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28362792 No.28362792 [Reply] [Original]

Can everybody really make it?

>> No.28363411

>Can everybody really make it?

If everyone made it then nobody made it

>> No.28363579
File: 468 KB, 2154x799, 728F7F30-C525-4C4B-A7D1-942EE827CC6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, some people are destined to be slaves. Use them as stepping stones in your own journey to the top.

>> No.28363873

No. Tiktok using normies deserve NOT to make it. They are fucking NPC's.

>> No.28364360


I'll give you a hint: it's easy to be the biggest fish in the pond when you are actually living in a fishbowl. Everyone out there who thinks that they are so smart and enlightened, they are the ones in the fishbowl.

You "make it" if you don't die/get murdered or get conned out of your life savings by an unscrupulous person.

Being part of the 27 Club only benefits you if 1. You don't want to ever be old, unloved/alone and unsexy and 2. You're fine with doing all that work only to become immortalized in history in return. Oh that and being dead and not enjoying your wealth.

Being a crazy rambling schizo poor person who dies at 85...well...that's not actually a prize.

You do you, honey boo boo. If you feel that you haven't "made it", then that's on you. Chase happiness and fix whatever is holding you back. Good luck, anon.

>> No.28364398

this makes me really sad. These people need to be scolded, laughed at, then sat down and told what they are doing wrong and how to change.

Treating losers and autists softly is the cruelist thing you can do. I wish someone had the guts to tell teenage me that I was retarded, might have saved me 10 years of finding out what I was doing wrong.

>> No.28364462
File: 26 KB, 260x335, 51rB10vDaKL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have Protagonist Syndrome.
The protagonist is the crazy person, the NPCs are the actual humans.

You're welcome, my fellow schizo. Hope you make it out too.

>> No.28364703

And I wish someone told the teenage me to graduate high school, forget college, don't go online, dance at a strip club, get plastic surgery and invest in bitcoin and NEVER SELL. That she is too ugly to fit into high society, not to mention that all those nerdy jews are racist pervos and abusive creeps who will make her life hell for not wanting them. That she should RUN AWAY.

Hindsight is overrated, move forward, not back.

>> No.28364872

There will always be a caste system.
We could all make it in terms of improved conditions to life wellbeing, but we all won't be top dog

>> No.28365699

no, some people are destined to fail

>> No.28365813
File: 176 KB, 750x711, 20201225_023658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Decentralized currencies and tokens can further niche aims without mutual loss net interference. From Christian to Satan crazies and all in between one finds a cause to be a part of sharing their grassroot currency to give and gain support. Up to a non local governance which provides de facto sovereignty and autonomy, including anonymity.
Private public is the next new thing.

>> No.28365904

anyone who overthinks "my board vs their forum" this much is an NPC retard themselves

>> No.28366985

No. In fact, the default is not making it. You can only make it through a combination of hard work, skill, and luck.

>> No.28367455

They'll never listen. Because their minds are made up. And of course it's all ok, to carry on that way.