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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28335 No.28335[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Business ideas for socially awkward NEETs, /biz/nessmen.

>> No.28457
File: 345 KB, 599x846, no more work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEET General?

NEET General

>> No.28469

>Learn fundamentals of HTML, JAVASCRIPT, CSS and PHP in under a day from free online courses.
>Create semi-decent website templates and sell them for $15+, depending on quality.
>Alternatively, learn advanced concepts and make shitty HMTL5 games (A week's worth of development) and sell them for $500-800.

>> No.28476

Organize other people's music/porn/etc collections. Either remotely or they ship you the hard drive and you ship it back when done.

Like, I have a couple hundred GB of pony porn that needs duplicates removed and everything filed into subfolders by character. I don't have time to do it myself and I'm not at all embarrased with you seeing it all. There might nkt be many people like me though. Do market research.

>> No.28503

I actually like this idea.
I have 400 gigabytes of porn with over 15,000 folders. I'd definitely be willing to pay someone to organize it.

>> No.28519

I'd pay $50 twice a year for a service like this.

>> No.28531

Walk me through everything I need to do from start to finish please.

>> No.28533

Not trying to kill the other guy's idea, but you can use Auslogics Duplicate File Finder (free: http://www.auslogics.com/en/software/duplicate-file-finder/ ), scan so it ignores file name, limit it to specific folders and/or file types, files over X size, let it run, and automatically delete all the duplicates. The only downside is, this automated way won't let you choose which folders to keep the files in (there is a way, but it's nowhere near as automatic).

>> No.28523

Make flash games and make ad money off 'em?
Never looked into it but it seems like a weekend thing to make you some bux

>> No.28527

how much would you be willing to pay?

>> No.28539

This honestly seems like the most funnest and honest way to make some money on your own.

>> No.28548

>most funnest

>> No.28570

I want to do this. I honestly feel like creativity is my strongest suit and would profit from this a lot more than any other route I can take. That or maybe something in the app department. Specifically games. Partnered up with obsession with video games since I was born, I think I know what people want.

>> No.28593

SQL too

>> No.28639

Depends on how well it's organize I suppose.

>Basic service is placing files in their appropriate folders and eliminating duplicates, while ensuring confidentiality.
>Pay extra for further organizing files into sub-folders.
>Pay extra for adding tags.

For my thousands of files, we're easily looking at several hundred $$$.

>> No.28649

>Alternatively, learn advanced concepts and make shitty HMTL5 games (A week's worth of development) and sell them for $500-800.

I'd like to do this, but my visual skills suck. I can write 8-bit music though, classically trained.

>> No.28664

Flash is dying though. Most casual games nowadays are made for mobile devices and are made on newer platforms(some of which support 3D).

>> No.28663

Well, let's get started. How should we contact each other?

>> No.28674

You and I need to go into business together. I'm working on a game and we need music.

>> No.28679

>implying web templates and html5 games don't require the basics of graphic design, drawing and photoshop
>implying I know how to do that

>> No.28680

This. Shitty mobile games are still a fucking gold mine, who knows how long that will last.
Just throw some poor excuse of a program together, get a google ad at the top, and someone WILL download it

>> No.28693

I have a sick idea for a space game like flappy bird but involves a pig. In space. with a jet pack

>> No.28704

Seeing as both Flappy Bird and Angry Birds are both ripoffs, I think you might have a shot.

>> No.28717

>angry birds rip off
how so

>> No.28705

Whoever gets a flappy bird clone on the IOS store first will make an assload of dosh.
Id be doing it right now but i know diddly squat about programming
>maybe i could be the idea guy, anon-kun~

>> No.28721

Speaking of NEETs, what's a good /biz/ related anime, other than Boku no Pico?

>> No.28724

Sorry m8. Giving this >>28533 a shot instead.

>> No.28730

American Psycho

>> No.28762

Potato Economics

>> No.28797 [DELETED] 

weaboo spamer faggot

>> No.28872


Shounen Maid Kuro-kun

>> No.28885 [DELETED] 

This may not be an idea suitable for NEETs, but I'm thinking about starting up a chain of motels/rest stops with charging ports for electric cars, since those things have a range of only about 300 miles. Of course, I'd have to wait until electric cars become more prevalent and for their ranges to be more suitable for long trips in order for this idea to be viable.

>> No.28937

This may not be an idea suitable for NEETs, but I'm thinking about starting up a chain of motels/rest stops with charging ports for electric cars, since they've got to charge after every 300 miles. Of course, I'd have to wait until electric cars become more prevalent and for their ranges to be more suitable for long trips in order for this idea to be viable.

>> No.28938

i know java well, what do?

>> No.28956

What's stopping us from making us the next billion dollar website like Zuckerburg did?

>> No.28976

Jewish privilege.

>> No.28991

Please go on.

>> No.29054

A live demonstration of automation eliminating jobs.

>> No.29051

>What's stopping us from making us the next billion dollar website like Zuckerburg did?
Good ideas.

