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File: 24 KB, 597x287, bobo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28326092 No.28326092 [Reply] [Original]

They minted $1B USDT LMAO. Bobo are you okay?


>> No.28326227

This is good for BTC

>> No.28326245
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>> No.28326479
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>> No.28326516

And? Bitcoin is still crabbing at $45k. The $1b is sitting at the tether treasury, once it’s transferred to some exchange Bitcoin and alts will explode.

>> No.28326938

i fucking love those tether chads, zero fucks given

>> No.28327075

The FED of Crypto.

Minter go beep-boop

>> No.28327208

turbo based

>> No.28327354

You want to know why? Because Tesla entering marked the beginning of the corporate FOMO.

Tens of thousands of corporations around the world are trying to copycat whatever Tesla does because they believe Tesla is sitting on the magic formula to increase the value of their stock.

>> No.28327357


>> No.28327379

At this point why wasting my time with TA

>> No.28327469

yes and they use a shady way to do it suree

>> No.28327545
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God bless those kikes at the treasury one more good pump and I'm out

>> No.28327588

Exactly, you should be using on chain metrics rather than meme lines

>> No.28327594

SEC on suicide watch...again

>> No.28327722
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>> No.28327842
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Preb the bull!

>> No.28327871

>Corporations give exchanges USD
>Exchanges transfer USD to (Tether company) in exchange for Tether
>(Tether company) prints Tether, sends it to the exchanges which in turn hands over the Tether to their clients so they can purchase BTC

I swear, Tether fudders are possibly some of the most retarded people in the crypto space. It's amazing.

>> No.28327873
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>> No.28327964

>He thinks le institutions are buying crypto
Lmao what a retard. It's just us, tether is based for keeping the BTC bull run going. Grandpa go up, shitcoins go up

>> No.28327993

What does this mean for tether? Will it finally go up? Everyone here is 5x -100x and this thing just stays the fucking same!

>> No.28328024

it is the same story since 2016 and they still repeat the same shit even when they were proven to be wrong

>> No.28328056
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>> No.28328070


get in the video card

>> No.28328268

>printing tether
>>this isn't shady at all

>> No.28328317

>$1 USD comes in
>$1 Tether is creates to trade for crypto
Simple as that.

>> No.28328337

It’s a redemption token so people don’t have to get taxed for every fiat involved transaction

>> No.28328590

Newfag still trying to understand crypto. Whats the point of tether?

>> No.28328649


>> No.28328698

Uh-oh, Bobo I hope you're getting that lube ready, kek

>> No.28328909

Because when the crypto space was still young, trading real currencies on exchanges meant a fuckload of red tape and regulations for the exchanges, so for every $1 that that the exchanges received in deposits, they creates $1 worth of Tether in that could be traded for crypto.

The crypto space has come a long way since then, but the stablecoins have become such an integral part of crypto that they're here to stay.

>> No.28328998

How long till this news take effect on BTC price boyos couple hours yeah?

>> No.28329008

I just hope this shit pumps my ersdl.

>> No.28329061

>a shady east asian operation by some italian highschool dropout will bring down tesla and spacex
unironically best timeline

>> No.28329165

it's free money

>> No.28329239

wow, they must be getting a lot of fiat deposits

>> No.28329258
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>> No.28329268

it's a gay fake tron print

>> No.28329353

Cardano was getting too close to them in market cap

>> No.28329375

Saturday. Whales buy on Saturday so they can buy cheap. Price action will follow on Monday then cool down mid week like now

>> No.28329439


>> No.28329456

Literally every exchange that uses Tether deposits their USD on Tether. Yeah they are getting a lot of deposits

>> No.28329510
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Thanks based analyst anon

>> No.28329584

Unless you're a burger and have to report all trades

>> No.28329743

Been holding this shit for years and it never goes up, scamcoin avoid like pakis

>> No.28329787

Got a smaller image? >>28329439

>> No.28329836

Right which is why tether is the main on ramp for Asian investors

>> No.28329885

Why isn't Tesla listed?

>> No.28329926

Why is that anon why it drops on Saturday?

