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28372657 No.28372657[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ayo white boi you is payin yo taxes for my Jordans right

Biden said we might even get 3 pairs and ebt

>> No.28372704

I'm unironically not racist

>> No.28372770

Me neither I just hate welfare leeches

>> No.28372810

I'm unironically not a filthy nigger

>> No.28372819

Yeah, and before I sell you a nice set of J's, I'll be sure to spit shine them and leave surprise at the bottom of your shoes.

>> No.28373005
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>> No.28373401

what do you mean by "NOT RACIST"
do you mean the literal racism "i dont discriminate based on race or ethnicity, and i dont hate them for being a differnt race"
or the NEW LIBERAL VERSION "racism"
>isten to poc AND CENTER them in everything and whites are racist and poc cant BE RACIST to white people because of colorism and if you complain you are racist and if you don't ACTIVELY be anti racist (ie a Harley leftie) and don't go to blm riots you are a RAICST??
i am pretty SURE you are a racist according to abraham x kandi and other lefties.

>> No.28373449

Negros know the bottom right is supposed to be a twink right?

>> No.28373470

>implying neolibs are lefties

>> No.28373486

i hate niggers

>> No.28373602

This, these psychos even have us Hispanics snitching on each other over racism, it’s getting on my last nerve

>> No.28373671

We don't have niggers in my country.

>> No.28373673

Yeah. Blacks are incredibly fucking gay, no joke. I have seen triple the amount of nigger faggots than white faggots in the wild. It's sort of to be expected due to how masculine their women are.

>> No.28373786

neolibs and lefties are agree on this shit together.
they think WHITE SUPRAMACY is why there is inequality.
they are SOOOOOO INSANE, that they think ZIONISM is a type of WHITE SUPRAMACY.
>jews of a jewish state kill arabs,
>liberals blame the whites for it (since (((whites))) helped Jews to go back to isreal in the first place)

>> No.28373923

>white Hispanics are OPPRESSING brown and black Hispanics
i hear they are progressively importing their venomous politics over to south and central America too.

>> No.28374137

>neolibs and lefties are agree on this shit together.
lol no i dont

>> No.28374150

At this point if you’re not a straight up African or full blooded injun, they’ll want to genocide you, not even mestizos will be safe. Luckily us brand have a tendency of violently overreacting to leftist bullshit, they’ll probably be crying about the military juntas that’ll come from this faghotry for the next hundred years

>> No.28374239

Me neither, I just don't think wildlife should be allowed to wander around on the sidewalk

>> No.28374354

You are tribal and therefore racist. To say you aren't is basically like say "I'm not a human being who evolved from apes over the course of millions of years and survived via tribalism and social cohesion". Basically you would have to be anti-anthropology to not be a "racist". Grow up my friend.

>> No.28374393

Leftists are anti-human so no surprise

>> No.28374529
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>dislike people who get money for giving society nothing of value
>Posts on board about finance

>> No.28374536

Then why is it that the real lefties can never seem to break political ties with the race baiting neolibs? Especially the types that are all about ACAB will always conveniently link up with whatever the local black nationalist group is, or whatever bizarre "indigineous" club there is in the area.

>> No.28374558

i heard brazilians are getting crazy about it though.
i remember how 10 years ago, lefties were talking about how the ENTIRE earth would be at peace ones ALL people are mixed and basically look like Brazilian and then there wont be any more racism.
turns out not only those retarded lefties dont understand brazil society and they only know it from fucking carnvials and porno, but also there is still racism even among a depend on shade of color you got.
NOWADAYS, i hear that white Brazilians, not so white Brazilians, brown Brazilians and gorilla tier Brazilians are soooo DEEEEEP in race issue swamp that they call EVERYTHING racist.
if you are on of those lefties who like close borders and doesnt intersted in race bullshit politics of "listen to black women etc" and more control over their nation, then congratulation. leftypol will call you a racist nazi, reddit will call you a racist, literally the ENTIRE internet will call you a racist nazi.
your brand of LOGICAL leftism is extinct.

>> No.28374583

You do by association, clean up your house or get dragged down

>> No.28374710


>> No.28374744

no anon.
i know those people, but there are rare and almost extinct.
i sometimes like to lurk in latestagecapitalism and laugh at poor niggers who despite being leftie, REEEEEEE about price of ps5 and scalpers.
out of all these conversations i think there were 2 GENUINE lefty like anon who want close and control border, since immigration is just cheap labors and they value their own nation people than others.
and there was one other anon who was against these bullshit black white policies and he spoke out against the claim that "white people are racist for being white" called it racist and got downvoted.

