. but the telegram milkshake admins openly discuss shilling

>> No.28409985

ha ha are you sure????

>> No.28410231

of cuase it will be, i think it will be soon ^^)))

>> No.28410387

approximately when?

>> No.28410625

not more than 2 month

>> No.28410706

wow, that’s soooo near

>> No.28410778
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>> No.28410939
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The answer is obvious!
The main question is when?

>> No.28411196

Most defi projects are anonymous. This is normal practice in DeFi sphere.
The main thing in Defi is the code, but not the faces of the dev team

>> No.28411353
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>> No.28411667

Feels more like fud bots vs fud bots who pretend they're shilling.
And it seems to be working becase I'm seriously considering selling right now. Who knows when this shit will recover at this rate.

>> No.28412050

not fud bots real facts that team cannot refute

anton is part of the team and has over million in value in his noaa pool. Community found out and reduced his pool rewards by 88% becaause he has been "milking" milk tokens with his scam

only founder is doxxed all the devs are anon and nobody knows who or how many control mint function

sketchy team scam

>> No.28412317

that's not how it works mate. They check how long you hodld shake, the snapshot gets taken every block the yield is issued on the 100k'th block.

I checked it with an admin aswell at this point they'd do anything to keep up the price.

>> No.28412792
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>> No.28412891

Shut the fuck up you street shitting nigger, no sane human bean would spend days of their life wasting away fudding a project with terrible copy pastes in order to "protect other anons".
It would be embarrassing for you to not be a bot.

>> No.28413379

you're stupid, you totally deserve this; get fucked plebbitor

>> No.28413523

Fud guys keep posting stupid warnings and the same posts.
Really fun! looking forward for the new solutions of Space Swap

>> No.28413881

oh god this is called correction! janitor dirty yards are waiting for you! go sweep the streets

>> No.28414442

Get lost, stupid fudder, this useless nonsense is already boring everyone! UGH

>> No.28415085

definitely not an admin. the admins are in the chat speaking perfect english and typing up a storm every second. its probably just some guy who is largely invested. doesnt change the fact that the project is godlike though.

>> No.28415411

And what’s wrong with the price? It’s stable enough right now. And SpaceSwap future news will rise it.
Their marketing campaign was just started a week or two weeks ago. And how much is already done!

>> No.28415428

only insults and nothing else! you do not deserve attention

>> No.28415666
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Space Swap has a great future!
Stop fudding, research the project!

>> No.28416349

I'm sure that proper marketing campaign will affect the price in a positive way.

>> No.28416538

Man, there're so many FUD bots around this project. Bad projects don't have that much attention ;-)

>> No.28416660

Really amazing!

>> No.28416754

The fudding bots soon will be out of arguments

>> No.28416868

Cool. Thanks for the link. Worth seeing for sure.

>> No.28417620

SpaceSwap is still not very well known. The more people will learn about its great tech the earlier we will see the moon. I came across their Gitbook and learnt a lot.

>> No.28418191

You You are welcome!
Please, post smth interesting too

>> No.28418294

Yes, you are right. I suppose 2021 will be the DeFi year too. And such technologies as Shadow Staking will win

>> No.28418341


this happens every thread btw

>> No.28418656

But unfortunately when SpaceSwap will grow up bigger there still be FUD groups that want to buy cheap and earn a lot in the long run.

>> No.28418899

Yes, now is the best time to find DeFi gems. And SpaceSwap is one of them for sure.