>> No.28330049

tether is from an east asian exchange named bitfinex, ran by various europeans with criminal backgrounds
a few years back they figured they could just pretend they got hacked, and siphon a few millions for themselves
once they got away with it, they figured: why not up the stakes? and created their own fake dollar
this let them siphon real money from their clients and paint the tape with fake dollars. essentially a fractional reserve banking operation, except with no regulation
meaning they can use tethers to buy bitcoin low, pump the price high as they do so, dump bitcoin higher, profit on the artificial spread they created
they did that for a couple of years, basically they're responsible for the 2016 run up from $300 to $1000, and partly responsible for the 2017 bubble too
by mid-2017 public knowledge of their washtrading, dummy corporations and shadow banking became widespread. didn't stop them from washtrading, but they eventually moved to a new strategy as the NYAG started to investigate them
by 2019 or so they started offering large tether loans at a discount (generally 5-10%) to asian funds, to be repaid in 6-12 months generally. the funds gamble on crypto themselves, easily make more than the difference as the loans essentially have negative interest to start with, and bitfinex gets money while washing their hands off the whole thing
right now bitfinex pulled the wool over most normalfags, tether lovers and haters alike. mathematically it has to go down in flames at some point, but it will likely be later than the haters who believe bitfinex has a gigantic hole in their balance sheet hope

>> No.28330230

i mean.. shes kinda hot..

>> No.28330265

I want to buy her

>> No.28330344


>> No.28330471
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based retarded tether bag holder

>> No.28330755

so where does the USD go?
that's right it's gone right away and when this ponzi disintegrates, it's worthless in moments

>> No.28330858

thanks for the response

>> No.28330935

Yup. I'm been buying stocks into these. Never bet against wall street

>> No.28331081

The tether crew are not kikes. They were, however, sued by a whole team of Jews because of their tether minting. Apparently Jews think it is illegal for a non-Jew to print money.

>> No.28331141

based and funny pilled

>> No.28331242


>> No.28331337

Well its not FDIC insured thats true, but a complete tank to $0 wont happen in a nano second. There's too much money involved. You'll be able to cash out if the market crashes, provided you have the right off ramps and exit strategies.

Sit down and shut up if you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.28331343


>> No.28331473

this is what I was thinking. If this shit drops Elon is fucked, I guess thats the beauty think of all this

>> No.28331599

Fuck this world. Total clowns and schizos. Everywhere.
Glass it already.

>> No.28331600

That's a fan.

>> No.28331779

shut up. i love her

>> No.28332027

>one more good pump and I'm out
this is your sell signal anon

>> No.28332133

not very hot but very cute

>> No.28332309

those tether boys only minted to make people long. now they can liquidate delusional bulls instead of bobos

>> No.28332365

Tether is preparing to pull the rug lmao

>> No.28332483

that means there is huge demand for tether which means whales want to cash out, COPE

>> No.28332589

I wanna make it so she doesn't have to work wearing a fan costume anymore

>> No.28332906

Ngl, kek'd.

>> No.28333205


>> No.28333558

how is usa allowing this?

>> No.28333657

What willl go up first?

>> No.28333855

then why won't tether submit to an audit

>> No.28333934

they dont have to lmao

>> No.28334060

why the fuck would they buy tether to buy bitcoin when they can directly buy bitcoin?

>> No.28334086


>> No.28334087

Back to sleep Bobo

>> No.28334135

dumb fucking yuropoor

>> No.28334302

Ba-dum pssssh

>> No.28334445

how do you know i'm from europe?

>> No.28334616

it's tron

>> No.28334754
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>> No.28335886

Tether is the music in the game of musical chairs. You should know this by now. It's just getting louder as we enter the start of CEX-based pool lending.

>> No.28336155

tether fud never sleeps
newfags listen, people have been saying tethers gonna collapse imminently for years now. it never happens and the tethers are fully back. inb4 bobo cope btc 100k eoy checkem

>> No.28336525

those are not dollars, those are IOU
just jew games anon

>> No.28336731

the proof is in the pudding

>> No.28337073

Does this mean BNB will explode?

>> No.28337120

Well there goes any hope of them winning their lawsuit. Lets play a game anons how much tether will they print before the rug is pulled?

>> No.28337635

>copycat whatever Tesla does because they believe Tesla is sitting on the magic formula to increase the value of their stock.
not be pure profit-driven faggots and actually make interesting things for humanity to believe in? wanting to evolve culture and the world?
wow who the fuck knew putting competent people towards something like that would generate a ton of energy and interest holy shit

the era of dogshit capitalists like edison intentionally making 2% efficiency lightbulbs is fucking OVER
these companies better get competent and believe in more than just profits because that shit got fucking stale

>> No.28338138

The FED better get off it's ass. It's gonna end up losing the printing race if this keeps up much longer.

>> No.28338844
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>> No.28338981

and now you know how the FED works

>> No.28339149

top lel, delusional

>falling for the tether FUD
sweet summer child

>> No.28339775

Buy silver then.

