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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2835752 No.2835752 [Reply] [Original]

Lots of shady shit keeps going on with this fucking Exchange

>support team takes months to look at your ticket
>Withdrawal issues with coins getting stuck at "pending"
>Deposit issues with coins being sent to Poloniex wallet but not to your account
>Constant (((DDOS))) attacks forcing you to liquidate
>Accounts getting locked with no support team to review tickets in time to withdraw coins

Got over $1k in coins not deposited yet with several other users going through the same shit for weeks, stay the fuck away from this god awful exchange.

>> No.2835775

My intuition kept telling me to withdraw out of poloniex weeks ago, I'm glad I did.

>> No.2836374

Fuck this, Poloniex is really disappointing lately

>> No.2836602


I never had a problem with Polo.

Great support and nice people.

I'm convinced this is a corrdinated FUD on Polo to get people to go to Fagtrix and Yoshit.

Keep trying though, Polo is the fastest exchange.

The lag on Shittrex and Gdax is so fucking bad it makes me puke.

>> No.2836698

>current year
>using pajeeniex

use bittrex instead has a larger selection of shitcoins as well

>but muh polo volume

it is not a big deal, good customer service and not getting locked out of your account is what matters

>> No.2836744

>I never had a problem with Polo.
>t. no coiner

>> No.2836781

Bittrex > Polo
Moved there a while ago.