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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 24 KB, 390x284, Screen Shot 2021-02-10 at 7.50.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28351818 No.28351818 [Reply] [Original]

literally broken. and the avax "chads" can't even sell because they locked their tokens up for one (1) year.

>> No.28351883


And price is going up, Hmm makes me wonder.

>> No.28351938

why would i sell

>> No.28351986

ur screen must be upside down

>> No.28352017

avax will kill eth.
$2000 EOY
cope harder eth tranny

>> No.28352037

only people with coins on exchanges can dump it, all that sell pressure is locked

>> No.28352043

oh no, a technical hiccup. time to kill yourself

get a grip, faggot.

>> No.28352073
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Why would you still shill for a broken project? A lot of people here don't just care to make a quick buck, but want the projects to succees. And this one just broke apart.

>> No.28352130

Oh no I made x60 profit how can I recover
This board is just beyond me, as if I care about DeFi, no one gives a shit, its not sustainable because its not user friendly, I just see pump pitential I buy, now cry all you want about avaxchads because you know you missed out, its okay.

Also staking is always a retard move no matter what. The benefits are never worth the lack of security.

>> No.28352135

nice cope. the blockchain being literally broken is not a "hiccup".

>> No.28352176

>supposed to kill eth
>dies after getting only 1/100th of the volume eth has

>> No.28352286

Eth devs laughing at the amateurs over at avax. That folks is the reason eth is at $1900 while avax is a flash pump and then eternal dump

>> No.28352515

this ETH tranny is really putting in the effort with with the fud today

>> No.28352671

Goddammit I bought and I'm getting bogged AGAIN do I sell or wait for a recoup in price?

>> No.28352807

you are kinda cute anon wanna kiss?

>> No.28352814

mad cause you cant afford avax anymore? stay priced out poorboy

>> No.28352962

i have plenty of money to buy stuff, but i sure as hell am not buying the token of some broken chain for $50

>> No.28352981

Kys faggot I just wanna know if it's falling because BTC can't stop crashing for ONE second or if this shit is already dead.

>> No.28353107
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>> No.28353689

If someone is deliberately trying to fuck them over and is organizing an attack on this scale, it's because Avax does something well and this system is a serious competition for someone

>> No.28354119
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>> No.28354338

Dropped bags at $75 on okcoin and bout the dip at $54 so was able to add 10 more avax. First time doin the day trade thing & was scared shitless but feeling better bout not getting as much early on. Hope it keeps falling so i can grab more

>> No.28354412

This isn’t coordinated fud you schizo. Try and use pangolin right now. The chain is down.

>> No.28355352

yea because they literally got ddosed and took it down

>> No.28355405

Don't be so tsundere anon. I want to sniff u

>> No.28356521
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Fantom is better

>> No.28357706


>> No.28358079

He got priced out, sad :)

>> No.28358172
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I can cancel my staking but it'll still keep it locked for 2 more days, unlikely to see any original profits since I'm in since $30.
this was my first decent pick too in ages

>> No.28358293

imagine buying a coin with a frozen blockchain for like 6 hours now with no end in sight.

absolutely retarded.

>> No.28358354

Wtf are you talking about? Who said it was a DDOS attack? The TG admins are saying it's a bug in their own software, cretin.

>> No.28358389

When's the last time ETH got ddosed, fag

>> No.28358485

>The benefits are never worth the lack of security
what lack of security my tard?

>> No.28358648

Show portfolio, I can hear how poor you are.

>> No.28358804
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>> No.28358810

ddosed? kek. the coperino is realerino

>> No.28358901

>how can APIs slow down a chain
a very good question

>> No.28359129

Read the last part.

>> No.28359224

They're literally lying in the TG about the network "slowing down." Unbelievable. They've just lost all credibility. Just tell people the truth.

>> No.28359459

being this mad you'll never own Avax.

>> No.28359587

Because people who have no idea what's going on just see a nice dip for an asset that was previously performing very well in terms of price. This shit is gonna tank once the news is mainstream and everyone realizes the tech is garbage.

>> No.28359750

You're an idiot for holding this trash after its network has been exposed for the rickety piece of shit it is.

>> No.28359775

Ah yes, just like ethereum was abandoned after being by cryptokitties, or after the hack that was so bad they forked.
Only newfags think this is the end of the world.

>> No.28359919

did mainnet try to get back up 30 mins ago and shat itself again?

>> No.28359930

the Binance chart is frozen for some reason, are they pulling the plugs?

>> No.28359953


It's going up right now, who the fuck sells once the issues are fixed, only weak hands.

>> No.28360019

because ETH was never hacked and we never had cryptokitties, amirite?

>> No.28360095

Binance seems to be down for a lot of people.

>> No.28360102

binance itself is down, all charts are frozen

>> No.28360117

Where can you deposit your AVAX in the US? Coinex isn’t allowing deposits right now

>> No.28360157

cryptokitties was AFTER it was actually used for something more than a fucking year lmao.

>> No.28360197

I'm mad precisely because I OWN it. You're not mad because you're too stupid to understand the implications of this "slowdown"

>> No.28360269

>comes broken straight out of the box
Don't expect anything more from the third world dev team.

>> No.28360424

that's way fucking worse

>> No.28360518

the lead is a fucking cornell CS professor, lets see your accolades, faggot

>> No.28360615
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>Cross post from another thread

Ok this FUD is pathetic now.

I'll send 1000 AVAX to the first 5 anons that I can see FUDing in this thread admitting they're FUDing. Post your x-chains.

>> No.28360803

im fudding hard nigga


>> No.28360891

Sounds like $10 bucks. Not worth the trouble.

>> No.28361312

avax is new eth
idk why i fud so hard

>> No.28361522


You don't know the technical details of the issues to be mad, did you think there was going to be zero issues. I don't think I've ever seen a clean roll out.

>> No.28361559

>avax is new eth

>literal binance smart chain fork
>can't develop its own dex and needs to copy-paste a fork of uniswap
>crushes when some dumb /biz/niggers try to claim PNG airdrop
>trading volume higher than market cap

yea lol new eth and totally not a pnd

>> No.28361712

Man, 1k avax would be life changing to me right now.

>> No.28361826

>Avax will kill eth
>Calls others tranny
>Cardano exists


>> No.28361838

avax fags doing fake giveaways now. so pathetic

>> No.28361954

I panicked and sold at the first crash at $50
Now I'm fudding hard


>> No.28361963

Right here, I made this other thread


>> No.28362014
File: 14 KB, 392x272, totallynotFUD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting this is every thread and then deleting it. you fucking lost.

>> No.28362094

no, its not

>> No.28362139
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>> No.28362379
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>> No.28362466

Pull data from your own node. There is not a slowdown retard, the API's telling you that it was sent or received is what is slower.

>> No.28362560

im a poor nigga and bought at top and fudding
please gib

>> No.28362593

copedy copedy

>> No.28362628


>> No.28362762
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>mfw the price is rising outside of binance

>> No.28362844

binance is not safu atm

>> No.28364135

are you retarded or actually fudding? it's the http/api nodes that are down. run your own node and see for yourself

>> No.28364882
File: 284 KB, 1000x653, fudders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget the FUD, the cope and seethe is real.