>> No.29103

It's capitalism's fault.

>> No.29153

Ideas normalfags would actually bite.

>Facebook: Social photo-gallery with comments section.
>Twitter: Public text messages
>Youtube and Instagram: Public videos

>> No.29198

>place along interstate interspersed just short of the range of current electric cars

>> No.29232

I like this idea, but is there really a lot of demand for website templates?

>> No.29256

Those are all worth billions because they work better as a monopoly. What I mean is, people don't use multiple social networking sites because they don't want to search for a person they want to add across six different websites. It's a natural monopoly.

>> No.29301

there are already a ton

I saw one called flubby fish or some shit that had thousands of downloads

>> No.29303

Fix peoples PC's off of craigslist or other places. Seriously 9/10 times it will just be a simple reinstall of windows.

Or play EVE Online and farm ISK from mining in low-sec, then sell Plex.

>> No.29342

>Learn fundamentals of HTML, JAVASCRIPT, CSS and PHP in under a day from free online courses.


inb4 google it

>> No.29356

Git gud google it. Actually just look up some tutorials on youtube and use w3schools.com

>> No.29389


>> No.29880

guys why dont we make a long distance relationship for neets/shut-ins?
it could have a $1 entry fee.

>> No.30147


Nobody, and I mean nobody, wants an idea guy.

>> No.30171

Spice and wolf.

>> No.30297


you need an outspoken visionary passionate guy who can sell the products, not an autistic programmer

>> No.30297,1 [INTERNAL] 

Get in here neetbros

>> No.30486

They ripped off all the old catapult slingshot castle breaker games.

>> No.30545

>shitty HTML5 games
>500 each
What, where do I sell these? Do sites like addictinggames buy them or what?

>> No.30567

There have been DOZENS released since it became popular, all with moderate amounts of success.

>> No.30664

boku no back to /adv/ and /r9k/

Dont forget to report and hide shit threads.

>> No.30698

welcome to the nhk

>> No.30737

hide at your own discretion, but don't tell me a thread about business ideas doesn't belong on a board for business

>> No.30872

you're crazy like a fool

>> No.30902

unless you're both the idea guy and the get work done guy at the same time

>> No.30909


This is bollocks. Flappy birds was a fluke it was almost a year old with barely a thousand downloads before it exploded, there are thousands of games on the app store that million times better that never take off

>> No.30973

C - the soul of money and possibility control

>> No.31196


Dedicated distributed computing/grid computing.

>> No.31320

Pretty sure the main reason it began to get mainstream attention is because PewDiePie did a video on it. I'm not going to do my research on that because PewDiePie annoys me, but if I'm right it does bolster your claim that it's a fluke.

>> No.31680

Host an external database?

>> No.32099


Nice /a/ meme bro

>> No.33323


Don't do this. Use literally anything else, even if it's Node.js

>> No.33377

>Under a day
>A week
No really, how much time do you need to understand all that? How do you sell website templates? You buy ads or something?

>> No.33498

I'm NEET but I'm a bona fide streetNEET

My business idea is to get hired by a company with faked credentials and a phony resume and spend all my time doing the following:
1) stealing office supplies
2) switching the coffee in the break room with decaf
3) sending people memegenerator'd cats every day
4) switching the company website to a wordpress blog
5) propping the back door open so that raccoons and squirrels can get into the inventory
6) sell stolen office supplies, buy greyhound bus ticket to Gainesville

thug lyfe

>> No.33645

Would 3D printing be profitable?

>> No.33838

That's an idea I've had for a while, a good 3D printer is typically $5-$6k, but if you rent it out to people, maybe charge them $50/hour plus materials for however long it takes to print their thing, then in a perfect world you could make that back in less than a week

>> No.35579

neeted dot net i launched to solve the problem o neets as a neet biz

help solve neetproblem and make some sheks but o have nothing n it yet ahhh anyone whos interested email me or comment on it

>> No.35681

>Under a day
HTML pages are literally just word documents with some code thrown in. CSS and jquery just add designs.
Javascript, PHP, and database integration are the only real iffy parts, they're what you need to make your pages very interactive.

>A week
Obviously an exaggeration. Great games could take months to make. But once you get started, you can recycle code to shit out games way faster. $500-800 per game isn't much but depending on the deal with the buyer, you can still gain revenue based on the game's success.

>> No.35919

On markets such as these

>that fucking ad stating they will immediately give you $200 if you implement their API

>> No.35971

why do this when they're Indians who can do a better job for $5

>> No.36129

Any truNEETs here? How was your day today? I spent the entire day rewatching gundam 0079. I'm still not done.

>> No.36156

I recently finished game of thrones in a couple of days

>> No.36167

Indians and chinks can't into English or follow basic website specifications.

There was literally a company who paid 20k for a business website, only to have it be a barely modified website template with pictures of indians.

>> No.36192

The book or the show?

>> No.36337

Show, im about to start on the book

>> No.36376


Well, truNEETbro, I finished watching mononoke today.