>> No.28339979

God i hope you are larping dude

>> No.28340896

>nothin personnel, goy

>> No.28341696
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>> No.28341822

Anyone agrees with this?

>> No.28342070

bobo porn

>> No.28342458


>> No.28342464

I don't blame them. There isn't a human on this planet who would pass up the chance to print a few billion for yourselves and your friends.

For running a little scam I bet the 50 employees of tether are all multimillionaires. I just wonder when the rothschilds are going after them, bunch of nobodies stepping on their turf.

>> No.28343747

nobody runs a scam of this magnitude without ((their)) approval

>> No.28343861

They will have to print 1 billion every day for the upcoming correction. Retail fags have paper hands and will dump once it breaks 25k

>> No.28343872

That's a 5/10 in China. Western women could look like this if they didn't eat and wore sinilar makeup.

>> No.28344483

So the question is, who's left holding the bags if it collapses one day? The asian funds who took the loans? I don't think they're just gonna go "oh haha well that was fun"

>> No.28345254

Now I can long alt/usdt after binance ran out of money due to the tesla pump

>> No.28345335

thats when the murdering starts

>> No.28345438

paolo and cz's head on a spike in minecraft, oh lord I can't wait
Maybe someone can tattoo "funds are safu" to their foreheads

>> No.28345464

They will. No choice since tether is systemically important and tremendously useful so they gotta use it. The parties that will not be fucked over if SHTF are triads that use tether to do shady stuff, they can knock on those dudes doors whenever they like. OTC desks, funds speculating on USDT denominated futures and so on and so forth and other kind of whales will get fucked. Tether mafia will walk away just fine.

>> No.28345663

And Elon Musk + Michael Saylor will take a lot of heat in Wall Street. Together.
If the most hilarious outcome is the most likely, then I can't wait for the show to finally begin.

>> No.28345790

Why the fuck would exchanges willingly trade usd for tether if they already have usd you retarded kike.

>> No.28345921

This is precisely why I don't understand how anyone could argue that BTC is overvalued. It's clearly undervalued.

>> No.28346617

Uh I don't think they approve... they're just slow.
Look up the stable act, it's deliberately targeting tether.

>> No.28346773

it's not from NOTHING
it's backed by btc reserves
the bigger btc gets the more tether they print.
it's basically a 1x or 2x btc long on bitmex.
however that means it will unravel just as fast on the way down.
if anyone wants to break the peg they'd continuously sell usdt into USD on kraken and wherever else possible.

>> No.28346937

bitcoin has to go up...

>> No.28346987

Yeah I suspect all it takes is one opportunist attacking the thin USD reserves to break the peg and cause mass chaos in the markets. Look at the $MSTR run up and imagine how many people are going to get burned on the way back down.

>> No.28347329

They have to keep printing more and more tether and to keep the bitcoin appreciation going because tether is backed by bitcoin.

If bitcoin halves they could be like 50% backed. But it's a stupid thing to do. Stablecoins are supposed to be stable and Bitcoin is the least stable thing I could think of to use as a reserve because it has always without fail gone through a 80% retracement.

The game is on to find enough people to exchange their USD for printed tether so that they can be solvent no matter what. But they have to print bitcoin to like 200k and we'll see if the central banks and rothschilds will allow that.

>> No.28347385

>tether FUD
You are right, it's just C, certainty.

>> No.28347404

Jan 15!!! -26 days until the dumpening!

>> No.28347438
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with current MC and prices it means bitifinex tether should have 672,000 bitcoin backing their tether prints. however if they are legit that means tether should be burned on the way down... let's see

i'm not even saying that but I recognize that the run can continue. I made my profit already and I'm on the sidelines.
I'm already basically all USDC and was liquidated yesterday on bitmex for .8 btc as well. the bulls fuckt me good

>> No.28347474

Their market cap chart looks insane nowadays. Fucking vertical line up going faster and faster. The higher it goes the more violently it unravels. Wonder what kind of skeletons are in their closet nobody knows about yet.

>> No.28347568
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God Bless Tether, we're all gonna make it. Lambos for everyone!

>> No.28347594

Two weeks. Mass arrests coming. Sealed indictments. Q

>> No.28347671
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Do your own due diligence

>> No.28347707

cool thumbnail, retard idiot

>> No.28347906



>> No.28348154
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But atleast it never goes down.

>> No.28348252


Qanon retards of the crypto space

>> No.28348825

the madlads went and did it
made willybot look like a chump in the process too
why make a bot when you can make AN ENTIRE FAKE ECOSYSTEM
Karpales was a noob

>> No.28350020

High iq anon