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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28317932 No.28317932 [Reply] [Original]

Alright biz, what are the most important financial books one should read ?
I'll start:
1) The intelligent investor

>> No.28318026
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>> No.28318091
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>> No.28318215

Bro I'm reading this DUMMY THICC book by this weird looking chink chick and it's literally like font size 72 and loads of gaps, did I get scammed by some chinky bitch?

>> No.28318270
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>> No.28318355

I read this a while ago and all I remember is
>Buy assets
>Don't buy liabilities

>> No.28318386

my dad was a poor bastard; what does the rich dad say?

>> No.28318460
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basically first half is just painful truths about why poorfags stay poor, then it tells you to start a company
read it

>> No.28318636
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Read "A Random Walk Down Wall Street" because it btfo /biz/.

Survivorship bias gamblers need not apply for a response.

>> No.28318671


Kiyosaki is a fucking grifter. He makes millions off of books that don't really say anything at all.

>> No.28318804

that book helped me a lot when I was a total noob. It really depends on your starting point

>> No.28318890


This shit was entertaining, should be turned into a movie

>> No.28318967

I read that book and it actually pissed me off lol. Maybe that's a good thing

>> No.28318971

No it's pretty good for learning principle.

>> No.28319054

The Talmud.

>> No.28319064

And he's not really. He just lives on credit like what he recommends and has been living on speaking tours for the last two decades.

>> No.28319358

Exactly. I personally go 50% broad ETFs now but let myself do whatever I want with the other half. I've beaten my benxhmark index by almost triple the returns 3 years in a row as a conservative investor, but I'm not delusional enough to think I can do that for say 10 or 20 years consistently. This is the most insane period of bull market and BRRRRR in history, but the kiddies weren't around for dotcom or '08. It isn't sustainable.

>> No.28320310

Richest man in Babylon is superior to rich dad, poor dad. It's more entertaining and explains the whole assets and liability thing better. Kiyosaki was so vague in that book, it's always being shilled here.

>> No.28320643

Human Action-Ludwig Von Mises
not for finance but basically breaks down economics. Basically demand subjective. Noam Chomsky argues that it can be manipulated which is also something to take into account.

>> No.28320794

Basically this, he almost reiterates the same thing x20 through the whole book.

It really is targeted to the noobest of the noob.