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2835618 No.2835618 [Reply] [Original]

i know you're all sperging out over coins right now, but can i get some advice on how to steadily save money for retirement without relying primarily on a cryptocurrency?

i understand that one of the many investment memes is to put 10-15% of your after-tax income into a roth ira, a vanguard mutual fund, etc.

do you believe these are good recommendations? if not, why not?

just in general, can someone lend their investing experience to separate the good shit from the bullshit?

>> No.2835765

70% stocks (mostly US, some international), 20% bonds, 10% crypto. Rebalance every 6 months to a constant allocation. Don't daytrade. Don't look back. Focus on your a 20% annual return, compounded; you'll be a millionaire eventually.

>> No.2835804

Nice answer.

What kind of bond index would you recommend?

Warren Buffett says short term government bonds. Which from the Vanguard ETFs would be the best choice for that?

>> No.2835840

Honestly you should be saving and investing a hell of a lot more than 10-15% unless you want to be a wagecuck for life. Depends on your income, but 50%+ is honestly a no-no me but doable approach.

If something isn't making you richer, smarter, healthier or getting you poon you probably shouldn't buy it.

>> No.2835987

>Pay off debt, use snowball method
>Don't use credit cards ever, even if you get miles or cash back or whatever, you just end up slipping more stuff on em.
>Get employer match in 401k
>Max out Roth IRA
>Max out 401k
>Index fund that mirrors the S&P 500 is a good bet, is already diversified for you
>Stocks and bonds if you have money left over and you have a good 6 months of income saved
>Crypto for fun, but just buy and hold

A good index fund is just set and forget, great to get you started out. But, as mentioned previously, rebalance every now and then, don't daytrade, and don't freak if stuff fluctuates, just hold and buy more.

I have a dayjob, 70k a year, I save 40k of it easy in a year, and I have also recently been self publishing on Amazon as a passion project. Making enough there that I can buy a few shares of random stocks a month. It's actually starting to take off so I'm writing my ass off and planning various series. Look for ways to get passive income you can sock away.

I don't fuck with crypto other than to buy and hold. The chances you get in on the next BTC are slim to none honestly, most of the crypto fags on the board are pump and dump.

>> No.2836059


The ideal bond fund should be a source of returns and de-correlation with the rest of your portfolio. Medium term, some credit exposure, low fees is probably best if you're just going to hold one. VFICX is a good bet for starters.

>> No.2836201
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>20% annual return