>> No.36386

I've been toying around with the idea of starting a QA company for video games or something and employing autistic/"NEETs" and what have you, but I've never really gone beyond the "this sounds like a neat idea" stage. I'm sure a lot of companies already have people that do that either in-house or with another company, so I'm not even sure it would work out. Plus, with the factor that I'd have people from quite a few places in the US (or abroad) doing it, I don't know how well that would work. Probably not very well, honestly.

>> No.36404

I tried reading the books but I ended up spacing out and watching anime/playing games. I'm too coddled with virtual entertainment.

>> No.36423

Go with the idea, but you'll have to forget about using US neets or any other first world country. There are some companies already doing that work with a third world workforce.

>> No.36431

What will I need to learn in order to develop a shitty phone app game?

>> No.36445


But I want to help people who have difficulties or, honestly, are lazy like myself. Plus, I enjoy managing things, so it's a bonus for me. I just don't know how to start it.

>> No.36455

forget it.

there are already huge hiring companies that have this field monopolized, your not going to be able to make a dent in the field.

>> No.38539

I'd take care of that for 30%. I know all that shiz. Fat load of good it's done me so far.

>> No.38579

There's no money in phone apps, contrary to popular belief. Most of them go under due to the wave of shitty apps flooding in daily.

>> No.38837
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I mean, most of them fill captchas non stop, while writing stupid stuff, and that is instant profit.

Some others, happen to have valuable ideas, that generate additional income, if developped, or might even solve governance, scientific, computational, and other kind of problems that benefit the whole, generating, passively, even more income.

Essentially this place can be used as a think tank...

Since authorship, is normally unatributed, it means a group of someones get to have an extremely profitable, or knowledgeable life.

The most twisted thing about it, is it relies on one of the natural impuses of mankind, it's need of sociability, and exploits it, in the psyche of, allegedly, the smartest individuals: semi-autists.


>> No.38877


I rank nodejs in the same tier as PHP but you get the benefit of being able to more effectively futz around with wordpress and the like with PHP.


Have you actually done this? It takes way longer than a day. If the angle is website templates, you're going into design territory in addition to the shoddy programming. Games sound even more involved since you need images, sound, music, game design, etc.

I'm calling bullshit.

>> No.38995

I also find this idea appealing, but so far there are not many printable objects available. It's definitely going to bomb in the future though.

>> No.42348

The point is that people make their own stuff
I'd bet a lot of hobbyist designers would jump on it

>> No.43296


>> No.43321

Best cover of the Hokey Pokey ever made.

>> No.43417

I'm thinking of starting my own car detailing company.

Top guys charge £5,000 - £10,000 to clean a super car.

Problem is no one wants it done in the winter.

>> No.43463

Gas stations are just going to beat you to the punch.

>> No.43563

I want this job. I give my left nut for it.

>> No.43631
File: 29 KB, 950x534, Snapchat-flashy-features[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snapchat clone.

But save all the photos.

Then threaten to release them online unless they pay you $100 per photo, and sign a confidentiality agreement.

Forbes rich list in two years, guaranteed.

>> No.45234

Me too. I love sorting my pictures in their appropriate folders and I sometimes do it to calm me down. If I had some instructions on where people wanted their files to go I would happily do it for free, getting paid is even better.

About the duplicate files, I usually end up saving a lot so I just use Fast Duplicate File Finder. There's other duplicate file finding programs out there, I'm surprised people would be willing to pay for something a program can do easier and quicker.

>> No.45426

All I do is sort the files by dimensions, or something else usually unique like size, and that makes most duplicates obvious enough.

>> No.45474

Sorting by picture size and dimension? Huh, I never heard of that. I guess that's cause I mainly save anime pictures so I sort by show and character.

>> No.45527

I mean, when I specifically set out for duplicates I change the sorting parameters and look before changing it back to by name. I also like saving some duplicates because I also have categories that can contain the same picture as a more specific folder, but I have a ton of material saved so it's easy to forget about particular images, or sometimes I only want to use the more broad category of a folder. A program that finds all the duplicates doesn't always work well with that system because it searches for everything remotely similar all throughout my PC.

>> No.45775

Gas stations don't have motel rooms.

>> No.46261

The program I mentioned here >>45234 lets you choose which folders to sort through so it doesn't end up searching through the entire computer. It also allows you to select which files to delete before deleting them. You can preview the pictures too so you can what it is without having to remember the filename.

>> No.46417

I figured programs have improved since I tried one out, but since they weren't always around I've developed a method that works fine for me.

>> No.47084

That's good, if you like your method you should stick to it. I would probably develop a method for finding duplicates myself, but I feel it would be in vain since I would probably end up downloading the same file again many months later after forgetting about it. I should spend more time organizing my pictures instead of browsing the internet for new ones so I can better avoid duplicates in the future.

>> No.47084,1 [INTERNAL] 

Where my /ghost/ bros at?

>> No.47084,2 [INTERNAL] 

Here. This could be our new base of operations.