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28323322 No.28323322 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here actually use rubic's exchange? I would like a consensus.

>> No.28323414

I used it to buy Rubic

>> No.28323425

I tested it out, it was cheaper but the UI is trash, they are working on updating that along with all the other shit they have to do.

>> No.28323489

what was the typical gas fee?

>> No.28323598

how much cheaper was it?

>> No.28323648

yeah I use it
was a big relief for me to find rubic exchange because I always hated how gay/pink uniswap was
could never take it seriously always just felt like it was some gay ass pink unicorn shit I didn't want to use
rubic is green and cubic which I like, cubes remind me of chainlink which is also based

>> No.28323703


>> No.28323727

In my experience for the same trade on UNI the gas fee on RBC was about 60-70% cheaper

>> No.28323752

yes, only because UNI started hiring GloboHomo feminists
The fees are roughly the same and it looks like shit but at least I'm not supporting commies

>> No.28323770

rubic $19.22 EOY

>> No.28323811

this, fuck uniswap. i don't want to support that

>> No.28323886

I've been there but you can only swap to shitcoins and scams like Hex that nobody wants. Until they get more coins it's not as good and there are other products that are better

>> No.28323964

rubic 5k eoy

>> No.28323973

It's not L2 yet, unfortunately. But it's the next thing on their roadmap

>> No.28324036

Yeah, cheapest fees out there
you can swap any coin by writing the contract you dummy

>> No.28324090

rubic 12.65 eom

>> No.28324284

I should also say I hold rbc so I guess I am biased when it comes to using the service but I hated uniswap long before I found rubic
in fact when I first got into defi I was extremely put off by uni being the market leader and begrudgingly learned how to use it
I definitely can't be the only one who feels like this & I think given the choice most people would use rubic exchange over uni because it looks more serious and you don't feel like you're making investments with a gumdrop marshmallow machine

>> No.28324394
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also pic related

>> No.28324445
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Which of the two do you bros think will be the more popular exchange?

>> No.28324480

Yeah, to buy RBC and REEF

>> No.28324535

between rubic and pangolin

>> No.28326091

Rubic is easier to use for most people because pangolin is AVAX

>> No.28326169

idk about pangolin because I only heard it the other day, but I feel like anything to do with animals (or food) is a bad gimmick and not marketable as a professional service

>> No.28327195

holy fuck based lol

>> No.28327309

It’s confusing to me. Like you just select any amount you want to receive and then hope someone fills the order?

>> No.28327444

honestly this, sounds like a fud but when DOGE crashes and normies lose all their money they are gonna be alienated from weird animal gimmicks and who knows how much group-subconscious influence that could have on future investments

>> No.28327915
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I believe it, people here often forget just how important a name & logo are in this world
those 2 things are insanely fucking important, to a fault, it is actually illogical how important it is to have a simple catchy name and a clean logo, but that's just the way it is and I'm putting my money on it.

>> No.28328123

Yeah like Apple, that business is food related and went nowhere haha

>> No.28328411

good point, 'pangolin' and 'pancakeswap' don't quite have the same simplicity as 'Apple' though
good point still

>> No.28329076


Use it to buy Rubic. It's all I wanted to buy anyway so I guess, yeah, I use the exchange.

>> No.28329991

holy shit

>> No.28331376

I always try my trades on Rubic.exchange first then default to UNI if there are any issues

>> No.28331752

what has ur fees been lately? I've been getting around 15-20 usd

>> No.28332837
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super bullish if true.... 165K rubichad here

>> No.28333002

frankly i havent swapped anything in like 2 weeks. But my fees were 15-20 then