>> No.28374825
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hearty kek

>> No.28374921

I'm unironically racist, and it means nothing.

>> No.28374951

Because The Democratic party is a cancerous monolith which co-opts the image and language of leftism with none of the substance.
Voting third party, which I support, unfortunately has negligible impact. So lefties are stuck between voting conscience or voting "tactically". That being said, I vote conscience every time.
I prefer physically open borders but with high citizenship qualifications. The border wall costs us a shit ton of money in maintenance and in finding the dead bodies of immigrants who are, by the wall's design, funneled into dangerous terrain. They still take that route because they feel it's better than staying where they were.
Identity politics also has a place in debate, but not the "oppression olympics" style of idpol.
What association? Neolibs are centrist at best.

>> No.28375155

The problem is that even if I were a lefty myself, the idea of valuing your own nation is taboo in modern lefty circles. They prefer some expanding big umbrella order such as the Soviet Union as opposed to a government that at least cares enough to keep a nation together like China or North Korea.
Even Cesar Chavez is against illegal and un-regulated migration for obvious labor reasons, but most people on the left wouldn't dare suggest actually enforcing the border.

>> No.28375259

>I prefer physically open borders but with high citizenship qualifications.
well, you are racist then. you dont value ALL humans the same and you rather based their value on their production level (like a TRUE leftist) than their skin color and ethencity. so fuck you RACIST scum.
>trying to DEBATE about sacred identities
face it anon, your brand of "leftism" died LONG time ago.
the fact that there is NOOOO leftists' community is out there that is not see your view point as controversial and racist, is exactly why we associate see liberals and lefties the same when it comes to identity politics.

>> No.28375372

Bro real lefties are libertarians. What you have now is authoritarianism in the guise of 2 parties

>> No.28375433

these people are fucking BRAIN DEAD and uneducated.
soveit russia didnt tried to leave nations alone like our NEO LEFTIES.
soviet tried to unify ALL the union under the same cover by changing their written language to Russian. and systematically tried to erase THEIR culture to make them russified.
you cant have a communist union with MULTIPLE nations, cultures, religions and languages.

>> No.28375485
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bro i'm a fucking pale ass chicano who looks korean with unironically no culture to attach myself too lmao i already don't fit in anywhere so why would i give a fuck what some dude tries to tell me about my politics lmao
have a dabbing squidward for your trouble though

>> No.28375660

because you said this
>>implying neolibs are lefties
YOU, and YOU alone does not have the same views on identity politics like liberals.
YOU, not ALL lefties.
lefties and liberals have different politics, but when it comes to race 99 percent of them have the same logic
>if you go against people of color, you are racist.

>> No.28375679

Yea but Americans basically treat the neoliberals and leftists as the same and always will until drastic action is taken by the left in the US to distance themselves from the neoliberal cringelords. That is assuming you’re American, unfortunately their cancer is spilling into Latin American countries too, if you’re neither of those I suppose you shouldn’t care, I don’t know what the situation is like in Europe

>> No.28375753

you're mother and I did not raise you to be like this

>> No.28375775

>I don’t know what the situation is like in Europe
same, look at BLM protests.
they all have these race baiting ideology EVERYWHERE.

>> No.28375823

Ayo gimme that DIA bishhhh

>> No.28376029

I'm in the US, yeah
I could care less about people who use latine. I think it's fucking stupid, and I despise any attempts to push its usage outside of the US, but I don't give a fuck about it here. At least latine is better than latinx, even if it's marginal.
And let's be real man, it's just the natural evolution of the United States constantly sticking its dick in Latin American affairs for no reason other than maintaining indirect control of their economies.

>> No.28376203

well you had a chance to wake your lefties bros up.
in 10 20 years latinos will call themselves latinx.

>> No.28376440
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Not sure you should stop caring about it's usage just because it's it in the US of Gay

>> No.28376471
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>hey anon you wanna Fallout 4 and chill?

>> No.28376521
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>> No.28376657

>hairline starts at almost a direct line straight up from the temples
Blacks have the oddest goblin genetics.

>> No.28377192

He shouldn’t, it’s applying bullshit neoliberal theory cooked up by stoned Anglos to an entire language. If anything leftists who give a shit should be frothing at the mouth at bougie uni types pulling this gay shit, but they won’t because theyve exposed themselves to be as weak against neoliberal faggotry as the “conservatives” and migatards

>> No.28377568

im racist but i still want everyone to make it. its just funny to be racist and the stereotypes are always true. back then i probably wouldnt be called racist but things are very very different now.

>> No.28377682
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