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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 225x225, germpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28382104 No.28382104 [Reply] [Original]

I like germany.
Beer, Weißwurst, BMW, Autobahn aaaaand

Lets go boys

>> No.28382340

You like refugee cock hans

>> No.28382385

Fuck Germany

>> No.28382418


>> No.28382429

Nee weisswurst

>> No.28382717
File: 25 KB, 398x431, thumbs up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"we'll do coordicide this year"
>said every year, since 3 years ago
>aggressive narcissist devs
>thinks nodes need no incentives

This is, and always has been a shitcoin
Really nice websites though

>> No.28382753

smart refugee cities

>> No.28383064

BMW = Bayrischer Mistwagen
loses 80% of its value after 5 years (i know same for audi and benz)

but iota really good jaja

>> No.28383193

german engineering my brother.

IOTA is the TIGER of our era.

>> No.28383225

most refugees are replaceing our old boomers who did shitty jobs in factorys for minimum wage while the "og" germans do the important stuff

>> No.28383286

>tiger of our time
so its drivetrain will fall apart after 40km of driving

>> No.28383852

dabs on wehraboos

>> No.28383913

Germany getting BTFO in WW2 is all I need to know about German engineering

>> No.28384099

coordicide was announced 1 year ago and is already running perfectly on testnet, implemented this year on main net.
Cfb and David have been booted out. Dom is cool by me.
learn about mana before making statements like that doofus, you're just showing yourself up by being so uneducated on what you're trying to fud.

>> No.28384147

The plague of europe.
Thanks for Iota and autobahn btw.

>> No.28384179

still dumb normie burgers love german cars
btw the biz favourite "lambo" is also german

>> No.28384181

German perfection.. even in statements

>> No.28384215

IOTA, as the cringiest project in the space, fits Germans very well. Enjoy losing all your money, Sören.

>> No.28384241

France and Germany literally feeding Europe slavic scum

>> No.28384249

autobahn is about to get fcked by green cucks..
a real reason to leave Germany

>> No.28384280
File: 1.47 MB, 320x180, video0.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28384314


nowadays "german engineering" is just german management + pajeet engineering

>> No.28384361

Soren is a Danish name retard

>> No.28384420


You mean turkenwagen?

>> No.28384809

> "lambo" is also german

imagine calling german shit lambo.... diablo was the last one stupid hans

biz favourit "lambo"
lambo in quotation hans
jawohl hans
its the german hans
cause quotation marks hans
its the biz fav """""""lambo""""""" hans
its german

>> No.28384900
File: 181 KB, 1000x1000, 1591227804112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these seething autoindustrylet niggers

>> No.28384919

>coordicide was announced 1 year ago
If you were there during the 2017 boom you'd know they already announced coordicide back then
It's a permanent temporary solution to a protocol that doesn't work.

>> No.28384953

Was there ever any doubt that the best tech would be German? Amerifats with their useless boomer coins while Germany straight up brings the alien tech

>> No.28386022

as an american this is a stupid comment.
germany lost in large part because they focused on building the best tanks. germany had better tanks and fighters but russia and america pumped out like 3x tanks per russian panzer produced.

Germany was too small and lacked the resources and population to do what America and Russia did. nobody doubts their engineering prowess. saying otherwise makes you a stupid Boomer who took their parents, aka the Great Generations, accomplishments for granted.

this is also just based on engineering, Germanys start of WWII was not supposed involve American, and was more or less a European conquest to gain enough land, pop, and resources to beat back Communist Russia which had its roots in the Jewish Weimar Republic.

80% of the communists on the Bolshevik train to Russia came from Weimer Republic Germany... Half of them were Jewish. Jews only make up 3% of the European pop.
Nazi Germanys preemptive rise to military aggresssion was due in large part to fear of its neighbor, the Bolshevik Russian Communists wanting to bring Communism to all of Europe, starting with Germany where they all came from.

>> No.28386295
File: 13 KB, 466x388, 1609943719726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up you total faggot this is /biz/ not your homo board where overweight mudbloods discuss war strategy

>> No.28386330

Post yours then niggerfaggot. At least I put mine up
want to grab coins by playing and use top nft?
I will advise you with it if you are smart enough
Check Playcent and give me some respect!

>> No.28386415

i am german and I hate this country

>> No.28386621

If there is one sign to GTFO of something its when the German government is cooperating with it.
Corona App.
Internet in germany today.
Absolutely useless. GTFO while you still can.

>> No.28386855

>as an american this is a stupid comment....

go fuck you klaus

>> No.28387005

sadly this. will keep an eye on iota though

>> No.28387193
File: 185 KB, 300x467, 300px-Spudroospärdee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glory of the German brothers in arms wont be forgotten.

T. 3k MIOTA stacklet from Finland

>> No.28387344

The perfect argument doesnt exis....

>> No.28387434

>the important stuff
like paying taxes, i guess?

>> No.28388220

Lisk is a much better German project and yet it’s completely useless dog shit. It’s still better. Let that sink in. I wouldn’t touch IOTA if my life depended on it, it’s the most cucked chain in history. Fick diese Hurencoins

>> No.28388314

it's also my main reason for caution. Too many fags surround it.

>> No.28388423

Hodl. Wgmi

>> No.28388612
File: 3.43 MB, 2400x2183, __titania_final_fantasy_and_1_more_drawn_by_black_joa__c6e20c372e87364183d83820bc38ee27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

13k IOTA longer here, already quadrupled my capital

>> No.28389295
File: 30 KB, 320x144, Naziufo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hans, get in the Flugscheibe! Need to be at Mars in 20min meeting with Don!