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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28360582 No.28360582 [Reply] [Original]

Quick and easy $30k. Which one of you guys has used Gorilla glue as a hair product before?

>> No.28360736
File: 42 KB, 512x391, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28360784

/b/ is back at it huh

>> No.28360822

I can't believe she made $30k!

>> No.28360883

Hahaha monkey glue.... It worked!

>> No.28360907

>Gorilla glue
>Black girl uses it
I'm not the only one thinking this right?

>> No.28360977

"dumbest girl on the face of the earth"


>> No.28361008

What a dumb, brilliant slut of a nigress.

>> No.28361023


>> No.28361027

>used Gorilla glue as a hair product before
And anons call me retarded on this board...

>> No.28361125

She probably thought she finally found a hair product meant for her. a pity.

She has $30k...does that sound dumb to you???

>> No.28361194

is this a bait to get people to spray their hair lol. Coz i work at a law firm and we would never use fucking tik tok to organise litigation

>> No.28361277

Back to your /Pol sub, incel

>> No.28361307

How are these "Slay Kweens" so good at extorting money from companies in the dumbest possible ways?
You just know that they only did it because the ACLU and NAACP would be on their case because she's black.

>> No.28361324


>> No.28361465

nigger used gorilla glue heh thats funny rite

>> No.28361540

>i work at a law firm and we would never use fucking tik tok to organise litigation
maybe if you weren't stuck in the past, you would have gotten a case as big as this. Idiot.

It's spelled /pol/, nigger

>> No.28361575


>> No.28361601

shut the fuck up newfag

>> No.28361671
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Holy fuck I hope this acrually works and retards spray their hair
However she did raise like 13k from some go fund me shit which is...deeply depressing.

>> No.28361824


>> No.28361993

Don't envy niggers. Niggers have no souls, and go straight to hell, forever, when they die. They are animals.

They have one life on earth and they try to make it interesting. You are the children of Adam. Worry about your immortal soul.

>> No.28362038
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The writing and font make this look a bit unprofessional, but it's good enough to convince a handful of idiots.

>> No.28362069

/pol/ made it actually
idk why it's being spread here, post that shit on instragram or twitter OP

>> No.28362682

obviously because it's funny and I want to share it with the boys anon. Also I deleted all social media so this will have to be spread by other people

>> No.28362693


>> No.28362999

there is something wrong with you mentally.

>> No.28363079

Stfu pansy

>> No.28363124


Real life is becoming a giant /pol/ meme

>> No.28363150

>1 post by this ID
thanks for you contribution Quanteesha

>> No.28363165

42k with the gofundme

>> No.28363233

probably but i still like to have fun. you don't like to have fun anon?

>> No.28363317



>> No.28363385

that's ~1 year salary at minimum wage part time.
in exchange for your hair.
sounds pretty dumb to me.

>> No.28363488

this is bait to convince retards to spray glue into their hair for $30k

>> No.28363525

It also buys you a nice 2015 Toyota Camry. Less than 20k miles, too. Anything newer and you probably need to buy it off color, but still.

Does THAT sound dumb to you??? I don't think so anon

>> No.28363585

>go back to r/pol!!!!!
kek this place gets worse every year

>> No.28363608

I drive a Tesla, 30k isn't even half the car's value.
but do you.

>> No.28363707

/pol/ is basically all oldfags from /b/ anyway.
/b/ now is primarily a porn dump for shit that doesnt belong on other boards.

>> No.28363745

These niggees just put a t on Jessica

>> No.28363758

"Good health and spirits" sounds like a teenager trying to sound formal ironically lmao

>> No.28363811

post proof

>> No.28363819

Shut up fag.

>> No.28363856

You’re right it’s half the fucking value lmao

>> No.28363968

Woman is making shit ton of money and has half a million followers. That's the pathway to much much more than 30k

>> No.28364215

>"Is black"

>> No.28364772

on the appropriate boards yes, but this is low tier bait shit and belongs on /pol/ where it came from.

also you are a huge faggot because you
>want to share it with the boys
how about you go share your cum in your boys assholes and leave this bro-tier shit off the internet.

>> No.28364943

>how about you go share your cum in your boys assholes
that sounds pretty gay, actually, and not something I would be in to. Sorry but I'm not interested.

>> No.28365080

hahahaha, you wanted to write "nigger" because OP posted a black person! hahahah! that's a black person! haha! and they're all niggers! hahaaa! whoa, call the cops, i'm on FIRE! then call the cops again, because there might be NIGGERS! HAHA! i said niggers on 4chan! take that, martin luther king! take that, jews! #just4chanthings mom is such a normie npc cuck, she doesn't like me saying that word, but here i can do whatever i want! nnnniiiigggeeerrs! hahahahaha

>> No.28365087
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>> No.28365589

>then call the cops again, because there might be NIGGERS!
That's gold, lmao