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28328172 No.28328172 [Reply] [Original]

What did oldfags think the top was gonna be in 2017?
What if we are way too optimistic about $100k?

>> No.28328379

go back to plebbit already

>> No.28328445

imagine thinking bullrun is over 3 weeks after tesla buys 1.5B$

anon, I'm sorry for you. ngmi

>> No.28328677
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Answer the question retards

>> No.28328855


>> No.28328942

Everyone was euphoric, everyone was saying 100k to a mil

>> No.28328974

Fine, long term answer: 1 Satoshi = $0.01USD

>> No.28329093
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Hint: Look at top of 2013 and compare that with the top of 2017 and extrapolate

>> No.28329099

$100K would mean $1.850.000.000.000 market cap. That is a lot of money. I'am really curious about the actual number that gives the most realistic view of the total amount of money in circulation, but $1.850.000.000.000 would mean 37% of the total amount of money according to the Bank for International Settlements (2017) or 2,3% according tot the CIA (2017). https://www.businessinsider.com/heres-how-much-money-there-is-in-the-world-2017-10?international=true&r=US&IR=T.. I can't say anything about the reliability of this source, but I think 37% of the total amount of money is a unrealistic number for the market cap of bitcoin because the usecase becomes smaller for every coin that is mined.

>> No.28329164

Listen kid, you don't make it big without having some balls. This is the mother of all bulls. It is THE Golden Bull Run. It's the biggest bull run of all history, right here, accessible to you through your little gay ass rainbow LED zoomer pc. Are you a kid? Or are you a man that's gonna ride this motherfucking dragon and bring home the pussy? Are you going to immortalise yourself in the halls of bad-assery? Don't tell me you came all this way to SELL at the foot of the mountain. If you do, you'll always carry that weight. You'll always wonder 'what if?'. What if you just grew some fucking balls and rode the fucking wave into financial freedom? Think of your future wife and kids.

>> No.28329205

I think it'll either get to 90k and then people will meme that it's going to crash and actually cause a crash through collective autism or it'll go to 110k and people will say it'll never crash, then people will dump.

In any case I'd probably look to get out in August before the September dump, I think the entire stock market is going to go to zero in september.

>> No.28329220
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its gonna be a slow slump back to 40k

and if ti breaks bellow 40 there will be resistance to go back above it.

2017 felt like a slow bleeding "oh, the market is 10% down. but its fine. its btc. it will go back up"
people only realized that was a big crash weeks after.

anyway, i think that its time for bobo if its breaks bellow 40k

>> No.28329293

waiting to buy in at 37k, everyone who thinks the market will act differently can smell my farts.

>> No.28329307

first, read the rest of the article
>"Add in checking accounts, savings accounts, money-market accounts — not quite physical money, but you can make a bank transaction digitally and use that as money," and Desjardins said the total amount of money easily accessible in the world economy grows by several multiples. This is called broad money, and according to the CIA World Factbook, and the global total is in excess of $80 trillion.
then look up what a derivative is and how much money worth of those are out there

>> No.28329316

I remember this, and like two weeks later it all came tumbling down

>> No.28329343

ITT: Retard newfags.


>> No.28329472

>Business insider, 2017
>"Here's how much money there is in the world"
Whew lad, I hate to break it to you... But go look at the amount of money in circulation for just 2021 in the US. Actual physical cash. Now look at total circulating supply. COVID-19 changed the world and we are just barely catching up.

>> No.28329634

Which moon do you think I should build my moon palace on

>> No.28329668

Your farts are going to smell of dollar store hot dogs kiddo. You're gonna have some big regrets.

>> No.28329919

As I said I'am curious about the actual number that gives the most realistic representation about the actual amount of money in circulation. I just think that you should take this number (the actual amount of money in circulation) in consideration when you try to determine the maximum possible worth of a single bitcoin.

>> No.28330243

>Amount of money in circulation right now
>Value of a single bitcoin in 5 years
There's a huge time gap between those two. We need to look at velocity and print rate, and then we need to seek a palantir for information on what the various world governments are going to do during that time. I personally think we are on the cusp of an inflationary period followed by a massive growth period followed by major conflict in the next 15 to 20 years

>> No.28330541

nobody expected 10 k then when it happened people went crazy thinking it would never stop, its like now no-one expects 100k, we will top between 150-300k

>> No.28330667

>nicoposters aren't even bullying anymore
i just want my comfy 2019 bear market /biz/ back bros...
i just wanna post nico bully gf with my bros...